Unheeding the drama that was rapidly and invisibly (except for theincident of Braman and the window) working itself out in its midst, Mantilunged forward on the path of progress, each day growing larger, busier,more noisy and more important. Perhaps Manti did not heed, because Mantiwas itself a drama--the drama of creation. Each resident, each newcomer,settled quickly and firmly into the place that desire or ambition or greedurged him; put forth whatever energy nature had endowed him with, andpushed on toward the goal toward which the town was striving--success;collectively winning, unrecking of individual failure or tragedy--thosethings were to be expected, and they fell into the limbo of forgottenthings, easily and unnoticed. Wrecks, disasters, were certain. Theycame--turmoil engulfed them.
Which is to say that during the two weeks that had elapsed since thedeparture of Judge Graney for Washington, Manti had paid very littleattention to "Brand" Trevison while he haunted the telegraph station andthe post-office for news. He was pointed out, it is true, as the man whohad hurled banker Braman through the window of his bank building; therewas a hazy understanding that he was having some sort of trouble withCorrigan over some land titles, but in the main Manti buzzed along, busywith its visions and its troubles, leaving Trevison with his.
The inaction, with the imminence of failure after ten years of effort, hadits effect on Trevison. It fretted him; he looked years older; he lookedworried and harassed; he longed for a chance to come to grips in anencounter that would ease the strain. Physical action it must be, for hisbrain was a muddle of passion and hatred in which clear thoughts, schemes,plans, plots, were swallowed and lost. He wanted to come into physicalcontact with the men and things that were thwarting him; he wanted to feelthe thud and jar of blows; to catch the hot breath of open antagonism; heyearned to feel the strain of muscles--this fighting in the dark withcourts and laws and lawyers, according to rules and customs, filled himwith a raging impotence that hurt him. And then, at the end of two weekscame a telegram from Judge Graney, saying merely: "Be patient. It's a longtrail."
Trevison got on Nigger and returned to the Diamond K.
The six o'clock train arrived in Manti that evening with many passengers,among whom was a woman of twenty-eight at whom men turned to look thesecond time. Her traveling suit spoke eloquently of that personal qualitywhich a language, seeking new and expressive phrases describes as "class."It fitted her smoothly, tightly, revealing certain lines of her gracefulfigure that made various citizens of Manti gasp. "Looks like she'd beenpoured into it," remarked an interested lounger. She lingered on thestation platform until she saw her trunks safely deposited, and then,drawing her skirts as though fearful of contamination, she walked,self-possessed and cool, through the doorway of the _Castle_hotel--Manti's aristocrat of hostelries.
Shortly afterwards she admitted Corrigan to her room. She had changed fromher traveling suit to a gown of some soft, glossy material thataccentuated the lines revealed by the discarded habit. The worldly-wisewould have viewed the lady with a certain expressive smile that might havemeant much or nothing. And the lady would have looked upon that smile asshe now looked at Corrigan, with a faint defiance that had quite a littledaring in it. But in the present case there was an added expression--two,in fact--pleasure and expectancy.
"Well--I'm here." She bowed, mockingly, laughingly, compressing her lipsas she noted the quick fire that flamed in her visitor's eyes.
"That's all over, Jeff; I won't go back to it. If that's why--"
"That's all right," he said, smiling as he took the chair she waved himto; "I've erased a page or two from the past, myself. But I can't helpadmiring you; you certainly are looking fine! What have you been doing toyourself?"
She draped herself in a chair where she could look straight at him, andhis compliment made her mouth harden at the corners.
"Well," she said; "in your letter you promised you'd take me into yourconfidence. I'm ready."
"It's purely a business proposition. Each realizes on his effort. You helpme to get Rosalind Benham through the simple process of fascinatingTrevison; I help you to get Trevison by getting Miss Benham. It's a sortof mutual benefit association, as it were."
"What does Trevison look like, Jeff--tell me?" The woman leaned forward inher chair, her eyes glowing.
"Oh, you women!" said Corrigan, with a gesture of disgust. "He's ahandsome fool," he added; "if that's what you want to know. But I haven'tany compliments to hand him regarding his manners--he's a wild man!"
"I'd love to see him!" breathed the woman.
"Well, keep your hair on; you'll see him soon enough. But you've got tounderstand this: He's on my land, and he gets off without furtherfighting--if you can hold him. That's understood, eh? You win him back andget him away from here. If you double-cross me, he finds out what youare!" He flung the words at her, roughly.
She spoke quietly, though color stained her cheeks. "Not 'are,' Jeff--whatI was. That would be bad enough. But have no fear--I shall do as you ask.For I want him--I have wanted him all the time--even during the time I waschained to that little beast, Harvey. I wouldn't have been what Iam--if--if--"
"Cut it out!" he advised brutally; "the man always gets the blame,anyway--so it's no novelty to hear that sort of stuff. So you understand,eh? You choose your own method--but get results--quick! I want to get thatdamned fool away from here!" He got up and paced back and forth in theroom. "If he takes Rosalind Benham away from me I'll kill him! I'll killhim, anyway!"
"Has it gone very far between them?" The concern in her voice brought aharsh laugh from Corrigan.
"Far enough, I guess. He's been riding with her; every day for threeweeks, her aunt told me. He's a fiery, impetuous devil!"
"Don't worry," she consoled. "And now," she directed; "get out of here.I've been on the go for days and days, and I want to sleep. I shall go outto see Rosalind tomorrow--to surprise her, Jeff--to surprise her. Ha,ha!"
"I'll have a rig here for you at nine o'clock," said Corrigan. "Take yourtrunks--she won't order you away. Tell her that Trevison sent foryou--don't mention my name; and stick to it! Well, pleasant dreams," headded as he went out.
As the door closed the woman stood looking at it, a sneer curving herlips.
'Firebrand' Trevison Page 15