SEALed To Protect (Omerta Series)

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SEALed To Protect (Omerta Series) Page 2

by Roxy Sinclaire

  I lay back on my bed for a long time as I waited for Madeline to get out of the shower. She had been in there a long time, and I began to wonder if I should check on her. And I knew this was an inappropriate thought to have, but was she waiting for me to come join her in there? I felt pretty disgusting even thinking that, even if it was just in my own mind.

  The past several hours replayed in my head. My emotions were still surfacing. I remembered the night before with Madeline when she had leaned in and told me she loved me in a sweet whisper.

  A drunken whisper, but it was sweet nonetheless. And then I kissed her. Why had I done that? I knew I was just asking for trouble there.

  Here was a girl, the daughter of my boss, all drunk and wanting to love me. And I knew she liked me from the very first day I started working for the Biancos. I had to work very hard to avoid her. Mr. Bianco was protective of his daughter.

  Madeline was also in college and young. She was gorgeous and twenty-one, and she’d brought home a guy or two that her father said was a nice boy, but I could tell he hated them.

  I did like Madeline, which tortured me when she flaunted and flirted herself around me. I enjoyed it way too much. I knew I was a much better fit for her than those she brought home to meet her parents.

  And then I started to remember everything that happened up until I got an emergency phone call from the head of security for the Bianco estate. I was at the hospital, trying to call the widow of my best friend from school and the Navy SEALs. I couldn’t get her on the phone and she wasn’t even in the hospital.

  Then I knew I had fallen into a trap. It was at that moment that I got the call. I was told there had been a vehicle explosion in front of the Bianco estate.

  My heart sank low, all the way past my ass. Not only had I fallen for a trap, but I had put my boss and his family in danger. I knew it was odd that out of the blue, my best friend’s widow was trying to contact me because she was in the hospital.

  I also knew why I went. I went because I was full of guilt because when were we in the SEALs together, my best friend and my whole team had died on a mission. I was the sole survivor and I was given an honorable discharge. I had decided to leave the SEALs. I couldn’t bear it, and I’d only joined because I wanted to avoid a life of drugs and crime.

  My best friend from school was joining because his father had been a SEAL. It was a generational tradition and it sounded like the right thing for me to do to flee my empty life and the fact that both of my parents were dead.

  Eight years I gave to the SEALs. I traveled to distant places, saw things that will live in my head forever, and I built a skillset for myself. I had nothing, and still, I felt empty and regretful for letting my best friend die and widowing his wife. I just know I could’ve done something to save him.

  When I left, I took a job with the Biancos as their security. There was no emotional attachment to the job, and I was given a comfortable home to live in on the property and a car as a gift from Mr. Bianco. It was perfect for me.

  Madeline was my trouble and my pleasure at the same time. It had only been a fantasy in my head, and then it became too real when she told me she loved me. It must’ve been the combination of feeling I needed head space from Madeline and the rising guilt of my best friend’s death and his sick widow in the hospital.

  I remembered feeling flustered and overwhelmed, then before I knew it, I was in my car, driving away from the Bianco property and racing down the highway to the hospital I heard she was in. It was pretty far and nowhere near where she actually lived. That should’ve been my first clue.

  I had called Mr. Bianco. He sounded angry on the phone. I told him what happened and where I was going. He calmed down and said, “Bless you, Son,” and then hung up. Little did I know that those would be his very last words to me.

  I also remembered seeing Madeline standing in front of the house. She looked pretty and all dressed up for the evening. I can’t even remember where they were supposed to be going tonight.

  But I could see the hurt in her eyes as I knew she remembered telling me that she loved me and that I had kissed her and showed her kindness. I know that I overreacted when I kicked her out the next morning. I couldn’t take that back now.

  I had to come down from all the police swarming me, identifying me, asking about my whereabouts at the time of the explosion, and the one thing I thought of during it all was Madeline. She was dead. And when they told me about the number of bodies found in the car, I told them I had to double-check the security cameras.

  I had some inclination that Madeline had to still be alive, especially after I had told her about the trap door under my bed in the back building. Why hadn’t the police searched there yet?

  Once I saw the footage of her getting out of the car moments before it exploded, it confirmed for me that she was under the trap door and she was alive. I then went back to the police and told them that I knew exactly where Madeline Bianco was and that she was under my full protection.

  They rolled their eyes at me and walked off. I knew it was because they suspected me as a potential suspect for the car explosion, but I asserted my innocence and they backed off.

  I instantly ran off to the back building where I was relieved to find Madeline under the trap door. I was tempted to kiss her from how happy and relieved I was to see her alive and well, but I wasn’t getting the same vibe from her.

  I paced the floor as I went over the hospital situation again in my head.

  I couldn’t believe I fell for a trap. When I learned my best friend’s widow wasn’t in the hospital, I realized that I had abandoned my boss and his family.

  I knew they were heading out for the night, and the guilt built up in me that I had not only left my boss and his wife, but also his beautiful daughter who was heartbroken when I didn’t say ‘I love you’ back to her.

  I didn’t really know how I felt about acting on anything with her just yet. I knew I liked kissing her and having fun with her. She was a beautiful young woman.

  I knew that I had good instincts when it came to emergency situations like this. It was the whole appeal I gave to Mr. Bianco when he was interviewing me for the position. I told him that all of my Navy SEAL training and experience would apply to protecting him and his family and that he should put his full trust in me.

  He looked at me reluctantly and told me that he was always fearful for his family’s safety and that there was always a hit out for him. He had inherited this business from his father back in Italy.

  He had grown tired of searching for a replacement for his business since he only had a daughter and not a son to pass it all on to.

  He needed someone like me to really have his back to that he could slowly back out of this dangerous business and make his money elsewhere.

  Eventually, I turned my head to the night stand and stared at Madeline’s abandoned glass of wine. She had left it so quickly and she didn’t look like she was feeling well before she went into the bathroom. I decided to go check on her and sat up quickly. This made my head spin at the thought of her naked and wet in my shower.

  I eventually found my way to the bathroom door. I listened closely through the door and I heard the shower running and then the sound of it being turned off. I still listened as I heard the drops of water from the shower head drop out and splash on the shower floor.

  I could just imagine Madeline wrapping her cute little figure in a clean white towel. Again, an inappropriate thought, considering the circumstances, but I couldn’t help myself. She was so cute, and she’d told me she loved me.

  The door swung open, steam came billowing out, and out came Madeline. She looked cute and angry as she saw me standing there. I began to wonder if the wet beads forming on her chest and dripping off her were water or sweat from how angrily she looked at me.

  “What is it, Madeline?” I said, trying to be sweet to her. She had just lost both her father and mother. She said nothing and scoffed at me and then with impressive strength,
she shoved me out of the way. I fell back into a nearby chair.

  She then started coming at me, trying to claw at me with impeccably manicured fingers.

  “Madeline! Stop!” I said as I grabbed her wrists and raised them above both of us.

  “You left me! You killed my family!” she shouted. I was completely shocked by what she was saying to me.

  “What?” I tried to catch my breath as I lowered her arms.

  “You abandoned me! You kicked me out and made me feel stupid for telling you my feelings for you!” she shouted at me.

  And then I told her it was all happening so fast and I needed a little head space to consider everything. “Consider what, asshole? Now my parents are dead because of you!” This produced a pain in my stomach.

  It took a long time to calm her down, but I managed to get control of Madeline’s flailing limbs, and I had myself wrapped around her as we lay on my bed. I listened to her heavy breathing and looked at the back of her head.

  I could smell the scent of all my bath products mixed with her feminine chemistry. I watched as her bare tanned shoulder began to dry and glowed in the soft lighting of my bedroom.

  I was tempted to kiss it, but I restrained myself. That was not what she wanted from me right now, and I had to respect Mr. Bianco’s daughter. I had to respect Madeline. Maddie.

  I liked calling her Maddie.

  I loosened my grip around Madeline, and she didn’t try to attack me again. I rubbed her arm soothingly and kissed the back of her head. It smelled like Head and Shoulders, but even better on her. I kissed her head again and again while she seemed to be breathing easier.

  This made me feel better about how she was feeling. I held her petite frame close to me. It was one of the things I loved about her, even though I hadn’t said it. I really wanted to say it to her. It just didn’t feel like the right time or moment to do so.

  We continued to lay there on my Egyptian cotton burnt-orange sheets. Mr. Bianco knew how to treat his staff, and the thought of Mr. Bianco made me clench in pain at the reality that he was gone. I then held Madeline just a bit closer to me. She began to writhe in rhythm with me.

  It wasn’t making it easy on my groin to have her perfect ass rub up against me. I could feel myself growing. I stopped moving and so did she.

  I could feel that Madeline was still fuming with anger at me, but I could also sense that she was looking for comfort from me too. I was devoted to protecting her. No one was going to hurt this girl ever again, if I could help it. She was now permanently under my protection.

  I wanted to squeeze her again at this thought, but I stopped myself. I did not want to take advantage of a girl in mourning. It just wasn’t my style. It never had been, and it never will be.

  Madeline began to move around on her own. I had to bite down on my own bottom lip and I definitely could feel that I was becoming fully erect. I looked at her bare shoulder again, and it was now glowing an almost golden color. It was practically goddess-like. It was becoming increasingly harder to resist having her. And she wasn’t making it easy for me.

  I resisted all I could, even though I was fully erect now. I was working my hardest to not explode. I watched as she began to let her towel peel away from her body. Damn it! Not now with Mr. Bianco’s grieving daughter. I knew better than this.

  I had to move away and get off the bed. Madeline sat up and kept the towel wrapped around her naked body. I looked at her half-dry hair that was now looking full-bodied and sexy.

  I had to make an excuse for leaving the room. I don’t even remember what I said. Whatever I had said was satisfactory enough for her. She half-smiled and lay back down in a curled-up position. Like an adorable little kitten wanting to be taken home by a nice owner. No! I didn’t own her, but I did love her and wanted only to protect her. She was definitely mine to protect.

  I went into my kitchen and opened the freezer side of the subzero fridge. The cool air took down my body heat and my boner. Thank God! That was the most pain, to hold it all in. It would have destroyed my Armani jeans.

  I had just gotten these jeans from an outlet mall, but still, they were nice jeans. I kept staring at the open frame of my bedroom to see if Madeline had gotten up and was walking toward me.

  There was no sign of that. I continued to stand in front of the freezer and cool down. I could see my breath and opened my eyes to look inside my freezer. I needed to go grocery shopping. Maybe I would get Madeline to come along with me.

  And then it occurred to me to have Madeline stay here with me in the back building.

  She couldn’t possibly want to stay in her father’s property. It was going to be filled with police and investigators for weeks to come. She was going to play house with me until we figured out what to do. I had more investigating work to do than I was even aware of at the moment. I was ruminating in my head about who was responsible for the car explosion.

  And I had one particular family in mind, one that was no friend to the Bianco family, the Ricci family. I had pegged those scumbags to be the ones who would pull something like this off. I shook off my sudden spike of anger about the Riccis and continued to cool off.

  I eventually stepped away from the freezer and closed it. I could feel my nipples through my shirt. It looked funny, and I began to rub them so they would disappear. I kept checking the door frame to my bedroom to see if Madeline was looking out of it.

  There was still nothing, and then I bent over the kitchen counter and grabbed my laptop. I opened it and was curious about any news on what had just happened. I opened Safari and typed in Mr. Bianco Car Explosion into Google. Hundreds of searches popped up. The one thing I was curious about was whether I was a prime suspect. There were a few sources, but not enough to make me worry. Yet.

  I let my mind race as I began to think about who else besides the Ricci family it could’ve been. Faces and names began to pop up in my brain, and I grabbed the closest pen and paper and listed names.

  I knew it wasn’t smart to list names. It could possibly be evidence. I would just burn the paper in the fireplace later. My head was still reeling so I couldn’t hold onto a thought for too long. My boss had just died, I might have to go to court over this, my best friend’s widow, Madeline, my life, Madeline.

  Too much was happening, I began to sweat, and then I opened the freezer door again and just stood there. There was some kind of satisfying feeling about sweating and then suddenly standing in really cold air. It felt good.

  I stood in front of the freezer for so long that I almost fell asleep. I heard Madeline calling from the other room. They were short and cute little moans, saying my name. I thought I was dreaming and then they got a little louder. I opened my eyes and realized that she was actually calling me.

  I looked to the frame of the bedroom door and didn’t see her standing there, so she must be lying on the bed still. I had a feeling that she needed me. She needed me in a very comforting way. I didn’t want to give in and take advantage of her like this, but I was feeling drawn to her.

  I began to walk toward my bedroom, my groin leading the way. He had a mind of his own right now. I walked into the doorway and looked at her. Her skin was glimmering as she sat up with a big beautiful smile on her face.

  I smiled back at her as she purred my name, and that’s all it took to make me fully erect. She somehow knew and let her towel fall, showing my her perfectly round breasts. Her skin was so tan and golden that in the soft lighting, her breasts looked like two Godiva chocolates.

  Without a further thought, I ripped off my jeans and my shirt and walked toward her in my grey boxer briefs. She slithered like a beautiful snake on my sheets as I slowly climbed on top of her and applied the right amount of pressure to make her lie down as I began kissing her glistening neck. Her fast breathing made her breasts rise and fall.

  Chapter Three


  I had fallen into a deep sleep and woke up with a jolt. I needed Blake. I needed him to hold me and have me. I h
ad spent several minutes calling his name. I was overcome with an odd sensation, but overshadowing it was all the anguish on my mind. I needed his touch to make me feel human.

  His tall and muscular frame appeared through the doorway and he had a look on his face. He looked like a beautiful dirty blond lion, ready to pounce on his sexual prey. And that was me. I wanted so badly to be his sexual prey. I let my towel slip and fall down, exposing my naked body to him.

  I arched my back a bit and then pushed out my breasts for him. He looked like he was about to explode right there in the doorway. He came over to me, and I knew that he was going to have his way with me. He stripped off his clothing and threw them anywhere before approaching the bed.

  I quivered with anticipation as he climbed on top of me and put his manly weight down on me. I began to breathe fast, almost as if I was about to have an orgasm. I was far from it at the moment, but the excitement was getting me off to a good start.

  I inspected his whole body, every inch of it, with my eyes as he came up for air in between kissing my neck and face. He was teasing me by not kissing me fully on the mouth. His body moved in a beautifully choreographed dance. It reminded me of the few ballets I had seen at the New York City Ballet with Dad. This made me sad, so I pushed it out of my mind.

  Blake put more pressure on me as he lay on top of me, and I could feel his huge dick between my legs. This sensation made me wet instantly, and I began to flow like a waterfall. The feel of his boxer briefs was so soft on my skin. “Take them off,” I whispered into his ear as he was kissing my décolletage. He looked up and smiled at me.

  I lost my breath when I saw the actual size of him. It was perfectly long and pink. I had only seen a few in my life, but this was what a man was supposed to look like. Just a perfect work of art in the form of a flesh-covered man. He tossed back a few loose dirty-blond hairs from his forehead and lay right back on top of me. I felt his bare cock between my legs.


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