Her Very Strict Captain

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Her Very Strict Captain Page 18

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “We won’t be,” he muttered, trying to gather his wits. “I’ll be docking on the other side of the island and asking Emily to pick us up. Hey, Elizabeth…”


  He took a breath. “I was going to say that.”

  “About the camp being so close to the safehouse?”

  “No, the flawless synchronicity being like you and me.”

  “You were? Really?”


  “I just got goosebumps,” she said happily, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.

  Not sure how to respond, he just grinned, but a rare wave of joy flowed through his heart.

  “Scott, speaking of that island, why is it so lightly populated? The cove is gorgeous, but it seems like no one goes there.”

  “Ah, there’s a very good reason for that. Apparently you missed the signs.”

  “I guess I had my mind on other things. What signs?”

  “Large, triangular metal ones that say Danger: Sand Bank in bright red letters, then details about what to watch for.”

  “Does the tide come in really fast?”

  “It’s not that kind of sand bank. You wade in, and suddenly the sand drops off, like a cliff edge. It’s extremely dangerous for youngsters. One minute the water is only up to their thighs, then suddenly it’s way over their heads. It panics adults as well.”

  “Oh, my gosh.”

  “If the conditions are right and you look down at the beach from the backyard, you can see the abrupt change in depth. The light aqua is the shallow part, then it’s much darker.”

  “Now that you mention it, I did notice that. Shit. I’m glad I didn’t go for a swim the day I was down there.”

  “It’s freaky. You’re swimming along looking down at the sand, then suddenly you’re over a bottomless pit.”

  “The stuff of nightmares,” she mumbled, but they’d reached the top of the island, and she gazed out at the incredible view. “It’s unsettling to think of Conchello using this beautiful place to do his dirty work.”

  “He won’t be in business much longer,” Scott remarked solemnly. “Others will try to take his place, but whales like Sonny Conchello don’t come along every day.”

  “So, during the party, what will I be doing?”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “Can’t you guess?”

  “I’m sorry to say I can. Joining the team and going into the house is out of the question. This won’t be like a raid. No smashing through the doors with all guns blazing.”

  “Scott, I’ve been working to get Conchello for ages. I lost my partner and was almost killed in Los Angeles,” she declared, her voice rising. “You said yourself this operation came together because of me. Don’t you think I deserve to be there when you slap the cuffs on his wrists and lead him out of that estate?”

  “Hey, you need—”

  “I know you’re in charge,” she snapped, cutting him off, “but if I’m not there I’ll be really pissed, so do your job. Be the boss you claim to be and figure it out.”

  * * *

  Scott’s first thought was to deliver a tongue lashing and put Elizabeth in her place, but he had a unique understanding of her compelling desire to be there when Conchello was taken into custody.

  “Take a breath,” he said calmly. “I agree.”

  “You do?” she exclaimed, staring at him with wide eyes.

  “I mean, I appreciate how you feel. I’ve been there,” he continued as he drove the Jeep down the hill. “In Afghanistan I’d been leading a team trying to nab an important target for months. We finally had him trapped. Or so we thought. While we were hunkered down watching a shit hole, he was being picked up about ten miles away. I was relieved he’d been caught, but I was pissed my team and I had been denied the honor, especially after everything we’d suffered through.”

  “So… what are you saying?”

  “You can be there, but you can’t go in. Conchello would know you in a heartbeat. If he spotted you before we were ready to make our move it would blow the whole thing sky high, and before you suggest it, I’m not trusting your life or the operation to a blonde wig.”

  Glancing across at her, he saw her disappointment.

  “Don’t forget, he’s been hunting for you,” Scott added. “He’s probably got your picture out all over the place, and I’ll lay odds it’s not that crappy image Dan Miller showed me.”

  “Now that you mention it, I wonder where Dan got that picture and why he’s using it. The way you described how I look, it sounds really old. Mind you, if anyone was caught taking a photograph at the mansion, God have mercy on their soul. Conchello is really paranoid.”

  “The point is, Elizabeth, you can’t go inside the estate.”

  “I guess not,” she mumbled with a resigned sigh.

  “But we’ll have a surveillance vehicle outside. I’ll make sure you’re in it.”

  “That would be fantastic, thank you.”

  “We need to be very careful when we arrive in St. John. I’m sure Conchello will have eyes everywhere. That’s when the blonde wig might come in handy.”

  “Don’t you get annoyed having to travel from island to island all the time?”

  He laughed. “It’s just like getting on a freeway in L.A. But I travel on the water and enjoy the trip, instead of being on a concrete highway with crazy drivers zipping in and out of lanes, or worse, getting stuck in a traffic jam.”

  “I hadn’t thought of it that way. I guess you’re right.”

  “I usually am.”

  “I’m glad you said usually.”

  “There’s the marina,” he remarked, pointing toward the bay.

  “Do you see the boat?”

  “There will be two. One will be taking back the guy delivering ours. Elizabeth, Dan couldn’t have made it here before we did, but we have to consider the possibility Conchello will have people down there looking for you, maybe even for the two of us together. Remember, this is where I was docked when you found me.”

  “Shit. What should we do?”

  “There’s a baseball cap and sunglasses in the glove compartment. Tuck your hair up. That will help, and you need to smile a lot, like you don’t have a care in the world. Body language and facial expressions give off subliminal messages.”

  Leaning across the console, she kissed him on the cheek. “You’re amazing, Captain Scott.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” he replied with a grin, “though your manners could use a little work. But we’ll talk about that later.”

  “Of course we will,” she quipped, rolling her eyes. “Look, I see two speedboats coming in. Is that them?”

  Slowing the Jeep, he could see the navy hulled vessels cruising toward the marina.

  “Yep, that’s them,” he replied, pulling his phone from his pocket. “Get that cap on. I’ll let them know we’re almost there.”

  * * *

  When Dan Miller had escaped from the van, he’d been smart enough to run up the hill, not down into the area near the township. But as his long legs had carried him at a fast clip through the tropical forest, he’d been startled to hear a vehicle coming up behind him. Darting behind a tree, he’d spied a Jeep driving through the foliage on a cleared, narrow track. Crouching behind the lush vegetation as it passed, he’d been shocked to see Elizabeth in the passenger seat.

  Using the plants and ferns for cover, he’d hurriedly followed its track, reaching a clearing just in time to see Scott Specter and Elizabeth walking into a small house. He’d wanted to chase after them, but fought the temptation. Scott Specter was one tough guy, and if the house was where the van had picked up Jim Parker, it probably had high-tech security.

  Out of the ether, an idea had popped into his head.

  Creeping up to the Jeep and peering through the rear window, he spied a custom made cover hiding the cargo area. The rear door had been unlocked, and he’d discovered the shelf wasn’t fixed, but sat snugly in place. Twisting his
body into the confined space, he’d reached out his gangly arm and pulled the tailgate closed.

  Listening to their conversation on the drive had been fascinating. He’d only vaguely heard of David Clark, but that didn’t interest him as much as learning about Scott’s house above Conchello’s new base. Dan knew exactly where the encampment was.

  Initially the idea that Scott could put Conchello out of business had been laughable, but the more Dan had listened, the more he’d realized the drug lord’s majestic estate wouldn’t be subject to anything like a police raid. The operation had sounded sophisticated, and included capturing Conchello’s new base on the small island. Dan knew a huge supply of narcotics would be found there, and a formidable cache of weapons.

  As the Jeep finally slowed, then came to a stop, the information continued to swirl through his brain. He needed to get to Elizabeth before it all went down. Listening to her and Scott open and close their doors, Dan held his breath. They collected their bags from the back seat, and a moment later he heard the click of the door locks. Unable to check his watch, he counted to sixty, then started over. When five minutes had passed, he pushed his body against the cover. It raised up, and he cautiously lifted his head.

  Peering out the window, he found he was in the marina parking lot. A few people wandered around, but not close enough to be of concern. Maneuvering the shelf out of the way, he slid his thin, lanky body over the back seat, popped the door locks, and stepped outside. Lifting his hand to his brow to shield his eyes from the sun, he studied the dock and spotted Scott and Elizabeth leaving the dock in a navy blue speedboat.

  Though Dan knew they were going to the island, with no money or identification he was stuck. Hoping for a miracle, he climbed into the passenger seat and opened the glovebox. Finding only a vehicle manual in a leather case, a pack of gum, and two cigar cylinders, he let out a disappointed grunt.

  The image of the rolls of bills inside the toilet tissue flashed through his head. Snatching up one of the aluminum tubes, he pulled off the top and peered inside. Staring up at him was a small brass key.

  Chapter 23

  The speedy trip across the harbor in the powerful speedboat was uneventful, and waiting on the dock, Emily was her usual chatty self. Though Elizabeth smiled and nodded, Scott thought she seemed unusually reserved. When she voluntarily climbed into the back seat and stared out the window, he knew something was on her mind.

  During the drive over the hill, Emily told them about the groceries she’d brought in, along with a pan of lasagna, then asked about the operation. Scott gave her a bullet point account.

  “I won’t come in,” she declared as she rolled to a stop in front of the house. “I’m sure you have a lot to do.”

  “Thanks, Emily,” he said, pecking her on the cheek. “I’ll keep you posted as things develop.”

  “Bye, Emily, I’m sure I’ll see you again soon,” Elizabeth said quietly.

  As she stepped from the car and walked inside without looking back, Scott quickly followed, catching up to see her enter the bedroom, drop her bag on the floor, and flop backwards on the bed.

  “What’s up?” he asked softly, sitting on the edge of the mattress. “Don’t tell me you’re fine, because it’s obvious you’re not.”

  “No, I’m not,” she admitted with a weary sigh. “I’m tired, I mean, deep down bone tired, and my head keeps going around and around thinking about Conchello, the operation, why Dan killed Jim, where is he now, what’s he planning, and on and on…”

  “Things have been pretty crazy, and I know finding Jim was a shock.”

  “Finding Jim was a shock,” she repeated, mumbling the words, “but learning who he really is—or rather was—is a shock on steroids. It’s so much to take in. Ugh, I feel disgusting,” she grunted, making a face. “I’m desperate for a long hot bath, but I don’t have the energy.”

  “If a long hot bath is what you need, a long hot bath is what you’ll have. I’ll start the water.”

  “Don’t you need to meet with Jack? Shouldn’t he be here by now?”

  “He’ll show up. I’m not worried. You relax. I’ll be right back.”

  “Scott…” she said softly, taking his hand as he rose to his feet, “thanks.”

  Hearing a hint of emotion, he sat back down. “Hey, this will all work out.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Nope, I know so.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “I’m really good at my job,” he replied with a grin, then leaning forward and shooting her a wink, he added, “and everything is falling into place with flawless synchronicity.”

  As the hint of a smile curled her lips, he stood back up and moved into the bathroom. Turning on the faucets, he searched out the shower gel and dropped a few dollops into the tub. Watching the water turning to foam, he left the container on the side of the tub and returned to the bedroom, but as he approached the bed two quick beeps echoed through the air.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, seeing the look of alarm cross her face. “That’s just the front door announcing Jack’s arrival.”

  “Will your meeting take very long?”

  “That depends on how much he has to tell me, and by the way, he’ll be staying here. He has a room upstairs. With the operation happening tomorrow night it makes no sense for him to go back to St. Thomas.”

  “I can’t quite wrap my brain around how soon you’ll be going in.”

  “We’ve always known the opportunity would pop up this way, it’s just the nature of the beast, but we’re prepared for it. I have to go and speak with Jack. Take your bath and relax, that’s an order.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain, and thanks again.”

  “You’re welcome,” he murmured, planting a quick soft kiss on her lips.

  Striding from the room and walking quickly down the hall, he entered the security room and found Jack working on the computer.

  “Hey, Jack.”

  “Hi, Scott, I still can’t believe Dan Miller shot Jim Parker. What the hell was that about?”

  “No idea,” Scott replied, a frown crossing his brow, “but I hope we find Dan fast.”

  “Any problems getting here?”

  “Nope, but what’s going on with you? How are things looking for tonight, and where’s David Clark?”

  “Perched on a hill watching the compound. He wants to make sure no one discovers we’ve sabotaged the traps. I think he wants to get Conchello more than we do.”

  “After months risking his life and being around that bastard I’m not surprised,” Scott remarked. “What about the security cameras?”

  “You’ll love this,” Jack replied, his fingers flying across the keyboard. “The password David had still works.”

  “How many cameras are there?” Scott asked as half a dozen views appeared on the monitor.

  “You’re looking at them. Three cover the beach and three more around the actual camp. I can turn them off and on at will. In the meantime, we can monitor everything that’s going on.”

  “Jack, this is brilliant.”

  “Yeah, it feels good. What about you?”

  “Dan Miller is our only loose end, but I’m not too worried about him. He has no idea where Elizabeth is, and with our people, the police, and Conchello all looking for him, he can’t show his face anywhere. Operation Justice is full steam ahead. It’s time to call Frank.”

  * * *

  The mysterious key tucked safely away in a button-down pocket, Dan’s hopeful hunt for a secret compartment inside the Jeep had been fruitless. The only area left to search was where he’d been hiding. Wishing he didn’t have to expose himself, he climbed out, walked quickly around the vehicle, and swung open the rear door. Moving away the custom shelf and pulling up the cover to the storage area, he discovered a variety of tools and a plastic tote bag. Frustrated and angry, but not ready to give up, he shoved them off to the side.

  His heart skipped.

  They had been covering a small loc

  Urgently retrieving the key, he pushed it into place, turned it to the right, and tugged up the lid. Going through the contents inside the metal container, he let out a low whistle. An envelope contained thousands in cash, a hooded black parka, a small handgun with a case of bullets, and a cell phone.

  Elizabeth and Scott wouldn’t be returning.

  The vehicle was the perfect place to hide until he could venture out after sunset.

  * * *

  Relaxing in the hot, foamy suds, Elizabeth had drifted away. Thinking she’d heard Scott’s voice, she slowly opened her eyes. He was standing over the tub smiling down at her.

  “Hi,” she murmured groggily. “Did Jack leave already, or is he upstairs?”

  “He had to go, but he’ll be back in a couple of hours. I didn’t expect to find you still in here,” he remarked, placing his hand in the water. “This is barely warm.”

  “I guess I dozed off.”

  “I guess you did.”

  “Is everything okay? Did he run into any problems?”

  “Taking over that compound will be a piece of cake,” Scott replied confidently.

  “That’s great, I hope the same will be true for Conchello’s estate.”

  “My tech guy will be running interference with the security system, and our agents at the catering company will be pivotal, but enough about that. How are you feeling?”

  “Much better. I’m ready for whatever comes next.”

  “Just what I wanted to hear,” he said with a grin. “I’m jumping in the shower. Get out and towel off, but stay naked and wait for me on the bed.”

  “Is that an order, Captain?” she asked with a sassy grin.

  “Absolutely, we could both use a distraction.”

  He reached for her hand and helped her up, but as she stepped over the side of the bath, she leaned her wet body against him.

  “I think I’d rather stay here,” she murmured, lowering her hand and grasping his cock over the thin cotton trousers.


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