For Love

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For Love Page 12

by Jeannette Winters

  He really wanted to go for the walk with her but knew it was for a selfish reason. When they returned to Rome, he was going to be David’s second in command and there was no room for the complications Melissa would bring. Besides, he’d already crossed the line and started to think of her more often than he should. Hell, after talking to his mother his first thought had been how well the two would get along.

  It was easy to explain his protectiveness of Melissa. David had asked him to and she was a Turchetta. They watched out for each other and that included their extended families. Because Chris had chosen not to admit he had one, didn’t mean the Turchettas didn’t know about his parents. Gabe was so proficient at his background checks that he probably knew more about Chris’s family history than Chris did himself. It was sad, but true.

  But the way his hands lingered on Melissa’s thighs when they’d finally gotten off the ladder had nothing to do with loyalty or family obligations. His body had been fucking with his mind, making him want something he should never, could never, have. If the week hadn’t ended, Chris may have needed to lie and come up with an excuse to leave. The longer they were there, the more he wanted to stay, and it had nothing to do with Sirveo. Chris knew next time there was a detail surrounding Melissa, he’d need to back the hell out. Not because he didn’t want it, but because he knew he’d fucking kill anyone who even came close to hurting her.

  He’d walked by her bedroom several times last night, hoping she’d change her mind and come out of her little hiding spot. But she’d been smart and kept herself locked away. Chris now was functioning on no sleep, no coffee, and the only thing he had to look forward to was a few hours drive crammed into the backseat of a compact vehicle. It’d been one thing on the way there. Chris had been so focused on where the truck driver’s hands and eyes were that he hadn’t had time to think about putting his own hands on Melissa. There wouldn’t be such a distraction on the trip back, and he knew each bump in the road would be a sweet torment. Damn. I need to get some distance between us.

  “Are you ready? The car should be here soon,” Melissa announced as she left her room.

  Chris noticed she was dressed with her bag in hand. “Anxious to leave?”

  Melissa didn’t even look at him as she replied, “If you recall, I’m on vacation. There are a few things I’d like to see before I go home.”

  Her words were convincing, but her body language said otherwise. He could see her tension. Melissa could say whatever she wanted, but she wasn’t looking forward to being back in the city. He really couldn’t tell why. Was it because she was once again going to feel like the third wheel, or could it be she’d fallen in love with the place? It definitely was different from her oceanfront house back in Rhode Island.

  “The farm and your home both have a charm you can’t find many places, not even in Rome.”

  She turned and asked, “What do you know about my home?” Then she raised her hand and said, “Never mind. I forgot for a second what . . . who you are.”

  He cocked a brow. “That sounds like I’m some creep or a stalker or something.”

  “No. You’re neither. But you’re—”

  “The help?” Chris asked sarcastically. She glared at him and he knew he wasn’t far off on his assumption.

  “I was going to say . . . that you work with my brothers.”

  “Either way, you’re right. Everything I had known about you had been through them. But that was before. I’d like to think that had changed after this week.” She didn’t say a word. “Or maybe not,” Chris added.

  Melissa softened a bit and said, “Chris, I’m trying not to think about it.”

  “About what?”

  “Our time here. I’m . . . going to miss it.”

  He stepped over and touched her shoulder. “It’s never easy leaving here. If you notice, Sirveo hasn’t left his room either. Trust me, he’s wide awake, but he won’t come out until he knows we are gone.”

  “This part really sucks.”

  It sure does. “And that’s why we come back. Because we all need something to look forward to. If you like it so much, maybe you want to come back with me when I return in a few months?”

  “You can’t tell me I was that much help. If anything I think I slowed you down,” Melissa said.

  Chris chuckled. “There were times you were a help and others . . . that I could’ve done without your . . . assistance. But at no time were you ever not wanted. By the way, nice job on that fence.”

  “You noticed,” Melissa said as though shocked.

  “I don’t miss much.” And definitely nothing that has to do with you. He hadn’t been spying on her, but from the viewpoint in the loft of the barn, he could see her far off in the distance working on the downed part of the fence. He’d been tempted to go help her, but he didn’t want her to think he didn’t trust her to do it right. That didn’t mean when she wasn’t looking he hadn’t gone and checked it out. It wasn’t done in the way he would’ve done it, but it would hold and that was all that mattered. “I’m sure Sirveo wouldn’t mind having you back.”

  “I’m sure Sirveo could do without my help.”

  “But maybe I can’t. So I guess I’m asking you back. That is if you want to.” Chris figured she’d leap at the chance since she didn’t seem like she wanted to leave.

  For the first time in twenty-four hours Melissa finally smiled. “I’d really like that, thank you.”

  If it wasn’t for David waiting for him, Chris would intentionally blow off the car waiting at the end of the driveway. “Well if we don’t get going, our ride will think we changed our mind and neither of us will be going anywhere.”

  “If you noticed, I’m the one standing here with my suitcase. So I believe you’re the one holding us up.”

  It wasn’t what he wanted, but Chris dropped his hand from her shoulder, picked up his duffle bag, and said, “Then let’s make tracks while we still can.” He held the door open for her and watched as she started down the pathway. Chris waited a few seconds, lingering at the doorway. He could catch up to her easily but as he suspected, Sirveo opened his bedroom door yet didn’t fully leave his room. Instead Sirveo gave Chris a quick nod and said, “See you again soon Signore Stratton?”

  Chris knew there was work left incomplete, but Sirveo wasn’t asking for that purpose. This visit was different. Was it because of Melissa or was things beginning to change for Sirveo as well. He’s not getting any younger. Chris was going to make a point of coming more frequently. It was odd, he was the guy who tried to keep to himself, now he was committing his time to so many, he might not get much time alone.

  Chris answered him, “Definitely.”

  He was about to shut the door when Sirveo added, “Take care of Signora Turchetta. She needs you. Especially now.”

  He wasn’t sure why now opposed to any other time. Maybe because you’re a bit fond of her too. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on her.” Chris shut the door and sprinted to catch up to Melissa who was already by the car waiting for him.

  “I thought you’d changed your mind and I was leaving without you,” Melissa teased.

  “No such luck. You’re stuck crammed in there with me for the next three hours.”

  As they squeezed inside, Melissa laughed, “Good thing Sirveo didn’t get up and make us one of his huge breakfasts. Because I’m not sure we’d fit.”

  Options for transportation out here were limited, but some were a hell of a lot worse than the one they had sent. At least the seats didn’t have a mass of springs poking through, and it didn’t smell like it was stored in a barn that hadn’t been cleaned in months.

  They weren’t even on their way before his phone started blowing up with text messages from David. Chris checked the first few, and it seemed Prince Kalen had finally made up his mind about what to do. But with Melissa so close, he couldn’t get the details. His response to David was brief and to the point.


  “Is everyth
ing okay?” Melissa asked.

  Damn it. No matter how slick he tried to be, he had to remember she was a Turchetta. She knew the score. Odds were that if texts were flying that quickly, it meant someone was in trouble. Chris thankfully didn’t have details, so when he answered he wasn’t lying.

  “Just status updates. Nothing important.” Yet. He slipped the phone into his pocket. Melissa seemed to accept his answer and settled back in her seat. But Chris didn’t mind the distraction of the Prince. It provided him something to think about besides Melissa leaning up against him. When he looked in her direction, she was practically asleep.

  The car hit a pothole and they bounced in their seat. Chris reached up and put an arm around her shoulders so her head didn’t hit the side window. That pulled her closer to him and Melissa nestled into his chest. The sweet scent of lavender filled his nostrils as his hand stroked her long dark hair. He so badly wanted to tilt her head up to him and claim those lips that were begging to be kissed. A soft sigh left her lips and she snuggled even closer. Chris needed to control the need building within him. No way was he starting something they weren’t going to be able to finish. It wasn’t just the fact they were in the back seat of a moving vehicle either. The wall he’d started putting up last night was there for a reason, and he couldn’t allow himself to forget that. All the members of the team needed him to be on point and that included her brothers as well. He stopped touching her hair and let his hand rest gently on her back, then closed his own eyes. He was in dire need of sleep, but that wasn’t going to happen. Not with her there, and definitely not with her curled up on him. At least one of us will enjoy the ride.

  The enjoyment was bittersweet as the driver announced they were arriving at the hotel in a few minutes. Chris wasn’t ready to let her go, but then again, he didn’t want to pull up and find either David or Josh standing there to greet them. He wasn’t concerned about the questions or acquisitions he might face. He didn’t care who they were, his personal life was just that. Melissa, however, might not feel the same.

  “Melissa. We’re almost there. Wake up,” Chris said, trying to coax her to sit up. All she did was melt farther into him. “Honey, rise and shine.”

  She moaned and placed her hand on his upper thigh. Oh fuck. The closer they got, the worse it looked. But it feels so damn good. Chris couldn’t delay any longer. He reached out, reluctantly moved her hand, and slipped his arm from behind her. As she leaned against the back seat again she began to stir and finally her eyes opened.

  “Where are we?” Melissa asked.

  “About to pull up to the hotel. So fix your hair so they don’t think we were . . . more cozy than we were.” Chris’s tone was intentionally lacking any emotion. It already was an awkward moment, he didn’t need any fluff added where it wasn’t needed.

  Melissa pulled herself away from him, and with her fingers she smoothed out her hair just in time. As Chris suspected, the arrival was expected and both of her brothers were there.

  David opened the door and Chris got out first. He wanted to reach in and offer his hand to Melissa but decided it was time to change his roll. Grabbing his bag out of the trunk, he said to the guys, “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready for the briefing.”

  Josh said, “We’ll meet you in your room.”

  “Roger,” Chris replied and walked into the hotel, leaving them to escort Melissa inside.

  Fuck. I didn’t say goodbye to her. I really am an ass. But he figured she knew that even before she agreed to go with him to the farm. I can only be who I am. And that’s no catch.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Don’t even try that with me. I can tell from the look on your face more than milking goats took place,” Ellie said.

  Melissa laughed and held up her hands. “You’re right. Look at these blisters.”

  “I’m not talking about work and you know it. There’s a glow in you.”

  “Ellie, you’re the one with the glow, or have you forgotten?” Desperate to change the subject she said, “Have you and Josh told anyone about the baby yet?” Ellie shook her head. Come on, what are you guys waiting for? “You do know that people think I’m the one who’s pregnant. It would be nice if the truth came out.” And then maybe Vanessa will come clean too.

  “We are going to tell everyone, we’re just waiting for the right time.”

  “Ellie, there isn’t a good or bad time. It’s a baby. We have planning to do. A baby shower to plan, gifts to buy.”

  “I know. I’ll talk to Josh. We were hoping to have all the family together when we made the announcement.”

  “You know, maybe you should talk to Vanessa and see if she has any suggestions for you.” Melissa wasn’t trying to push Ellie onto Vanessa, but maybe if the two started talking, they would be able to share with the family at the same time. This was getting to be too much. Melissa couldn’t stand carrying this secret any longer.

  “Are you kidding me? If I tell Vanessa and Gabe finds out, the entire world will know,” Ellie said as she dropped onto the couch. “Maybe we can wait until I start to show and then we don’t have to tell anyone.”

  Melissa pointed. “I’ve only been gone a week and I hate to tell you Ellie, but you have a little belly bump.”

  Ellie reached down with both hands on her stomach. “You really can see it? I thought it was my imagination.”

  “I only noticed it because I know it’s there. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the others start seeing it. I take it you haven’t been sitting by the pool?” Ellie shook her head. “Well you can’t hide up here in your room the entire trip.”

  Ellie wrinkled her nose. “Jada and David were too . . . preoccupied to have even noticed Josh and I were staying in the same hotel.”

  David wasn’t too busy to check up on me. “Then I guess everyone is enjoying their time in Italy.”

  Ellie patted the spot next to her and Melissa sat down. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re in the way. I wouldn’t have invited you if you were. This is a . . . very scary time for me, and I don’t have any family of my own to share it with. If I tell Josh I’m nervous, he’ll freak out.”

  Melissa reached out and held Ellie’s hand. “Ellie, you are family. I’m here for you anytime you want to talk.” She didn’t know what Ellie was afraid of, but pregnancy played havoc with a woman’s emotions. “Is there something I should know?”

  Ellie said, “I’ve been so sick every morning and now it’s starting during the day too. The thought of food makes me . . . queasy.”

  “I know you might not want to hear this, but maybe you’d feel better at home. Your normal routine. Better control over your diet, which might help settle your stomach. And there’s nothing better than being in your own bed.” Because if it was me, that’s where I’d be. Heck, I want to be there now, and I’m not having a baby. She’d been excited to see Rome, but without Chris, sightseeing didn’t hold the same appeal to her.

  “Would you be disappointed if we left?” Ellie asked. “I mean you have spent most of your time here on a goat farm. That’s not what I would call a vacation.”

  “It’s strange, but . . . I couldn’t have asked for a better one.” Melissa meant that too. If she and Chris had gone somewhere alone, she wouldn’t have gotten to see the side of him she saw working at the farm. It was enlightening. I think I know a part of him that even my brothers don’t know. Chris was back on duty and she wasn’t going to get to see him anymore. Now she’d only be sitting in her room missing him. She didn’t need to pay a hotel bill to do that. “How would Josh feel about leaving?”

  Ellie shrugged. “I think he’ll be joining David and Chris. I overheard him talking about some fancy event where they needed someone on the inside.”

  “And you think Josh is going to volunteer?” Melissa hoped not. The last thing she wanted was him risking his life right now. Ellie and their unborn child needed him home with them.

  “It seems that way.”

  “Why don’t you pack. I’m go
ing to go do the same. I think you’re right. Rhode Island, here we come.” Melissa got up and headed for the door.

  “Thanks for understanding, Melissa.”

  She turned and looked at Ellie who was still on the couch, but this time tears were rolling down her cheeks. Her heart ached for Ellie. She had reason to be scared. Melissa wasn’t sure how, but she was going to help set some of those concerns aside.

  “I’ll be ready in a few hours. Just let me know when you’re set.” Melissa headed to her room, but took a detour. She remembered hearing about a meeting taking place in Chris’s room. She needed to speak to Josh but not on the phone. If he wouldn’t step out to talk to her, then he was going to get an earful in front of everyone.

  She got to his door and knocked. Melissa could hear them inside, but no one answered. So she knocked harder and said, “We need to talk.”

  The door opened and Chris stood there, not looking too happy to see her. “Melissa, this isn’t a good time.”

  “I don’t mean you.” Pushing past him, she went into his room and stood in front of Josh. “It’s you I need to speak to.” Melissa had no idea why her tone was so harsh. Josh hadn’t done anything, at least nothing confirmed yet. She shouldn’t be here accusing him of not putting his family first. Slow down. Talk and listen. Then chew his butt out if his answer is . . . wrong.

  “Is there something wrong with Ellie?” Josh asked.

  “Not yet, but if you go on this . . . whatever it is . . . there might be.”

  “Melissa, we are working here. Go to your room and when we’re done, I’ll call you.”

  Oh no you don’t. She had promised Ellie, at least in her own mind, that she’d take care of this, and Melissa wasn’t leaving until she did.

  “I’m not a child you can dismiss. But speaking of children—”

  Josh’s eyes widened. “Is there something wrong with the baby?”


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