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Captured Hearts and Stolen Kisses

Page 19

by Ceci Giltenan et al.

  Chapter 10

  After checking on the members of his clan and arranging for the women and bairns to hide away until after the confrontation with the MacRyans, Logan went to his chamber. He was exhausted and his shoulder ached, but there was still so much to do before the enemy arrived. Yet he also knew if he did not get a little rest, he would be of no use to his clan. He opened the door to his solar, promising himself he would close his eyes for an hour at the most, and once refreshed would summon Brodie and go over their plans one more time.

  The warrior charged with seeing Rowena to the valley took it upon himself to follower her all the way back to MacRyan castle. Once he learned of the laird’s intent to rescue his daughter and when, he rode nonstop to MacAllen Castle to report his findings to Logan. If what the man said was true, Ann’s father had put together an army of warriors and were on their way to rescue her. Things were unfolding as he’d hoped, and he just had to wait patiently for his prey to enter the trap. If he was correct in his assumption, the MacRyans would arrive by mid-morning, perhaps sooner.

  With the impending confrontation, his mother’s illness, and the safety of his clan on his mind, Logan doubted he would be able to sleep, but to his surprise, he nodded off the minute his head hit the pillow. Despite falling into a deep sleep, he awakened with a start when he heard the door to his chamber close.

  “I am sorry if I awakened you.” The soft lilt of a woman’s voice caught his attention.

  Logan sat up and dragged his fist across his eyes, trying to focus on the woman standing beside the bed. Given the circumstances, he should have been resting with one eye open and his claymore at his side—ready to spring into action should the need arise. But he sensed this person posed no threat. Instead, there was a calmness and a sense of peace he had not felt in an exceptionally long time. If ever. He wondered if he was dreaming, or if the Almighty send an angel to guide him.

  As his vision cleared, he realized it was neither of those things. Ann was standing beside his bed. “What are you doing here? Where is James? Has mother taken a bad turn?” He fired his questions in rapid succession, leaving her no opportunity to answer him.

  “Speak up he.” Demanded, then fell silent.

  “Your mother is resting and there has been no change. James is standing guard outside the door,” she said. “I told him I wished to check your wound and he agreed to bring me here. If you wish me to leave, I will.” She turned to face the door.

  “Nay. Wait.” He didn’t want her to go, but he was afraid of what might happen between them if she stayed. Driven by lust and desire, he knew that once he started, there would be no turning back this time. “Please dinna leave. I want you to stay.”

  “If you wish, m’lord.” She glanced over her shoulder at him and smiled.

  He stared at Ann. There was something different about her. Instead of the drab wool gown she had on when he captured her, she stood in the glow of the fire on the hearth, barefooted and wearing nothing but a thin muslin kirtle, her hair flowing freely about her shoulders. The glow of the flickering flames illuminated the silhouette of her slender figure, every sensual curve outlined for him to see.

  Again, he wondered if he was imagining her presence, but when she sat on the side of his bed, grasped the hem of his tunic, and gently pulled it over his head, he knew she was real. When she lightly swept her hand across his bare chest, then traced his lips with her fingertips, he sucked in a short sharp breath.

  Drawn by a force too powerful to ignore, he cupped the back of her head and drew her toward him, capturing her lips with a ravenous kiss meant not only to destroy her defenses, but to relay his intent. He planned to claim Ann here and now.

  When she giggled and offered no resistance, he untied the laces of her kirtle and slid the garment off her shoulders, exposing rose tipped breasts, he longed to suckle. Yielding to temptation, he lowered his head and took one nipple into his mouth, while he petted and fondled the other.

  A soft whimper of pleasure escaped her lips and rather than push him away, she dropped her head back and pulled him closer.

  “This is wrong.” Despite his statement, he buried his face in the fragrant curve of her neck and inhaled her intoxicating scent. “You are the daughter of my enemy and my prisoner,” he rasped with his lips pressed against her heated flesh. He raised his head and caught her heavy-lidded gaze. “But you are also the most beautiful, desirable woman I have ever met. I have wanted you since the moment I first laid eyes upon you, and want to taste and explore every inch of you now, to possess you body and soul. I have never felt this way about a woman before.”

  “Nor have I felt this way about a man. It both frightens and excites me at the same time,” she whispered on a breathy sigh, then playfully nipped at his bottom lip. “I have heard other women speak of such things, but never thought to experience them for myself.”

  “Brodie may be right when he says you have bewitched me, but heaven help me, I want you more than my next breath.”

  “Then dinna fight what you feel. Make love to me, Logan.”

  He couldn’t believe his ears—although he wanted to with all his heart and soul. Making love to Ann was the last thing he should be considering. With his stronghold in shambles, his mother ill, and Ann’s father on his way to claim her, there was so much he should be doing, but all he could think about was grasping her soft round bottom and burying himself to the hilt as he rode her to completion.

  “Are you certain this is what you want?” Although overcome with desire, he would never take a woman against her will, no matter how much he wanted her.

  She offered a hesitant nod, then smiled. “Aye. My father would see me wed to an old man that I dinna like or love. He said it was for the good of the clan, but the thought of lying with him makes my skin crawl. I know it is a sin to go against my father’s wishes, but to live my life never knowing what it was like to be with a man I desired would be the real sin. If naught more, I will have this night to remember and take with me to my grave.”

  Without hesitation, Logan rolled her beneath him, covered her with this body, and in one quick thrust, plunged into her waiting sheath. As if made for each other, her body closed around him like a falconer’s glove.

  He covered her mouth, capturing her quick gasp of pain, followed by a tiny mewl of pleasure. He lay still, giving her a chance to get accustomed to their joining. Certain he was her first lover, he vowed he would be the only man to ever lay claim to her. But right now, he intended to make love to her, to show her the pleasures a man and woman could share, and to see her fully sated before he found his own release.

  He awakened later and reached for Ann, but the bed beside him was empty. He sat up and glanced around the room, surprised to find himself alone and fully dressed. He raked his fingers through his hair, wondering if she’d been there or if he’d dreamed the entire encounter.

  Chapter 11

  Ann had hoped to get some rest, but spent most of the night trying to get Helen to drink her elixirs and doing her utmost to see the woman through nightmares and a fitful sleep. Thankfully, she made it through the night and appeared to be resting more comfortably. Her fever was yet to break, but when Ann touched her forehead it did appear to be cooler. If only she knew the exact cause of the illness, it would be easier to treat, but since it came on so suddenly, all she could do was address the symptoms and hope for the best.

  After making another pot of medicine and filling the bowl with the herbal remedy, she carried the steaming liquid to the bedside and set it on the table to cool. Helen might have appeared a little stronger in the light of day, but was still not out of the woods as far as Ann was concerned, so she needed to continue her treatments.

  “Please, you need to drink this if you wish to get well.” Even though she was not sure Helen could hear her, Ann spoke to her as she attempted to spoon some of the liquid into her patient’s mouth, but most of it ran down her chin.

  “What in damnation are you doing in here and na under lo
ck and key!” The door to the solar opened, hitting the wall with a loud thud. “When I awakened, I was told my aunt had taken ill during the night, but you are the last person I expected to find at her bedside.”

  Brodie’s eyes widened, and his scowl intensified when he focused his attention on the spoon in Ann’s hand. “What poison are you trying to give her?” He stormed across the room, then with a sweep of his arm sent the bowl of remedy and other items on the table crashing to the floor. He clasped Ann’s wrist with a bruising force that made her wince with pain and she dropped the spoon. “Does Logan know of your treachery?”

  “Unhand me. I am here at your cousin’s request,” she said through clenched teeth. She refused to cower before him.

  Brodie tightened his grip and hauled her to her feet. “I canna believe Logan would leave you alone with his mother, let alone feed her who knows what,” he spat. “This has gone on long enough and I intend to fix things, the way they should have been from the start.”

  “What do you mean?” Given the grimace of utter contempt on his face and the menacing glare in his dark eyes, Ann was quite sure she knew. He had made it abundantly clear that if given his way, she would be in the pit, or worse, dead.

  “Instead of taking you prisoner, Logan should have let me kill you the moment we dragged you from your cart, and left you with your dead kinsman for your father to find. He had no right to deny me restitution, and shouldna have shown you any mercy. You deserve to die, just like Jenna,” he growled.

  Ann swallowed against the lump of fear rising in her throat. She’d seen fierce warriors before, but never one as driven by grief and hatred as Brodie. Without Logan here to reason with his cousin, there was no telling what he might do in his inconsolable state. “Showing mercy and compassion is na a mistake or sign of weakness. It shows the mark of a great leader.”

  “Too bad your father doesna share your sentiment. If you had seen the deplorable, cold-hearted way his warriors treated my kinsmen—especially the women and bairns—you wouldna question the reason for my hatred of anything or anyone who is associated with the MacRyans.”

  “I know you suffered a great loss and what happen to your clan and Jenna was a horrible tragedy—”

  “How dare you speak her name? My life ended the night she died.” He cut her off before she could finish and clutched a hand over his heart. “My beautiful Jenna was the sweetest, kindest person you could ever hope to meet, but was she shown any mercy? Nay. She was dragged from her bed, beaten into submission, raped, then had her throat slit from ear to ear.” Tears rolled down is cheeks as he spoke, and his expression of hatred darkened. “You deserve no better than she got. And I intend to see it done.” He yanked her toward the door.

  Ann tried to dig in her heels, but Brodie was too strong, and her attempt to resist was futile. She detected the strong odor of whisky on his breath, and the way he slurred his words, led her to believe he was well in his cups and had spent the night with a jug of spirits.

  “Where are you taking me. Logan asked me to tend to his mother, she is verra ill and I canna leave her side.”

  “You made a fool out of my cousin, but I can see your real intent. Logan may have entrusted his mother to your care and left you to wander amongst his people as if you were a guest, but I am sure he had no idea you would try to poison her.” He grabbed a bunch of henbane from the table by the hearth and shook it only inches from her face. “Are you telling me these are na deadly? Logan must have taken leave of his senses or was beguiled by your witchcraft.”

  “As I explained to your cousin, when given in the right amount these herbs can be used to heal not harm.” Despite being terrified, Ann did her best to keep her voice calm. The last thing she wanted to do was to challenge or upset Brodie any more than he already was. Consumed by anguish and grief, he had lost control over his rage and would listen to no one. Not even Logan.

  Brodie threw the herbs into the fire. “Why would the daughter of our sworn enemy and our so-called prisoner do anything to help? Nay, I say you are trying to do her harm and must pay.”

  “I hold no ill will against your aunt or any of the MacAllens. I am a healer and wanted to help,” Ann stammered, finding it hard to stop the tremor in her voice. “I was also told na to leave this room. Will the guards Logan posted na try to prevent you from taking me?”

  “I sent them down to the great hall for a tankard or two. They have been standing watch all night and needed a break. So, you and I are verra much alone.” Brodie tugged her into the hallway, then toward a set of stairs. “If you must know, I am taking you to the parapets. There is a secluded spot where Jenna and I went when we wanted to be alone. It is the last place anyone will look.”

  “Will no one question the fact you are taking me there? We are sure to pass people along the way.” While she doubted that any of his kinsmen would care what he did with her, she was hoping he might give his decision second thoughts, or that someone would tell Logan where they went.

  “You are a prisoner and I am Logan’s right-hand man. No one will think anything of it should they see us together. They will assume I am escorting you back to your chamber or to face your punishment. Most of my clan feels the way I do, so will be pleased to see you are finally being treated the way you deserve.”

  He spoke as they walked with little regard for who might overhear their conversation. Much to Ann’s dismay, he was right. Not a single soul gave them a second glance. If what Brodie said was true and everyone believed her father ordered the attack on their castle, she didn’t blame them for despising her as well.

  Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs leading to the ramparts of the castle, Brodie gave Ann a shove, almost knocking her off her feet. “Go up. I will be right behind you, so dinna try to escape.”

  “I wouldna dream of it,” she mumbled under her breath and began the climb.

  A light rain was falling when they stepped onto the parapets, making the stones slick. Brodie cupped her elbow and steered her toward the north wall of the castle fortifications, but it didn’t keep her from stumbling several times along the way. When they reached a secluded corner, he released her arm and shoved, her back hitting the wall.

  Momentarily winded, she gasped for air, then squared her shoulders and warily eyed Brodie. “Now you have me here, what do you plan to do?”

  He slid a dirk from the sheath at his side, then sneered. “What should have been done when we captured you.”


  Furious when he arrived at his mother’s chamber and saw no sign of the guards he had assigned, Logan entered, then came to an abrupt halt. When he’d seen her last, she was at death’s door, so to see Helen sitting up in bed while Moira spooned what appeared to be broth into her mouth shocked him. Elated, he raced to her side. “I am so pleased to see you are feeling better, Mother. You gave us all quite a scare.” He grasped her hand and squeezed.

  “Aye. She was even hungry,” Moira said, beaming with delight.

  “I am told I have your prisoner to thank for my recovery,” Helen rasped. While she was awake and sitting up, she was still as weak as a newly born colt.

  “I’m surprised to hear you say that, Mother.” As with Brodie, he never thought she would speak anything but harsh words about Ann and demand she pay for his father’s death with her life. There was a time, he would have agreed, but he no longer felt the way he did when it came to Ann.

  “I am na too proud a woman, or so filled with hatred that I canna give praise where it is due,” Helen said. “It wasna the lass who attacked our village. It was her father.”

  “If only Brodie could understand that.” Overcome with joy for his mother’s improvement, Logan failed to not notice Ann’s absence from the room. When he realized she was not there, he questioned his sister. “Where is Ann and why were there no guards on the door?”

  Moira shrugged. “When I arrived, mother was awake and alone. There were no guards and Lady Ann wasna here, so I assumed you or James had taken her back to he
r chamber to get some rest.”

  Logan’s gut twisted with dread and he raked a shaky hand through his hair. “I left her here to tend to mother, and the door was guarded. She was na to leave the chamber for any reason, and ordered to await my return.” He began to pace, wondering where she had gone. Surely, she had not managed to escape. His mind raced with possibilities, then he stopped and spun around to face his mother and sister. “Have either of you seen Brodie this morning?” While he didn’t want to think that his cousin would go against his orders and harm Ann, he had been like a different man since Jenna’s death, and Logan could leave nothing to chance.

  “Nay. Why do you ask?” Moira tucked the pelt around her mother’s chest, then peered up at her brother. “I came straight to mother’s room upon waking, but Catherine went down to break her fast and should be back any minute. Mayhap she has seen him, or she could go fetch him for you.”

  The more he thought about it, the more anxious Logan was to find Brodie. But the MacAllen Castle was a large keep and there were many places he might have taken Ann. “I may na have a minute to spare,” he said.

  “A minute for what?” Catherine entered the room, carrying a tray of food. “I brought this for Moira, but if you are hungry, I am sure there is enough for you both.” She set the tray on the table beside her mother’s bed, then leaned over and kissed Helen’s brow.

  “Have you seen Brodie this morn, or Ann MacRyan?” Logan asked.

  Catherine bobbed her head. “Aye. I spoke with Brodie na long ago. I told him about mother taking ill and that Ann was caring for her. He dinna look pleased and ran off, saying he was going to set a wrong to right, and something about his and Jenna’s place. I couldna quite make it out.”


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