Bound (Wolverine MC Book 1)

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Bound (Wolverine MC Book 1) Page 4

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Okay,” I finally say.

  “Well, I’ll leave you two to it. When you leave, just close the door behind you and it will lock.” With those words, she places her mug on the products shelf, walks to the counter, and leans down to grab her handbag before leaving with a wave.

  “Why don’t you take a seat?” Hunter suggests as he inclines his head towards the chair next to his. I may as well, as this might take a while.

  “What do you want to know?” I ask.

  “Everything.” His voice is low and smooth, sliding over me like silk.

  “I’m on the run. I have been on the run for three years now.” He visibly tenses, a scowl appearing on his face. “I was in a relationship that turned abusive. When I tried to leave, he threatened to kill me.” Hunter growls deep in his throat, the sound making the hairs on my arms stand at the sound of his anger.

  “A couple months after running away from my life, he found me in a little town I was working in. I was lucky that I saw him before he found me, and managed to leave. That time, I left with nothing except the clothes on my back and the car I was driving.” He sits forward, his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands, his biceps straining with his anger, his dark-blue T-shirt with the Wolverine MC logo straining over his muscled chest.

  “He found me three months later, but again, I managed to run before he found me. I made my way to the city. I lived there for a while, taking my beautician course and working in a posh salon until I started to feel like someone was watching me. I didn’t wait around to ascertain if he had found me or not. I left and landed here. I sold my car, as I found out that was the way he found me the second time. I haven’t spoken to my mother or my brother in over two years, as I know that he has the phones and house tapped.”

  I stop, not saying anything else. The silence continues for a while until he finally lifts his head. The fury on his face has my heart racing again. I was right to believe that this man before me could be dangerous. His eyes have an intensity in them that talks of mayhem. His features seem to be more pronounced in his anger.

  “He will never hurt you again.” His words come out in a quiet growl, as if he’s straining to maintain his composure. The fury in his words speak of vengeance, but the look in his eyes speak of safety.


  I am fighting to keep my wolf at bay. The knowledge that there is a son of a bitch out there who wants to hurt my woman has me wanting to rip someone’s throat out. He will never get close enough to her again to ever lay a finger on her. The thought of any man touching her has me wanting to howl in anger.

  I need to make her mine as soon as possible. I was trying to take this slow because of her, but to hell with slow. Once we are mated, nothing will separate us again, and I will always know where she is and if she’s okay. My wolf demands it. I require it, not just for my sanity but to be able to protect my woman always. Standing, I approach her. Leaning down, I take the mug from her shaking hands and place it on the counter behind her.

  “I will always protect you.” I place my hands under her arms and lift her up off the chair until her feet are off the floor and her face is in line with mine. Leaning forward, I take her lips in a blistering kiss. The moment my lips touch hers, I know that no matter what, I’m not going to be able to stop. Fuck, this isn’t the way I wanted to bond with my mate, but it’s too late now. Her arms circle my neck, and her legs circle my waist, making me groan in response.

  Her heat rubs against my hardness. Not breaking the kiss, I carry her to the back. As soon as we are away from prying eyes, my hands are under her T-shirt, pulling it up. Breaking the kiss, I pull her T-shirt off. My eyes land on her lacy black bra that doesn’t do much to cover her perfect rounded breasts. I swear, nothing will be able to drag me away from her at this moment. This woman doesn’t know it, but she has me by the balls, and even though before meeting her, I had my doubts about finding my mate and the control she would have over me, I now don’t mind at all.

  Stroking my fingers down her chest until they are covering her perfect breasts, I bend my fingers into the lace of her bra and then yank. Oh fuck, when the bra falls apart and her breasts jump out at me, I can literally feel my mouth water. She is perfect. I hear her gasp at the destruction of her bra, but I don’t give her time to talk as I lean her against the wall, and then my lips are all over her perfection.

  “Hunter.” She groans as my teeth find her hardened nipple. “Yes, oh.” I stroke down her stomach until my right hand is at the waist of her jeans, and I undo the button and pull the zip down. Her hands are on my T-shirt, pulling it up and over my head. Her nails scorch my skin as she scratches my back. Fuck, she’s so perfect. I need to take her now or I swear I will burst. Unhooking her legs from around my waist, I pull them down until she’s standing, and then I lean down and pull her jeans and panties down and off in one swipe.

  Her fragrance engulfs me, telling me how much she wants me. I know that if I plunge a finger right now into her hotness, she will be dripping wet. I want to take my time with her, but that will have to be for next time, because right now, all I need to do is make her mine.

  I yank at the buttons to my jeans and then toss them aside. When we are both naked, I see her eyes travel over my body, over the tattoos on my right-hand side. Unlike my brothers, I only have my right arm and my chest tattooed. The Wolverine MC emblem is on my chest. Her eyes have dropped to my cock, and I see her eyes widen. I pull her towards me again, and my hands move over her back until they are holding her rounded ass.

  “Put your legs around me,” I state as I once again lift her. We both groan in pleasure when my cock rubs against her clit.

  “Now, Hunter, please,” she pleads as she buries her head against my neck. She doesn’t have to ask me twice. Lifting her slightly higher, I plunge into her heat; my cock has never been this engorged. I throw my head back and groan at the sensation of her warmth sliding over me. I wanted to take it slow, but that’s not going to happen. It’s going to be a wild ride. My hips move urgently against her, her moans driving me on. I can feel her muscles start to tighten around me. It’s not going to take long, as I can feel myself tensing, my cock lengthening even more. Lowering my head to her shoulder, I bite down just as I feel her muscles spasming, her orgasm prolonging as I make my mark on her, and then I am coming so hard that I feel my legs shaking. It carries on and on, driving us up and up. I can feel her legs shaking with her release.

  When finally she has drained every drop out of me, I look down at her shoulder, the bite already bruising, blood still spotting where my teeth broke through the skin. Mine—nothing or no one will be able to take her away from me now.

  “What was that?” she asks breathlessly as she turns her head on my shoulder and nuzzles against my neck. My heart feels like a vice is tightening it at the perfection of this moment. I feel a fluttering kiss on my neck before she starts to lower her legs.

  “Not yet,” I murmur. There is no way I can slide out of her right now. My cock is too engorged to slide out painlessly. Her head rises, and she smiles at me as she shakes her head.

  “We can’t stay like this; Gloria might come back. And how is it possible that you’re ready again?” She tries to pull her legs down again, but I hold her still. Because of the bonding, it is taking longer to return to its normal state. Then she frowns and looks down at her shoulder and gasps. “What the hell, Hunter?”

  “You are mine now.” She tries to pull back. This time, she winces. “Shh, be still. It will go away soon.”

  “What is going on, Hunter? Why can’t we disengage?” I can hear panic in her voice.

  “I will explain. Just relax.” Instead of relaxing, her body tenses even more.

  “What do you mean you can explain? You bite me and then we are stuck together like dogs?” She leans back. Even in anger, she’s beautiful. “Oh no, we didn’t use a condom.” I could tell her that I will never use a condom with her, but now I think it would just make her angrier.

e wolf last night outside your room,” I say, and she frowns before horror covers her face.

  “No, no,” she says. “What do you mean the wolf outside my room? Explain to me so I don’t assume crazy things.”

  “It was me.”

  She gasps. “No, you’re crazy. This is crazy. How can you be that wolf? That’s all fiction.” I know she’s fighting it, but deep down, she knows it’s true. “Hunter, tell me the truth.”

  “It’s the truth, Dakota. You are my mate. The minute I drove into town, I could sense you. I wanted to tell you in a different way, but you being in danger changed that. You need to understand. I have to make sure you are safe. The only way I can do that is by you being mine.”

  She shakes her head in denial. “You’re crazy. You don’t even know me.”

  “You can feel it too. I know you can, and our bond will only grow.”

  “Oh, what am I going to do?” she mutters as a tear streaks down her cheek. Her tears has my stomach knotting. I never want to see my woman sad. That she’s crying because of me has me wanting to go out and run until I can’t think any longer. I take her legs and slowly lower them, as my body has now returned to normal.

  She immediately scrambles for her clothes. “Dakota,” I call, but she doesn’t stop. “Dakota.” She finally stops as she pulls up her jeans. Taking the steps needed to reach her, I place my hands on her shoulders. “It’s going to be okay; I promise. No one will ever hurt you again, and I will do everything in my power to make you happy.”

  “This isn’t happening. What you said just isn’t possible,” she says, but I can see in her eyes that she doubts what she is saying.

  “You know what I’m saying is true. You also know that we are meant to be together. This . . .”—I point to my bite on her shoulder—“is my mark. My brothers will respect you and protect you like one of us. I will keep you happy. You won’t need for anything.” She shakes her head in denial as she tries to pull away, but my woman will never pull away from me.

  “Stop it,” I growl, which has her instantly stilling, her eyes widening at me.

  “Don’t use that tone with me, buster,” she says angrily. “Just because you’re a wolf or whatever. . . what are you, by the way?”

  “I’m a man, your man,” I state, which has her huffing.

  “My man, indeed. You don’t even know me. And we both know you’re not just a man, so how does it work?”

  So now she wants to know. I see her curiosity is stronger than her anger, and she’s got the temper of a she-wolf, perfect to keep the others all in line.

  “Let’s get dressed and then I’ll tell you all about it.”

  “So now you want to get dressed,” she mutters as I let go of her shoulder. She continues muttering, which makes me smile. Yep, it looks like life just got a whole lot more exciting. She is still muttering to herself when I walk towards the front of the salon and pull out my phone to send a text to the others. They need to know that I’m bringing my mate home. I also need them to collect all her belongings and make sure that everything is settled before we arrive.

  I have just sent the text when I hear her approaching. “Shall we sit over there?” I say, pointing towards the waiting area where there is a nice black leather couch. She doesn’t respond, but I see that she doesn’t argue either as she walks past me and takes a seat on the couch. I approach, and she doesn’t look up at me as I take a seat, making sure to touch her as much as possible. To my surprise, she doesn’t move away, which tells me that our bond is growing faster than I expected.

  I know that soon, my woman will be feeling the same need for me as I feel for her. The passion will never diminish. If anything, it will grow, especially when she’s in heat. As wolves, we sense when our mate is in heat, and even if we don’t want it, our bodies react to it.

  “Well, as you know, I’m part wolf, and as such, I sense when my mate is close. You see, being my mate means that you are my other half. If you weren’t my mate, I would never have been able to bond with you. The mark on your neck is for everyone to see that you are mine. My scent is also all over you, which will tell any other wolf that comes close that you are protected.”

  Her head snaps up to look at me. “Are you saying that I smell like a dog?” And then she sniffs to try to identify any peculiar scents.

  “I don’t smell like a dog,” I state with a frown. “What I’m talking about is my personal scent. Usually only wolves can smell it and recognize who it belongs to, as each one of us has our own unique scent.”

  “Great,” she mutters. “You should have told me all this before. Now what does me being your mate mean?”

  “It means that you are mine.”

  She tenses, and I know that she’s going to argue, so before she gets the chance, I place my hand behind her neck and pull her towards me as I lean down and take her lips in a breathless kiss. I kiss her until I feel her body relaxing and her hand come up to my chest, and then I lift my head. “You can see how much you want me. It’s the same as the way I want you.”

  “This is just sex,” she mutters.

  “No, you know it’s not just sex. We are compatible in every way.”

  “So, what happens now?” she asks.

  “Now you come home with me and meet the pack.” At the thought of the others meeting my mate, my fists tighten. They better not get too close, especially Blue; I know that they would never do anything against a brother, but my woman might just like what she sees, and I would rather she not get distracted.

  “Mmm, maybe some other time,” she murmurs. “I think I need to process all this before I decide if I’m going to get pulled into this madness.”

  What does she mean process? Process what? “There is nothing to process, Dakota. We are mates, and as such, you will be by my side. Besides, the others have already gone to collect your belongings and are taking it home.”

  She jumps off the couch and glares down at me. “What do you mean taking my stuff home? Are you mad? I’m not living with you, and who gave you permission to take my things?”

  Fuck, but she’s beautiful when she’s mad. My cock is so hard, I could just pull her into my lap right now and take her again. We are going to have the best makeup sex ever known to man.

  “Dakota, I will not have you sleep in that bed and breakfast again where you could be in danger unless you want me to sleep with you in that bed, because that is the only way you are staying there. I’m not sleeping at your door again,” I state, also getting up.

  “I didn’t ask you to,” she says angrily.

  “I know you didn’t, but I will make sure you are safe. Come on, what is so bad about this?” I ask. “You are going to be protected from that son of a bitch, you will be able to speak to your family again, and you will have a home instead of living out of a bed and breakfast.”

  “What is so bad is that you didn’t ask me. You just assumed that you could take over my life.”

  “Fine, Dakota, will you come and live with me?” I ask, and her shoulders slump in defeat.


  How the hell do I get myself into these situations? Out of all the women in the world, I’m the one who gets picked to be linked to a wolf. A wolf! This is madness. I can’t believe I’m doing this, and now I’m on the back of a motorcycle, racing towards a pack of wolves that will most probably eat me one day.

  I know that what he says is madness, but I also know that I have never felt like this before. I feel a connection with this man that I never thought I would feel with anyone. My arms are around his waist, and all I want to do is stroke my hands up and down his stomach and chest. This insatiable craving that I have for him is absolute madness. With everything that has happened to me before, I can’t believe that I can want a man again, but here I am.

  The sex was out of this world. His kisses have me wet in seconds, and the way he looks at me has my skin tingling without him even touching me. Just as we turn out of town, two motorcycles join us. I can tell that they must be Hunter’s
brothers, as they are wearing the same kutte that he wears with the Wolverine logo. We ride for about ten minutes before we turn into a long driveway with trees all around us.

  Looks like they have found the perfect spot for a pack of wolves to hide. This looks like private property, and as such, no one will realize what they are. The house we are riding up to is huge, a three-story building with balconies, but Hunter doesn’t stop in front of the entrance. Instead, he rides around the back of the house and parks outside what looks like a workshop.

  After pulling off his full-face helmet, Hunter turns to me to help pull mine off. “Damn, you’re a lucky son of a bitch,” one of the guys who was riding with us says as he approaches. “Hi, Darling, how did you have the bad luck of landing up with Hunter? Just think, you could have had me.”

  I grin at his teasing. I’m not sure which one this is, but he’s one handsome specimen. His hair is a honey brown, falling to his shoulders. His twinkling dark-blue eyes have a depth of secrecy that has my curiosity bubbling.

  “Stop flirting with my mate, asshole, or I’ll rearrange that smile for you,” Hunter warns, but there is a tone of camaraderie in his voice. “Dakota, this is Dixon, and as you can tell, he’s not just vain but an impatient cad who doesn’t wait to be introduced.”

  So, this is Dixon. From what I remember, he’s the one who people confess their secrets to. I now understand why. He has an open, friendly face that makes you want to smile and trust him.

  “Hi, nice to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine.” I guess it’s not just Hunter with the sweet talking. Seems like Dixon is just as bad.

  “Come, darling, let’s go inside. I will show you around later. For now, I want to introduce you to King and then all the guys,” Hunter says as he takes my much-smaller hand in his one. I hadn’t noticed before how much bigger Hunter is to me, but now looking down at our hands, I see how his hand engulfs mine. Everything about him speaks of danger, but I have seen his caring side when he spoke of the MC and all the men who now surround us.


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