For Love

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For Love Page 5

by Jeannette Winters

  Fortunately, because Sirveo was up bright and early. He had warned them that a farmer’s life didn’t have a day off. Melissa would have enjoyed sleeping in a bit. But the smell of coffee lured them out of their rooms, and before she knew it, they were all on a tour of the farm.

  Sirveo explained that he raised goats for milk. Then he used the milk to make cheese to sell to people in the city. Over the years he’d had fewer customers, and getting back and forth to the city had become difficult.

  Melissa could hear how passionate he was about continuing the farm, but there had to be other options. When she was alone with Ellie she asked, “You’re running a successful business. How do you do it?”

  “I struggled for a long time, but Dean Henderson stepped in and gave me some valid pointers. Maybe we can put our brains together and see what we can do for Sirveo,” Ellie suggested. Great minds thought alike.

  “I don’t know anything about goats. Well, nothing more than what Sirveo just told us. That’s a crash course.”

  Ellie said, “It’s like my bakery. I was only doing cupcakes, and when Dean showed me the potential of expanding into other areas, my shops took off. We need to think about what Sirveo could do with goats.”

  “Please don’t suggest putting them in a stew. I think he’d actually cry. Did you see how he knows each of them by name?” Ellie nodded. Melissa continued, “So his issue with the cheese is storing it until he can go into the city. Should we see about getting someone to transport it for him?”

  “That’s one option, but all his profit would go to pay help, and how would he continue to function? I think he’d be in the same situation as he is now. We need to think of something that won’t go bad, and also won’t be a huge investment for him.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable enough to call Dean and ask him, but maybe I can talk Josh into doing it. Heck, he’s stuck at the hotel by himself now. Not that I believe for one minute he’s sitting there bored. He’s probably working.”

  “I know we could ask the Hendersons for help, but I want this to be something we do for Sirveo.”

  “What about lotions made with goat milk?” Ellie asked.

  “Good idea, but you’d need an entire manufacturing plant for that. You’re on the right track.” They sat there, pondering what else there was. It felt hopeless, at the moment. Google is your friend, unless your access to the Internet is intermittent at best. Sirveo came out and said, “Come, wash, and have some biscuits and tea.”

  They followed him inside, and when Melissa grabbed the soap and lathered her hands, a light bulb came on. “This is it.”

  Ellie arched a brow. “It is what?”

  “The soap. He could make goat milk soaps. They won’t go bad and are easy for him to store. And think about the field of flowers on the hills. He could add them to the soap and they would be—”

  “Melissa, do you know anything about making soap?” Ellie asked. Melissa shook her head. “Before we present this to Sirveo, may I suggest we do a lot more research on it? The last thing we need to present him with is something that isn’t feasible. What do you say?”

  Melissa chuckled softly. “I can see I’d make a horrible businesswoman. I’m just so—”

  “Driven. And that is a wonderful thing. Don’t you dare change. But since we don’t know what it entails, we should table this conversation and return to the farm for another visit once we know.”

  “Agreed.” No matter what they decided to do, it was going to require people and some type of financial backing to make it work and be profitable. Devising a strategy would take time and commitment. From what she saw, Sirveo wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, so they could slow down and think this through properly when they returned to the States.

  Melissa found it funny that this place seemed to be growing on everyone. Hydria, Deanna, and Jada were out with the goats earlier, helping Sirveo milk them. It was a sight she was positive no one would believe. Thankfully Melissa had her cell phone. Pictures were going to be necessary, and she was sure her brothers would enjoy them as well.

  Vanessa didn’t seem so interested in the wildlife, and Melissa had a strange feeling this type of environment brought back memories from when Vanessa was on the run. Melissa hadn’t thought about that when they first arrived. She was tempted to go over a few times and see if Vanessa wanted to talk about it. Each time she had gotten close, someone else had scooted Vanessa off to do something. Having her work on the soap project might be exactly what she needed.

  So after dinner, instead of listening to Sirveo play his mandolin, she asked Vanessa to come outside where it was quiet and private. Once they were seated Melissa asked, “Is everything okay?”

  Vanessa said, “I should be asking you that question.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “No wine? And then you spent the entire time close to the farmhouse with Ellie instead of out in the field.”

  “Oh yeah. That.” Melissa had somehow totally let that tidbit of information slip from her mind. It was easy since Ellie didn’t seem to have any morning sickness here either. “Guess the fresh air is agreeing with me.” Or with Ellie.

  “I didn’t want to say anything in front of the others, but I’m pregnant too. I have never been so tired in my life.”

  Vanessa’s little announcement was wonderful news. But she was sharing with the wrong person. She debated if she should come forward and tell her it was Ellie expecting and not her, but she had made a promise. It was getting to be more challenging, but Melissa never broke a promise.

  “That’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you guys.” There were so many questions she wanted to ask—like her due date and such—but since she didn’t want to lie any more than she already had, she left it at that.

  Vanessa nodded. “A lot of changes happening in the Turchetta family.”

  “Gabe must be excited.” Melissa smiled.

  Vanessa shrugged. “Is it wrong that I haven’t told him yet? I took the test after we landed in Italy. I didn’t think this should be something I tell him on the phone.” Melissa patted Vanessa’s hand.

  “I’m sure he’ll be thrilled when you tell him. You guys are going to be wonderful parents.”

  “Thank you, Melissa. It’s funny that you’re the first person I tell. I debated all day if I would say anything or not. I wanted you to know that you’re not the only one feeling a bit run-down right now.”

  The only thing Melissa was feeling was guilty as hell. “We’re going back to the city tomorrow. All the comforts of home will be there. I assume you’ll be heading back to the States?”

  Not that Melissa wasn’t enjoying herself, but it was beginning to seem like one of the secret undercover missions her brothers went on. For the most part, Melissa was doing great. The only problem was she didn’t like playing this game with people she cared about.

  “I was thinking about staying and seeing the sights, but I really should get back to Gabe. He has tried to video call me a few times, and I was able to play it off that the network is horrible. But the last time we spoke, he was talking crazy. Something about making adjustments to the satellite.” Vanessa shook her head. “I can’t believe he was actually going to do that. But I told him absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

  Melissa laughed. “I’m not sure that’s possible. Gabe is crazy about you.”

  “Funny, he doesn’t say it, but he shows it. I guess that’s better. I’ve known too many people who say I love you all the time, and then they treat the person horribly.”

  Like your ex did to you. “I’m glad to hear Gabe treats you right. Turchetta men can be . . . difficult, but they are very protective of women.”

  “But not in a controlling way.”

  “Somehow I don’t think that would fly with any of you ladies. You’re all pretty fierce.” She admired them for their strength. They had all faced so much in their lives. It was a wonder any of them still smiled, but they were the most positive people she’d ever met. It was a testimony to thei
r character.

  “Promise not to say anything to anyone about the baby. I want Gabe and I to announce it when the time is right.”

  “You have my word.” Melissa didn’t know when she became the gatekeeper of secrets. It might have been around the time her brothers all started falling in love. It had been so long since she had another close female that it took a bit of time to get used to. “Are you ready to head back inside? It sounds like things are getting a bit rowdy in there.”

  Vanessa smirked. “Can you believe this is our wild vacation? Sirveo is nearly seventy, playing a mandolin and serenading us.”

  “Don’t forget, he’s also an amazing cook. Maybe we can find him a wife.”

  Vanessa stopped dead in her tracks. “I think you have enough on your plate already, don’t you?”

  That I do. “Maybe you’re right.” Snickering she added, “I’ll keep my eyes open just in case I see the right one for him.”

  Opening the front door, Vanessa said, “I’m still hoping I hear about your right one.”

  Thankfully the music would’ve drowned out any response Melissa would’ve given. She hadn’t thought about who the father could be if she was pregnant, and she was glad Vanessa hadn’t seemed judgmental about “her predicament.” Was she going to have to come up with a fictitious boyfriend as well as a baby? This is why I don’t lie. It’s getting too complicated.

  Tomorrow things would go back to normal, or at least what was normal for her life. And once they were alone again, Melissa would sit down with Ellie and Josh about coming clean with who really was pregnant. If I stay on the farm any longer, I might look like I’m pregnant. Sirveo could sing, play, and cook.

  Finding him a wife might be easier than fixing his issues with his farm. Since Chris seemed to be a friend of Sirveo’s, maybe he’d be willing to assist as well. I doubt he knows any more about making soap than we do. But then again, I never would’ve thought he knew anything about goats either.

  Chris seemed full of surprises. She wondered what else he hadn’t yet revealed. He was out on a mission with David, but maybe they’d share a flight back home. Melissa wouldn’t admit it to him or anyone else, but she wasn’t opposed to spending more time with him. When people said looks were deceiving, they must have been referring to Chris.

  Chapter Five

  The next morning was time to say goodbye to Sirveo and head back into the city. Packed bags in hand, they were about to walk to the end of the road where their ride would pick them up. Sirveo didn’t seem himself at all, and Melissa was worried he wasn’t feeling well. When they were alone she asked, “Is everything okay? Can I do anything for you before we leave?”

  Sirveo shook his head. “No, cara. No dear one, I am well.”

  “You seem . . .” She wasn’t sure how to explain it. Maybe sad or heartbroken.

  “Your visit was short.”

  Ah. Lonely. That was something she could relate to. She hated going home to an empty house. She had thought about getting a cat or dog just to have a reason to go home, but then she would feel bad about leaving them alone for all those hours. Melissa wasn’t about to remind Sirveo that he had his goats.

  “Yes, but we will come back. That is if you’ll allow us to. We all had a wonderful time, and you have been more than kind to us.”

  Instantly Sirveo’s spirits perked up. Smiling, he said, “Come and stay again before you go back to the States.”

  “I’ll try, but I’m not traveling alone.”

  Sirveo gave her a wink and added, “Then bring that man of yours with you. He can fix the fence, and you and I can talk.”

  There was no way he could be referring to Chris. She hadn’t given him any reason to think she and Chris were anything other than friends. The truth was, they weren’t even that. He was friends with her brothers and barely an acquaintance of hers. She did hear his name mentioned in conversations quite often, but nothing on a personal level had been discussed. All work for these guys.

  “I’m not sure who you’re talking about. I do not have a man in my life.”

  Sirveo looked very surprised. “No? Why?”

  She didn’t know how to answer. And now she regretted saying it. “I’m very busy with work.” That seemed simple and honest enough.

  With a big disapproving shake, Sirveo said, “No cara. You need someone to love you, take care of you. It will be very hard to raise the child on your own. Does he know about the child?”

  Oh God. This isn’t good. “I haven’t told anyone. And please, do not worry about me. I’m fine. I’m happy. And yes, I’ll try and come back before I return to the States.”

  Melissa hoped by then Ellie and Josh would have broken the news to the rest of the family, and she could tell Sirveo the truth. Of course he might have me actually working on the farm then. There had been some perks to her so-called condition, but she was going to be happy not to have to lie any longer.

  “Tell Signore Stratton I hope he has time to come by too. We were going to work on the barn, but he was called away too quickly.”

  “I’m not sure if I’ll see him, but if I do, I’ll be sure to pass along the message.”

  “He is not what you think,” Sirveo said softly.

  “I don’t know him that well.” She wouldn’t lie. There were a few times she’d given him a second or third look and thought about what it would be like to get to know him better. But then she remembered he worked with her brothers. She’d never get involved with someone that close to them. If she thought she didn’t have a private life now, it’d be a hundred times worse then.

  “I think he’s a hard-working, kind person.” That much she had be able to assess, based on his role at Turchetta’s Promise and that he came and helped out this sweet man when he could. But if she had just met him in passing, she probably would think he was an arrogant player. His looks fit that assumption perfectly well. He doesn’t have a look that could kill, but he definitely has one that could break a woman’s heart.

  “He is both, but also so much more. If you can get him to come with you when you return, you will see. He is not who everyone thinks he is.”

  It sounded like Sirveo thought Chris was quite a different man when with him. But how would he know who he is when he’s working with Turchetta’s Promise? She was positive Chris wouldn’t have shared that information with Sirveo. If anything, the plane trip over only confirmed her suspicions. It’s like they’re a secret agency no one knows about. They all took their duty seriously, and her brothers worked hard. She was sure Chris had the same attitude, so she was a little confused about what he meant by not being who everyone thought he was. She was tempted to pry further, but the others were waiting, and she didn’t have time for a lengthy explanation. She was probably reading too much into something that had gotten lost in translation. After all, English was not Sirveo’s first language. One thing was crystal clear: Sirveo knew he could trust Chris. That’s what counted the most. That spoke volumes about Chris’s character all in itself.

  “I can’t make any promises for Mr. Stratton, but I have a feeling you’ll be hearing from him again soon.” He won’t let this wonderful man down.

  “Grazie, cara.”

  But as far as Melissa was concerned, she knew all she needed to about Chris. He was an asset to the Turchetta team and kind to Sirveo. Nothing else should matter. But something within her wished he would’ve called or texted even once to check up on her while she was staying on the farm. But he hadn’t. Maybe he didn’t care if she was enjoying herself or not. Or maybe he just assumed she was. What she didn’t know was why she cared either way. She asked for information, he provided it. That should be the end of it. I didn’t want to hear from him anyway. This was my vacation away from it all. And a wonderful one too. The only thing she should do when she saw Chris again was thank him for recommending this lovely place.

  “You’ll be hearing from me as well very soon.”

  “Grazie, cara.” Sirveo picked up Melissa’s hand and kissed the bac
k of it. “Be well.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and said, “Grazie. I will be back. I promise.”

  Melissa rushed off to catch up with the others who had already started up the long bumpy pathway to the street. With each step she understood why the vehicle didn’t want to retrieve them at the house. It was so uneven with rocks and ruts; if she wasn’t wearing the proper shoes, walking wouldn’t have been easy either.

  Laughing softly to herself she thought, Maybe I’ll tell him Sirveo needs him to fix the driveway.

  * * *

  “I thought Rafe wanted us to stay in Runashia.” Chris didn’t want to be stuck there any longer than he had to, but a change of plans out of nowhere didn’t sit well with him. “Now he has us on standby, but not in Runashia. What the hell is going on?”

  “Stone didn’t say, then again, maybe he doesn’t know either. Prince Kalen flips back and forth on what he wants all the time.”

  “David, I can’t believe we’re not heading back to the States.”

  “Italy has its charm.”

  “You mean Jada’s still there,” Chris teased.

  “She sent me a text and said there’s something she wants to talk about but couldn’t over the phone. So yeah, if she’s in Italy, that’s where I’m going.”

  “Did she mention what she thought about the farm?” Chris asked.

  “No. Which really surprised me. The way you had described it I thought for sure she would’ve mentioned something, good or bad.”

  I’m shocked too. “Guess you’ll find out shortly since we’re going to be landing soon.”

  Chris shouldn’t care at all, but he was kind of protective of the old guy. He might not be family, but if he could pick one, Sirveo would be included. There was something about him. Sirveo had a way of knowing exactly what to say and also when to stay silent. After Chris left the Army, he’d decided to take a much-needed vacation, mostly from all the nagging medical professionals telling him what he needed to do to fully recover. How he found a farm in the middle of nowhere was a story all in itself. Chris didn’t normally believe in fate or luck, but whatever it was, he was glad he had boarded the plane and followed his gut.


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