Sterling Silver: (Sterling Hunter 1)

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Sterling Silver: (Sterling Hunter 1) Page 14

by Melody Personette

  Sebastian had never met a girl like her. He liked the way she attacked him without hesitation. The way she did everything without hesitating, from talking to kissing to hunting.

  Tabitha cocked her head and gave him a weird grin. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Sebastian blinked and smiled, shaking his head. “No reason. So, what are you going to say to your brother when you go home?”

  “I don't know. Probably the truth... again. I always seem to blurt out what I'm thinking even though I don't want to.”

  Sebastian grinned and pushed a water bottle toward her. She gave him a thankful smile, if a little shy, and took a drink. “Well I know it probably doesn't mean anything, but you don't need anyone to protect you. You don't need anyone in general. But you do have me... and Chelsea for that matter.”

  Tabitha smiled, a genuine, happy smile and set her water bottle down, slipping off the bar stool. “I know I do. It's not like I need Derrick anyways. He doesn’t understand my life. Not anymore. But you do. Chelsea doesn't but that's Ok. I like having at least one normal and oblivious person in my life.”

  Sebastian slid off his stool as well and leaned against the counter as Tabitha folded her arms, glancing toward the door. He could practically see the stakes drawing her back to training. She tapped her fingers against her arms, pent-up energy evident.

  “I never understood that. So Chelsea has no idea of your pass-times and yet you two are best friends? How does that work?”

  Tabitha shrugged. “I don't lie to her if that's what you're asking. I just bend the truth a little and keep things from her. Chelsea doesn't need to know about my life. My hunter life anyways. She's a good person. Good and normal and I want her to stay that way.”

  “So, you love her too much to burden her with your hunter baggage?”

  Tabitha nodded, unfolding her arms and walking to the back door, a hand resting on the doorknob. “You could say that. So... you want to train a little more? I need to get out as much energy as possible before I have to be home for dinner. Maybe it'll make me a bit more docile.”

  Her wicked grin made Sebastian think otherwise. He was pretty sure there wasn't a thing in the world that could make Tabitha docile.


  He followed her out, and she walked to the middle of the backyard, grabbing the swords instead of the stakes. Sebastian smirked and folded his arms, stepping in front of her. “Going to try those on me now? Think you can handle them?”

  Tabitha flashed him a cocky grin and swiped them through the air with the grace and precision of someone who had used a sword before. Sebastian knew for a fact she'd never picked up a sword in her life. Must be those killer hunter instincts. Just another thing she was a natural in.

  He opened his mouth to compliment her on the use of the swords when she lunged forward and swiped the left sword through the air. Sebastian jumped back just in time, the tip just missing his stomach.

  He vamped several steps away and grinned. “Nicely done. You seem to take to weapons very easily.”

  She jumped at him, running with quick paces and Sebastian managed to vamp behind her. It all happened in a matter of seconds. Tabitha was about to turn around, but Sebastian was just a few seconds faster than her.

  He kicked her in the back, and she collapsed but managed to keep hold of her swords. Sebastian grinned and bared his fangs, hissing as he grabbed her shoulder and flipped her over, ready to go for the neck but she was prepared for him. A sword whipped out of nowhere and slashed his chest, making yet another rip in his shirt. Sebastian stumbled backward, his hand going up to the new gash where skin and blood sizzled from the silver's touch.

  “Ouch, now that hurt,” he gritted his teeth as he collapsed onto his backside.

  Tabitha got to her feet and grinned pointing a sword at him, her eyes dancing. “Good. You thought you had me, didn't you?”

  Sebastian shrugged sheepishly. “Maybe a little.”

  “Well you better think twice next time before coming after me.”

  He smirked and whipped his foot out, colliding with her legs. Tabitha's eyes went wide, and she shrieked as she collapsed beside him, her swords falling out of her hands with a clatter.

  “Ow, jerk,” she snapped through a grin.

  Sebastian sighed and laid down on his back, staring up at the blue sky and waiting for his gash to heal itself. He heard Tabitha sigh too, more of an impatient exasperated sound but a minute later she laid down next to him, her hands splayed on her stomach.

  They lay in silence, soaking in the peace and quiet and enjoying the sight of the blue never-ending sky and the white fluffy clouds. After a few minutes Sebastian grew suspicious of how quiet her mind had become and snuck a glance at the girl beside him.

  Tabitha's eyes were closed, her face peaceful and relaxed. Was she sleeping? Her chest rose and fell evenly.

  Focused, Sebastian turned onto his side and brushed a finger against her hand. She twitched and turned over onto her side but didn't open her eyes. How did someone fall asleep on the grass within minutes? She had gotten up early and trained nonstop all morning for hours on end.

  Sebastian scooted closer, his curiosity winning over and he brushed his fingers against her hand again. This time she didn't move, a soft groan escaping her lips as she scooted closer, her hand reaching for something. They found his shirt and her fingers fisted around it, pulling. She probably thought his shirt was a blanket.

  He grinned and scooted closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. A ghost of a sleepy smile spread across her lips and she nuzzled her head under his chin. Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath, closing his eyes. He could use a little nap too.

  He soaked in her warm body heat as his arm hung loosely around her waist, his hand resting on her back. Sebastian quieted his mind, his chest rising and falling in sync with hers. Sebastian couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so relaxed.

  His mind fell into a dream of a strawberry blond hunter girl, hunting through the city streets with an arm wrapped around said hunter girl and warmth flooding his system for the first time in a hundred and eighty years.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Tabitha didn't remember falling asleep but when she opened her eyes next, the sun had gone down to its afternoon pose, late afternoon by the look of the shadows. She smiled sleepily as she realized she was snuggled against someone. Tabitha blinked and yawned, moving her head and looking up to find a peaceful faced Sebastian. His chest rose and fell against her arm which her sleepy-self had slung over him. In the distance she could hear her phone ringing.

  Grinning, Tabitha scooted away from him. The arm around her waist tightened its grip as if he didn't want to let go of her. Stifling a laugh, she reached behind her and took his hand, gently moving it next to him instead of around her. His lips formed a grimace, but he didn't wake up.

  Tabitha got to her feet as quietly as possible, not wanting him to hear her with those keen vampire ears. She brushed herself off and ran over to her phone which had stopped ringing and turned it on, glancing over her shoulder. Sebastian still lay there, looking rather comical sleeping in the middle of his backyard.

  Smirking, Tabitha turned her phone on. There were three missed calls from her mom. Not surprising since no doubt, she'd been expecting Tabitha home about an hour ago. She clicked the name Mom. She went into the kitchen, holding the phone to her ear and waiting for her to answer.

  “Tabitha, are you still at Sebastian's? I know you said you'd be back for dinner, but I thought you'd be home... I don't know, before dinner?”

  Tabitha sighed, sitting down on the bar stool. “Yeah... well we kind of got... caught up in our training. But I'm packing everything up now and I'll be home in a few I promise. And tell Derrick we can talk when I get home.”

  “All right but don't get caught up in whatever you're doing again. I warned you not to get too involved with Sebastian. Please tell me you haven't.”

  By involved did she mean kissing him and getting h
er emotions all mixed up? Then yes, she did. “No Mom, he's just training me. He told me he would, so that's what he's doing. Besides... we've been training for the past two weeks and you never seemed to care. And... I needed a break from Derrick. You know that.”

  “Yes, I do, so... just be careful and come home soon.”

  “I will. See you soon.”

  Tabitha turned her phone off and sat it down on the counter, rubbing her forehead. She would have a real talk with Derrick and maybe even convince him to stay a little longer to help her out with Alistair and... Sebastian.

  “I sympathize with your plight. Family can be so difficult,” someone said behind her.

  Tabitha spun around, her eyes widening in instant recognition. She would never forget that voice. A handsome, tall man stood in front of her dressed in a tieless navy suit with a popped collar.

  “Alistair,” she whispered.

  Her hands went to her waist and when they couldn't find a stake they went to the counter.


  Alistair smiled, leaning against the bar counter, his hands tucked into his pockets. His straight brown hair was trimmed in the back, two strands framing his face and those dangerous brown eyes. “I'm flattered. You do remember me. Keller wagered you wouldn't.”

  Before Tabitha could spin around, a cloth slapped over her mouth. A hand wrapped around her waist, pinning her against a strong, muscular chest. She screamed into the cloth hoping she would wake Sebastian. Her eyes closed and against her will her legs slipped out from under her. The last thing she heard was a quiet laugh and then nothing.


  Sebastian woke slowly, a smile curling on his lips as he remembered how he'd fallen asleep. With an arm wrapped around a beautiful hunter girl. “Mmm, don't be mad Tabitha, but that was the best sleep I've had in...” his words died as he opened his eyes.

  She was gone.

  Perhaps she'd gotten up before him and snuck away. He grinned and turned over onto his other side to survey the rest of the yard. No one on the porch or in the kitchen. Strange.

  Sebastian closed his eyes and listened for the telltale sound of her sure footsteps inside the house. She may be snooping around and taking advantage of him sleeping. But all he heard was the sound of crickets and leaves rustling. Had she left?

  He got to his feet and stalked around the side of the house. Was she the kind of girl to leave without saying goodbye? Her mother may have called, and she'd finally decided to go home. She didn't want to wake him up, so she'd slipped away without saying bye. But when he came around to the front of the house, her car was still in the driveway, unmoved.

  Strange. Where could she have gone?

  Frowning, Sebastian went inside and to the back door. Her gym bag of extra clothes was still on the back porch, and her phone lay on the counter. When he picked it up the metal was still warm as if someone had just set it down. When he checked the recent contacts, he found the word Mom at the top of the list. She'd called a minute ago. Glancing over his shoulder, he clicked the Mom contact and held the phone to his ear.

  She answered after three rings. “Hello?”

  “Mrs. Sterling, it's Sebastian.”

  A pause and then, “Oh... Why do you have Tabitha's phone? Is everything all right?”

  Sebastian tapped a finger against the counter, worry edging the corners of his mind. “I was hoping to ask you that. When did you last speak to Tabitha?”

  “I called her a minute ago. She said she would be home soon... Why? Did she leave her phone there?”

  “No... I don't think so. Her cars still parked in front of my house, but I can't find her. I'm sure it's nothing...” Even though he was very sure it was something. A moment of worry filled silence passed between them.

  “Well... Okay but... I don’t know, would Tabitha really run off, especially from your place? Why would her car still be there?” her mom asked.

  Sebastian strained his ears listening for Tabitha. Even if she was sneaking around or hiding from him, he should have been able to smell her or hear her heart beat. But he only smelled her raspberry conditioner in the kitchen, on her phone... and on him.

  “Sebastian?” her mom’s voice jarred him from his thoughts as he inhaled one more time. He stiffened. There was an unfamiliar sent in the kitchen he hadn’t picked up before… Cologne mixed with blood. Alistair.

  His jaw clenched, and he had to be careful with his grip on the phone or he would snap it in two. “I have to go Mrs. Sterling. I’ll find her and bring her back.”

  “What do you mean bring her back? Where did she go?” Mrs. Sterling asked, her voice shrill.

  Sebastian headed for the front door. “I think something’s happened to her. Don’t raise the alarm just yet, I’m going to hunt her down myself. Don’t worry.”

  “I’m going to call the Carters and tell them.”

  Sebastian nodded. He knew just where to start. “I'll warn the Gonzalez's. I'll get your daughter back. No one is going to hurt her.”

  “Thank you,” she breathed.

  “I'll call you when I find her. She’ll be fine, I promise.”

  And then he hung up. It took all his effort not to smash the phone in his hand or throw it across the room. He set it on the counter and made his way to the front room and up the stairs. Sebastian should have been more careful. He should have kept his guard up instead of falling asleep like an idiot.

  Gritting his teeth, he threw open the front door and headed outside. He got out his phone and speed dialed Carlos. Thankfully he answered on the second ring. “Yes?”

  “Alistair has Tabitha. I'm going after him, and I'll call you if I have a lead,” he said.

  He pulled his phone from his ear as Carlos shot off questions and hung up on him, switching the phone to mute. He didn't need distractions if he wanted to find her in time.

  Gritting his teeth, he slammed the front door behind him and opened the garage door. This was all his fault. Alistair wouldn't have gone after Tabitha if he hadn't taken her out that night looking for trouble. He wouldn't have her if Sebastian had at least tried to have restraint and keep away from her. And now Tabitha may be in pain right now or worse.

  He got in his car, revved the engine and took off, not sure where to go yet. Alistair must have taken a car. No way would he have walked all the way here and dragged Tabitha through the woods with him. They wouldn't have made it too far if they had to do that. Tabitha would have escaped. She was a strong capable girl.

  He sped down his long driveway and came to a screeching stop, rolling down his window and sniffing the air. The unfamiliar smell of leather–a limo maybe?–hung in the air along with exhaust fumes from a car. A car that'd recently gone down this driveway about five minutes ago. He could catch up to them before anything happened. Rolling up his window he hit the gas and turned right, toward town.

  When he found Alistair, he would rip him apart if he so much as touched a hair on her head. Alistair wouldn't hurt her. Sebastian would save her before anything happened. Tabitha could count on that.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Tabitha groaned and rubbed her stinging eyes. She cleared her throat to try and get rid of the scratchy feeling. What happened? Her mom had called, and Alistair had showed up and someone–Keller maybe?–had come up behind her and knocked her out...

  Tabitha sat up, eyes widening. She lay on a lavish couch, soft pillows behind her head and an even softer blanket over her. Tabitha pushed her blanket aside and reached for her waist. No stakes. No nothing. She was still in her sneakers and workout clothes, her hair tied back in a ponytail. She itched for her leather jacket and her yellow boots.

  On the other side of the room sat a small kitchen. Sitting in a black chair in front of the small round metal table was Keller; the vampire Sebastian had locked up in his basement. Great... So, he had escaped and helped Alistair kidnap her.

  He sipped from a glass cup filled with blood and glanced up, a ghost of a smile flickering across his lips.

��I wouldn't try to escape. Alistair will be back shortly,” he said in a deep, velvety voice. Tabitha scowled and got to her feet. Keller was a handsome man. Probably used to be a normal handsome when he was human and now possessed the abnormal, gorgeousness of a vampire. Dark skin, brown eyes and black short cropped hair. He wore jeans and a V-neck t-shirt.

  “What do you want with me?” she asked, stepping around the couch and toward the vampire.

  He smirked and took another sip of the red stuff, lounging in his chair as if Tabitha wasn't a danger at all. If she could get to the kitchen and grab a knife, she could do some damage. Slow and steady she crept toward the kitchen as discreetly as possible. “I don't want anything. Maybe a little revenge for killing one of my closest friends but Alistair's warned me not to touch you, so I won't. Alistair on the other hand... He's convinced you'll join us…”

  Tabitha’s eyes narrowed. “I would never do that.”

  Keller shrugged flippantly. “That’s what I said. He seems to disagree.”

  “So what? He kidnapped me and dragged me to wherever we are just to chat?”

  “Yeah pretty much.”

  “That’s pretty lame. We could have gone out for coffee instead,” Tabitha said, inching toward the kitchen. She scanned the counters for anything sharp and stabby. Either there were no knives in the kitchen, or she’d have to go rifling through drawers for them.

  Keller set his cup down with a sigh. “I never said it was a smart move, but what Alistair wants, Alistair normally gets.”

  “Well he isn’t getting me,” Tabitha growled as she paused just inside the kitchen by the first drawer. Her fingers inched toward the brass handle.

  Keller chuckled and shrugged, setting his drink down. “We’ll see. I’ve learned to never bet against Al.”

  “So where is your master anyways?” Tabitha asked, trying to stall.


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