Here’s another way to look at it: think of a forest. When a botanist looks at it they may focus on the ecosystem, an environmentalist sees the impact of climate change, a forestry engineer the state of the tree growth, a business person the value of the land. None are wrong, but neither are any of them able to describe the full scope of the forest. Sharing knowledge, or learning the basics of the other disciplines, would lead to a more well-rounded understanding that would allow for better initial decisions about managing the forest.
Relying on only a few models is like having a 400-horsepower brain that’s only generating 50 horsepower of output. To increase your mental efficiency and reach your 400-horsepower potential, you need to use a latticework of mental models. Exactly the same sort of pattern that graces backyards everywhere, a lattice is a series of points that connect to and reinforce each other. The Great Models can be understood in the same way—models influence and interact with each other to create a structure that can be used to evaluate and understand ideas.
A group of blind people approach a strange animal, called an elephant. None of them are aware of its shape and form. So they decide to understand it by touch. The first person, whose hand touches the trunk, says, “This creature is like a thick snake.” For the second person, whose hand finds an ear, it seems like a type of fan. The third person, whose hand is on a leg, says the elephant is a pillar like a tree-trunk. The fourth blind man who places his hand on the side says, “An elephant is a wall.” The fifth, who feels its tail, describes it as a rope. The last touches its tusk, and states the elephant is something that is hard and smooth, like a spear.
In a famous speech in the 1990s, Charlie Munger summed up this approach to practical wisdom: “Well, the first rule is that you can’t really know anything if you just remember isolated facts and try and bang ‘em back. If the facts don’t hang together on a latticework of theory, you don’t have them in a usable form. You’ve got to have models in your head. And you’ve got to array your experience both vicarious and direct on this latticework of models. You may have noticed students who just try to remember and pound back what is remembered. Well, they fail in school and in life. You’ve got to hang experience on a latticework of models in your head.”8
« The chief enemy of good decisions is a lack of sufficient perspectives on a problem. »
Alain de Botton9
Expanding your latticework of mental models
A latticework is an excellent way to conceptualize mental models, because it demonstrates the reality and value of interconnecting knowledge. The world does not isolate itself into discrete disciplines. We only break it down that way because it makes it easier to study it. But once we learn something, we need to put it back into the complex system in which it occurs. We need to see where it connects to other bits of knowledge, to build our understanding of the whole. This is the value of putting the knowledge contained in mental models into a latticework.
It reduces the blind spots that limit our view of not only the immediate problem, but the second and subsequent order effects of our potential solutions. Without a latticework of the Great Models our decisions become harder, slower, and less creative. But by using a mental models approach, we can complement our specializations by being curious about how the rest of the world works. A quick glance at the Nobel Prize winners list show that many of them, obviously extreme specialists in something, had multidisciplinary interests that supported their achievements.
To help you build your latticework of mental models, this book, and the books that follow, attempt to arm you with the big models from multiple disciplines. We’ll take a look at biology, physics, chemistry, economics, and even psychology. We don’t need to master all the details from these disciplines, just the fundamentals.
To quote Charlie Munger, “80 or 90 important models will carry about 90 percent of the freight in making you a worldly-wise person. And, of those, only a mere handful really carry very heavy freight.”10
These books attempt to collect and make accessible organized common sense—the 80 to 90 mental models you need to get started. To help you understand the models, we will relate them to historical examples and stories. Our website will have even more practical examples.
The more high-quality mental models you have in your mental toolbox, the more likely you will have the ones needed to understand the problem. And understanding is everything. The better you understand, the better the potential actions you can take. The better the potential actions, the fewer problems you’ll encounter down the road. Better models make better decisions.
«I think it is undeniably true that the human brain must work in models. The trick is to have your brain work better than the other person’s brain because it understands the most fundamental models: ones that will do most work per unit. If you get into the mental habit of relating what you’re reading to the basic structure of the underlying ideas being demonstrated, you gradually accumulate some wisdom.»
Charlie Munger11
It takes time, but the benefits are enormous
What successful people do is file away a massive, but finite, amount of fundamental, established, essentially unchanging knowledge that can be used in evaluating the infinite number of unique scenarios which show up in the real world.
It’s not just knowing the mental models that is important. First you must learn them, but then you must use them. Each decision presents an opportunity to comb through your repertoire and try one out, so you can also learn how to use them. This will slow you down at first, and you won’t always choose the right models, but you will get better and more efficient at using mental models as time progresses.
We need to work hard at synthesizing across the borders of our knowledge, and most importantly, synthesizing all of the ideas we learn with reality itself. No model contains the entire truth, whatever that may be. What good are math and biology and psychology unless we know how they fit together in reality itself, and how to use them to make our lives better? It would be like dying of hunger because we don’t know how to combine and cook any of the foods in our pantry.
«Disciplines, like nations, are a necessary evil that enable human beings of bounded rationality to simplify their goals and reduce their choices to calculable limits. But parochialism is everywhere, and the world badly needs international and interdisciplinary travelers to carry new knowledge from one enclave to another.»
Herbert Simon12
You won’t always get it right. Sometimes the model, or models, you choose to use won’t be the best ones for that situation. That’s okay. The more you use them, the more you will be able to build the knowledge of indicators that can trigger the use of the most appropriate model. Using and failing, as long as you acknowledge, reflect, and learn from it, is also how you build your repertoire.
You need to be deliberate about choosing the models you will use in a situation. As you use them, a great practice is to record and reflect. That way you can get better at both choosing models and applying them. Take the time to notice how you applied them, what the process was like, and what the results were. Over time you will develop your knowledge of which situations are best tackled through which models. Don’t give up on a model if it doesn’t help you right away. Learn more about it, and try to figure out exactly why it didn’t work. It may be that you have to improve your understanding. Or there were aspects of the situation that you did not consider. Or that your focus was on the wrong variable. So keep a journal. Write your experiences down. When you identify a model at work in the world, write that down too. Then you can explore the applications you’ve observed, and start being more in control of the models you use every day. For instance, instead of falling victim to confirmation bias, you will be able to step back and see it at work in yourself and others. Once you get practice, you will start to naturally apply models as you go through your life, from reading the news to contemplating a career move.
As we have seen, we can run into prob
lems when we apply models to situations in which they don’t fit. If a model works, we must invest the time and energy into understanding why it worked so we know when to use it again. At the beginning the process is more important than the outcome. As you use the models, stay open to the feedback loops. Reflect and learn. You will get better. It will become easier. Results will become more profoundly useful, more broadly applicable, and more memorable. While this book isn’t intended to be a book specifically about making better decisions, it will help you make better decisions. Mental models are not an excuse to create a lengthy decision process but rather to help you move away from seeing things the way you think they should be to the way they are. Uncovering this knowledge will naturally help your decision-making. Right now you are only touching one part of the elephant, so you are making all decisions based on your understanding that it’s a wall or a rope, not an animal. As soon as you begin to take in the knowledge that other people have of the world, like learning the perspectives others have of the elephant, you will start having more success because your decisions will be aligned with how the world really is.
When you start to understand the world better, when the whys seem less mysterious, you gain confidence in how you navigate it. The successes will accrue. And more success means more time, less stress, and ultimately a more meaningful life.
Time to dive in.
The map appears to us more real than the land.
D.H. Lawrence1
The People Who Appear in this Chapter
Korzybski, Alfred.
1879-1950 - Polish-American independent scholar who developed the field of general semantics. He argued that knowledge is limited by our physical and language capabilities.
Newton, Sir Isaac.
1643-1727 - English polymath. One of the most influential scientists of all time. He related the workings of the Earth to the wonders of the universe. He also spent 27 years being Master of the Royal Mint.
Einstein, Albert.
1879-1955 - German theoretical physicist who gave us the theory of relativity and opened up the universe. He is famous for many things, including his genius, his kindness and his hair.
Ostrom, Elinor.
1933-2012 - American political economist. In 2009 she shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for her analysis of economic governance; in particular, questions related to “the commons”.
Abbud, Karimeh.
1893-1955 - Palestinian professional photographer. Also known as the “Lady Photographer”, she was an artist who lived and worked in Lebanon and Palestine.
Jacobs, Jane.
1916-2006 - American-Canadian journalist, author, and activist who influenced urban studies, sociology, and economics. Her work has greatly impacted the development of North American cities.
The Map is not the Territory
The map of reality is not reality. Even the best maps are imperfect. That’s because they are reductions of what they represent. If a map were to represent the territory with perfect fidelity, it would no longer be a reduction and thus would no longer be useful to us. A map can also be a snapshot of a point in time, representing something that no longer exists. This is important to keep in mind as we think through problems and make better decisions.
We use maps every day. They help us navigate from one city to another. They help us reduce complexity to simplicity. Think of the financial statements for a company, which are meant to distill the complexity of thousands of transactions into something simpler. Or a policy document on office procedure, a manual on parenting a two-year-old, or your performance review. All are models or maps that simplify some complex territory in order to guide you through it.
Just because maps and models are flawed is not an excuse to ignore them. Maps are useful to the extent they are explanatory and predictive.
Key elements of a map
In 1931, the mathematician Alfred Korzybski presented a paper on mathematical semantics in New Orleans, Louisiana. Looking at it today, most of the paper reads like a complex, technical argument on the relationship of mathematics to human language, and of both to physical reality.
However, with this paper Korzybski introduced and popularized the concept that the map is not the territory. In other words, the description of the thing is not the thing itself. The model is not reality. The abstraction is not the abstracted.
Specifically, in his own words:2
1. A map may have a structure similar or dissimilar to the structure of the territory. The London underground map is super useful to travelers. The train drivers don’t use it at all! Maps describe a territory in a useful way, but with a specific purpose. They cannot be everything to everyone.
2. Two similar structures have similar “logical” characteristics. If a correct map shows Dresden as between Paris and Warsaw, a similar relation is found in the actual territory. If you have a map showing where Dresden is, you should be able to use it to get there.
3. A map is not the actual territory. The London underground map does not convey what it’s like to be standing in Covent Garden station. Nor would you use it to navigate out of the station.
4. An ideal map would contain the map of the map, the map of the map of the map, etc., endlessly. We may call this characteristic self-reflexiveness. Imagine using an overly complicated “Guide to Paris” on a trip to France, and then having to purchase another book that was the “Guide to the Guide of Paris”. And so on. Ideally, you’d never have any issues—but eventually, the level of detail would be overwhelming.
The truth is, the only way we can navigate the complexity of reality is through some sort of abstraction. When we read the news, we’re consuming abstractions created by other people. The authors consumed vast amounts of information, reflected upon it, and drew some abstractions and conclusions that they share with us. But something is lost in the process. We can lose the specific and relevant details that were distilled into an abstraction. And, because we often consume these abstractions as gospel, without having done the hard mental work ourselves, it’s tricky to see when the map no longer agrees with the territory. We inadvertently forget that the map is not reality.
But my GPS didn’t show that cliff
We need maps and models as guides. But frequently, we don’t remember that our maps and models are abstractions and thus we fail to understand their limits. We forget there is a territory that exists separately from the map. This territory contains details the map doesn’t describe. We run into problems when our knowledge becomes of the map, rather than the actual underlying territory it describes.
When we mistake the map for reality, we start to think we have all the answers. We create static rules or policies that deal with the map but forget that we exist in a constantly changing world. When we close off or ignore feedback loops, we don’t see the terrain has changed and we dramatically reduce our ability to adapt to a changing environment. Reality is messy and complicated, so our tendency to simplify it is understandable. However, if the aim becomes simplification rather than understanding we start to make bad decisions.
We can’t use maps as dogma. Maps and models are not meant to live forever as static references. The world is dynamic. As territories change, our tools to navigate them must be flexible to handle a wide variety of situations or adapt to the changing times. If the value of a map or model is related to its ability to predict or explain, then it needs to represent reality. If reality has changed the map must change.
Take Newtonian physics. For hundreds of years it served as an extremely useful model for understanding the workings of our world. From gravity to celestial motion, Newtonian physics was a wide-ranging map.
Would you be able to use this map to get to Egypt?
Then in 1905 Albert Einstein, with his theory of Special Relativity, changed our understanding of the universe in a huge way. He replaced the understanding handed down by Isaac Newton hundreds of years earlier. He created a new map.
Newtonian physic
s is still a very useful model. One can use it very reliably to predict the movement of objects large and small, with some limitations as pointed out by Einstein. And, on the flip side, Einstein’s physics are still not totally complete: With every year that goes by, physicists become increasingly frustrated with their inability to tie it into small-scale quantum physics. Another map may yet come.
But what physicists do so well, and most of us do so poorly, is that they carefully delimit what Newtonian and Einsteinian physics are able to explain. They know down to many decimal places where those maps are useful guides to reality, and where they aren’t. And when they hit uncharted territory, like quantum mechanics, they explore it carefully instead of assuming the maps they have can explain it all.
Maps can’t show everything
Some of the biggest map/territory problems are the risks of the territory that are not shown on the map. When we’re following the map without looking around, we trip right over them. Any user of a map or model must realize that we do not understand a model, map, or reduction unless we understand and respect its limitations. If we don’t understand what the map does and doesn’t tell us, it can be useless or even dangerous.
— Sidebar: The Tragedy of the Commons
The Tragedy of the Commons
The Tragedy of the Commons is a parable that illustrates why common resources get used more than is desirable from the standpoint of society as a whole. Garrett Hardin wrote extensively about this concept.
“Picture a pasture open to all. It is to be expected that each herdsman will try to keep as many cattle as possible on the commons. Such an arrangement may work reasonably satisfactorily for centuries because tribal wars, poaching, and disease keep the numbers of both man and beast well below the carrying capacity of the land. Finally, however, comes the day of reckoning, that is, the day when the long-desired goal of social stability becomes a reality. At this point, the inherent logic of the commons remorselessly generates tragedy.
The Great Mental Models Page 3