The Heir: A Snow White Retelling (The Twisted Kingdoms Book 3)

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The Heir: A Snow White Retelling (The Twisted Kingdoms Book 3) Page 27

by Frost Kay

  “I’ll let Pyre tell you,” Nyx said with a smile.

  Maxim stepped from the line and pulled her into a huge hug, his burly arms squeezing the air from her lungs. “I’m happy for you, girlie.”

  He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and passed her to Dima. Her uncle pulled a ring from his vest. Her Hound ring. He placed it on her middle finger and kissed her cheek gently. “Love you, lass.”

  Her throat clogged as Briggs hugged her next, followed by Brine. The wolf clasped her cheeks between his huge palms, stoic as always. “Welcome to our family, lass,” he said gruffly.

  Tempest threw her arms around him, and he hugged her fiercely. When she pulled back, Damien caught her eye and grinned. The dragon lord pointed and did a circle with his finger. She rolled her eyes and twirled slowly. He whistled and yanked her in for a hug before giving her a huge, smacking kiss on the cheek.

  “You know you could still run away with me, lovely.”

  She chuckled and shook her head at him. “Not a chance.”

  Some of her mirth drained away as she finally stepped up to her father.

  “You look beautiful, daughter,” Madrid said softly. His eyes became shiny, and he swallowed hard. “Your mother would have been so proud.”

  Immediately, tears flooded her eyes, and her bottom lip quivered. One ran down her cheek, and her father brushed it away before hugging her.

  “I love you more than you know.”

  She sucked in a shuddering breath and clung to him. “Love you, too.”

  Her father squeezed her and then stepped back, holding his arm out, his cheeks wet. “You ready?”

  “Yeah. I am.”

  Nyx bustled forward to straighten her hair before she opened the door to a room Tempest had never seen before. Her heart started to gallop as Madrid led her inside. It was a small library. Pine garlands and snowbells had been strung across it to create an aisle that ended at the open double doors that led to a huge stone balcony littered with lanterns, winter flowers, and candles.

  She blinked back more tears as Juniper stood from one of the chairs and held her hands out as they reached the balcony.

  Tempest laughed as Juniper yanked her into a hug and whispered, “You’ve been holding out on me. Hiding attractive mates from one of your best friends is a sin.”


  June grinned, and waved a hand. “No, you’re not. I don’t blame you. Go and get yourself hitched.”

  Tempest nodded and took her father’s arm again, the other men and Nyx trailing behind them. She focused on the one man she’d not been able to look at yet.


  He stood by the railing, his hands clasped together like he was forcibly keeping himself from reaching for her. His amber gaze ran over her from head to toe, and she couldn’t help the massive smile that lit up her face when he grinned at her from beneath the brim of his tilted top hat.

  Her pulse slowed and calmness settled over her. This was where she belonged. This was right. She struggled to keep pace with Madrid and not run to the makeshift altar. Before she knew it, her father paused.

  “Will you protect, love, and cherish our daughter?” Madrid asked Pyre formally.

  Pyre’s gaze moved to her father, and he bowed low. “She will be my greatest treasure.”

  Madrid squeezed Tempest’s hand and held it out toward him. Her fingers trembled as Pyre reached for her hand and pulled her forward. She faced him, and he laced their fingers together, stepping closer, the coolness from his rings causing a shiver to run through her.

  “You are the most gorgeous creature I’ve ever beheld.”

  Tempest quirked a smile. “Always the flatterer.”

  “It’s the truth. I will be nothing but honest with you, my love.”

  A lump lodged in her throat. She glanced around the decorated balcony. “How did you get all of this done so quick?”

  “I have my ways.” A wicked grin.

  She playfully narrowed her eyes. “And the dress?”

  His smile softened. “Wishful thinking.”

  Someone cleared their throat, and she glanced to her left, startled to find Chesh standing there. How long had he been there? She hadn’t even noticed him. He wiggled his brows and then glanced at the small group of people assembled.

  “Please take your seats.”

  Anxiety flooded her as she realized she knew nothing about mating ceremonies. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  Pyre leaned closer. “Don’t worry. It’s simple. All you have to do is drink some of my blood from a cup.”

  She blanched, and he laughed, a teasing glint in his eyes.

  “You rotten fox,” she huffed.

  “You’re too much fun tease. I won’t ever be able to stop.”

  A retort was on the tip of her tongue when Chesh spoke again. “Do you have the ribbon?”

  Pyre pulled a silver, satin ribbon from his black velvet vest, the length unraveling and gently waving in the breeze. “I do.”

  “What pledge do you have to your mate?”

  Time seemed to slow as he leaned closer and pushed the sleeve of her dress up. He tied the ribbon around her wrist.

  “I swear to you that I will protect you with my life, that you will never be alone, and that you will always be my family. I promise you can rely on me to be faithful and honest. Everything I am now lives for you.”

  His fingers drifted along her wrist, and goosebumps ran up her arms. He held out the other end of the ribbon for her to take.

  Chesh turned to her. “What pledge do you have for your mate?”

  She swallowed hard and leaned closer, her fingers sure as she began tying the ribbon around Pyre’s thick wrist.

  “I promise to be your partner in all things, to put your feelings above my own, and to love you like no one has before. I will always protect you and will be your family until we’re both dust in the ground.” She pulled back and met his gaze, her heart clenching. They both had come from broken families. Just say the words. “I will love and cherish any wee ones that come in the future. They will know what it is to be protected and adored.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath, and his eyes filled with unshed tears. Pyre clasped their bound hands and kissed her knuckles.

  Chesh clapped. “You are bound by your words and deeds. May your union never be broken as long as you live.”

  “Is that it?” she whispered.

  “Not quite,” Pyre whispered back, stepping into her space. She tilted her head back as he cupped her chin and wrapped his other hand around her waist.

  “You may kiss your mate and bride,” Chesh said.

  Your mate.

  Tempest popped up onto her toes and kissed him. He tasted like home. Pyre nipped her lips and dipped her back. She threw her hands around his neck as their guests cheered. Her mate retreated and brushed his nose along the tip of hers before straightening and setting Temp on her feet. He kept her pinned to his chest as they faced the small assembly.

  Her cheeks ached as she smiled at their friends and family. This was what she’d always imagined for her wedding. A simple dress, her closest loved ones, and… Her attention turned toward Pyre. And the man she loved.

  He brushed his thumb across her cheekbone. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” she asked softly.

  “For giving me everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “You can put me down,” she commented dryly.

  Pyre shook his head and grinned as he pulled her closer to his chest. His footfalls thumped steadily against the long rugs running along the length of the hallway. Lanterns flickered softly, casting shadows on the stone walls that danced and writhed.

  Her heart picked up tempo as he nimbly opened the door to his rooms. He stepped over the threshold and kicked the door shut and strode across his study to open a second door that led to his bedroom. To the right, a huge bed dominated the space with ornate side tables covered with tiny candles, and to the left, a fire roared in the hearth, t
wo comfy looking chairs bracketing the fireplace. Shelves lined the western wall filled with books, trinkets, treasures, and art.

  Her mate closed the door with his elbow and moved to the fire. He set Tempest on her feet and gave her a quick kiss before gesturing to a small table laden with food. “Have something to eat while I lock the study doors and windows.”

  She nodded, and faced the fireplace, not focusing on the table of food. The last time she’d been in this position she’d ended up almost dying.

  Don’t think about that.

  Tempest wrapped her arms around herself and inched closer to the heat. She faintly caught the soft click of the door locking. Goosebumps pebbled along her arms a moment before Pyre stood behind her, and his chest touched her back with his next breath. She shivered as he pushed her hair from the left side of her neck, his fingers skimming the sensitive area before his lips retraced where he’d touched. The heat of his kisses soaked in, chasing away the chill of her previous thoughts until there was only her and Pyre. Her mate ran his hands down her shoulders and settled on either side of her waist.

  “Are you hungry?” he murmured against the crook of her neck.

  She smiled at his determination to feed her. “Not particularly.” Tempest tilted her head to the side to give him more access, even as her heart began to pound harder, as desire swirled in her belly. “Not for food at least.”

  He chuckled and skimmed his lips up to her ear. “Minx. I’m only trying to be an attentive mate.” She gasped when he bit her earlobe. “One promise I will make you is that you’ll be starving by this time tomorrow night.”

  “The feast, right?” she asked. Her breath caught as he bit her gently at the nape of her neck. Nervousness fluttered in her chest, but she pushed it away. There was nothing to fear with her kitsune. He’d never take like the king. Pyre had already proven that. She inhaled deeply and sighed as she caught a whiff of pine and spice. God, he smelled good. Her mouth watered and she swallowed. “We usually have the feast and celebration the night of.”

  “Mmhmmm.” He licked the delicate skin where he’d nipped, and then ran his nose up the thrumming pulse in her neck to the delicate spot behind her ear. “Humans have it all wrong. All that food tires one before the real feasting even begins. Shifters have their priorities right.”

  “Priorities, huh?” she teased as she spun to face him, her head tilting back to gaze up at his face. The brim of his hat cast his features in shadows, and Tempest pulled the offending item from his head and tossed it to the floor.

  Pyre smirked, the curve of his lips sinful. He leaned close and bumped his nose against hers. “Yeah, like loving our mates until they’re completely exhausted.”

  His breath fanned over her skin, and heat surged in her belly. Her breath quickened, and she skated her hands up his arms to his shoulders, gripping him hard as desire rocked her. “Prove it.”

  He stilled at her words, his chest heaving and lips parted. He threaded his fingers through her hair, and then tugged, tilting her head back, as he crushed their bodies together. Their mouths met, and she melted into him. Their teeth clashed together and she shivered as his pointed canines grazed her bottom lip. It wasn’t the sort of kiss he’d given her before. This… He traced the outline of her bottom lip with his tongue, and she tasted mint. He nipped at her lower lip, a possessive demand, and she gasped, breathing him in, until she couldn’t tell where his desire ended and hers began. This was something hotter than she’d ever experienced. Her eyes closed, and her limbs went languid.

  “Wicked hell, I love your mouth,” he growled before he pushed his tongue inside.

  Their tongues tangled and danced, and the heat running through her veins rose with each lush stroke of his tongue. She’d forgotten what it was like to really kiss Pyre, to be consumed by him. He kissed as if he wanted to steal her breath—her soul—as if he couldn’t survive another moment without the feel of her mouth on his—and, sweet poison, she felt it, too.

  She pressed closer, eyes opening, and tugged at his vest as his hands roamed down her velvet clad body to her outer thighs. He fisted the heavy fabric of her dress and hauled it up, and she jerked back as his warm fingers brushed her skin. He slid his palms to the backs of her thighs and, cupping her backside, hauled her forward.

  Her nervousness came back with a vengeance, and she pressed her hands flat between them and pushed. Drawing away to catch her breath, Tempest’s heart pounded. No one had ever touched her like this before. It was amazing, but what if she didn’t please him? Sure, she’d heard bawdy stories over the years, but she’d never done any of those things. Stop thinking so much, just feel.

  Undaunted, Pyre peppered kisses along her jaw and up her neck to her ear. Then he whispered, “Let’s do this properly.”

  “Properly?” she questioned as he turned her slowly to face the fireplace.

  “Yes, before I lose all my sanity and ravish you like a barbarian.” He went to work, his fingers tugging at the laces of her wedding dress.

  The bodice sagged, and she caught the dress before it fell to the floor. “Maybe I want you to ravish me.” Where did that come from?

  His wicked laugh puffed against the top of her spine. “Always trying to bait me. This time it won’t work. I’m in charge.”

  Tempest rolled her eyes and chuckled. Her laughter cut off as her mate grabbed the edges of her dress and tugged. A demand, not a question. She released the dress and shuddered as Pyre slowly disrobed her, leaving kisses along her spine. The midnight velvet puddled at her feet, leaving her in only a transparent, knee length shift. She fingered the slits that ran up each side to mid-thigh.

  “Turn around,” he rasped, his voice filled with lust, heat, desire, need. “Let me look at you.”

  Never one to be ashamed of her body, she faced her mate, her gaze dipping to him as he knelt on the ground before her, the black velvet of her dress crushed in his fists. His ears were completely perked forward, and his mouth slack as he gazed up at her with worshipful adoration. Heady power infused her as she stared down at her awestruck kitsune.

  “Like what you see?” she asked with a smug smile.

  “Bloody hell,” he choked out. “How will I ever allow you to leave this room again?”

  She stepped out of the dress, her toes curling against the stone floor. Enough talk. Tempest leaned forward and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him to his feet. “Your turn.”

  Carefully, she unbuttoned his black vest, making sure to tease him through his thin linen shirt with every slow touch. “For someone who loves anything sparkly and gaudy, I’m surprised you wore something so simple.”

  He grunted as she finished unbuttoning the black velvet vest and then yanked it off along with his white linen shirt. “You’re the only jewel I need today.”

  “You tease,” she murmured, running her hands along his burnished, muscular chest. The heat from his skin licked her palms, stoking the fire of desire low in her belly. As if drawn by the thought, Tempest moved her hands down to trace the curves of his hips and over the dips of his abdomen. The man was too attractive for his own good.

  She leaned forward to taste the skin right above his heart. Feeling impish, she bit lightly and licked the spot, tasting salt and steel. Temp was rewarded with a gasp and full body shudder from her mate. There was something completely gratifying about pleasing him.

  “If anyone is a tease, it’s you,” he gritted out before tipping her chin up and nipping at her bottom lip. “You’re tempting my beast, love. Last chance to flee.”

  “As if I’d ever run from this. You’re not a challenge anymore,” she goaded. “You’re mine. So don’t you dare stop.”

  That was all the permission he needed to unleash his hunger for her.

  He captured her hips and lifted her as she wrapped her legs around him, very aware she had no undergarment on underneath.

  “Bare?” he gasped, his fingers flexing against the back of her thighs, his claws gently grazing her skin.

  “Nyx advised me against them,” she murmured between kisses.

  “Bless her,” he groaned.

  Pyre spun around and sauntered toward the bed. She bit his bottom lip as he neared the mattress. He growled and jostled her, holding her up with one arm. Tempest peeked at him from beneath her lashes as he fumbled with the gauzy curtain. His claws sliced through the delicate fabric and he cursed.

  Tempest stifled a giggle and arched a brow at him as he shook off the curtain with a scowl.

  “Should I be worried for my safety?” she snickered.

  His attention snapped to her, and he shook his head. “I would never hurt you. Never.”

  The intensity of his gaze drove the air from her lungs, and she nodded. “I know,” she replied, her voice breathy.

  With surprising tenderness, he laid her onto the bed like a prized possession and sank onto his hands and knees, following her onto the mattress. He kissed her throat, biting just hard enough that she gasped.

  “Heaven,” he whispered. “You taste like heaven.”

  Pyre leaned back, sitting on his heels, and stared down at her, his chest heaving. She crooked a finger at him and then reached for the bottom of her shift. Never again would she hide anything from him.

  He laid his gentle claw-tipped hand over her hand, halting her movement.

  “Pyre?” She questioned his sudden halt to their passion. Her body ached with need, so she didn’t understand—

  “I want to,” he murmured and licked his lips.

  Tempest nodded, and her gaze darted away from his heavy-lidded look. She traced the edge of his claw. “I’ve only seen these out when you’re angry.”

  “It happens with extreme emotion.” He gave her a languid smile. “Like loving my mate for the first time.”

  She shifted on the blanket as he picked up her left foot and began to massage the arch of her foot. Her eyes rolled into her head, and all tension fled her body. Tempest practically melted into the bed as he stroked her skin. Cold air rushed over the tops of her thighs as he nudged the edge of her shift up.

  Tempest peeked at him from beneath her lashes and grinned. He’d found her daggers. His gaze flicked to her face. “You brought blades to bed?”


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