The Biker's Needs

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The Biker's Needs Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

  Copyright© 2020 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0283-4

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Audrey Bobak


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Satan’s Beasts MC: Nomad Chapter, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One

  “You look fucking jealous,” Skull said, taking a seat beside Ape.

  Tipping his beer back, Ape averted his gaze, not interested in having to deal with any of his club brothers right now. They’d been traveling for four days straight and this was their first real break. Hanging out around a beat-up motel that had seen way better days, with free pussy and lots of drink, he wasn’t feeling it. Sure, his dick ached to be inside a woman, but he couldn’t do it.

  His prez, Colonel, had carried his old lady into one of the rooms where they would no doubt stay for a couple of days. Whenever there was a long time spent between rests, Colonel and his woman always needed a few days catching up and fucking each other. Running a hand down his face, he slammed his fist against Skull’s arm. “Fuck off. I don’t want the company.”

  “Either you’re jealous of the prez, or you’ve got a thing for his ass, or maybe you’ve got a thing for Piper.”

  Ape stood and walked away, Skull laughing as he went. It wasn’t like they weren’t used to having a woman on the road with them. He was. After throwing his bottle into the trash, he headed away from the motel. There was no way he was going to enjoy a night’s sleep. The place looked like it had roaches.

  As he walked down the street, the quiet of the night washed over him. The town itself looked all right. He’d clocked the big houses on arriving and there was also a small town center.

  He loved small towns. People were constantly entertaining, especially some of the “posh” people. They often behaved like they wanted to be rid of them as if they carried some disease. Then there were always a few of the groupies who believed riding with the club was the key to a good life. Most of the time, the women got bored of being on the back of a bike. Sure, they liked having the men’s undivided attention at night, but it was getting to that point when the pull of the road and freedom of riding won against pussy. For him, his bike would always win against a woman.

  Women were good for sucking and fucking, but nothing permanent. He wasn’t jealous of Colonel and Piper, more curious.

  They’d been together for a couple of years, married, and they were still going strong. When Piper first came with them, he thought she’d last a couple of weeks tops. Instead, she took the road and the nomadic way of life easier than he expected. She didn’t seem to mind if she didn’t have a bathroom for a couple of days. Whenever they stopped, she always took time to refresh in a bathroom.

  He shook his head. The road wasn’t a place for a woman.

  Ever since Piper had entered the scene, Colonel hadn’t strayed. What was it about the one woman? He didn’t get it.

  Sure, Colonel had been instantly attracted to her, but that shit would fade.

  He kicked a stone as he passed a large school that looked more like a prison. Ape had dropped out of school many years ago, never finished. Never needed it in his line of work.

  Coming to a stop at the edge of the long strip of town, he shook his head again. In all of his years of traveling, he’d come to the conclusions that many places were alike in so many ways. Always the divide between rich and poor. Long town streets. People’s views of them.

  The only differences were usually the wealth that held them.

  It wasn’t too late, and he saw a diner open and a couple of other nearby restaurants still aglow. Walking down the main street, he came to a stop as a woman and man exited a building.

  “You’ve got no cause to shut this place down, so don’t even think about it, Calum.”

  “Your place is an eyesore. People don’t like what you do, Charlotte.”

  “What I do? I’m not a damn brothel. I bet if I was, there would be a hell of a lot more of a battle to keep me open. People can’t stand to have art on their flesh but swinging tits would win out.”

  “You’re being crude.”

  “Don’t even try me. You think I don’t know what you get up to in your free time? Spare me the condescending bullshit where you pretend to be on some kind of pedestal that you don’t deserve. That ship sailed a long time ago.” Charlotte stepped up into Calum’s face.

  Ape, with her back to him, was turned on by her stiff spine, curvy ass, and that mouth on her.

  “Let’s face it, you’d be happy to fight for my place if I’m willing to give a little back. Isn’t that right?” She ran her hand down Calum’s body.

  Calum didn’t move. He merely groaned as she grabbed his dick, but that the look of rapture turned to pain as she clearly squeezed him a little tighter.

  “Get the fuck away from me, you disgusting pig.”

  She spun on her heel and took several steps away. Calum went to his knees. “You’ll regret this.”


  Ape got a good look at her, and fuck him, he was in love. Dark red hair, green eyes, nice big tits, and curves. The clothes she wore emphasized all of her assets, and he couldn’t find a single fault with her. The shirt she wore was cut low, hinting at the tops of her tits. Generous hips. Ink teased up her arms, and he got a hint of something on her chest that disappeared into the shirt. Jeans hugged her body and he wanted nothing more than to remove every item of clothing and admire her, worship her.

  “It looks to me like you could use a drink,” he said, stepping out of the shadows.

  She turned her gaze toward him. “You’re one of the bikers that just got to town.”

  “One of them.”

  Charlotte glanced up and down him, pursing her lips.

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  “Please, all men hurt, it’s if women let them or not.”

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Again, a pause and then a heartbreaking smile. “Sure.”


  Charlotte couldn’t believe she’d accepted a drink from a total stranger. That was what he was. Sitting at the bar, she tipped the beer against her lips, taking a swig. She’d had a shitty day and it had only gotten worse when Calum had turned up. He wanted her out of town, and she wanted nothing more to go, but he’d pissed her off, and so she was staying, making herself miserable in order to make his life difficult.

  He was a cheating bastard, but rather than call him out on his shit, she’d ended it and ignored him since. She wasn’t a cheater, hadn’t even known he was engaged to another woman when they were together. That little surprise had happened when he came to town bringing the perfect wife for mommy and daddy.

  She’d felt dirty and disgusting.

  Apparently, it had been all over social media, but she didn’t have any accounts. He thought she knew and was on board. Not a chance. She’d ended it with him a few years ago, and since then, he’d made it his mission to make her life a misery, and she’d done exactly the same with him.

  This was getting them nowhere, though. He was threatening to kick her out of town.

  “You okay?” the biker asked.

“I don’t know your name,” she said. “I’d rather know the name of the guy who offered to buy me a drink.”


  “Is that a club name?”

  “You know about clubs?”

  “I’ve met a couple in my time.” She shook the hand he offered.

  “You want to tell me what that was all about?”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Really? You want to know about my drama?”

  “Why not? I’ve got nowhere else to be.”

  “It is a lame story. You’ve got hundreds of things you could be doing.”

  “I’m happy to be right here.”

  She looked over at him and raised a brow. He didn’t appear to want to move. “Okay, fine.” And she proceeded to tell him the whole sordid detail of her relationship with Calum. She was halfway into a second beer when she realized she’d finished.

  “I guess it’s not that long,” she said. “Sorry to bore you.”

  “I’m not bored. Were you in love with this guy?”

  She snorted. “Hell, no, and I’m not just saying that as a woman scorned or anything. I actually mean it. The sex just happened, and it became a regular thing, and it wasn’t that good.” No, Calum become more like a bad cough around her neck. He just didn’t seem to want to take the hint and leave her alone. “Believe me, I’m not sad or anything.”

  “What are you then?”

  She shrugged. “I guess right now I’m stuck in a rut. He’s trying to kick my ass out of town. I know if I was to sleep with him again, he’d be all for me staying and fight for my ‘art.’” She air quoted the last word. “But I won’t do it. I don’t believe in cheating. Tell me now you’re not with anyone.”

  “I’m not. I’m free.”

  “Phew.” She laughed.

  “It wasn’t your fault. The moment you saw the wife, you called it quits, right?”

  “Hell, yeah. Just knowing I was helping a guy cheat made my skin crawl. I’m not a bad person.”

  Ape chuckled. “You need to stop carrying around this guilt. It’s not on you.”

  “You don’t think I should have tried to find out?”

  “How could you have done that without acting like a crazy woman and going to stalk his ass? An ass you didn’t really want, and if you ask me, didn’t want to upset him by kicking him to the curb.”

  “You’re just trying to make me feel better because you want to get into my pants.”

  “And what makes you think that?”

  She laughed and turned to give him her full attention. “You’re just passing through. You’ve been on the road for a long time. I’ve dealt with a great deal of bikers in my time and they’ve been kind enough to tell me exactly what they’re looking for on that first night. You got in this morning. I’m not that bad at math. Also, you keep looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you want to tear my clothes off.”

  “Does that upset you?” he asked.


  “Then what are you thinking about right now?”

  “I’m wondering if I should give you a chance.” She couldn’t believe she’d just said that, but it was out there in the open. The words had easily spilled from her lips.

  She kept her attention focused on him.

  Ape touched her leg. His fingers drifted up her thigh, going toward the apex. She didn’t stop him, and all it had taken was that one touch to make her feel so many different things. It had been a long time since she’d been with a man.

  For the longest time, guilt had weighed her down.

  This man. Her mysterious biker, he was releasing things within her that were getting hard for her to ignore with every passing minute.

  Licking her lips, she put the bottle of beer down and thought about it. She could let him ride out of here and in years to come, maybe even hours after the fact, she’d be flooded with regret for not taking that single chance to be with him. Or she could be rash, take what she wanted, and still regret it.

  There’s nothing for you to lose here.

  All she had to do was gain.

  Finishing her beer, she got up, grabbed her bag and Ape’s hand. “Come on,” she said.

  For once, she was going to live and not think about all the reasons this was going to be a bad idea.

  Chapter Two

  Charlotte had a nice place.

  Ape glanced around. She didn’t have a whole lot of furniture and there were no real roots put down. He couldn’t see a single picture of her or family. Nothing that could give away anything about the person who lived here.

  He liked it. It was different.

  She’d left him in the sitting room to go and freshen up. After removing his leather cut, he draped it over the sofa and kicked off his boots.

  The sound of a door opening had him turning around, and he watched Charlotte come out of the bathroom, wearing a robe. She didn’t stop and stepped up to him. “Do you have condoms?” she asked.

  “I’ve got them.”

  “Good.” She grabbed his shirt and pulled him down. At first, he wasn’t exactly sure how to approach this. The last thing he wanted was for this woman to start screaming rape at him, but as she kissed him, he knew exactly what to do. Charlotte wasn’t giving mixed signals. Some women on the road had given some of his club brothers mixed signals.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pulled her close, smashing his lips to hers and groaning as he did so.

  “You taste so good.” Sucking on her lip, he plunged into her mouth. Her hands moved up from his chest, wrapping around his head.

  Running his other hand down her back toward her ass, he gripped the supple flesh. She was so soft and all curves, and he couldn’t get enough. He let go of her head and picked her up with both hands on her ass.

  “Bedroom,” he said.

  She pointed behind her and he moved in that direction. He was still wearing too many clothes. After kicking the door open, he placed her down on the bed. The robe she wore wasn’t doing a great job of keeping everything in. As he watched her, he removed the rest of his clothes.

  Charlotte stood and opened up the belt. The robe fell from her shoulders in a delicate wave, and his cock answered the call.

  Nice, big tits, and soft, curvy hips with more than a generous handful to hold on to. Ink decorated her body. There was nothing about her that wasn’t perfect. All he wanted to do was fuck her. To take her.

  He put his hands on her waist, seeing the rose thorns up either side, and that was the ink he’d caught a glimpse of earlier. “You did all of this?”

  “I drew it and got a friend to ink my body. He was good.”

  Pulling her close, he kissed her hard, tasting her on his lips. He pushed her to the bed and spread her legs, cupping her.

  She was already so wet for him.

  Her moans filled the air and he broke from the kiss, trailing his lips down her body. He stopped at her tits and pushed them together, flicking his tongue across each peak before sucking it into his mouth.

  She cried out, arching up.

  He let go and went down toward her pussy. She spread her legs even wider, and he just couldn’t resist. Swiping his tongue through her slit, he swirled over her clit then went back down to tease across her entrance.

  “Oh, fuck, that feels good.”

  Sucking her whole clit into his mouth, he used his teeth to create a bite of pain that had her arching up.

  He pressed two fingers inside her, feeling how tight she was. He started to stretch her, wanting her to be ready for when he fucked her because he wasn’t a small man.

  “I could lick this pussy all day,” he said.

  “And I’d be quite happy to let you.”

  He flicked her clit, glancing up her body and watching her as he drew her closer to the peak of orgasm, but he wanted to feel her tight cunt wrapped around him. Ape let her go just as she was about to come. He smiled to himself as he dropped her to the bed.

tte let out a cute little growl.

  He’d already grabbed a condom, and now he tore into the packet and started to slide it down his dick. Holding on to her hips, he nudged her up the bed, making her fall against the pillows, but before she had any real time to protest, he was there, moving inside her.

  They both groaned, their sounds mingling together.

  “You feel good.”

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  He took hold of her hands, pinning them to the bed. “As the lady requests.” He pulled out of her only to slam back inside her. Fucking her to the bed, he gave her several thrusts before he released her and spun her around, going to her knees. He spread the cheeks of her ass, admiring her cunt as well as that puckered asshole. One day. If he was here long enough, he’d take her.

  In one smooth thrust, he was balls deep inside her. He slid a hand between her thighs and started to stroke her clit, drawing her back to the edge as he worked his length deep within her pussy.

  She moaned his name, the sound echoing off the walls.

  It had been so long, and he was determined to last until after she came. The moment her pussy started to squeeze him as her orgasm took over, he had no chance.

  With a few short thrusts, he joined her, pulsing into the condom with his cum. He hated having the damn thing on and would have gladly come within her naked walls, filling up her womb. He didn’t know why he cared so much.

  They were both panting as he kissed her neck. He didn’t pull out of her yet. He let go of her pussy as they both collapsed to the bed.

  “That didn’t take long,” she said.

  “Give me five minutes, I’ll show you how long I can last.”


  Charlotte giggled as Ape wrestled her to the bed. She moaned as he captured her beneath him.

  “I have to go to work,” she said.


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