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Captured Hearts and Stolen Kisses

Page 21

by Ceci Giltenan et al.

  The laird stepped into the center of the entranceway when several of his men returned from searching the rooms on the first level of the keep. “Did you find anything or anyone, Kyle?”

  “It is as we suspected. The keep is empty. We found no one.” The man bowed his head and made the sign of the cross before he continued. “We dinna find your daughter either, m’lord. They have either killed her or have taken her with them.”

  “Where they went is the question,” the laird said. He turned to address Amos when a loud ruckus outside the castle erupted.

  “I knew this was a trap,” Amos said. “The bastards were waiting outside to ambush us the entire time.”

  The laird gathered his men and headed for the door, only to find it locked. “What in damnation is going on?” He turned full circle, searching the entranceway. “There must be another way out.”

  “You’ll be going nowhere.” Logan rose from his hiding place and crossed his arms over his chest, grinning.

  “Seize him!” Laird MacRyan said to Amos, then slid his sword from its sheath and charged forward. “Where is my daughter?”

  “I will see to him, m’lord, and you can mark my words, he will tell me where your daughter is before I castrate him and feed his ballocks to the dogs,” Amos hissed and challenged Logan in his laird’s stead.

  “We will see who castrates who.” Logan readied himself to battle Amos.

  “I will contend with this pompous buffoon while you deal with the other one, his laird,” Brodie said, then jumped down to where Amos stood with his sword in hand.

  The expression of hatred on his face and abysmal look in his cousin’s eyes sent a shiver up Logan’s spine.

  “Let’s see how brave you are when confronting an armed warrior and na a helpless lass you have dragged from her bed in the middle of the night.” Brodie fixed his stare on Amos.

  “You must be her lover,” Amos said smugly. “You have good taste in women. I like them feisty. She wasna a virgin, but I enjoyed her all the same.” He gripped his groin and thrust his hips in a lurid manner, then scowled at Brodie.

  Wasting no time engaging Amos in battle, Brodie fought like a man possessed. It was as if he had the strength and conviction of ten men. Logan had never seen him so determined to win a fight, but his cousin had never had such a good reason to win before now. After a short exchange of blows, Brodie parried to the right, then thrust his sword into Amos’s chest and the man crumpled to the floor. Still not satisfied, he rolled Amos over and kicked him several times. “Get up. I am not finished with you.” He shouted, then kicked out again.

  “Enough, cousin. You have seen Jenna avenged. Lowering yourself to the level of a MacRyan will na sweeten the victory,” Logan said.

  “Now I will deal with you,” Brodie snarled at Laird MacRyan. “It was you who ordered the raid.”

  The MacRyan’s men closed ranks around him, doing their best to protect their laird, but quickly found themselves surrounded by MacAllen warriors with no way out. It only took a few minutes for them to concede defeat and lay their weapons on the ground, leaving their chieftain standing alone in the center of the room.

  “If you are as smart a man as Ann claims, I would concede defeat,” Logan said.

  “You are all cowards. Pick up your blades and fight like men,” the MacRyan shouted at his warriors, then leered at Logan. “It is you who need surrender, MacAllen. I have an entire army waiting outside to finish what we started the other night.”

  “Had an army,” a MacAllen warrior announced as the main entrance to the castle opened and he strode through the door, accompanied by at least two dozen men and a stranger Logan did not recognize. He turned to Logan and bowed. “The keep is secure, m’lord.”

  “Thank you.” Logan smiled and returned his attention to the MacRyan. “I’d suggest you lay down your weapon before one of my men thinks you are posing a threat and runs you through.”

  “Where is my daughter,” the MacRyan shouted. He refused to lay down his weapon and glared at Logan. Is she alive?”

  “Aye, I am alive and well.” Ann stepped out of the shadows and approached her father. “It sickens me to learn you are responsible for what happened here the other night, and that you condoned the massacre of innocent crofters, women, and bairns. I am ashamed to call you my father.” Ann hung her head, refusing to look him in the eye.

  Afraid her father might react in a violent manner, Logan rushed to Ann’s side. “I told you to stay in the chamber. Where is James?”

  James appeared at the top of the stairs, carrying Lady Helen, and flanked by Moira and Catherine.

  Logan glared up at James. “I thought you were guarding the women. Why is my mother here, and how the hell did Ann get out of the chamber and by you?”

  “Lady Ann got out by using the escape tunnel. And your mam insisted I bring her here to confront the MacRyan when we got word of his capture,” James explained.

  The idea Ann might use the tunnel to escape had never crossed Logan’s mind. If James was standing guard outside the door, he would have no way of knowing she was gone. He also knew that once his mother made up her mind to something, there was no swaying her, so he really couldn’t blame James.

  “I am sorry you had to hear all of this, Ann. I hoped to spare you, but it might be for the best. You now know the sort of man your father is.” Logan looped his arm around her shoulder and held her close. “I am equally sorry to tell you that he must pay for his crimes.”

  Ann clutched a hand to her throat and cast her father a wary glance. “What do you plan to do to him?”

  “He will be executed as payment for his crimes,” Brodie said. “He ordered the death of my kinsmen and my uncle, so must pay with is life.”

  Ann gazed up at Logan with tear-filled eyes. “I know what he did was inexcusable, but he was not entirely to blame. You heard as well as I what he said to Amos about sparing women and bairns.” She glanced down at Amos’s lifeless body, then at Logan. “Is there no way you could show him mercy? Amos is the one who was responsible for the actions of the men that night, and he has paid the ultimate price for his evil ways. My father wasna even there.”

  “They acted upon his orders and he must die.” Brodie narrowed his gaze, pinning Logan with his stare. “What say you, cousin. Will you honor the vow you made to your da?”

  “It is na his decision to make.” The stranger who entered the keep with the MacAllen army stepped forward.

  “And who’s decision is it?” Brodie snapped.

  “Mine,” the man answered simply.

  “Who are you?” Logan studied the stranger, uncertain if he was mad or really held some authority.

  “Donald Kerr.” The man bowed, then pulled a scroll from a satchel he carried. “I am an emissary of James I, the King of Scotland. He got your message about the attack on your keep and sent me to settle the matter. He is most disturbed by the ongoing discourse between your clans and sent this decree.” He unrolled the parchment and began to read.

  “I, King James I of Scotland, am most disturbed to hear about the ongoing feud between Clan MacRyan and Clan MacAllen. Since canna come to an agreement, and the clans have seen more than enough bloodshed, it is my decree that the dispute will end with the marriage of Lady Ann MacRyan to Logan MacAllen, laird of clan MacAllen. Any future bloodshed between you will be punishable by death.”

  “She will na consider it.” Laird MacRyan declared. “I willna allow it.”

  “You have no say in the matter, sir. You gave up that right when you ordered the attack on Clan MacAllen that resulted in the death of their laird and many women and bairns. The king fully intends to see you pay personally for this crime.” Donald Kerr turned to Logan. “Your clan suffered a great loss with the passing of your father and many of your clansmen, yet you were able to settle things here today without being the aggressor. The king will be most impressed.”

  “What about my advisor, Amos?” Laird MacRyan asked. “He is dead thanks to these barbarians

  “You are in MacAllen castle, sir. You and your men came here to attack the keep, and your advisor entered the fight with Brodie MacAllen of his own accord and lost. It was a fair fight and I will na be charging Brodie with anything but defending his home against intruders who have in the past done them harm and posed a threat again.”

  “Logan MacAllen kidnapped my daughter and threatened to kill her if I dinna come. Is that na grounds for punishment?” Laird MacRyan pointed a finger at Logan. “What choice did I have but to come and retrieve her in any way possible. You dinna think they were going to just invite us in and hand her over to me, do you?”

  “From what I can see, the lass was in no danger,” Kerr said. “The laird of Clan MacAllen acted in response to your initial aggression and the massacre of his people. For that reason, the king will overlook what happened in retaliation. But he is determined to see that the hostilities cease. Now.” Kerr looked at Ann and then at Logan. “Will there be a wedding or na?”

  “What say you son?” Lady Helen asked. “Do you wish to marry this woman? If you do, you have my blessing.”

  Logan took a minute to think about what this meant to not only his clan, but to the MacRyans as well. He loved Ann and believed she shared his sentiments and if not, could learn to love him in time. He could not bear the thought of her returning to her father’s castle and spending the rest of his life without her. “If she will have me,” he finally said. He held out his hand to Ann.

  “She willna agree.” Laird MacRyan slammed his balled fist against a nearby table.

  Ann stepped forward and smiled up at the king’s emissary. “Aye. I will marry him.” She slid her hand into Logan’s and squeezed. “I would be honored to call you husband.”

  “Then it is settled. The union will take place on the morrow, before I leave for Edinburgh. See that Laird MacRyan is imprisoned for the night and he will accompany me tomorrow when I leave.” He grinned at Ann and Logan. “The king has made a wise decision. I wish you both much happiness.”


  Ann stood before the hearth, wearing only a nigh trail, her unbound mane of curls falling loose about her shoulders and trailing down her back. She stared into the flames, thinking about her beautiful wedding, and how elated she was to be married to Logan. While they did not have time to prepare a grand affair, the simple ceremony was everything she could have hoped for and more. It was a day she would never forget. Her only regret was that given her father’s animosity toward her husband and his arrest for the massacre at MacAllen Castle, things were no longer the same between them, and he was not there to share in her joy.

  The MacAllen servants decorated the kirk with ribbons and bouquets of heather and lavender. Although the larder was nearly empty, Cook prepared a modest feast, and some music and dancing followed the meal. Judging by the smiles on the clan members faces and laughter, the merriment, while brief, served as a welcomed break from the sorrow and anger they felt after the attack on their village.

  She’d hoped Rowena could stand beside her and witness her vows, but she could never have arrived in time. Logan’s sister Moira was thrilled to do the honors and Brodie did the same for Logan. While still weak from her illness, Lady Helen was present during the ceremony and offered her blessing for the union—something that made both Ann and Logan happy. Ann made her peace with Brodie, and prayed someday they would become friends, but knew it might take time.

  If anyone had told her a sennight ago she would marry the son of her father’s sworn enemy and be this happy, she’d have thought them daft. However, despite her joy, she experienced a mix of excitement and trepidation when it came to the wedding night. She’d dreamed about this day and the first time she’d join with a man, but never imagined it would be to a husband she loved and desired wholeheartedly. The kisses she’d shared with Logan were her first, and she had no experience in the art of lovemaking. She feared she might disappoint him.

  Logan came up from behind, swept her hair to the side and kissed the back of her neck. “You smell so good and look so beautiful, I have to pinch myself to know you are real, and to convince myself this day really happened, and we are husband and wife. I canna wait to claim my bride.”

  She turned in his arms, then peered up at him. “I too am anxious, but hope I dinna disappoint you. I have never joined with a man afore, so am not sure what to do.” Ann lowered her gaze and nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “You could never disappoint me. Dinna be afraid, I will take my time and be gentle,” Logan murmured and kissed her shoulder. “I knew from the day we met that you were everything I could want in a wife and lover. Until then, I never believed in love at first sight.”

  She splayed her fingers across his broad chest, and offered up a sheepish grin. “I must confess, I was just thinking the same things. I canna believe how we met and fell in love so quickly, that we are married, and about to spend the rest of our lives together.” She kissed his cheek before continuing. “And God willing, we will start a family this night. Nothing would make me happier. I hope we have a castle full of bairns.”

  Logan slid two fingers beneath her chin and lifted until their eyes met. “I too wish for these things, especially if the lassies are as bonnie as their mam.” He brushed her lips with a kiss.

  “And the lads as braw as their da,” she quickly added, then looped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

  “Then best we get started.” Logan lifted her, carried her to the bed, and set her down beside it. He kissed her again, and while doing so, unlaced her night rail and slid it from her shoulders—the garment pooling at her feet. “I dinna think a man and woman could know from the start they are meant to be together, but am a believer now. Brodie told me that was how he felt about Jenna. He said it could happen to me, but he also thinks we fell in love because of the blue rose.”

  Ann was not sure what he was talking about. “A blue rose? I have never seen one.”

  “According to the legend, if you prick your finger on the thorn of a blue rose, enemies can become friends and lovers.”

  “You found such a flower?”

  “Aye. I found a blue rose growing amidst the thistles outside your father’s keep,” Logan explained. “I considered you my enemy until we actually met. But you were nothing like I expected. Unlike your father and his warriors, you were sweet and compassionate, not to mention beautiful. I came to think of you as a rose among the thistles. My rose.”

  She blinked several times, staring up at him in disbelief. Did he honestly think a rose was responsible for them falling in love? “Are you telling me you picked the bloom and pricked your finger?”

  “Aye. But rose or naught, I would have fallen in love with you regardless.” His hands roamed her naked back and when he cupped her bottom and pulled her close, his manhood pressing against her thigh, she forgot all about the rose. She inhaled his masculine scent, a woodsy musk with a hint of pine. He tasted of whisky, and her breath hitched when he lifted her and gently lay her on the bed.

  He stared down at her, grinning mischievously as his fingertips lightly traced the slope of her breast, grazed her nipples, then trailed along her body, coming to rest at the nest of curls guarding her most intimate place. “You are every bit as breathtaking as I imagined you would be,” he rasped, then feathered kisses where his fingers had been.

  Lost in a euphoric fog, his touch was like nothing she’d known, her mind drifting off to sensual places she’d never dared to think about, and considered sinful until now. But when he dipped his fingers into her, his thumb circling her bud of pleasure, she came undone, her body writhing and weeping until the last ripples of pleasure subsided.

  Breathless, she gazed up at him through heavy-lidded eyes. “That was amazing. I—”

  He silenced her with a kiss, then rolled her beneath him, supporting the weight of his body on his elbows. “That is but one of many pleasures I intend to show you this night, and every night there after.” He lowered his head and plunde
red her mouth with a kiss that made her toes curl into the mattress.

  “I love you, Ann, and am blessed to have found you,” he said, then plunged into her waiting body, burying his shaft to the hilt.

  He lay still for a moment, giving her time to adjust to their joining. She felt a brief sharp pain when he first entered her and dug her nails into his shoulders. But that few seconds of discomfort was quickly replace by pure pleasure and bliss when he began to rotate his hips, her body following his lead as he set a most pleasant tempo.

  “I hope I dinna hurt you,” Logan murmured in her ear.” It only happens the first time, and lasts for but a minute. The rest is pure ecstasy and I intend to teach you all there is to know, wife.”

  “I canna wait to learn all you wish to share, my husband.” She smiled up at him, then looped her arms around his neck, her body meeting his thrust for thrust.

  “I will do my best to be thorough,” he said grinning, then dropped his head and covered her mouth with his own, tasting and plundering, swallowing her whimpers of pleasure.

  The harder and faster he rocked into her, the more she craved. She writhed beneath him, urging him on until they each found release and ecstasy in the arms of their former enemy. A union of bodies, hearts, and souls destined to last forever.

  About B.J. Scott

  With a passion for historical romance, history in general, and anything Celtic, B.J. always has an exciting work in progress. Each story offers a blend of romance, adventure, suspense, and, where appropriate, a dab of comic relief. Carefully researched historical facts are woven into each manuscript, providing a backdrop from which steamy romance, gripping plots, and vivid characters--dashing alpha heroes and resourceful, beguiling heroines you can't help but admire--spring to life. A PAN member of RWA, World Romance Writers, and Savvy Authors, B.J. also writes contemporary, paranormal, time travel, and romantic suspense.


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