Sterling Silver: (Sterling Hunter 1)

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Sterling Silver: (Sterling Hunter 1) Page 6

by Melody Personette

  “You need to keep yourself under control,” Carlos had chided. As if he were the adult and Sebastian were a real eighteen-year-old boy. As if he wasn't ten times older than him. Sebastian would have gone after Tabitha anyways just to prove to Carlos and Sandra they couldn't control him, and he definitely didn't let weak human adults chastise him and talk down to him like he was a child.

  “You look pretty angry. Did you get yelled at last night for what you did?” Tabitha observed, glancing at him as they turned into town.

  Sebastian looked up from glaring at the dashboard and blinked, smiling. “Maybe I am. I don't much like being yelled at.”

  Tabitha smirked, staring straight ahead. She looked like a beautiful, blond haired angel of death, if a little eccentric in her all black get up and bright yellow combat boots. “Welcome to life as a teenager,” she said.

  Sebastian snorted and shook his head, staring out the window instead of at her. “I had my life as a teenager a hundred odd something years ago. Back when people got all dressed up and had to act like a proper gentlemen and young ladies. Back when people had actual manners and values.” He couldn't stop the bitter edge that cut through every word.

  Sebastian glanced at her to gauge her reaction. Her eyebrows were raised, but she didn't deny what he'd said.

  “You agree with me?”

  She glanced at him and then back at the road. “About what?”

  “About manners and values. You don't much appreciate this era. Not like others do.” It wasn't a question, more of an observation.

  Tabitha shrugged, making a strange face. “Yeah I guess so. Do you ever miss… that time? When you were human?”

  Sebastian seemed to think about it, staring at the road as his fingers flexed against the steering wheel. “I suppose I miss some things about it… The simplicity of life… being human… But I also do enjoy my phone and the technology of the modern world.”

  Tabitha nodded. “I can see that. I don’t know what I would do without my phone or computer.”

  “When all you know is books and letters, it’s not as unbearable as you might think,” he said, flashing her a grin.

  “I suppose so… but still.”

  Sebastian chuckled and they lapsed into silence. By the time thirty minutes had passed, they were far out of town and almost to the city. Both of them had their work cut out for them. Tonight was going to be long.

  “So...” Tabitha broke the silence and Sebastian's eyes flickered up to meet hers, surprised by her voice. They hadn't said a word in a while. “Um... how'd you meet Sandra and Carlos?”

  Sebastian smiled and crossed his legs, leaning his elbow against the armrest and resting his chin in his hand, watching her drive. Her whole body had relaxed, and she now seemed more comfortable around him. “I met them before they got married. They were just dating back then. Sandra had only been nineteen and yet they were two of the best hunters in the Moirai. They moved around a lot and when I went to Jonathon asking for something to do… I needed purpose. I needed something to focus my energies on so I wouldn’t fall into old patterns. He introduced me to the Gonzalez’s and, well, the rest is history I suppose. They helped me through some hard times.”

  The memory flashed in his mind as he remembered back then. Blood. There had been a lot of blood and a lot of hunting and a lot of death. All at his hands. His voice took on a faraway tone as he continued. “Back then I was an... unhinged and dangerous vampire. Fresh from a killing spree. From doing what I want when I wanted. Eating whoever I wanted whenever I wanted. I was... the kind of vampire that would have snapped your neck without hesitation and without even feeding on you. Killing just for the pleasure of it.”

  He watched her face carefully, waiting for her mask of bravery to crack. It didn't, though her eyes did widen, and her eyebrows did lift. Maybe in shock or surprise.

  They entered the city and he gave her directions. Lefts and rights and turn down this street and stop here and go that way. Finally, as they drove nearer to his favorite hunting spot she spoke. “Why would you join the Moirai if you were such a horrible person? How could a murderous, bloodthirsty vampire like you turn around so quickly?”

  Sebastian snorted, a bitter smile his lips. “I saw the error of my ways Tabitha. I didn’t want to be the monster I had become… the monster people expected of me. It took me a long time to turn myself around and learn some hint of restraint. Sandra and Carlos helped me with the rest. Without them I would not be the man I am today.”

  Tabitha nodded slowly. She stopped at a stop sign, nearing the center of the labyrinth of a city. “Go right and we'll be there,” he instructed.

  She turned right and kept going until Sebastian told her to stop in front of a large abandoned parking lot in front of an even larger abandoned building in the middle of a very low-income area. Tabitha glanced around dubiously and drove in, parking and stopping, a frown on her face. This place unnerved her, but it was the best area for hunting. Not just vampires but humans too.

  Without waiting for her, he slid out of the car and thumped a hand against the hood, flashing her a grin. “Get out and arm yourself. Welcome to my favorite hunting ground.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Tabitha unlocked her trunk and popped it open, glancing around at all the run down and graffiti-decorated houses. She didn't much like these kinds of places and she doubted that high-end vampires would either. As if reading her mind, Sebastian leaned against the open trunk and grinned. “You'd be surprised at how many high-end vampires come around these parts. They may enjoy the best in life, but they also enjoy blood and these kinds of places are full of it.”

  She wrinkled her nose and unzipped her huge black duffel bag, exposing an array of vampire slaying weapons.

  Sebastian leaned forward and frowned, a look of disgust evident on his face. “Ew, I didn't realize how many weapons you had.”

  Tabitha grinned and pulled out her belt of stakes, buckling it around her waist. She grabbed two arm braces with stakes on both and strapped those to her wrists, rolling her leather jacket's sleeves and shirt sleeves over them.

  Shutting the trunk, she locked her car and pulled on her yellow gloves, glancing at Sebastian who watched her with intense eyes. She scowled at him. “You're the leader. Where do we start?”

  That seemed to shake him from some kind of trance, and he nodded, gesturing out of the parking lot and down a rundown street. “This way. Follow me.”

  They fell into silence as they walked through the darkness and down the streets lined with houses and abandoned buildings. Some were boarded up and others still had lights on inside, peaking out through the shaded windows. Tabitha was grateful she lived outside of the city in a small town and in a nice, comfortable home.

  Halfway down the street, Sebastian grabbed her arm and jerked her to a stop. Tabitha opened her mouth, but he held a finger to his lips, shushing her. Tabitha bit her lip, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. Either from Sebastian's close proximity or another vampire nearby. From Sebastian's statue-still posture she had a feeling it was from another vampire.

  He leaned forward, dipping his head down to her level and whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her ear. “I can smell blood. Someone's feeding to the right. Follow me.”

  She pulled free from his grip and inched around the corner. She took a stake from her belt and gripped it in her hand, adrenaline surging through her veins, her senses abuzz with a vampire so close by. Tabitha slowly turned another corner and then ducked back. She would have plowed into Sebastian if he didn't have such quick reflexes. He stepped back just in time, and Tabitha pressed her back against the wall. She peeked around the side of the boarded-up building's wall and saw a horrifying picture. A male vampire gripping a man's shoulders. He had his fangs in the man's neck and his eyes closed, moans of pleasure escaping his mouth.

  Sebastian nudged her, and Tabitha shot him a scowl. She could handle this. Tabitha had done this sort of thing before. She could do it again toni
ght. Though... she'd only ever gone hunting in the back alleys and in the more evident places. Now that she thought about it, it made sense she would find the sloppier, easier to prey on vampires in those places. She never would have thought to look in a residential area full of people and prying eyes. Vampires could wipe people's memories and make them see what they wanted with just a thought.

  Taking a deep, grounding breath, Tabitha stepped out from behind the corner and stayed close to the shadows, edging toward the feeding vampire with quiet, calculated steps. Her instincts roared to plunge the stake in his chest, her fingers itching for action. Tabitha gave into the hunt and the need to kill and let it take her over.

  Grinning, she listened to her instincts. She counted to three in her head and then lunged for the vampire. Without making a noise she whipped the stake through the air, her posture perfect. She would have made a clean kill and maybe even saved that man's life if the vampire wasn't as alert as her.

  One minute she thought she had it all under control and the next a hand whipped out and grabbed her wrist, twisting it. Tabitha gasped as the stake fell from her hand and something crunched. Her bone maybe? Searing pain struck from her hand up her arm, a scream escaping her mouth as he let her go and threw her backward.

  The vampire hissed and lunged at her, his fangs bared, his eyes a bright, blood red from the feed. Tabitha stumbled back and threw her fist out to whack him. But before the vampire came upon her, he suddenly disappeared in a blur.

  Tabitha fell against the far wall, gripping her hand as burning pain shot up her hand and made her arm throb. The world went blurry through her tears, but she could make out Sebastian, the vampire pinned against the wall. He flashed his fangs at him and growled.

  “What are you doing here Alistair?” Sebastian said.

  Tabitha watched as Sebastian shoved him harder against the wall. How did he know this guy?

  One of his hand gripped Alistair's shoulder and another wrapped around his throat. Tabitha grasped her wrist. She wanted to get up, to look strong but her hand throbbed. It felt like the vampire had splintered and broken every bone in her hand.

  A mocking smirk curled Alistair's lips, his red eyes dancing in the night. “I think we both know why I’m here Sebastian. I’m here for the same reason you are.” His eyes cut to Tabitha. “And you led me right to her. You must be Tabitha Sterling.”

  Sebastian snarled like an animal and shoved him again, his back and arm muscles taut with tension. Tabitha watched the two of them, impossibly strong, immovable statues of stone standing off against one another. Like two thunder clouds about to collide into a destructive whirlwind.

  Alistair laughed with an amusement that made Tabitha's heart pound. He kept glancing at her with an interest in his eyes that made her skin crawl.

  Tabitha's human eyes couldn't catch up with what happened next. Sebastian had him pinned one second and the next in a blur of motion and bodies, Alistair had Sebastian against the wall. Sebastian growled and tried to shove him off.

  “Let me go Alistair and leave this city before you die,” Sebastian growled.

  Alistair leaned forward and whispered something in Sebastian's ear, something that made his face go pale. In another blur, he snapped Sebastian's neck and his body collapsed.

  Tabitha screamed. Before she could scramble away, Alistair appeared in front of her and cocked his head in a predatory way. “My lovely Tabitha. I’ve been waiting for you. Your father hid you well, but now there’s no one to keep you from me any longer. I hope we’ll be able to get to know each other very well in the near future,” he whispered, his voice low and velvety. Not at all like Sebastian's haughty and deep tone he always talked in. A spark of shock hit Tabitha at the mention of her father. How many vampires had her father known?

  Tabitha’s lips twisted into a sneer. She wasn’t going to let him see her fear. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you will never have me.”

  Alistair chuckled, eyes dancing with amusement. His hand left a cold trail down her chin and his fingers wrapped around her neck. “I like your fire. It will serve you well, and me even better.”

  For a split second Tabitha was sure she was going to die. Alistair would snap her neck as quick as he had to Sebastian. Only... Sebastian would heal. Tabitha would not. But then he chuckled and disappeared, and everything fell quiet. Too quiet.

  Tabitha gasped at the pain in her hand, her mind going blank for a minute. What had just happened? Seeing without really taking anything in, she glanced over the scene. Alistair's victim lay strewn in an unnatural position on the ground. His head lay in a pool of his own blood. Sebastian sat slumped against the far wall of another building, his head cocked in an awkward way. She knew he would heal but still... seeing him made Tabitha's stomach churn.

  Tabitha swallowed down and got to her feet, biting down on her lip until she tasted blood and knelt beside him, gripping her wrist. She scooted up next to him, leaning her head against the wall and taking slow breaths, trying to calm her pounding heart. She'd thought she was ready. Tabitha had thought she was one of the best hunters. As good as her dad. She'd taken down so many vampires, and she'd thought she was capable and prepared. Tabitha had been sorely mistaken.

  She'd been playing with baby vampires. The weak and sloppy ones. Like a video game she'd been playing on the Easy setting and Sebastian had just bumped her up to Impossibly Hard in a night, skipping Average and Difficult and going straight to Never Going to Succeed.

  Turned out Tabitha wasn't as amazing or talented as she thought.

  Tabitha tried to ignore the pool of blood and the dead body. She tried to focus on instead, how Alistair and Sebastian knew each other and what Alistair had been talking about. He acted like he knew her and her father. Like he’d been looking for her. Tabitha wasn't sure how long she sat there, waiting for Sebastian to wake up but by the time he gasped awake she was shivering with cold and her hand pulsed in a dull, rhythmic pain. She nearly jumped out of her skin when he lurched upward, his neck making a cracking noise as it corrected itself. Tabitha flinched away from him, clutching her hand. It'd turned a bluish, purple-black. A horrible shade of bruised.

  Sebastian groaned and took in the scene. When his face landed on the body and the blood his eyes turned a bright shade of red before shaking his head and turning to her, his eyes fading once again to their normal green. He saw her hand and sucked in a sharp breath, his features twisting into rage.

  “I’m going to kill him for this,” he growled.

  Tabitha bit her lip. She didn't want to cry in front of him, but it hurt. Really bad and she knew it didn't look good either. He reached for her hand.

  Tabitha flinched, on edge from all she'd just seen. He didn't seem to notice, though, as he touched her hand gingerly. Tabitha sucked in a sharp breath when his fingers curled around her wrist.

  “I can fix it, but you have to trust me. Can you do that?” his voice was soft and gentle, contradicting the murderous rage in his eyes. He sounded as if he were talking to a little-traumatized kid.

  She nodded. She would do anything to make the pain stop, to make her hand look normal again. He nodded too and took hold of her hand with both of his. “I’m going to have to snap it back into place… It’s not going to be fun. It’s dislocated.”

  Tabitha ground her teeth and nodded. “Just do it.”

  “Alright. On three. Hold still.”

  Tabitha just nodded again and squeezed her eyes shut.

  “One… Two…” On three, Sebastian wrenched her wrist and Tabitha let out something between a gasp and scream as pain exploded up her arm and she felt the crunching snap of her bones falling back into place.

  “Mmm,” Tabitha groaned, opening her eyes and finding her hand looking a little more normal. Sebastian let go of her hand and she held it close to her chest, her gaze glancing up at him.

  “I’m sorry, I should have been more careful…” Sebastian murmured, hurt flashing in his eyes.

  Tabitha scowled u
p at him. “Yeah you should have.”

  Sebastian’s hands helped set her against the wall and she closed her eyes taking slow even breaths. Her hand felt fine now. The pain dulling now that her hand had been fixed.

  Tabitha opened her eyes and stared down at her hand, flexing her fingers. It still looked bruised but at least she could move it now.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Sebastian nodded and for the first time since entering the dark streets of the residential area Tabitha looked up at him, catching his eyes. They were pained and angry and his face muscles were taut and strained as if he couldn't stand seeing her hurt. The two of them held each other's gaze for a moment longer and then Sebastian touched her elbow. “Do you think you can get to the car?”

  She nodded. She felt fine now. At least physically. Mentally Tabitha was ready for a very long nap. “Yeah...”

  With his help, she got to her wobbly feet and followed him out of the horrible alley and away from the dead body of the man Tabitha had failed to save. Sebastian's expression twisted, but he didn't say anything as they made their way to her bug.

  Tabitha silently handed him her keys and got into the passenger seat when he unlocked the doors. He slid in and started the car and within moments they were zooming toward home. Safe, clean home and safe, clean pajamas. “He talked about me like he knew me,” Tabitha said after a few minutes of quiet.

  Sebastian’s silence was all the answer she needed. He was hiding something from her. “Why did he say those things about me?” she pressed.

  He let out a heavy sigh, staring straight ahead. “It’s complicated.”

  “Then uncomplicate it. I want answers. Now.”

  “It’s been a long night Tabitha…”

  “I don’t really care,” Tabitha let out a humorless laugh. “Just answer the question Sebastian.”


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