Librarian and the Beast: A Mintar Romance

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Librarian and the Beast: A Mintar Romance Page 9

by S. J. Sanders

  “Challenge him?” Beni paled as the other woman nodded.

  “Males can challenge for right to court and mate a female if it appears that a mating did not successfully bond the pair.”

  “Oh.” That wasn’t good.

  “You have a few things weighing in your favor currently—your public claiming of him, and the fact that he intimidates most males among the clan. But that won’t keep them away for long. Females are in short supply, and an eager male will risk a lot for the opportunity to court you.”

  Mouth gaping open, Beni stared. This didn’t sound much better than the conditions at the Citadel. “Females can just be forced into matings with males they don’t want?”

  “No, not at all, but a successful challenge will remove a female from her mate for one moon cycle to give the winner the exclusive opportunity to court her and win her heart. Challenges are rare with Mintar females because usually the couple already has an established relationship before they choose to mate, whereas with humans, because we’re rescued and taken in, there tends to be more that arise. There are rules when it comes to mating for which complaints can be lodged with the clan queen, like forcing a female to be one’s mate by the use of voice, their method of calming females. It is only supposed to be used to soothe or make a female comfortable during transportation. It is considered extremely immoral to secure a mate by its use.”

  Beni picked at her fingernails. The matter of mating seemed far more complicated than she had expected.

  “Is there any point that they will stop trying?”

  Miram nodded and grimaced. “There is. Once the female has been bred, the other males will eventually leave her alone. Offspring will often secure a mating bond stronger than anything else in the minds of the Mintars. It’s one reason that they go into seclusion for a week. By the end of the week, it is common for females to have conceived.”

  Beni’s eyes widened and she sank onto the bed. She had never entertained the idea of having children. It was hard to think of such things when long-term relationships were filed under “hell no.” She was on a birth control regimen where she took a weekly draught. What if it ran out before she returned home? Her breath wheezed out of her in alarm. An alien baby wouldn’t go over well in the Citadel. And a fertile female among the Mintars risked being taken away by another male if he won the challenge.

  Miram leaned down and peered at her as she placed the back of her hand across Beni’s forehead. “Are you feeling poorly?”

  “This is just a lot to take in,” she admitted.

  A warm laugh surrounded her as Miram engulfed her in a hug. “Everything will be fine. I will have a talk with Faltz.”

  “A talk about what?” Faltz’s deep voice interrupted as he swept aside the flap and stepped in.

  “About where you’ve been,” Miram informed him with a hard look as she handed Beni the fresh change of clothes. “You never struck me as foolish, but I guess I am going to have to have ‘the talk’ with you. Very well. It will be good practice for Atem. I guess I will start with… you are being a complete idiot.”

  Chapter 14

  Faltz stared at the human female in shock. Her words stung. Miram had never spoken to him in such a manner. “I do not understand what I have done that justifies this attack.”

  Miram’s lips quirked and she shook her head. “Not an attack, just an observation. You left your mate alone for what I gather has been a significant amount of time during a critical point in mating.”

  Sighing, he rubbed his hand along the base of one horn. “I trust you and Praxlor, so you might as well know the truth. I am not really mated to Beni. Everything between us is a ruse to keep the other males away from her until I can return her to her people,” he muttered.

  The female’s eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open as she seemed to struggle with his announcement. “But… she claimed you and you brought to stay with you in your home. Did you have her mount you too?” she demanded angrily.

  “That actually was my idea,” Beni said. As the other female turned a horrified gaze on her, she thrust her chin out. “Hey! He wanted to rub spent cum all over me so that I carried his scent. I would much rather actually enjoy the process, thank you.”

  Miram blinked. “Oh, well, yes… I suppose I could see how that would be…” she trailed off, shaking her head. “So there’s no chance of this being a real mating?”

  He snorted and offered what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “No chance at all.”

  “You don’t need to sound so happy about it,” Beni said. He frowned over at her, wanting to demand what she meant by that, but she had turned her back to him as she spoke to Miram. “It’s the best plan we could think of that would keep the other males from trying to take me. I have to get home—I know Mama is worried out of her mind. This was never meant to happen. I was just rescuing books.”

  “I… see,” Miram murmured. “Well, I can appreciate your plan… Whose brain child was it, anyway?”

  “Bakin,” Faltz said.

  Miram chuckled and shook her head in unmistakable exasperation. “I should have known. It certainly is clever, but I do worry about you,” she added seriously. “Being mated, even pretending to be, is going to have consequences for both of you emotionally. There is no one closer to you than your mate.”

  “We are doing only what is necessary, so you do not have to worry, Miram. There will be no emotional entanglements.”

  “Yep, just fucking and going about our business,” Beni added flippantly. There was something odd to her tone, however, that made him give her a sharp look. She met his eye, raised her eyebrows, and smiled back. He pressed his lips together.

  “Uh-huh,” Miram replied skeptically as she eyed them. “If you say so. You should be aware that if you want it to be convincing, you are going to have to actually be together like a normal mated pair. That means seclusion, Faltz. Or else you’re going to have every male in the village trying to take advantage of your absence.”

  Faltz inclined his head. He could not argue against that. “I believe you are correct. I received word from Bakin that Eloio will challenge me on the full moon. Once I have it settled, I will enter seclusion with Beni until we are able to get away without rousing suspicion.”

  Miram licked her lips. “Among humans, it is not unusual for seclusion to happen at a romantic destination. You can spread word over the next few days that Beni insists on a human honeymoon. The journey to the village is a long one. We can covertly gather supplies without anyone becoming aware of the matter, and then you leave on the pretense of following human mating customs. If you recall, when Praxlor and I mated he took me to a private spot where we could get accustomed to each other without the rest of the clan being present. It would not be unheard of.”

  “Leaving sooner would be ideal,” Faltz agreed. He did not understand why he felt such an odd pang within him at the thought. It would work best without complications. “It is a little over a week’s travel from our clan to the human village. It would be a good excuse for a lengthy absence. Then I can make up some excuse that took her away from me that requires days of searching for her. I will leave her outside the human village and return post haste.”

  Miram’s lips pursed in a curious expression that Faltz could not quite decipher. He was distracted from it when Beni cleared her throat.

  “Sounds like we have a plan, then,” Beni said. Running a hand over her chaotic tangle of curls, she sighed. “Get through today and tomorrow and then work on getting on our way. So, what do I do until we leave?”

  Faltz cursed. He had been so distracted that he forgot the reason he had come back to his dome. “That reminds me, I am to take you to meet the priest. He requested it. I should have brought you to him for his blessings when we arrived yesterday, but it was late, and I had other things on my mind.”

  Beni immediately perked up. “This priest is the one you mentioned who has all those scrolls?” At his nod, a wide smile spread on her face. She bounded up to h
is side, her fingers curling around his forearm with more of her usual spirit than he had seen from her since returning to his dome. “What are we waiting for?” As if remembering herself, she winced and released him as she drew back to look down at her clothing. “Perhaps I shall change first,” she said, as she shot an apologetic smile to Miram. “Thank you so much for your help.”

  Miram smiled. “It is my pleasure. I want nothing more than to see Faltz happy.”

  Her enigmatic words confused him, but she did not give him time to respond as she gently nudged him toward the door flap. “Let us go outside and let Beni dress in peace. Oh, before I forget, Beni, there’s some oil and a brush for your hair that I managed to find,” she called out. Beni’s happy squeal followed them as they stepped outside.

  Instead of returning to her abode, Miram lingered at his side and gave Faltz an arch look. “Not that I wish to tell you what to do—you are an adult male, after all—but you should keep her.”

  Blowing out a harsh breath, he shook his head in bewilderment. “First Bakin and now you…”

  “Praxlor would agree with me,” Miram interjected with a small smile. “He’s always saying that you of all males are one that he would like to see happily mated and with a family again.”

  Faltz frowned down at her. “I do not require a family. I have my clan and my duties.”

  “You know that your dam and sire would not have wished to see you alone,” she said gently. He knew that she meant well, but he stiffened at the reminder of his deceased family.

  “It may have been what they would have wanted, but it would not make it any more necessary. There are many males who deserve mates and calves.”

  “But few are as alone as you,” she said as she set her hand on his forearm.

  Faltz tensed. There was a reason that he set himself apart. It was better for him. He did not like to see the reminders of what would never be his. He did his duty to the clan, and that was enough. Being alone was better than unending disappointments.

  “I am content with my life,” he muttered.


  Heaving an exasperated sigh, he shook his head. “It does not matter. I have given my word. I will not betray her trust.”

  Miram smiled and patted his arm where her hand rested. “And that is what makes you an exemplary male, and why I’m going to help you. Be sure to bring Beni by to visit when you finish visiting the priest. I would like to introduce Beni to a few of the females while you speak to Praxlor. I am sure he will have further suggestions to offer on this scheme. It sounds like something he would have much to say about,” she finished with a laugh.

  Faltz grimaced. He was sure that the male would, too. While he valued the older male’s input, he just wasn’t sure how receptive Praxlor would be to it. Praxlor was known for his cunning mind, but he also had very firm ideas about mating and finding females for the clan. Where he would likely have little problem with the ruse itself, Praxlor may disagree with returning a fertile female to her people. The possibility of having yet another argument on the subject—especially with his sire’s brother—made his head hurt.

  “We will come by before going into seclusion tonight,” he replied with no amount of enthusiasm.

  The human gave his arm another gentle pat. “Good. Don’t look so anxious. It won’t be so bad. I’ll be sure to speak to him before you arrive.”

  “Thank you, Miram,” he said earnestly. If Miram could soften her mate to the idea before he arrived, he would be grateful.

  “No need to thank me. You are too old to be one of my calves, but I still remember the quiet young male I met when I arrived who helped make my transition into this life easier. You are part of my family, so as far as I am concerned, one of mine regardless. If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask. In the meantime, I’d better go find my mate and win him over to this plan.”

  He pressed his lips together thoughtfully as he watched her depart. Her words were reassuring, but for some reason that he could not quite determine, something about her choice of words was peculiar. Shaking his head, he turned to face his abode once more. Miram was a trusted friend, and kin by mating. His suspicion was unreasonable.

  The entrance flap shoved to the side as Beni stepped out, drawing his attention to his false mate. He stilled in surprise. She had proven to be an attractive female already, once she bathed and washed away the river’s filth, but now with her mane groomed and oiled and wearing the clothes that Miram provided… he was struck with awe. He knew he was staring, but he could not seem to help himself, even when her lips curled in amusement.

  Clearing his throat, he scowled and jerked a hand in the direction of the priest’s dome. “This way,” he growled.

  Beni’s smile widened, but she did not comment. She did nothing more than acknowledge his instruction and keep pace at his side as they made their way to the large dome-shaped lodge tucked closest against the shelter of the canyon. He ushered her through the entrance when she appeared to balk, and followed her in.

  The elderly priest Ederk smiled at them as he set aside his quill. “Faltz, thank you for coming. I had expected to see you sooner.” The reprimand was slight but clear in the male’s soft voice. The priest’s smile broadened as his attention fell on Beni. Faltz immediately saw the reason for the elder male’s amusement. Beni stood there in the middle of the room, her mouth gaping open as she stared at the cases built along the walls, each holding dozens of scrolls.

  “And this must be your mate. How delightful! It is not often we have new matings, and less often that I see such enthusiasm for my work. Do you enjoy scrolls, female?” he inquired pleasantly.

  Her mouth snapped shut, her face turning pink as she nodded with enthusiasm. “This is an amazing collection. Reminds me of the library where we keep our books. They are not in the form of scrolls like you keep, but are bound in leather with individual pages. But this collection… It’s beautiful, to be honest.”

  A pleased look came over the priest’s face. “It is my life’s work. Most of this I inherited from my predecessors, but I spend much time replacing old copies that are too worn and keep record of important events, matings and births among our clan, among my spiritual duties.”

  “Oh! That’s rather like what I do. Well… no spiritual stuff. In fact, I think the Temple of the Mother would kick me out the moment I walked through the door if we’re to be honest. Not that I am a murderer or anything like that. But no, I am a transcriber—or I was, until I was replaced by a male because he possessed a dick that I lacked, and was considered to be an ‘impartial’ and more skilled option.” Beni snorted at that, her brow drawing low as she appeared to fume. After a moment, her face relaxed as she looked admiringly at the male, much to Faltz’s annoyance. “Might I say that your scales are a lovely color? I have never known a male who would be caught dead in that shade of pink, but it is really pretty.”

  Ederk blinked in surprise, and Faltz was about to apologize for Beni when the male laughed. “Thank you. I fear this coloring is the result of age, but if a female admires it so much, I shall be sure to let the males know to not use the perinion dye to darken their scales. I am delighted to meet another one who is skilled in such processes. I would be happy to teach you our mother tongue once your seclusion is over. I could use an assistant. It really is a lot of work for an old male such as myself.”

  “Oh, that’s very kind,” Beni said, but Faltz noticed her smile wilt as she no doubt recalled why she wouldn’t be able to accept his offer.

  He was glad that she kept up appearances and did not withdraw her statement. Instead, she accompanied the male as he showed her some of his favorite scrolls, explaining a few of the texts. Beni broke in occasionally to ask about methods of preservation, how ink was procured, and other details that pertained to the scrolls. By the time the priest inscribed their names in the log of matings, a good portion of the day had lapsed. Faltz let out a relieved sigh when the priest removed a vial of sacred water. Now for the bless

  Pinching some sweet-smelling powder into a finger-sized bowl, Ederk emptied the contents of the vial into it and mixed it into a thick paste. Gesturing for them to approach, he held the bowl up to the six carved images that graced the clan shrine. Ixa and Abini, the mother and father of all life, smiled down from where they were locked together in eternal mating. Around them were their children, who governed love, death, birth, and the hunt. He threw a handful of incense onto the hot coals, releasing another plume of smoke into the priest’s dome.

  Dipping his first two fingers into the paste, he lifted his hand, and Faltz dipped his head to receive the blessing. He closed his eyes at the cool paste on his brow as the priest’s muttered words filled his ears, and his chest tightened with emotion that he attempted to ignore.

  It felt too real, and that worried him.

  Faltz’s eyes opened as the priest moved away, his gaze falling on Beni, who smiled as she was likewise anointed and blessed, the brilliant yellow of the paste bright against her dusky coloring. When the priest stepped back, her eyes rose and met his and Faltz felt something shock through him—an inexplicable awareness. His eyes widened, and he barely kept himself from jerking back away from her.

  Frantically, he looked back to the priest, his entire frame tensing.

  Ederk raised his hands as he spoke. “A mating is a gift,” he intoned quietly. “We never know when the gods will provide it. Celebrate each other, and know that even when you are far from each other you will always be joined, just as Ixa and Abini are joined. You are bound by their blessing for as long as you are deserving of it and hold each other in your hearts. In your time of seclusion remember this, and honor it as you deepen the ties between you.”

  Dropping his hands, the priest turned and winked at Faltz.


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