Misconstrued (Mistaken)

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Misconstrued (Mistaken) Page 15

by Pixie Unger

  “That’s not what I—” I stopped to wonder about that, then tried to get back on track. “That’s not what I meant. I meant that he didn’t want to ….” Didn’t want to what, Mina? He didn’t want to watch? How do you know? Maybe he did? He could have left. Did he even watch?

  Yes. Of course he watched. He waited until we finished to close the door so he wouldn’t interrupt. Shit. I needed to make sure he was okay. But first, I needed to make sure Romeo was okay.

  “How do you feel about Iago being here while we …” I trailed off, not sure how to describe last night. “...cuddled?”

  I could see him trying to understand what I was asking. Then I watched him try to figure out what the right answer was.

  “Iago will not hurt you because we cuddled,” he tried.

  I blinked and realized I hadn’t even considered that was a possibility. Time to try to turn this conversation back around. “But how do you feel about it?”

  This time he copied me and covered his face with his hands. “I’m happy— proud— that you choosed me to go first.” He peeked at me, to see if that was an acceptable answer. I nodded a little, so he continued. “I wanted to see you more. I wanted you to tell me what to do. I am still happy I got to go first.” He stopped to think some more. “I am not sad Iago was here. I am sad you are angry that Iago was here.”

  Angry? Was I angry? No, I was embarrassed. Romeo seemed to genuinely have no understanding of that. He just looked concerned for me, like he was trying to solve a weird puzzle and was afraid to hurt me in the process.

  Except that was it, wasn’t it? The human is being weird again. He was trying to understand me when he had no frame of reference.

  “What do you think I should do?”

  He searched my face for a moment. “More … cuddling?” he suggested, hopefully.

  I laughed. “Yeah. I owe you one.”


  “Cuddling so you enjoy it,” I tried to explain.

  His eyes went wide. “Can I see? I couldn’t see what you liked.”

  “Or we could find out what you like,” I suggested.

  “I would like to see,” he said, a little more firmly this time.

  I blushed and looked away, but I nodded. Erika said just don’t make a big deal of it, but live action sex ed wasn’t on my to do list. Ever. Then suddenly I wondered how much sex ed Romeo had ever even gotten.

  I sat right up and looked him dead in the eye. “Have you ever done this before? Like with an orc woman or a human?”

  He sagged and shook his head no. “But I can learn fast?” he suggested, hopefully.

  I actually chuckled at that. “Ok, first thing— don’t go fast.”

  He nodded solemnly.

  I was a loss at where to even start. “I liked the way you touched me,” I admitted.

  He smiled a little shyly, then curled up on his side, giving my nightshirt a gentle tug so I curled up next to him. “I like this, too,” he admitted. “Your skin is so soft.”

  And I’m a lot less boney than I was before you started feeding me, I added in the privacy of my own head.

  Then Romeo startled unexpectedly. “No babies! Mac made sure!”

  “What?” I asked, picturing a series of vasectomies being done on the dining room table along with the throat surgery.

  Romeo nodded happily, then guided my hand to a bump under the skin between his half-hard dick and his heavy-feeling balls.

  “What is that?” I asked cautiously.

  “Baby stopper!” he said happily. “Can take it out later if you want. But no babies on accident.”

  “Huh.” I tried not to get distracted as he continued to trail his fingers up and down my back. “Did you do that for me?”

  He grinned and nodded proudly.

  I found I was tracing the scarring on his neck and I pulled my fingers away.

  “That was nice,” he whispered, turning his head away from me so I could have better access.

  I can take a hint. “Where else is nice?” I asked, running my hand down his chest.

  “There,” he smiled. “You too?”

  I nodded, then arched as his calluses grazed my nipples.

  “Mmm,” he smirked. “More?”

  I nodded, letting my hands travel down his chest. I could feel his muscles jump under his skin. I leaned in to lick one of his nipples. He inhaled sharply enough that I hesitated. “Good?” I asked. He nodded frantically, and I laughed softly against his skin.

  “Can’t kiss you,” he mumbled. “But I can do that?” It was definitely a question rather than a statement.

  “If you like,” I replied, wondering why he couldn’t kiss me. I understood a moment later when I felt his tusks against my skin. The little licks and the whatever he was doing to nibble at me with his lips was new. I was more aware of his teeth than I would be with a human, but it wasn’t scary. I gasped as he scraped sharp teeth over my breast, and I liked it. He continued like that up my chest, licking a trail of tiny bites up to my neck where he buried his face for a moment before pulling away.

  “I forgot,” he apologized.

  “Forgot what?” I wondered.

  “Not to cover you,” he told me. “Not allowed. Humans don’t like.”

  “I liked!” I protested.

  He grinned at that, pressing his forehead to mine, before going back to nuzzling my neck. He was holding my ribcage between his hands now, running his thumbs over my nipples. I whined and squirmed in his grasp.

  He immediately let go, pulling away and I looked around in confusion. “Stop?”

  “No!” I protested. Then understanding set in. “If I need you to stop, I promise I will say so, okay? This is just going to get really frustrating if you stop every time I like something.”

  I could see exactly when he got that translated in his head, because his eyes went soft. “You liked that?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. Please, sir, can I have some more?” He didn’t get the reference, but he was happy to give me more. There was something about just being held, regardless of what his thumbs were doing, that just felt comforting. I wiggled around so I could just sit in his lap and put my head against his shoulder.

  He went back to a simple stroke down my back that faltered when I stretched my neck up to kiss his jaw. His eyes drifted closed and his breath caught in his throat. I could feel how much he enjoyed that but I stopped, just to get a moment of revenge, and asked, “Need me to stop?”

  He absolutely whined. I chuckled and gently bit his earlobe.

  “Mina,” he gasped.


  I don’t know what I was expecting him to say, but I got a soft growl of a word I didn’t understand. His hand started to reach between my legs, then fell helplessly at his side.

  “It’s okay,” I told him, “just be gentle.”

  “I don’t know what you like,” he moaned.

  “You’re doing fine,” I assured him. He gave me a worried look that said that wasn’t the point. I smiled at him. “Okay, put your fingers here,” guiding his hands between my legs.

  “Here but not in,” he mumbled. “I thought in, but no.”

  “Just there,” I agreed, before squeaking in delight as he tried to find my rhythm from last night. He was so close to my clit, it barely took any shift and he was there. I gasped and twitched.

  Romeo’s eyes went wide, then he smirked. “Not fast? Slow?”

  I whimpered, then gasped, “Just like that.” I was so close now, I just needed a little something to push me over the edge. My hips bucked; Romeo gasped.

  Or a big something.

  I pulled away and for a moment his finger’s chased me. “I don’t—” No, that wasn’t what I wanted to say. I took a deep breath and tried again, looking up into a worried orc face. “Romeo?” At the last moment I caught his wrist to avoid any accidents. “Time for more, but I need you to let me.”

  He blinked, then nodded enthusiastically. I sat up on my knees and repositioned to straddle
him. He was sucking his bottom lip a little.

  “Need me to stop?” I asked.

  He slowly shook his head. “Want badly. Worried about too fast.”

  My brain translated that in a hurry. “Just don’t pull on me, and it’ll be okay,” I promised.

  He nodded.

  I looked down at his cock and almost had second thoughts. I was out of practice, but I was also so wet it was sliding down my thighs. I took grip of the base of him, guided the tip against my folds, and just rocked there for a moment. Romeo choked out a sob. His eyes were squeezed shut and his fists were balled up in the sheets.

  “Need me to stop?”

  He shook his head in a frantic no.

  I smirked for an instant before my face went slack as I slowly slid him home. His whole body was clenched with the effort of holding still. I should have waited to adjust, but instead my fingers went to my clit. It wasn’t slow and romantic; I was long past that point. It only took a moment of quick fumbling and my whole body shook and clenched as I came.

  Romeo threw back his head and roared.

  I was vaguely aware of the door opening, but my body was arched, my head thrown back and fireworks were exploding behind my eyelids. By the time I could breathe again, it was closed.

  Which was probably just as well, because as Romeo came down from his high, he pulled me tight to his chest and held me in a bear hug as he trembled. I just layed blissfully limp in his arms.


  I was glad no one was waiting in the hallway when I dragged Romeo across to my room to use the shower. He had cum a lot, and we were both sticky and dripping. I can’t imagine this without access to a shower. Honestly, Miriam was a braver woman than I was.

  Romeo, however, had melted for me. He just kept staring at me with a dopey expression of adoration on his face. He made me want to giggle or roll my eyes. I wasn’t sure how to deal with that. I just knew I wanted to get cleaned up, put on clean clothes, and eat breakfast. A lot of breakfast.

  That was another reason I couldn’t imagine doing this in the camp. I wanted a three-course meal right now, and this had only been a quickie. I can’t imagine being sticky, unable to clean up, and having only a bowl of mystery food to eat.

  “You are sad,” he noted as I stepped under the water.

  I flashed him a smile. “I’m thinking of the people still living in the schoolyard. At least they have showers now, too.”

  “Always have showers. They know how to use them now because you show them,” he pointed out.

  I nodded. Still, though. They should have shown us that when they first set up the place. “Can you wash my back?” I asked, mainly to change the subject.

  It turned out, Romeo was really good at that. I ended up resting my head and forearms on the wall while he massaged whatever the soap actually was into my skin. It was like some barrier in my head had broken and the need to be touched was pouring out of me in great waves. Once I had come to terms with the idea that this was okay, it had given me permission to be lonely. I felt emotional and chaotic, and whatever Romeo was doing felt amazing. I knew I should rinse off and offer to wash his back, or even just get out of the shower before I used up all the hot water. I just didn’t want to.

  It turned out I wasn’t going to have a choice.

  Erika turned up for our morning meeting and let herself into my room with a knock I didn’t hear. Normally, that would have been fine, but being naked in the shower, bent slightly forward with a naked orc behind me, and then hearing my friend shout, “Get it, girl!” and whoop in delight was a bit of a mood killer.

  For me, anyway. Romeo didn’t seem to be bothered in the least.

  “Get out!” I shrieked, then caught Romeo’s wrist when he turned to go. He gave me a confused half grin. “You’re covered in soap. Rinse off first. Let me get her out of the room.”

  He nodded, still looking puzzled.

  “What?” I asked, feeling a little exasperated in that moment

  He just shrugged. “She has already seen me naked. All of us. In the med room.”

  I blinked. “Right. Okay. That was really mean of me to do that to you. I’m sorry.”

  He just shrugged. “You needed to see. I was happy to show.”

  “I wasn’t thinking of you as a person,” I admitted.

  “I hadn’t shown I was a person,” he argued.

  Part of me wanted to get into a fight that person should be the default setting until people proved they were actually monsters.

  Then I remembered shooting at them with my slingshot and I nearly fell over. I hadn’t waited to see if they were people. I had been part of The Resistance trying to get rid of them. Shit. I remembered laughing with my friends when we hit one. I was a good shot; I had hit more than a few. I staggered out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and hurried out into the room. Erika was gone, but someone had laid out a clean set of coveralls for me.

  I roughly toweled off, pulled my clothes on over my still-damp skin, and headed out to the kitchen. Mac and Erika’s three were there, and I grabbed her arm. “We should talk at your place,” I suggested.

  She pursed her lips at me. “Are you okay? I thought you were having fun.”

  I froze as a million things the guys had said jumped up and mugged my stream of consciousness. It has to be my choice. Rape is punishable by death. Orc’s are beaten for being disrespectful. Shit. I looked wildly over at the four in the kitchen. They were all staring at me. None of them were smiling. Oh shit.

  “I was having fun,” I explained, slow. “But now I’m embarrassed.” I was about to say that I didn’t like being watched, but then I worried that would make trouble for Iago. Wait! “Where are Iago and Tybalt?”

  “Out finding house for us.” Lucky shrugged. Then he apologetically added, “Place Erika wanted not good, he said.”

  I frowned. Iago hadn’t said that to me.

  But I had said I didn’t want to stay there if it already had people. Did it still have people? I shivered, and it wasn’t just the water running down the back on my neck where my hair was dripping. I tried not to hope. All the time in the camp, I had just wanted to escape and go back to the people I might have waiting for me. Now I had the chance to go back there, and I didn’t want to.

  I sat down on the couch, and tried to ignore the orcs watching me as I leaned forward and put my head between my knees.

  Erika sat down next to me. “Are you okay?”

  I looked up to see Mac hovering close by. “I should probably eat something,” I suggested, hoping I could pass this off as low blood sugar or something.

  The orcs all sprang into action to organize that for me. Not just Mac, but Erika’s three as well.

  “Let me get a towel,” she murmured. “I’m sure we can dry your hair better than that. You don't have to be embarrassed. That was nothing that I haven’t done.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That isn’t totally helpful right now,” I snarked.

  She just laughed as she wandered down the hallway. I heard her say, “Lovely to see you, Romeo J. Smith. What big…. feet you have!”

  I absolutely groaned and put my head back down to cover my blush, which wasn’t helped by Lucky’s puzzled expression and him noting that Romeo’s feet weren’t that big, just normal sized.

  I choked, then it was just too much; I had to laugh.

  Erika came back to attack my head with the towel, drying my hair as I snorted and laughed and sobbed and cried.

  A plate of cut up bread and fruit was passed bucket-brigade style from orc to orc to Erika, and finally to me. I used the towel to wipe my face and ate a slice of slightly mealy apple. I remember when I would have been disappointed that it wasn’t crisp. I had been so spoiled. I still was.

  This was me being incredibly lucky, and I had no idea how that had happened.

  I looked up to see five orcs all watching me with confusion and concern. I looked back down at the plate and ate a strawberry. “Erika? You know I’m okay, right?”

�Fffft! Yeah! Why wouldn’t you be?”

  “I don’t know. But I’m not sure they know I’m okay,” I nodded in the general direction of the kitchen.

  “You crying!” Rosencrantz protested.

  “I didn’t sleep much and I haven’t eaten today,” I countered.

  Mac slapped Romeo on the back and grinned like an idiot.

  Oh. Right. I was still going to have to deal with that at some point. I gave Romeo a nervous smile. “Not that I’m complaining! I’m just explaining.”

  I could see him relax a little, and that made me feel better.

  “And I was an accidental cock block,” Erika added. “I hate it when that happens.” I didn’t know what she was referencing, but Guildenstern looked deeply embarrassed. Erika seemed willing to babble until everyone got over themselves, but she did it in a way I wasn’t expecting.

  “You know what I miss?” she asked. Then, without giving anyone time to guess, she told us, “Cheese. I fucking miss cheese. Brie with fruit. Cheese on pizza. Hell, I miss my grandma putting fake cheese on celery.” She sighed. “And don’t even get me started on Chicago-style popcorn.”

  I groaned. “Yeah. Okay. Now I miss that, too. Thanks.”

  She grinned sweetly at me. “You are so very welcome.”

  I shook my head, feeling better already. “So what do you know, Joe?” I asked, managing to further confuse the onlookers.

  Erika’s face lit right up at that, “Oh! Oh my god! Mina! They have whole warehouses of stuff! Like… all the stuff! Anything that could be salvaged went into storage when they started tearing down the damaged houses. You know what that means, right? We get to go shopping! But, like, without worrying about money and no budget! I’m going to get a sex swing, if I can find one! They’re completely ridiculous and I’m going to get one anyway!”

  I snorted and shook my head. “I would be happy with a pair of socks.”

  “Well, bah humbug to you, too,” she teased, bumping into me with her shoulder. “No, really though. What do you want for the house?”

  I looked at her. It had been so long since I had even considered anything beyond wanting to be alive and able to eat tomorrow that I had no idea what to even wish for. The things I would have wanted were pointless now. A big TV was useless without power and content to watch. Computers needed power and the internet. Really, my deck of cards was more useful than any of that right now.


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