Librarian and the Beast: A Mintar Romance

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Librarian and the Beast: A Mintar Romance Page 5

by S. J. Sanders

  Beni leaned forward, her eyes skating over the males he gestured toward. “Really… Humans birthed them? How does that work? I can’t fathom how a human could birth a Mintar. Not to mention the fact that I can’t imagine how sex would work between our species. How does everything line up?” she queried as her eyes ran speculatively over a male who trotted by her.

  She didn’t even see anything resembling the genitals on him, but she would have expected to be equipped like most quadrupeds.

  “It would be quite a curious thing. I can imagine some of the ladies of my acquaintance feeling faint at the very idea of it. No one would admit that they were truly fascinated, even if they hold on to every… tiny… tidbit of information.”

  Her companion coughing snapped her attention back to him. He held the waterskin close to his chest, his eyes squeezed shut as his frame shook with coughs. When they finally settled, he blinked hard at her. Clearing his throat, he glanced away, his eyes narrowing on several of the males looking their way.

  “I am certain you will learn more than you might have wanted once we arrive to our clan lands,” he muttered.

  “Oh, why is that? Are you planning on show me something?” she asked with a flirtatious smile. Although his appearance was unsettling, she had to admit that she was curious. “If so, maybe we should be on a first name basis. I’m Beni,” she offered cheerfully.

  The infuriating male pressed his lips together, his face shutting down, revealing nothing. “I have no plans other than seeing you home. I understand, however, that humans are less sexually open than Mintars are. There is a significant probability of you witnessing something before we leave,” he muttered, before lapsing into silence.

  Beni sighed. This Mintar was about as fun as the chancellor on tax collection day. She eyed him for several minutes, and then sniffed in exasperation when he didn’t offer his name.

  “So, do you have a name, or does Red Beast Man work for you?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  A sour expression slipped over his face as he grunted one word, “Faltz.”

  With that, he pushed back up to his feet and stepped away. He angled his head to glance at her over his shoulder. “Finish eating and groom yourself as much as you can, but make haste. I will return for you when it is time to leave.”

  Beni glanced down at the remaining portion of her fish, and the comb, and the leather that sat in her lap. Leaving the comb and tie there, she gobbled up the fish, her eyes never leaving the large form of Faltz as he moved among the other males, towering over them. Her eyes roamed over his form with undisguised curiosity.

  Just where did a Mintar male keep his dick, anyway?

  Chapter 7

  Faltz needed to be away from the female… Beni. Being near her was overwhelming and confusing. Her incessant talking bewildered him, and yet he felt an undeniable surge of lust in her presence. His rut always rode him hard, but the way it snaked through him now made him fantasize about occupying her mouth in other ways as he sat at her side. Even a safe distance away from the sweet scent of her, his body surged with need. It took supreme effort on his part to keep himself from going over to her and showing her the demonstration that she had asked for.

  A shiver rippled over her skin. What had she been thinking to make such a suggestion? It was surprising—and it tempted him powerfully. His mouth went dry as he imagined the way her eyes would widen and then soften with interest. He was a large male, but he would be gentle…

  No! He would not allow his mind to drift in that direction. He was performing the task set upon him by the gods, and then he would return to his clan without knowing the taste of her body or the way it would feel around him.

  His sex swelled uncomfortably, the normally flat sheath bulging out from below his medial torso, just above the cluster of muscles that powered his forelegs. His need was on display to any who looked upon him even though he wasn’t yet extruding. As he walked through the shelter to organize their departure, he did not miss the startled way that many of the males looked upon him.

  A tight scowl hardened his face at the surprise from the younger males. He was no longer a male in his first seasons of rut, but he was not aged either. His muscles were larger, his body thicker, hardened with solid strength. He no longer exhibited the softer, rounder qualities of youth, but nor did he have any gray strands in his mane due to advancing age. It was true that a male his age usually had bred at least a few calves, but he knew males of even advanced annums who continued to increase the clan. There was no reason for any of them to be surprised.

  The husky laughter from several young males clustered together as they worked, however, drew his attention. They were watching the female as they talked amongst themselves in low tones. But not low enough to escape his notice.

  “Do you think Faltz will breed the human?” Horat hissed to his companions.

  “He would be foolish not to take her,” Gandt said. “I would not hesitate. I would carry her away to a private place and rut her until she couldn’t walk.

  Faltz scowled and headed toward them. He needed to put a stop to such thinking. He was nearly upon them when a showy young male with brilliant coloring snorted and shook his head.

  “I doubt it. He has not looked at a single female that I know of. Besides, why would she wish for a male that old when she can have a fine male who knows what to do with a female and can do it all night?” Isnah chuckled as he pushed his sheath forward suggestively.

  A low growl rumbled from Faltz’s chest, making all three males freeze in place, the packs that they had not yet strapped to their harnesses hanging limp in their hands. Isnah swallowed, a sheen of sweat popping out beneath Faltz’s glower.

  “Obviously,” he hissed, “you males have too little to do to keep yourselves occupied if you can find time for such talk. As soon as you finish strapping the rest of your bags in place, you will volunteer to add to your load in place of your injured brother.”

  A chorus of groans followed his pronouncement, but each of them silenced under the hard look he gave them. He narrowed his eyes, arms folding over his chest, and watched as they finished fitting their supplies to their harness. Beneath his watchful eye, they walked to where Atem’s packs lay beside the litter he rested on.

  His voice shot out to their departing backs. “And so that you are aware, any female I choose to take for a mate wouldn’t require all night to make certain she was well satisfied. Something perhaps to consider, Isnah, before you brag next.”

  The chorus of chuckles among the hunters had the male’s scales darkening with an embarrassed flush as he hurried after his friends.

  Faltz did not join in the laughter but gave a hard look to all the males of his clan. “We move within the hour.”

  The males, seasoned hunters each, acknowledged with a dip of the horns. Several of them stood with a younger male they were paired with as instructors, keeping the males in check. The youths watched wide-eyed, their lateral torsos shivering from the added pressure of the harnesses, silently bearing their share of the work. Faltz nodded approvingly as he moved on. The first hunt was hard on them, but they would learn and become stronger.

  Bakin moved away from where he was stationed, supervising the packing of equipment, and flagged Faltz with a concerned expression. Faltz pivoted and made his way over. His friend frowned and leaned in, the horns brushing, to speak quietly in his ear.

  “Problems already?”

  “No,” Faltz grunted. “Just young males posturing as they usually do. If it is not about how well they will outhunt everyone, it will be about rutting. It is nothing to be concerned over.”

  At least he hoped it was not.

  Unconvinced, Bakin shook his head. “Isnah’s father is a favorite of the queen. If Isnah pushes hard enough, his father may make it difficult for you to get the female out of the clan lands unmated.” His friend’s hand came down to rest firmly on his shoulder. “I only say this to warn you. Be cautious. Calth is ambitious and cunning. To secure a mate
for his offspring, he might go to any length. Just watch your tail.”

  Faltz nodded in response. This was something he had not considered. Keeping her away from young males would have been easy enough, since most were afraid of him. They would have resented him and spoken out against him, but few would have dared to challenge him directly. But the involvement of less honorable males assisting their young gave him pause.

  “What do you suggest?” he asked. He was not at all interested in hearing it, but was not so foolish to ignore advice from their clan’s captain.

  The male’s smile was sly as he regarded him from the side under the pretense of checking the ties on a pack.

  “I am saying that you and the female…”

  “Beni,” Faltz cut in. “Her name is Beni.”

  “Very well. That you and Beni should be known by everyone in the clan as a mated pair.”

  “I told you—I will not mate the female. I am honor-bound to return her to her home,” Faltz growled impatiently.

  His friend’s smile widened. “But what if you came to an agreement to pretend that you are?”

  Faltz stared at his friend—stared hard. Pretend mating? “That is the stupidest idea I have ever heard,” he said. “There is no way to fool the entire clan. They will know just by scent that we are not mated.”

  Bakin grimaced. “True. You can probably deceive some for a time just by lying with her so that your scent clings to her, but any male who gets close enough will notice.” He grinned and clasped Faltz on the shoulder. “I am sure you will think of something, my friend.”

  “That is no help,” Faltz said.

  As much as he disliked the idea—and worried about even feigning intimacy with Beni during his rut—there were few other options available that would discourage other males while they were among the clan. It meant sharing his home with the female, being next to her every night on the cushion on which he bedded. Though he tried to restrain his reaction, his flanks shivered.

  His eyes tracked to where Beni sat. The cabbage leaf had been discarded beside her, and she was slowly working the tangles from her mane with the comb. Those she had yet to work through lay matted against her, while what she had combed out resembled a seeding dandelion. With every tug of the comb, her face screwed up painfully, her lips moving with what he imagined to be a series of curses hurled toward either the comb or the locks of mane she struggled with. The corners of his mouth quirked at her fierce expression.

  “Perhaps she will let you spread your seed on her. I hear human females are a bit odd that way,” Bakin said thoughtfully from his side.

  Faltz closed his eyes against the image that suddenly swam before them and cursed. He did not need to think about Beni covered in his seed, her breasts bared, and that smile promising mischief on her lips. His cock hardened. Damned rut! If that was what he was going to have to do to discourage males, he didn’t know if he would be able to survive the pretense.

  His pain must have been more obvious than he thought, because Bakin chuckled from his side. He felt the other male’s tail strike his haunches playfully and growled in response. Bakin was not taking this matter as seriously as he should.

  “You cannot be serious,” Faltz growled, giving voice to his thoughts as he opened his eyes and glared at his friend.

  Bakin gave a sharp, toothy smile. “Why not? The smell of seed is distinct. If you made sure to coat her every night, I don’t think anyone would wish to sniff closely enough to find out just how thoroughly it was applied… or where. I would not hesitate to do it.”

  “That is because you were dropped on your head as calf,” Faltz muttered.

  “I will pretend that you mean that as the highest compliment to speak of my wit and cunning,” Bakin said, laughing.

  Faltz chuckled, but the laughter died as he watched a male skirt near Beni. Isnah again! He obviously had not made an impression with his reprimand. Such blatant disregard when it was believed that a mating courtship was beginning was an obvious offense toward him. Bakin was correct: he was going to have to convince the males that they were mated to keep them in line. He was not away from her side for more than a short time; he did not wish to consider what opportunists such as Isnah would attempt to do in their clan lands.

  “I must go,” he said to Bakin as he set off, not even waiting to hear his friend’s reply.

  The moment his shadow fell over the younger Mintar, Isnah froze. Weighed down as he was with packs, the male still had the energy to glance up at him belligerently. That look was all Calth. The male’s sire shone through every proud line, and the sneer on the younger male’s face. Faltz loomed over him, a full head and half taller, his large horns dipping in challenge.

  “Did I not give you an order? Or is there something I can help you with, Isnah, seeing how you have approached my camp?” he growled, not attempting to mask his menace.

  The male’s cheeks darkened with temper. “As you can see, I have done as you ordered,” he hissed, the spines on his tail lifting. “I have no interest in your camp or you. I merely saw this female sitting by herself here and thought she might like some company.”

  Faltz observed all this through narrowed eyes. “You know your conduct could be taken as a challenge… Is that your intention?” he asked quietly.

  It was the only chance Isnah would get to back down. Faltz never issued more than one warning.

  Locking eyes, hostility radiated from his body as the younger male’s look of disdain at first wavered—and then crumpled altogether. Although his stubborn jaw was still thrust out, Isnah lowered his eyes, his small horns dipping toward the ground as he dropped his head.

  “No,” he at last muttered.

  An angry snort issued from Faltz, his expression hardening even more. This male would require even stricter watching than he had thought.

  “Perhaps you are looking for yet more work…Though no, I doubt it could be so, since your flanks already seem unstable under the load you bear,” he observed, giving the male time to absorb his words before issuing his command. “Get to the front ranks and prepare to move out.”

  Isnah jerked his head before stepping as fast as he could manage to where most of the other hunters were clustered. Faltz watched after him with a scowl. He felt Beni’s presence as she stood and stepped closer, but when he glanced down, he found that she too was staring after the male, her brow puckered in confusion. She glanced up at him after a heartbeat and raised her eyebrows.

  “That went well,” she said.

  He shook his head, his own mood still prickly after the confrontation. “It did not. Isnah is going to be a problem. Truthfully, all the males are going to be, if you wish to see your home again.”

  Her tongue swiped over her bottom lip before her teeth begin to worry at the tender flesh. “I’m afraid I don’t understand. He seemed nice enough, I suppose, and none of the other males have done anything untoward that would give me cause to fear them.”

  A long sigh rattled out of him. “No, they would not,” he admitted. Adjusting the packs on his harness, he glanced toward her, raising a brow. “Do you wish to be mated to them and live out the rest of your life without seeing your people again?”

  Beni pulled back in horror. “I can’t do that! I have my mama and the books, and I…”

  Faltz lifted a hand, stemming the flow of her objections before lowering it toward her. “Then come, and I will tell you of my plan.”

  “You have a plan?” she asked as she placed her hand in his.

  He swung her up over his withers, and made sure she was settled comfortably before answering. Giving her a solemn look, he nodded.

  “Unfortunately, I do. The only option that we have available to us if I am going to see you home. Even then there is a risk…” His voice dropped off as he hesitated, not wishing to alarm the small female seated with her legs closed around him. He could feel the intimate heat of her body where she settled, and he resisted the urge to shiver with pleasure. Instead, he trained his full attenti
on on the two words that left her mouth.

  “Tell me,” she insisted.

  Chapter 8

  Beni’s jaw went slack. She was glad that they were near the end of the long line of Mintars trotting over the plains so that no one would see her expression. Not even Faltz could see it unless he turned back and looked at her.

  “I’m sorry—you want me to what?” she asked in bewilderment.

  “Pretend to be my mate,” Faltz returned in a low voice.

  “And this will require to you to… to…” she dipped her head forward and lowered her voice to a shocked whisper, “put your spunk all over me?”

  Faltz turned his head to glance at her over his shoulder. “Bakin assured me that such things were not uncommon among your kind.”

  Her cheeks heated with embarrassment. He wasn’t wrong. Beni had allowed her lovers to do many things in the heat of the moment that required copious cleaning afterward. But it had been sex—not something as impersonal as a male rubbing his cum on her.

  “I just… That is a lot to ask. It won’t be my first time, so that’s not the problem, but there is nothing attractive about a man just coming up and rubbing his cum all over me. I mean, is it going to be cold by then?” She wrinkled her nose.

  The Mintar heaved a ragged sigh. “What shall you like me to do then? Fuck you directly? Will that keep everything warm and pleasant for you?”

  Beni tilted her head in consideration. “That would depend on several factors. I still don’t know the essential information about how it all works, but if I did, I could consider it… for my personal safety of course,” she added from where she was perched.

  Sitting on what he called his lateral back was not unlike riding horse. The gait was different, given that Mintars had talons rather than hooves. But now she almost slid right off, saved only by her grip around his waist in front of her, when Faltz came to a stop. He turned his torso so that he was looking directly at her over his shoulder.


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