The Ghost of You (The Broken Lyrics Duet Book 1)

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The Ghost of You (The Broken Lyrics Duet Book 1) Page 19

by Tori Fox

  I nod.

  “What about the rings you always wear?”

  I sigh. I don’t want to talk about this right now, maybe never. I don’t want Noah to feel like he needs to know everything about my past. Because the more I talk about it, the more memories it brings back.

  I roll over to get out of bed but he pulls me back into him, his lips at my ear. “I’m sorry, Anna. I shouldn’t have pried.”

  I turn so I am facing him, ready to tell him off, but the look in his eyes gives me pause. I don’t know what to say to him but I know I can’t be mad, not when the sadness in his eyes looks like what I have seen in mine so many times. Instead I press my lips to his with a soft kiss.

  He’s hesitant in his return. Probably worried I am using sex to shut the conversation down. I pull away and he smiles at me. “How about dinner?”

  “Is it not burned?” I ask.

  “I managed to save it just in time. Well, the garlic bread is trashed but the pasta is fine.”

  We both get out of bed. I watch him as he throws on a pair of athletic shorts. My mouth watering at the sight. I honestly don’t know what he sees in me. Where I am soft and curvy, he is defined muscle and sex. Seriously, watching him do the simplest thing is enough to make me keep my clothes on the floor.

  “You sure you want to eat?” He laughs, catching me in my stare.

  I blink and look at the ground for my dress. “Yep, starving. Let’s—ugh—go get—”

  His arms are around me before I can finish whatever I was trying to say. His lips press against my forehead. “Maybe later you can watch me lift weights.”

  I roll my eyes and work my way out of his arms. I find my dress and bend over to pick it up just as he smacks my ass.

  “I couldn’t help it.” He shrugs.

  The vixen deep inside of me emerges again. “Don’t start something you don’t intend to finish.”

  Noah growls as he grabs my hips and smacks my other ass cheek just as his lips meet mine in a fervor of teeth and groans.

  My stomach growling makes us break apart.

  “We should stop.”

  I smile at him. “For now.”

  He grabs my hand as he pulls me to his door. “Let’s make this a quick dinner then.”

  “What about my clothes?”

  He strips his shorts off. “Naked dinner?”

  I laugh as we both walk down the stairs.

  I haven’t seen a lot of Noah the last few days due to our work schedules, but we have at least been able to text each other. And his texting is just as dirty as his mouth. Who knew this was what he was like under that uniform? And I want nothing more than to be able to strip him out of that uniform.

  I think back to our night together. The man pleased me in ways I never knew I needed. Not to mention he spent the entire day finishing the kitchen that had been in disarray for who knows how long so he could cook me a proper meal.

  And our naked dinner, I swear I have only read about things that hot. Let’s just say it was a good thing he finished those countertops.

  And that is why I can’t wait for tonight. We both work late and I already told Seraphina I couldn’t instruct yoga classes in the morning. She found it amusing because she knew I was calling out to have sex with Noah. She told me it was about time I had sex and that it was good for balancing out my chakras. I walked away from her at that point too worried about what she was going to tell me about her chakras being balanced with Darnell.

  “Yo, space cadet, you want to actually work tonight?”

  I turn to see Liam staring me down. I hadn’t realized I was spacing out for so long. It’s not hard to do when you picture a naked Noah. “Ugh, sorry.”

  “Who’s got you all starry-eyed and distracted?” Liam asks me as he places a drink in front of someone.

  “No one.” I walk to the end of the bar and grab a drink for someone flagging me down.

  Liam walks up to me as I mix a drink order. “You sure you aren’t thinking about Officer McDreamy?”

  I look over at him. “Positive,” I deadpan.

  He smirks at me. “Right.”

  We start to pick up and Liam leaves me alone for most of the night. I already have to deal with Seraphina and her interrogation about Noah. I don’t want to deal with Liam too.

  Around midnight a fight breaks out by the pool tables and the owner calls the cops after security breaks it up. Liam sips a beer as he leans into me. “Do you think Officer McDreamy will show up?”

  “Can you stop with the Officer McDreamy bullshit?”

  “What? He is dreamy. I wonder what that body of his looks like when it’s not in his uniform.”

  I snort. “You will never find out. Pretty sure he doesn’t swing your way.”

  He chuckles. “Oh baby girl, it’s only a matter of time.”

  “I highly doubt it. He likes the taste of pussy too much.” I clamp my hand over my mouth after I say it. I am never that crass around anyone.

  “Well, well, well. Looks like someone knows from experience.” Liam smirks at me.

  I shake my head, facing my back to the crowd as my cheeks turn an ungodly shade of red. “No. Ugh, I just see him—”

  “Oh I know you’ve seen him now. No denying it.” He pauses. I look over at him and see him smirking. “What was it you were saying about Officer McDreamy?”

  I punch Liam in the arm. “You need to cut it out. Fine. Yes, I slept with him. It was the best sex of my life. He has the body of a god and I could get very used to running my tongue up and down every inch of that hard body. Just like I can’t wait for him to go down on me again. Because what I said was true. He loves pussy. Especially mine. And I don’t care if you call him Officer McDreamy. That’s all he is to you, a dream. But he is mine.”

  I feel proud of myself for standing up to Liam. Even better that I chose the words I did. It made me feel feminine and sexy, like a sexual goddess ready to defend her man.

  I look at Liam again and I can tell he is holding in a laugh.

  “What was that about Officer McDreamy?”

  I freeze at the sound of Noah’s voice. I look up at Liam. “How long was he standing there?”

  Liam breaks out in a belly-shaking laugh. “The whole damn time.”

  If I thought my face was red before it is definitely the color of a firetruck now. I slowly turn to see Noah and his partner standing on the other side of the bar. Niko looks to be in the same state as Liam. Noah on the other hand looks like he is ready to jump over the bar and stake his claim on me. I lock eyes with his smoldering blue ones and I clench my thighs together from the sudden dampness that appeared.

  I don’t know how long our staring contest lasts but it’s broken up by the sound of the owner approaching Noah and Niko. “Thanks for coming in guys. I normally wouldn’t call the cops but this isn’t the first time this guy has caused a fight.”

  Noah’s gaze cuts back to mine as Niko answers. “Not a problem, man. Did the other guy say if he wanted to press charges?”

  The owner, Rob, shakes his head. “Nah. But I thought you two could shake up the other asshole’s night a bit. I will be filing papers to ban him.”

  “Is he in the office?” Niko asks as he follows Rob to the back.

  “I’m just going to go grab some beer to restock,” I tell Liam as I head to the back.

  “Is that what they are calling it these days?”

  I ignore Liam as I head into the back. I can feel Noah following me, but I didn’t expect any less.

  Before I can unlock the closet holding the beer, Noah pulls me to his side. “You want to lick every inch of me?” he whispers into my ear.

  I gulp as I feel his other hand trail down my waist and grip my ass.

  “You better talk like that later.”

  A chill goes down my arm. “Why’s that?”

  He grabs my hand and places it over his growing erection. “Because it turns me on very much. And everything you just said is happening tonight.”

is lips graze my ear before sucking on my neck. I whimper at the feeling then groan when he steps away from me.

  He points to the camera on his chest. “You’re going to have to wait until tonight, wildflower.”

  I watch as he walks out of the back room. I slump against the door, fanning myself with my hand. That man does things to me. And I cannot wait until this damn shift his over.

  Longest shift ever.

  You would think that after Noah arrested that guy at the bar, time would go quickly because I only had two hours left.

  But no.

  The police caused the crowd to leave the bar and the night dragged on.

  Now I sit impatiently waiting for Noah to get home. I went over to his house and knocked on his door the second I pulled in my driveway, but he wasn’t home. His police car is here so I know he must be out running.

  I contemplate waiting for him in his towel he said he wanted back but it’s too chilly and too provocative for me to sit outside on his porch in a towel.

  Instead I wait for him on my front porch to come running around the corner with Brutus. I start to doze off when I wake up to the sound of Noah yelling at his dog.

  “Come on, you fat ass. We are three houses away.”

  I giggle when I see Noah trying to pull Brutus. But the dog flopped on the ground, clearly with no intention of getting up.

  “Asshole,” I hear Noah mutter as he hefts the eighty-pound dog into his arms.

  I walk down the front steps of my yard and meet Noah on the sidewalk. The closer he gets the more turned on I get.

  There is sweat dripping down his sculpted face. His arms bulge out where he has Brutus in his arms. And the look in his eyes is enough to make me rip my clothes off in the street.

  “You keep biting your lip like that and I am going to bend you over my squad car and fuck you senseless right here.”

  I blush but let the wanton woman in me come out. “Officer, that might be considered public indecency. I wouldn’t want to get arrested.”

  His nostrils flare. “Don’t tempt me with the thought of you in handcuffs.”

  “What would you do to me if you had me in handcuffs?” I bite my lip as I walk backward to his house.

  I can tell he is trying to advance on me but Brutus is interfering. “You are just going to have to wait and find out.”

  I grin at him as I walk up the steps of his porch.

  “Keys are in my pocket,” he says as he lifts his right leg a little.

  I lean forward, sticking my hand in his pocket to grab the keys, but not without brushing my hand against Noah’s very hard shaft.

  My hands shake with anticipation as I unlock the door. I open it and turn the light on, holding the door open for Noah and he gently sets Brutus on the floor. I lock the door and turn around to find Noah staring me down like an animal ready to attack. His breaths are heavy in his chest. I look down to see the erection in his shorts I know is there.

  I take a step back on to the first step of the stairs leading up to his bedroom, unbuttoning the top of my jeans, as he takes a step toward me. I move up one more step, pulling the zipper down, as he moves one step closer.

  I giggle as I turn around and race up the stairs. I barely make it into his room before he is yanking my back against his front. “I don’t like it when you tease me.”

  I let out a groan as his hand slides into my jeans. “Yes, you do.” Before he can slip his fingers into my wetness, I pull away and turn around to face him.

  “You really are trying to cause trouble, aren’t you?”

  The vixen inside of me laughs because once again he unleashes me. “I’m just waiting for the handcuffs.”

  A grin spreads across his face. “You sound far too excited about handcuffs. Those are going to have to wait.”

  I pout as I move to the bed. He watches me as he moves around the bed and heads into the bathroom. My jaw drops open as he ignores me. I hear him turn on the water. I get off the bed and stand in the doorway of the bathroom. He is leaning against the counter, shirt off, arms crossed against his chest like he is waiting for me.

  “Took you long enough,” he says as I step in front of him.

  “I thought you wanted dirty tonight.”

  He smiles as he shakes his head. “No, I just want you.”

  He pulls me forward by the loops on my jeans and presses a soft kiss to my lips. My arms go around his neck as I slide my tongue into his mouth. His hands move around my hips and slowly work their way to my ass. His touches slow and deliberate like he wants to take his time. Every other time we have been together has been a rush. A push and pull, fire and ice. Like we couldn’t get to each other fast enough.

  But this time is different. I can tell by his kiss, by his touch. This isn’t about release. This is about the pleasure that leads up to it.

  His lips move from my mouth to my neck, leaving a trail of wet heat. My body feels like it’s on fire and he has barely touched me.

  “I don’t want to move fast tonight, Anna. I want this to be slow. I want to taste every inch of your body. Feel every heartbeat. Cause every chill that goes down your spine.”

  At his words, my entire body shudders because he isn’t a man that makes promises he doesn’t intend to keep.

  “I never got to undress you last time. You did that on your own.” His fingers pull on the hem of my shirt, caressing my stomach. “But I want to be the one tonight to undress you. Feel the heat of your body on my fingers, feel the goosebumps across your flesh. I want to know what it feels like to wake up to you in the morning. To kiss your shoulder as you wipe the sleep from your eyes. To slide between your legs to see how much you want me even as you sleep.” I look into his eyes as his hand moves up to cup my face. “I want it all, Anna.”

  I can’t hold back after that. Never has a man made me feel so treasured. Especially a man I have spent so little time with. My mouth latches on to his as I pour my own feelings into the kiss.

  His hands move back to my jeans as he pushes them down over my hips and to the ground. He kneels as he helps me step out of my shoes and jeans. He makes his way to the apex of my thighs and inhales. I blush at the intimate gesture.

  He makes his way back up my body, pulling my shirt over my head as he does. “You’re beautiful.”

  Before I can say anything he captures my lips with his. I can taste the salt above his lips where he was sweating from the run.

  His hands roam back down my body, unhooking my bra. He pulls me into him, my breasts pressing against his bare chest. And it feels so right. Me and him together. Everything that happened in my past is thrown out the window as I think about the future I could have with Noah. We are so different but so alike. I might be the creative type and him the intellectual but none of that matters. Our pasts are too similar to deny our connection. Our need to find a lasting love. And by no means am I in love with his man. But can I see it happening down the road? Absolutely. He makes me feel like I am the center of his universe.

  Our slow kisses start to pick up steam as his hands slide under the sides of my red lace thong and cup my ass. His fingers make their way between my legs and I groan at the feeling, pressing harder into his body.

  He bites on my lip as I grind into his hips. “You are so wet for me.”

  I look up into his eyes and giggle. “I’ve been like this ever since you walked into the bar.”

  “I wanted nothing more than to strip you out of your clothes then and slam your body against the back room door as I pounded into you over and over.”

  His words cause a gush of wetness between my legs.

  “You like it so much when I talk dirty.” His fingers pull out of me and I whimper. “But I remember you saying something about me going down on you again because I loved your pussy.”

  I turn bright red. I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed especially since I already said it earlier but in this moment I can’t help but flush hearing my words repeated.

  Noah lifts me up and sets me on the
bathroom counter, lifting my ass to pull my thong off, before he puts my thighs over his shoulders and delves between my legs. I scream at his rough attack but only in the most pleasurable way.

  He strikes me with his tongue, the scruff on his cheeks burning between my thighs. With every lick and bite he has my body seizing up, flushing, goosebumps everywhere. I let out a wild scream as he brings me to an intense orgasm.

  He pulls my legs off his shoulders. He stands up and removes his running shorts as he wraps my legs around his hips. He nuzzles into my neck before nipping at my ear. “Officer McDreamy at your service.”

  I throw my head back and laugh as he picks me up and carries me into the shower, servicing me in the best way.

  I sit on the kitchen counter as Noah makes me breakfast. Somehow I convinced Seraphina to let me be off on Saturdays so I could have this time with him. She was so happy I finally moved on she practically was willing to give me whatever I asked for.

  I stare at Noah and the perfection of his body. He only has on a pair of shorts per my request. Of course he tried to request I sit naked but I settled on one of his shirts. I can’t help but lean over to steal kisses while he cooks.

  “If you keep distracting me, I’ll burn breakfast like I did dinner the other night.”

  “I didn’t hear you complaining about that,” I joke as I pull on his arm, dragging him away from the scrambled eggs.

  He settles between my legs and presses a kiss to my forehead. He pulls back and stares at me like he is looking for the answer to something.

  “What is it?”

  He presses a chaste kiss to my lips and tries to pull away but I link my ankles around his back. “Talk, Noah.”

  “I just—” He sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. “You, Mayberry. There is just something about you. Something I never had before.”

  I bite my lip. “Like what?”

  He shakes his head. “This is all new but god you make me feel things I never felt before. Not as a lustful teenager who was horny all the time and not with my ex-wife who I was head over heels for.”

  I blush and his hands cup my face. “What do you feel?” I ask him.


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