You Belong to Me

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You Belong to Me Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “I hope you’re right.” She started to move the watch that rested on her wrist around in circles. “Dinner is done. I’m going to get my outfit ready so I can leave quickly.”

  “No. I can figure everything out.”

  “Good. Quinn, I like the thought of you two being together. Go easy on her. I think she’s, er, she’s still a virgin. She didn’t pay any attention to the guys in school or in college. I haven’t seen her with anyone. I just want you to be careful with her.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her, Dorothy.”

  No, he wasn’t going to hurt her. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt Kaley. He was going to spend some time with the woman he’d come to love. Kaley deserved to be loved and cherished, and he was going to be the man to give her everything her heart desired.


  Exhausted from the long day, Kaley walked up the steps, carrying the ice cream and a movie. She’d gotten plenty of studying in yet it wasn’t enough to push the thought of Quinn from her mind. Maybe it was because of Dorothy’s strange behavior that morning.

  She inserted her key into the door and entered the apartment. The scent of chicken parmesan filled her nose, making her mouth water. After removing her satchel, she set it on the floor.

  “Hey, I’m home. I bought some ice cream and that movie you’ve been talking about for the last couple of weeks.” She stopped when she saw three place settings at the small table. “Do we have company?”

  She walked into the kitchen and froze when she saw Quinn standing beside Dorothy. He held a bottle of beer. Both siblings turned toward her.

  “Hey,” Dorothy said. “Awesome.” She took the tub of ice cream from her, along with the movie. “I can’t wait to watch this.

  “Hey, Kaley,” Quinn said. His voice was deep, masculine, and he had the power to make her melt.

  “Hey.” What else should she say? “Er, I thought you were, er, working.” Where were her words?

  “I was. I’ve got some time off.”

  “Dorothy didn’t mention you coming here.” She looked at her friend, who conveniently busied herself.

  “It was a split-second decision. I’m not ready to go home. The folks know I’m staying here.” He tipped the beer bottle to his lips and took a sip.

  Get yourself together, Kaley.

  “Great. Is that chicken parmesan I smell?”

  “Yep. I’m pulling it out of the oven.”

  “I’ll go and sit. It’s my favorite,” Quinn said, passing her.

  Did he have to get so close to her when he passed?

  “This is why you were baking this morning, wasn’t it?” Kaley asked, facing her friend.

  “What? I knew he was coming but I also knew you’d find some reason not to come home. I’m not kicking you out of our apartment while he’s here. What’s wrong with Quinn?”


  “Good. He’s staying here a few weeks. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Kaley, but you wouldn’t have been here tonight. Please, we’re all friends.”

  Dorothy was using the guilt card. Whenever Dorothy begged, Kaley never failed to feel bad for putting her friend in this predicament. Quinn was a nice guy. In all the years she’d known him, he’d never once made her feel unaccepted or uncomfortable. When it came to this man, all her problems were her own.

  “Fine. Is there anything you need me to carry?”

  “You can take the pasta. Love you.” Dorothy kissed her cheek, exiting the room.


  After picking up the bowl of pasta, she walked to the table and placed the pasta down before taking her seat. Quinn had taken the head of the table while she and Dorothy sat either side of him. She could do this. She could get through one dinner without talking.

  The two siblings usually talked a great deal while she listened on.

  “How’s life, Kaley?” Quinn asked.

  “Fine.” She looked toward her friend. Dorothy stared at her expectantly.

  You need to get through this dinner.

  “It’s going great.”

  “You’re working at the library.”

  “She spends all of her time at the library,” Dorothy said, shooting her a glare.

  “I work and I study. I need the library to do both.” The only other element of her life was her writing, which she wouldn’t be sharing. “What are you doing now that you’re home?” she asked, hoping to stop their attention on her.

  “I’m going to relax. Get to annoy my sister, maybe find a hobby or two.”

  Kaley watched him eat, his sensual lips closing around the fork.

  “Oh, I forgot. I’ve got a hot date tonight with Scott.” Dorothy got to her feet, taking a quick sip of her water.

  “I got that movie for you.” She didn’t want to be alone with Quinn. Not once had she ever been alone with Quinn.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I wish you had said you were bringing it home. I wouldn’t have made other plans.” She walked across their apartment toward her bedroom. “You two can get along without me.”

  Kaley opened her lips only to close them. What could she say to keep her friend home? She drew a blank.

  After coating a piece of pasta in sauce, she lifted it to her lips. The nerves around Quinn came back and she chanced a quick glance toward him. He stared right back. “It’ll only be us tonight.”

  Squeezing her thighs together, Kaley nodded. “Yes.”

  She listened to her friend moving around in her room.

  I hate you, Dorothy.

  The moment she thought the words, she felt bad. She shouldn’t hate her friend. There was nothing wrong with Quinn.

  Minutes later, Dorothy came out of the room, dressed to impress in a tight red dress.

  “Do I need to warn this guy?” Quinn asked. The big brother in him was showing through.

  “Nope. He’s a good guy.” Dorothy hugged her tight before going to Quinn. “Have fun, kids, and don’t do anything naughty.”

  Heat filled Kaley’s cheeks at her friend’s words. Nothing naughty would ever go on between them.

  “Have fun,” Kaley said, getting to her feet. The door to the apartment was already closed. She picked up her plate, all of her appetite gone. “If you want to go out, I’ll understand.”

  “Don’t you want some company with that movie?”

  She stared back at him. “You’ll watch a romance?”

  “Sure. I haven’t seen you in so long. It’ll be fun.” He stood, picking up his sister’s plate.

  Together, they walked into the kitchen. This was the first time they’d been alone. She put the dishes in the sink, filling the bowl with soap and water. Kaley washed the dishes, hoping he’d leave the kitchen. There was no such luck. He picked up the towel and started to help.

  With his size, he made the kitchen feel so small. Licking her lips, she did her best to ignore him, which was so hard to do with him so close. How was she going to survive him staying with them? She didn’t know how she was going to last the next couple of hours, let alone weeks.

  Chapter Three

  It took every ounce of willpower to keep his distance from Kaley. Quinn saw she was close to running away. He didn’t like it yet there was nothing he could really do.

  Take your time.

  He was a patient man, and he refused to rush her. The moment he rushed her, he’d lose. He dried the dishes, loving the closeness to her. When his cell phone chimed, he took it out to see a message from Dorothy.

  If I didn’t leave when I did, she’d find a reason. Be nice to her. x

  “I’m always nice,” he muttered.

  “Sorry?” Kaley glanced at him.

  “Nothing. I’m just talking to myself.”

  “Ah, okay.”

  They finished the dishes then made their way to the sitting room.

  “I’m going to get showered. I’ll meet you back out here and we’ll watch that movie.”

  She nodded, closing her bedroom door.

  You can run but you ca
n’t hide, baby.

  He wasn’t put off by her lack of enthusiasm. Quinn didn’t linger in the shower or in his room. Within ten minutes, he was out in the sitting room. He closed the curtains, turning the light off and only allowing two lamps to cast a low glow over the room. When the room looked perfect, he walked into the kitchen and took out the chocolate ice cream from the freezer. He grabbed bowls, spoons, and some other candies for them to munch on.

  Returning to the sitting room, he saw Kaley coming out of her room. She wore a set of shorts and a shirt with a teddy bear on the front. There was nothing sexy about her attire. He imagined her in sexy silk lingerie and his cock began to thicken.


  Quinn placed his prizes on the table, taking a seat on the sofa. With the way he’d moved the television, she’d have no choice but to sit with him.

  “Cute PJs.”

  She didn’t say anything.

  Glancing over, he saw her cheeks were bright red. He could do better than that.

  Kaley took hold of the DVD, putting it into the machine. She didn’t have a fucking clue that the shorts rode up, showing her ass off to perfection. He wanted to be those shorts. They were so tight, nuzzled against her pussy.

  She handed him the remote, taking a seat on the other end of the sofa. He watched her put her feet up underneath her, keeping as much space between them as possible. In control of the remote, he allowed the trailers to run. They both laughed at several comedies coming out in the fall.

  “I can’t wait to watch that one,” Kaley said.

  “I’ll take you to it. It’ll be a date.”

  He made sure he didn’t make any sign that it was more than two friends getting to know one another. Quinn really wished he knew why she was so shy and nervous around him. It wouldn’t matter soon. He wasn’t going to give her a choice about being with him. For over six years, he’d denied himself the pleasure of being around her.

  The movie started playing. Ten minutes in, he leaned forward, moving a little closer to her as he did. He scooped ice cream into their bowls, sprinkling more candy. Moving a little closer still, he handed her a bowl.

  She took it. Their fingers brushed across each other and he wanted there to be more connection, more touch. Sitting back in his new position, he ate his ice cream and watched the movie.

  She sat next to him and by the end of the movie, he had his arm across the back of the sofa and they were almost touching.

  “Are you ready for bed? What did you think of the movie?” It was only a little after nine. Dorothy had sent him a text, asking how it was going. He ignored the text and concentrated on the woman beside him.

  “No. It was a good movie, boring in places,” she said.

  He chuckled. There was no real action. Quinn flipped through the channels.

  The only movie he found was a scary one. He liked scary movies, so he left it on that channel. His cunning plan worked as within minutes she was clinging to his arm. Quinn moved her up the sofa so she was leaning against him with nowhere else to go.

  “No, you stupid woman, don’t go outside alone,” Kaley said.

  Quinn chuckled again, staring down at her. She wasn’t wearing her glasses nor was she wearing a bra. Her breasts were pressed against his arm, making him very aware of how free she actually was.

  Grabbing the pillow next to him, he placed it over his rock-hard cock. The sweatpants he wore didn’t hide an erection very well.

  He lay his hand down to rest on her thigh. Quinn wanted her to get used to his touch. Her skin was silky smooth. Gritting his teeth, Quinn counted in his head, using all the techniques he remembered as a SEAL to gain control over his emotions.

  She buried her head against his shoulder. “I hate this.”

  The movie had started out fun with her rubbing against him, but now it was pure torture. Kaley was so close to him yet he couldn’t do anything to relieve the ache building inside him.

  When the movie ended, Dorothy walked through the door, looking a little flushed. He glanced at her.

  “Hey. What’s going on?” Dorothy flopped down on the chair. “Who moved the television?”

  “We were watching a horror film.” Kaley released him, getting up from the sofa. He closed his eyes as she bent over to grab the empty ice cream tub and bowls. The shorts rode up, revealing the bottom of her curvy ass.

  She left the room, leaving him to his sister.

  “She doesn’t have a clue about the shorts, does she?”

  “Kaley’s not very aware of herself, no. Have fun?”

  “Until the horror movie, yes.” He ran a hand down his face. How was he going to make it to his bedroom without embarrassing himself?

  “Why? I thought guys liked to watch horror movies. Oh, that’s right, they don’t. It’s just a lame-ass attempt to get us women close to them. Shame on you, brother.”

  He saw Dorothy laughing at him.

  “I’m going to head to bed,” Kaley said, coming back into the room. She stretched out, thrusting her tits into the air.

  Torture, pure torture.


  His patience wasn’t going to last long if she behaved like that.


  For the rest of the week, Kaley was surprised by how much fun she had with Quinn. Dorothy always had a good excuse to be out of the apartment. They spent a great deal of time cooking or watching movies. When she’d brought him the ingredients to make a stir-fry, a dish she’d never tried before, Quinn took the lead, creating a delicious meal that was fit for a restaurant. The movies varied from romance to horror. Her favorites were action movies with lots of guns. She noticed many of the romance and horror movies had a lot of sex. The moment the lights went down and the clothes came off, she got more nervous as she became more aware of Quinn.

  He never moved and she always wondered what he was thinking.

  She looked down at the books on the cart that had been returned. Martha was training someone new back at the front counter. Kaley liked working at the library. It was usually quiet. They rarely had rowdy children or problems.

  Walking through the history section, she placed the books about World War II onto a shelf. She tucked some hair behind her ear as she looked down to see what was next on her cart.

  “So this is where you work,” Quinn said.

  Kaley looked up to find him leaning against the door toward the main reception. He was watching her while she stared down.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “You work here.”

  His gaze wandered down her body. She wore a pair of jeans and a pink shirt. Martha didn’t demand formal attire. Her boss preferred her staff to be comfortable in whatever clothes they desired. Jeans always made her feel comfortable, no matter the time of year.

  “It’s lunchtime. Dorothy’s working. I was bored and wanted to come and see you.”

  It would be the only explanation she got.

  “Also, Martha said it was time for a real man to be calling for you.”

  “You spoke to Martha?”

  “She let me know where to find you.” He didn’t move from his space by the door. “I like her.”

  “You want to have lunch?”

  “Yep. When was the last time you ate?”


  “Good. I’ll wait for you while you do this cart then we’ll head out. My treat.”

  He stood watching her as she made her way around the library, putting all the books back in their proper places. When she got back to the reception desk, Martha was smiling at her.

  “He’s a handsome man, Kaley. Where have you been keeping him locked up?”

  “I haven’t. He’s Dorothy’s brother.”

  “I’m telling you, that man wants more.” Martha stared over Kaley’s shoulder.

  She looked behind her to see Quinn still gazing back at her, not moving.

  “He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since he walked in. You’re the only one he’s interested in.”

  “Quinn’s not interested in me like that.” He was too good-looking to go for someone like her.

  “Whatever you say, honey. He’s interested.”

  She picked up her purse, trying to ignore Martha’s words. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

  A customer came in, stopping Martha from saying anything more.

  “I saw a great burger place outside the park.” Quinn held the door open for her. She walked beside him, folding her arms underneath her breasts.

  She refused to believe Martha’s words. There was no way Quinn wanted her. He could have any woman, probably had already had any woman.

  “Are you dating anyone?” she asked, blurting out the question.


  “Why not? You’ve been working a hell of a lot. Surely you’re looking for female company.”

  Her gut tightened at the thought of another woman getting close to him. She didn’t want him to find any pleasure in another woman. The only person she wanted him to get to know was her.

  Whoa, hold on. You don’t want to get close to him.

  She was confused by her own thoughts. None of them were making sense.

  “I’ve got all the company I need.”

  “I’m Dorothy’s best friend.”

  “I know.”

  Biting her lip, she looked at him to see he was staring straight ahead. Before she could ask further questions, they entered the park where the burger place was. They stood in a long line, waiting for their food. Quinn ordered for both of them. She was shocked that he knew exactly what she liked. The more she thought about it, the more she became aware of his attention.

  At night, Quinn moved closer to her on the sofa so she didn’t have a choice but to hug against him when the movies scared her. He kept them supplied with ice cream, cooked her favorite meals. When she woke up in the morning, he was the first person she saw.

  No, she couldn’t believe what Martha was trying to say. There was no way he was looking at her with anything other than friendship.

  They took a seat at one of the smaller tables away from the crowd. Quinn placed her burger and fries in front of her. After taking a fry, she took a bite, moaning at the salty taste. “Delicious.”


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