For Love

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by Jeannette Winters

  For Love

  Jeannette Winters

  An original work of Jeannette Winters, 2018.

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, events, business establishments or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  About the Author

  Synchronized Series

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Also by Jeannette Winters

  By Jeannette Winters & Lena Lane

  Jeannette Winters

  Author Contact



  [email protected]


  Author Jeannette Winters



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  This book is dedicated to all my readers who have asked for me to write another romantic intrigue. I hope you enjoyed reading this series as much I did writing it!!

  Karen Lawson, Janet Hitchcock, E.L. King and Marion Arche, my editors you are all amazing!

  To my readers who continue to inspire me with endless messages and kind words. Always make time for romance.

  Cover design by MLDGraphics

  Hate to say goodbye to your favorite characters? The perfect solution is a Synchronized Series! One world. Three authors. Character cross-over. Triple the amount of books. Binge reading at its best.

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  Each author’s books are full stories you can enjoy individually! But putting them all together weaves an even more pleasurable reading experience.

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  For Love

  Melissa Turchetta loved her brothers, but they could be overprotective. Her only escape was her work, helping veterans recover from their injuries.

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  Former Army Ranger, Chris Stratton, found himself working with the Turchetta’s. Not only did they band together to help others, but they accepted him, even with his troubled past.

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  When a prior patient reaches out for assistance, Melissa can’t say no. Quickly she learns it’s more complicated than anticipated. With no other options, she turns to Chris for help.

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  As the details unfold, Chris finds his own demons fighting to resurface. Unable to bury them again, he’s torn, help Melissa or walk away from it all.

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  Some things you can’t outrun, and others, you’ll only do for love.

  Chapter One

  “This is ridiculous!” Melissa Turchetta snapped, almost spilling her coffee in the process. “My brothers are acting as though I can’t take care of myself.”

  “I’m sure that’s not what they meant,” Ellie said. “I spoke to Josh, and it sounded as though he was glad you’re taking a vacation. Josh said you’ve been going non-stop since . . .”

  Since my sister was killed. The only reason they knew that was because each of them did the same unhealthy thing. It was how they all dealt with their loss. Work until exhaustion so you didn’t need to think about it. But that was why she needed this time. It had been five years since her baby sister, Phoebe, died. Her siblings had all made new lives without Phoebe; Melissa needed to somehow do the same.

  “I’ve always worked hard. It’s a family trait. Or haven’t you noticed that with Josh?”

  Ellie smirked. “I’m not sure he’s ever off work. But I do hope that changes once the—we get married.”

  Melissa looked at Ellie and wondered what Ellie was going to say. Looking closely, she noticed Ellie looked tired. Running a new chain of exotic cupcakes and wedding cakes would explain it, but her gut said there was something more. It was the perfect time to get the focus off her and onto Ellie. Anything beats talking about me.

  “You seem . . . drawn. Is everything okay between you and my brother?”

  Ellie nodded. “Josh is wonderful.”

  Melissa noticed Ellie’s eyes tearing up. “Ellie, you can talk to me about anything. He might be my brother, but you’re important to us too.”

  “I really shouldn’t. It’s Josh’s place to say.”

  “Would you rather I call him and ask? Because I will.” Melissa and Josh were close for the most part. But she wasn’t in the habit of intruding. Well, not too much at least.

  “No. That’s okay. It’s just we don’t want it getting out. Not yet at least.” Melissa nodded and Ellie continued. “I’m pregnant.”

  Melissa couldn’t believe she hadn’t put the signs together. Of course Ellie wasn’t showing, but her exhaustion and emotional state were dead giveaways. And yet another reason I need a vacation.

  “And Josh knows?”

  Ellie’s eyes widened. “Of course. It’s just that I’ve been so sick and we wanted to wait, you know, a little longer.”

  “I won’t say anything. But I’m here if you need me.”

  Ellie smiled. “I appreciate that. And actually, I do need you. Well, Josh and I do.”

  “Anything you need.”

  “You know the little vacation you’re looking forward to?”

  Melissa sighed, “You want me to cancel?”

  “No. Well, maybe alter it a bit?”

  “I can’t vacation here in Rhode Island. I need to get away.” The farther the better.

  “We agree. What I’m suggesting is you get away with us.”

  “I’m not sure that’s the getaway Josh had planned.”

  Ellie shrugged. “It might not be, but he wants to sweep me off to another country, and I know he’ll be working, even though he says he won’t.”

  “I won’t argue with you on that. My brothers have a hard time shutting off their phones and keeping them off.” Personally, Melissa knew she’d be ticked off if she were on a holiday with the man she loved and he didn’t give her all of his attention. But this was Josh. Ellie knows him well. Spending time with Ellie isn’t a hardship. The opposite really. Melissa couldn’t believe she was contemplating going with them. Being the third wheel wasn’t exactly how she envisioned relaxing. Headphones and a good book is all I’m after. “Maybe if you express how much you want his undivided attention.”

  “Melissa, do you know who we’re talking about? This is the same man who brought me here on our first trip, and I spent it with you instead of him.”

  Melissa laughed. “That’s right, and I believe you were supposed to bake for me.”

  “That’s right. If you agree to come with us, I promise, this time I’ll bake whatever you want.”

  “You’re good, but I’m not sure you’re that good. I can’t promise I’ll go, but I will think about it.”

  Ellie threw her arms around Melissa a
nd started bawling her eyes out. “Thank you so much.”

  Melissa wanted to correct her; she hadn’t actually agreed, but Ellie was a hormonal mess at the moment, and she couldn’t bring herself to add to it. Besides, she loved her soon-to-be sister-in-law, and getting to know her better on this trip might be nice. And if Josh gets pulled away, at least Ellie won’t be in a strange place all alone.

  “The doctor told me I need to have less stress, guess my blood pressure was a bit high, so Josh had a passport expedited for me. He doesn’t realize it, but this vacation is stressful. I’ve had so many changes lately, and really, being home with nothing to do sounded pretty good to me.”

  “And Josh planned a trip to Italy?”

  Ellie nodded.

  “Good thing my passport is up-to-date, because it looks like I’m going to Italy.” Taking care of Ellie is what’s important.

  “Oh Melissa, you can’t believe how happy you just made me.” Once again she became teary-eyed. “I hope I don’t cry the entire vacation.”

  Me too. “I’ll pack extra tissues just in case.” Melissa chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. “When are we leaving?”

  “In the morning. Is that too soon for you to get ready?”

  No. Since I was packed to leave tonight. “I do have a few things I need to do to get ready. How about I meet you at the airport?”

  “No way. We’ll pick you up.” Ellie got up and headed to the door. Turning before she left, she said, “See you bright and early.”

  “You bet.”

  Once alone, Melissa sank back into the couch. The one time she was going to do something for herself, and it was hijacked. At least I have tonight. She reached over and picked up the murder mystery she had purchased six months ago. She had made it to the middle of chapter two, but she could barely recall what she’d read. She knew why she’d picked it up though. The main character was a fearless female detective. Out living a life instead of reading about one.

  Melissa had a full life, but even her veteran clients lived on the edge. It was ironic because the Turchettas were all about helping those no one else could. Yet when she argued she was a Turchetta too, her brothers didn’t take her seriously. Their way of keeping her involved was to choose what they thought best, not what she wanted to be part of. That meant her mystery books were the only way she could live the life her brothers forbade her to. Some day this will change. Because change is inevitable. She had sat on the sidelines long enough.

  Melissa scanned the first chapter again and the story all came back to her. It wasn’t exactly what Ellie had experienced, but it sounded damn close. Maybe I should write the intrigue. God knows I’m surrounded by enough of it.

  As she reached a part she hadn’t read yet, her phone rang. She looked at the clock; it was almost eight. Caller ID showed it was Mac Muller, one of her former clients. She hadn’t heard from him in almost a year.

  “Hello Mac, how is everything?” She knew it couldn’t be good if he was calling. He’d lost both legs and his right hand in an IED attack overseas. Mac had sworn he’d return to active duty someday, but after years of therapy, he had come to terms with the fact that it wasn’t ever going to happen. That was probably the most difficult part of her job. Watching their dreams end. Harder still was losing them to depression that sometimes enveloped them soon after. But she cared and loved them all as though they were family. Because in a way, they all were linked by their military service. If she couldn’t serve, at least she could do her part that way. But she hated the reality of knowing one thing. You can’t fix them all.

  “Melissa, I need to see you.” Always the straight shooter.

  “I’m leaving on vacation in the morning. Is it something that can wait until I return?”

  “Can you meet me for coffee tonight?” Mac asked.

  Usually she went to his house for physical therapy, but his willingness to get out seemed like a good sign. Something in his tone made her suspect trouble was brewing.

  “Of course I can.” She never turned anyone down, no matter what time it was. Right now all she could commit to was coffee. Melissa had already said yes to Ellie, and when Melissa agreed to something, she never changed her mind.

  “It’ll take me about an hour, but I’ll meet you at the coffee shop on Sixth Street.”

  “You got it, Mac. Take your time. My night is open.” Or at least it was.

  When the call ended, Melissa got up and changed. Although she was dressed, she wanted to look more professional, more like the person Mac was used to seeing. Once she changed to her pink scrubs, she grabbed her keys and headed to meet Mac. In case she needed to wait for him, she brought her book too.

  As she expected Mac took longer than he’d said. Melissa took a seat by the window so she could see a taxi arrive, but surprisingly Mac had driven himself. He was driving a Dodge wheelchair-accessible van. Seeing him independent, even in a wheelchair, was a sight for sore eyes. Melissa was able to help with the physical pain, but the determination and drive was all on her patients.

  That was the reminder Melissa needed. Her life, although not as she had envisioned it, was meaningful. She closed the book she’d been reading and pushed it aside. That story wasn’t her reality.

  Once Mac was inside, the waitress came over and removed the chair so he could sit across from Melissa. She had been tempted to do that herself, but she wanted him to do everything he could for himself. Of course, the world still looked at Mac as disabled; Melissa knew otherwise.

  “Good to see you, Mac.”

  “I never thought I’d see you again,” Mac replied.

  Melissa asked. “Thought or wanted?”

  Mac laughed. “You know the answer to that question. I believe the last time I saw you I might have said—”

  “I can’t recall. Bad memory I guess.” That was the furthest thing from the truth. She didn’t take notes during her PT sessions because she could recall them as though she’d recorded them on her phone. At least that’s how she processed important things. Remembering to pick up milk or juice on the way home was an entirely different story.

  “Does that mean you don’t remember me talking about my son?” Mac asked.


  “Yeah, that’s him.”

  “How is he doing?” Mac wouldn’t talk much about his personal life, but the one photo he had shared was of him and Chase years ago. She never asked, and he never told her anything more than his name. It probably was the training he’d been given, whatever that was, but Mac was as tightlipped as they came.

  “He needs you.”

  “Me?” Melissa asked shocked. He nodded. “Why?”

  “He . . . was hurt.”

  “I’m very sorry to hear that. What happened?”

  Mac looked down as he answered. “I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to him since he was seven.”

  “Then how do you know he needs me?” Melissa didn’t doubt what Mac was saying, and obviously he had limited information as well.

  “I received a call informing me he’d been injured. When I got to the hospital I found he’d signed himself out.”

  “That’s a good thing, right? I mean, Chase was well enough to leave on his own accord.”

  “He’s his father’s son, if you know what I mean.”

  Thickheaded? Stubborn? “Strong.”

  “That’s one.”

  “Mac, why don’t you reach out to him?” Melissa asked softly. Her question caused pain. Mac’s eyes darkened and he looked up at her.

  “There are some things you can’t fix.”

  She knew he was speaking about his relationship with his son. “With work, with time, maybe—”

  “No. I left him and his mother years ago. I chose my duty over everything else. And when she died, I wasn’t there. Hell, he ended up in foster care because I was so fucked up after my injury. You may have given me my mobility back, but everything that was important to me had already been lost.”

  Chase. “Mac, I wish I could hel
p you, but I’m not sure what I can do.”

  “You can, you just don’t know it,” Mac said firmly.

  “Mac, what aren’t you telling me?” Since Mac was so adamant she was who Chase needed, she deserved an explanation as to why.

  “He . . . works for you. Or should I say, for your brothers.”

  Melissa didn’t know all the members of Turchetta’s Promise, as her brothers intentionally kept her sheltered from much of it. Finding someone named Chase was going to be as easy as a phone call. They might not be forthcoming with information, but if she asked, Melissa didn’t believe they would lie to her.

  “I hadn’t heard of anyone being injured.”

  “Like I said, he’s like me. Chase probably never shared the information. But if he’s out there and not at his full capacity, it could get him killed. I need you to evaluate him, ensure he is fit for . . . duty. I just don’t want him to know why or who asked you to.”

  “Mac, he’s your son. If anyone could talk to him, it would be you.”

  “Melissa, it’s a long story.”

  “I don’t have anything else to do tonight,” Melissa said, nudging Mac to continue.

  “You worked so hard getting me back to the man I am now. But I wasn’t always this way. I hated . . . myself for what I couldn’t control. I was in a very dark place.”

  “I remember.” Over the years Melissa had worked with many veterans, but Mac had been the most difficult. Not only because he was one of her first patients either. He’d been in his early fifties when she was first assigned to him. He had been hospitalized for an infection and had been recommended to her for a short term PT course to build strength. But once she met him she realized his injuries had taken place twenty years earlier and he had never fully addressed them. She looked into his history, and it wasn’t from lack of trying on the VA’s part. Mac had been resistant to everything. It had been one heck of a bumpy ride working with him, but eventually he started to come around. It took a lot more seeing with her heart than her eyes, and she learned his physical injuries were only the start of what torment he had been in. And from the conversation, she believed he still hadn’t fully recovered.


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