Mountain Man Taken

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Mountain Man Taken Page 3

by Turner, Olivia T.

  “You’re not going to kill me?”

  He huffs out a deep breath. “No, little fox. I have better plans for you.”

  I swallow hard as I stare up into his dark eyes. “Like what?”

  He starts breathing a little heavier as his eyes make their way down my naked tingling body until they stop at the thin tuft of hair over my pussy.

  “Let’s just say, I would have fought that bear to the death for a taste of your honey.”

  Now it’s my turn to start breathing a little heavier.

  I shouldn’t be attracted to this caveman and I keep telling myself that I’m not, but I can only lie to myself for so long. My body is sending me other signals and although I’m trying to ignore them, they’re incredibly persistent.

  He just saved my life. I would have been that bear’s lunch if he hadn’t followed me after I ran away from him. I told him to leave me alone, but he followed anyway. A part of me worries that he has something worse in store for me, but the other part of me—my lower half—wants to roll the dice and find out.

  I watch as he walks over to where I dropped my shorts on the path and swallow hard as he picks them up.

  “Can I have them please?”

  He looks at me with a hard stare and my heart starts pounding in my chest. Does this guy ever smile? He’s got a rough face with hard features, but the end result is incredibly sexy. His look strikes something deep and primal in me. Probably left over from my cavewoman ancestors who liked to pick the biggest, baddest barbarian on the block to protect them.

  I’m seeing the appeal of picking a strong protector now that I’m pretty much lost in the woods and I’ve just been attacked by a bear, but who is going to protect me from him?

  “Can I have my shorts?”

  “Your shorts?”

  “Yes. They’re mine.”

  He shakes his head as he stares at me with heated eyes. “I told you. Everything on this mountain is mine. These shorts included.”

  I push up to my feet and face him. “You don’t want to give them to me? Fine. I’ll finish the trek like this.”

  He just watches as I charge forward, slamming my shoulder into his arm as I pass him. I act tough, but that hurt. His muscular arm is as hard as a rock.

  “My cabin is this way,” he says when I have my back to him.

  I give him a sarcastic laugh. “Your cabin? Are you kidding me? I’d rather cuddle up with that bear.”

  “Then you will.”

  My feet stop as my blood runs cold. What?

  “You think he’s going to leave you alone now that he’s smelled that sweet scent of honey between your legs? He’ll be back. And I won’t be there to protect you the next time.”

  There’s a tenseness in my stomach as indecision weighs heavily on me.

  Why did I even come out here? I should have just slept on a bench in the park.

  Nothing has ever been easy in my life and I just want to close my eyes and let someone take care of me for once. Let them make the tough decisions. I’m sick of it.

  “You won’t survive the night out here,” he says in a low warning voice. “If it’s not that bear, then it will be the wolves or the mountain lions.”

  Wolves? Mountain lions?

  My whole body shudders as I think about another vicious animal breathing its hot breath on my naked skin. The fact that I have no clothes on is making everything even worse.

  “If it’s not the animals then it will be your dwindling supplies. How much food do you have in there? How many water filtration tablets do you have left?”

  My brow furrows as I rummage through my backpack, quickly counting what I have left.

  “Where did they go?” I ask, looking through my meager supplies in a panic. “Where are my tablets?”

  Without them, I’ll have no filtered water to drink. I’ll get dehydrated and have no choice but to drink the river water. I could get really sick. I could even die.

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out my filtration tablets.

  “You took them! Give them back!”

  He shakes his head as he slides them back into his pockets. “You’re coming with me.”

  “Like hell I am!”

  “It’s not safe out here for a young inexperienced girl like you. You’ll come back to my cabin. You’ll stay with me.”

  I violently shake my head from side to side as I cross my arms in defiance. “No, I won’t.”

  “This isn’t a request.” His tone comes out rougher and is oozing with dominance. “You’ll come with me or I’ll tie you up and carry you over my shoulder.”

  “Then I guess you better get the rope, Tarzan, because I’m not going anywhere.”

  We stare at each other for a long tense moment and then he steps forward with a determined look on his face.

  I turn to run, but he grabs my backpack and pulls me back before I can even take a second step. With a couple of quick movements, he grabs me and swings me over his broad shoulder, pinning me in place.

  His strong hand clamps down on the back of my thigh as he holds me locked against his hard round shoulder. I punch and kick and scream at him to let me go, but it’s like punching a rock. My fists do nothing and the harder I kick, the harder he holds me.

  And it’s not like he’s listening to anything I say. No matter how many times I scream at him, he just keeps walking down the trail in the direction we came in with me over his shoulder.

  Eventually, I get tired and give up. I’m not getting out of his grip as long as that powerful hand is holding me in place and I have to save some of my energy for when I can escape or fight back, although I’m beginning to think that time will never come.

  These mountains are his and he moves like a ninja between the trees. I hadn’t even noticed he was following me until he showed himself. I hadn’t even noticed that he went through my backpack and stole my supplies.

  My backpack that he left on the trail. He left my backpack, but took my tent.

  “Why did you steal my water tablets?” I ask after he’s been walking for about ten minutes. I’m still naked. Still on his shoulder. Still telling myself I hate it, but deep down thinking that it’s kind of hot.

  “It was for your own good.”

  “My own good? Are you serious?”

  “I’m always serious when it comes to your safety and well being.”

  “Oh, that’s a relief,” I say with a roll of my eyes. “In that case why don’t you put me down and let me go.”

  He laughs. “Not going to happen.”

  “Then explain to me how drinking tainted water is for my own good.”

  His hand slides up an inch on the back of my tingling thigh and I swallow hard knowing that my bare pussy is so close to his face. Whenever I wonder if he can smell me, my cheeks start to blush.

  “Because, you’re safer with me.”

  “I got to be honest, I’m not feeling really safe right now!”

  “You’re safer,” he says in a tone that means it’s not up for discussion. “If you don’t have clean drinking water, then you have no choice but to come back and stay with me.”

  “Stay with you? For how long?”


  I let out a nervous laugh. “Forever?”

  “And ever.”

  “Oh great. I think I would have had better luck with the bear.”

  “Maybe,” he says in a low growl. “Because I won’t stop at tasting your honey.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  His grip tightens. “You’ll see.”

  I’ll see.

  If my blushing cheeks heat up any more, I’ll burn down this entire forest.

  Chapter Six


  Her naked body is pressed against mine and it’s driving me crazy.

  I’m holding the back of her bare thigh and with every bounce of my step, her big tits press into my shirtless back.

  The sweet smell of her pussy is filling my nose and making me lightheaded
. I can’t wait to dig my mouth into it and have a taste. Her soft white ass is resting on my shoulder, so damn close to my face. Every few steps, I look down at it and groan when I see the little red scratches on her cheeks from when the bear knocked her down.

  “Can you put me down now?” she asks as I duck under a large branch of a giant lodgepole pine tree.

  My grip tightens on her soft thigh. I don’t want to ever let her go. She feels too good.

  I know I’m acting like a primitive Neanderthal, but I don’t care. I’ve spent too damn long without her and now that’s she in my life, I’m not letting her go.

  Even if that means I have to carry her all the way back to my place.

  “I’ll put you down when we arrive.”

  She puts her hand on my lower back and pushes up. Her big tits graze against my back as her head comes level with mine and my cock pulses at the feeling.

  “Can I at least put my clothes on?”

  I swallow hard as I lean my head over and take a long inhale of her intoxicating honey scent. The smell of her cunt fills my nostrils and travels through my body, lighting every cell on fire. She smells ripe and ready to be taken.

  When I get her back to my place, I’m going to fuck her raw and unprotected in every hole that she’s got. I’ll tie her to the bed if I have to and she won’t be allowed to get up until her ripe teenage womb is coated in my cum.

  The thought of seeing her walking around my place with her belly rounded and her cheeks flushed from my seed is getting my balls full to the point of aching.

  “I’m completely naked!” she says, sounding outraged. “Let me put my clothes on!”

  “That’s how I want it. I like you naked.” My voice catches in my throat as I speak. It’s so hard to talk or even think with her bare cunt so close to my face. It’s all I can focus on.

  I’m walking back into the trail, away from the town. I know a shortcut up ahead where we can cut through the forest and hike over a mountain to get to my place quicker. This way we can go directly to my house and not have to go through the town. I don’t want to waste any time having to explain to any nosy fucks why I’m carrying a screaming naked barely legal teenage girl over my shoulder.

  We pass the spot by the river where I first walked up to her and she bolted.

  “Wait!” she says when she sees the spot. “Let me get my shirt! Please!”

  Her pink shirt is still spread out on the rock where she left it. Initially, I keep walking, but then stop when a thought hits me. It gets cold at night in the mountains and I don’t want her to be uncomfortable. She’ll be wrapped in my warm embrace and my body heat will keep her warm for the most part, but I know that young girls like her get cold really easily so I stop.

  “Okay.” I hesitate for a minute before I reluctantly put her down. Her big tits slide over my shoulder as I drop her to her feet and the feeling and sight of them have my chest hurting.

  I look down at her naked body and my cock throbs when I see how hard her nipples are. Her cheeks are an adorable pink as she tries to cover herself with her hands. But her hands are tiny like a child’s and they don’t even come close to being able to hide her big tits and ripe pussy.

  “Go in the river and cool off first,” I tell her.

  It’s fucking hot in the afternoon sun and I need to rinse off too. I sweated up a storm smelling that pussy as I carried her the entire way.

  She does a quick glance down the trail and I grab her wrist in warning.

  “Don’t even think about running,” I warn her. “I’ll just catch you again, but next time I won’t be so nice about it.”

  I need to bound her to me in more ways than this. I have my eyes on her now, but that won’t always be the case. She could escape me and I can’t have that.

  I have to breed her. Quickly. Only when my seed is growing in her womb will she be bound to me in a satisfactory way.

  She turns away from me and I watch as she slips off her shoes and walks to the river. Her big amber curls fall down her slender back to just above her round ass. I stroke my dick over my boxer briefs as I watch her dip her toes in.

  She looks like a goddess as she steps into the sunlight with the backdrop of the thick forest and lazy river in front of her. Tall Douglas-Fir trees are mixed with the ponderosa pines and she looks so small and vulnerable under their enormous size.

  The gentle river gurgles and babbles as it flows over the rocks and the fallen tree in the distance. Savannah steps into it and my hand strokes harder and faster as I watch the water rise up her thighs as she walks in deeper.

  She belongs here in the mountains. She belongs with me. She might not know it yet, but I know it. This is meant to be her home. And I’m meant to be hers.

  A frustrated groan rips out of my throat as she dives in, depriving me of the breathtaking view of her naked body. The beautiful trees and river remain, but they’re nothing compared to her.

  I can cum a hundred times and I still won’t get any relief so I let go of my cock and walk toward the river to join her. There’s only one way that I’ll get any relief.

  Savannah’s head emerges from the middle of the river and she turns to me with a shy look on her face. She looks like she’s trying to figure me out. I know this must be a little frightening for her—having a strange domineering man step out of the wilderness and be a tad possessive toward her—but she’ll eventually know that this is right where she belongs.

  Her gorgeous brown eyes widen as I slide my boxer briefs down my legs. My cock is rock hard and dripping with cum, and she can’t seem to take her shocked eyes off of it as I toss my underwear onto the big boulder that has her shirt laying on it.

  I give my thick shaft a couple of slow strokes as I walk to the water and a few drops of cum drip out. They fall into the river and the current slowly takes them away.

  Savannah’s body is as still as the trees and she doesn’t seem to be breathing as she watches me approach her with her wide brown eyes.

  I dive into the water, letting the cool refreshing river invigorate my hot skin. It feels exhilarating after the sweat, the heat of the sun, and the white-hot burning need that Savannah is causing inside of me.

  I moan with content as I swim under the fresh clean water toward her. The water is only waist deep in the middle of the river, but Savannah is crouched down so only her head is exposed. I pop out in front of her, kneeling down so only my head and shoulders are out of the cool water.

  She swallows hard and leans back with an uneasy look on her face. She’s close enough so that I can reach out and grab her whenever I want—just how I like it.

  “What are you doing out here in the woods?” I ask her. She’s so damn helpless out here.

  Her brown eyes lock onto mine, pulling me in.

  “I had nowhere else to go,” she whispers after a long moment.

  “So, you chose the wilderness?”

  She lets out a soft laugh as she shakes her head. “It was stupid, but I was desperate.”

  I listen closely as she tells me about her drunk of a mother and the weekend away with her mother’s new boyfriend. My chest starts to tighten and my hands clench into fists under the water when she tells me about Rick and his handsy friends.

  If I ever run into them… God, my jaw is clenching just thinking about it.

  “You’ll never have to worry about that again,” I promise. She’s under my protection now. Nobody will ever lay a hand on her again.

  Except for me.

  She swallows hard as she watches me with an unsure look. “What’s your cabin like?” she finally asks. She probably thinks that I’m a serial killer or something. I can’t blame her. I haven’t been acting very civilized with her, but something in her is sparking primal urges in me and all civility has gone out the window.

  “Twelve bedrooms. Eight bathrooms. Five car garage. Overlooking the mountains.”

  She laughs and drops her eyes to the water. “Yeah, right.”

  I’m not laughing. It’s

  I made a fortune with a logging company that I founded and sold last year. The house alone that I designed and had built cost over eight million dollars, let alone all of the furniture and cars inside.

  “You don’t want to go?” I ask with a hardness in my voice.

  She wraps her arms around her body and shivers. “To your rickety mountain shack to get murdered? No thank you.”

  “I’d never hurt you. Ever.”

  Her look softens and the tension melts from her shoulders as she looks at me. I hope she believes me. She will one day.

  “I just…” She looks away.


  “I wanted to finish the trail. I’ve never done anything to be proud of in my life and I wanted to prove to myself that I could finish it. It means a lot to me.”

  I watch her as she hugs her body and lowers her eyes. This girl has been through so much and I want to make her happy. If that means finishing the trail, then I can help her with that.

  “Okay,” I say with a firm nod. “We’ll finish it.”

  Her eyes dart up to mine. “Really?”

  “Yes. Together.”

  Her sexy pink lips curl up into a smile and it gets my cock raging again. It’s begging me to claim her. My whole body is screaming at me to take her.

  “What did you mean when you said… taste my honey?”

  There’s a nervous look on her face but her eyes are sparkling with excitement.

  I inch toward her and straighten my back. Her brown eyes widen as she looks up at me.

  “It means that I’m going to spread your legs open and bury my face in your sweet dripping cunt.”

  Her skin flushes and she stops breathing as she looks up at me like a baby deer looking at a hungry wolf.

  “Would you like that?”

  Her mouth falls open, but she doesn’t say anything.

  “Has anyone ever touched you like that before?”

  She slowly shakes her head. Her eyes are locked on me.

  “Then come here.”

  My hand glides through the water like a shark and I grab a hold of her wrist.

  She lets out a little whimper but doesn’t resist as I pull her toward me.


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