Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Regions of the World

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Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Regions of the World Page 24

by Jonathan Swift


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  Segur's The Story of a Donkey. Translated by C. Welsh. Edited byCharles F. Dole. Illustrated by E.H. Saunders. Paper, 10 cents; cloth,20 cents.


  Trimmer's The History of the Robins. Edited by Edward Everett Hale.Illustrated by C.M. Howard. Paper 10 cents; cloth 20 cents.

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  Browne's The Wonderful Chair and The Tales It Told. Edited by M.V.O'Shea. Illustrated by Clara E. Atwood after Mrs Seymour Lucas. In twoparts. Paper, each part, 10 cents; cloth, two parts bound in one, 30cents.


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  Ewing's Jackanapes. Edited by W.P. Trent. Illustrated by JosephineBruce. Paper, 10 cents; cloth, 20 cents.

  Muloch's The Little Lame Prince. Preface by Elizabeth Stuart PhelpsWard. Illustrated by Miss E.B. Barry. In two parts. Paper, each part,10 cents; cloth, two parts bound in one, 30 cents.


  Lamb's The Adventures of Ulysses. Edited by W.P. Trent. Illustrationsafter Flamman. Paper, 15 cents; cloth, 25 cents.

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  Ewing's The Story of a Short Life. Edited by T.M. Balliet. Illustratedby A.F. Schmitt. Paper, 10 cents; cloth, 20 cents.

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  Muloch's The Little Lame Prince. Preface by Elizabeth Stuart PhelpsWard. Illustrated by Miss E.B. Barry. In two parts. Paper, each part, 10cents; cloth, two parts bound in one, 30 cents.


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