Crazy for You

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Crazy for You Page 24

by Susan May Warren

  “I couldn’t let him talk about her that way. She didn’t do anything to deserve it.”

  “Some things are worth the fight.”

  “Guess it’s something Ronnie showed me.”

  “Smart woman.”

  Yeah, she was. If only she didn’t hate him. “I really thought…I really thought we had a future together. But she doesn’t want anything to do with me now. And she’s probably leaving.”

  Pastor Dan laid a hand on Peter’s shoulder. “Like I said, some things are worth the fight.”

  Chapter 17

  All Ronnie wanted to do was forget Deep Haven ever existed and move on with her life. She needed to start looking for jobs. A new place to live. Maybe Megan could even pack up her stuff and ship it somewhere so she wouldn’t have to go back.

  The day nurse knocked and came in to Tiago’s room. “Good morning. How are you feeling today, Tiago?” She carried yet another balloon bouquet, this one purple and gold, tied with curling ribbon to a stuffed animal.

  Apparently, however, Deep Haven wouldn’t forget them.

  Over the last four days, it seemed the town had decided to slather them with gifts.

  Tiago rubbed his eyes and sat up in the hospital bed. “I’m good. Ready to bust out of here.”

  The nurse laughed as she set the Vikings jersey-clad teddy bear on the ledge with all the other get-well gifts. She moved to the bed and took Tiago’s vitals.

  Ronnie opened the card. From Kathy and the Java Cup staff. A gift card slid into Ronnie’s hands.

  Okay, so maybe she’d miss some things about the town.

  “Vitals look good. Keep it up and we’ll be saying goodbye to you tomorrow.” She removed the blood pressure cuff from his arm. “Now that that’s done, you feel up to a visitor?”

  Tiago perked up. “Yeah.”

  “Great, I’ll send in your friend.”

  Ronnie held her breath. It was probably just Megan and Josh again. But maybe…

  Vivien swept in. “My favorite Shark!” She ruffled Tiago’s hair and handed him a big stuffed Great White. “You, sir, need to get back to rehearsals. We only have a few days left before the big performance.” She held out a tall coffee shop cup to Ronnie. “It’s not a Java Cup iced mocha, but I came last night and stayed with a friend. This was the best I could do this morning.”

  Ronnie took a sip of the drink and tried to push back the disappointment. It definitely wasn’t a Java Cup drink.

  But that was okay. She needed to move on. Find a new favorite drink. A new coffee shop in a new town.

  Her phone buzzed with a text.

  Megan checking in on her again.

  Seriously. The town had attachment issues. Why didn’t they just let her go?

  Starting with Peter.

  He’d texted and called multiple times, and the only instance she’d responded to him was to tell him to stay away.

  Apparently, he’d finally listened because she hadn’t heard from him for at least twenty-four hours.

  But Tiago had asked about him constantly since coming out of his coma three days ago. She couldn’t put him off forever.

  Vivien told them about the latest rehearsal mishaps and gave Tiago a card signed by the whole cast. By the time his lunch came around, his lids had started to droop. He still tired easily. Maybe now Vivien would leave and Ronnie could start her job search.

  “Ronnie, grab some lunch with me. I’m starving and need more caffeine.”

  Tiago’s eyes were already closed. Breathing steady.

  “I should really stay here,” Ronnie said.

  “He’ll be fine. We’ll tell the nurses to call you if he wakes up.” She grabbed Ronnie’s arm. “Come on. He’ll be asleep for a while.”

  Vivie had this way of not taking no for an answer. Besides, Ronnie was sick of cafeteria and vending machine food.

  Vivien settled into the burgundy booth of the café across the street and didn’t bother looking at a menu when the hostess handed it to her. “I’ll take a Diet Coke and club sandwich with fries.” Vivien was a woman who knew what she wanted. And yeah, Ronnie would miss her too. But not enough to stay.

  Ronnie perused the menu. Nothing sounded good.

  Vivien cleared her throat and tugged the laminated sheet out of Ronnie’s hands.

  Ronnie held out her hand. “Hey, I was reading that. I don’t know what I want yet.”

  “Yes you do. You’re just too chicken to admit it.”

  “I’m not…did you call me a chicken? What is this, a middle school playground?”

  Vivien narrowed her eyes. Studied her. “Fine. If that’s how you want to play it. But you should know what’s happening in Deep Haven.”

  “Why should I care what happens there?”

  “Because Deep Haven is your home. And you can try running away, but that town has a way of not letting you go. I should know. I ran off to New York, seeking fame and glory.” Vivien got a far-off look in her eye and ran a finger down the window looking out toward the Aerial Lift Bridge. “But I also lost part of myself too. I should’ve come back sooner.”


  “Because in Deep Haven people know who I really am, flaws and all. But they still care about me—not what I can do for them, like advance their career or play a part. I don’t know…I guess it’s just nice to be accepted for who I am.”

  “Easy for you to say. You’ve got a family there.”

  “Just my mom.” She folded her arms. “But I saw all those cards, the flowers, and balloons in Tiago’s room. That’s Deep Haven for you. You may not have grown up there, but you’re one of us.”

  “Not really. Cole can easily find another paramedic for the Crisis Response Team.”

  “What about Peter?”

  “What about him?”

  “He stood up to the whole town, to his own family defending you and Tiago. Told them all about how much good you’ve done for Deep Haven. He yelled at Elton and Charlie Zimmerman. Even his Aunt Carol. Called them out in front of the whole town. And…he got into a fist fight with Cousin Elton.”

  He’d gotten into a fight? Over her? She ignored the twinge of heat inside. Vivie was clearly reading way too much romance into his fight. “Elton had it coming, I can assure you. And if it was about me, then clearly, he’ll be better off if I leave. Maybe his family will start talking to him again.”

  Drinks came and Vivien sipped her Diet Coke. “Wow. For such a tough girl, I so didn’t peg you as a chicken.”

  “And we’re back to that. Listen, I’m not afraid. I’m accepting reality.”

  “If you really think you’re better off without Peter, then go, because he doesn’t deserve that. It takes a lot more courage to stick around. To be vulnerable. You’re just running away while Peter faced his worst fear—being the town villain—for you. Tell me again how he doesn’t mean anything to you?”

  Ronnie drew in a breath. A sharp pain went straight through her chest. “I never said he doesn’t mean anything.” Because the truth was Peter meant far too much, and that was the problem. He took up so much room in her heart, she could hardly breathe. “But you’re right. He deserves better.”

  Vivien just stared at her, and Ronnie stared back.

  Finally, she backed down, leaned back against the booth. “Okay.”

  Food came and went. Vivien told her how Ben and his friends had confessed and were facing charges, how the town had held an emergency meeting and voted for a brand-new headquarters for the Crisis Response Team to be built on the Westerman site, and how the current municipal building they were about to revamp for the team would be converted into a youth center. By the time they got back to Tiago’s room, Ronnie was caught up on the Deep Haven news.

  And it affected her more than she wanted it to. Shoot, she still cared.

  Tiago snored lightly thanks to the pain meds doing their job. Vivien left without another mention of Peter.

  Ronnie sat in the chair by the window and watched her brother as he stirred under t
he covers. His arm bandaged, probably scarred for life.

  But he was alive.

  And, well, it occurred to her that if Peter hadn’t held her back, she wouldn’t be here to take care of him. He’d saved her from death. Which meant he’d also saved Tiago from going back to foster care and juvie.

  Peter wasn’t like any of her mother’s boyfriends. He never demanded. Never barged in and took anything. Peter was trustworthy and kind. The only thing he’d stopped her from was self-destruction.

  She scrolled over his multiple texts on her phone. A tear slipped and plopped on the screen.

  He was there for her even when she hated him, pushed him away.

  And maybe God was too. Maybe He’d always been there. Loving her, desiring her. A gentleman not forcing Himself, but patiently waiting for her to turn back to Him with open arms. Waiting for her to see how much He cared, to let Him in.

  It would be nice to have someone to hold on to. Because, yeah, if she were honest, it was pretty exhausting trying to hold everything together all by herself.

  She’d always thought being vulnerable was exposing weakness. Something she needed to fight. It takes a lot more courage to stick around. To be vulnerable.

  “Ronnie?” Tiago’s small voice pulled her out of her musing.

  She moved to the bed and perched on the edge. “How you doing, buddy?”

  He tightened his jaw, as if trying not to cry. “Have you heard from Peter? Is he…is he mad at me or something?”

  “Oh, Tiago. Of course he’s not mad at you.”

  A hardness seeped into Tiago’s voice. “So he’s basically like every other creep.”

  She frowned. “What?”

  “He’s gone. Left us.”

  “No, T.” She couldn’t bear to hear Peter slandered that way. And hearing Tiago expose out loud the lies she’d secretly been telling herself made them seem so much worse. Vivien was right. She didn’t deserve Peter. “No, he cares. It’s…it’s my fault he hasn’t come.”

  “Why is it your fault?”

  She fiddled with her phone, scanning the long line of texts she’d left unanswered. She handed it to Tiago. “He’s been asking about you, begging to come. I’m the one who’s put him off.”

  Tiago read and then looked up. “Why would you do that? I thought you liked him.”

  Liked him? Up until he’d refused to let her go, she’d thought she loved him.

  This last week had been the worst of her life, but how much useless suffering had she caused by pushing Peter away? Pushing God away, insisting she do it all alone? “T, I screwed up. I was so scared of losing you. So scared that liking Peter as much as I do was making me weak and dependent on him. And I lashed out. I told him to stay away.”

  “Then tell him you were wrong.”

  She looked at him. “I thought you didn’t really care much about him. I thought you wanted to move.”

  Tiago dropped his chin. His fingers plucked at the hospital blanket. “Josh said Cole isn’t his real dad, but he’s the one that comes to all his games, the one who helps him with his homework and stuff. And his mom is a lot happier now. I guess…I really hoped Peter would do that for me. Not that he would be my dad, but he spent time with me. And, I don’t know, it was nice. Doing guy stuff.” He looked up at her, challenge in his eyes. “I know he makes you happier too. Stronger. Not weak.”

  With the emotion choking her up, all Ronnie could do was nod. Her brother was right. She was stronger with Peter in her life. Life had more color, more richness and fullness with him. She was depriving herself and Tiago by pushing everyone away.

  And if that was true, she needed to win Peter back. She caught her breath and wiped away the tears. “So, what should I do?”

  Tiago handed her phone back. “Call him.”

  Maybe it was time to stop running away and trying to forget. It was time to reach out and hold on.

  She pressed the call button. Waited.

  He didn’t answer, and his voicemail didn’t pick up.

  It was probably full.

  She texted.




  And waited.

  But just like she’d expected, she got no response.

  Once again Ronnie’s SUV crested the hill with the mini golf course on one side and a Welcome to Deep Haven sign next to it. Tiago was fast asleep in the passenger seat just like he’d been the first time she’d made this journey. But this time it was broad daylight, and a bright summer sun and a herd of fat lazy clouds stretched over the bay. The town wasn’t strange and unfamiliar any more.

  In two months, it had become a home. What was it Vivien had said yesterday?

  Deep Haven is your home. And you can try running away, but that town has a way of not letting you go.

  As Ronnie turned on their street, she smiled. Yeah, Vivie might be right.

  Tiago woke up as she pulled into their parking spot. “Do you think Peter will come see us now?”

  That was the question, wasn’t it? “Um, I don’t know.”

  “You called him, right?”

  “He didn’t answer. I sent a couple of texts too.”

  “Then he’ll come. You’ll see.”

  If he did, it’d be another miracle. Like finding Tiago on the beach. Like bringing him home a week after he’d fallen into a coma and almost died. She’d probably met her miracle quota for the week. For her lifetime.

  But hopefully Peter, being the upstanding guy he was, would at least keep his relationship with Tiago. And somehow she would find a way to work with him in a professional manner despite her self-inflicted broken heart. She couldn’t blame the guy for walking away after she’d shoved him out of her life and told him he didn’t belong with her. And then she’d proceeded to ignore him. Her one text up until last night had stated We’re fine. Leave us alone. It didn’t exactly inspire a lot of warm, fuzzy feelings.

  So of course he’d ignored her messages last night. And today.

  Ronnie loaded her arms with balloons, bouquets, and stuffed animals, and finally managed to open the door to the apartment. She plopped everything on the dining room table.

  Tiago followed behind with a few more items, the softer things that wouldn’t hurt his arm. He sniffed. “What’s that smell?”

  Not that she could smell much over the flowers she’d just carried in, but a hint of fresh paint scent lingered in the air. “Megan asked if they could do some touch-ups on one of the walls while we were in the hospital.” It had seemed like a strange request when her friend had asked a couple days ago, especially since they had painted everything before Ronnie and Tiago had moved in. But it wasn’t like she would say no to anything Megan asked.

  “Can I go see Josh?”

  “And leave all this for me to put away? Nice try. Go unpack. And you’re gonna have to take it easy if you’re going to be ready for the play tomorrow. Maybe you should take a nap before tonight’s rehearsal.”

  “Aw, Ronnie, come on. I’m not a baby, and I can unpack later. Now that I don’t have that other medicine, I don’t get so sleepy.”

  “Unpack now.” She shushed him with a kiss on his head and gently shoved him toward his bedroom.

  As soon as he was in his room, Ronnie checked her phone again.

  Still nothing. She sank into a chair and tried to push back the tears. What did she expect? That after the way she’d treated him, Peter would be waiting for her?

  She wiped her cheeks and took a deep cleansing breath. At least she wasn’t alone. Not according to Pastor Dan.

  He wants us to experience life with Him inside us. He wants to carry us through the hardships. Join in our celebrations. Hold us when we’re hurting.

  This definitely qualified as hurting.

  Lord, help me get through this heartbreak one day at a time.

  It wasn’t a fancy prayer, but Ingrid had said it didn’t matter. That God knew her heart and could translate just fine.

  She waited but hear
d nothing. Felt nothing. Guess she just needed to trust that God knew what was best and move on. With a heavy sigh, Ronnie stood and went through the stack of mail on the counter. After trying to find a place for all the balloons and flowers and cards, she was left with her duffel to unpack.

  She hitched it up to her shoulder and with heavy feet, she opened the door of her bedroom. She took two steps in and gasped.

  Oh. My. Word.

  She dropped her bag and moved to the foot of her bed. Her hand covered her mouth. There was no holding back the tears that streamed down her face now.

  Above her bed was a huge magenta heart painted on the wall. A heart that matched the hundreds of deep pink roses set around the room in different shaped vases and jars. What in the world?

  But before she could take it all in, a knock sounded at the door.

  Tiago burst out of his room. “I’ll get it!”

  In a daze, Ronnie followed him. Tiago threw open the door to reveal Peter standing there with Blue and one more pink rose.

  The kid actually hugged Peter around the waist. “I knew you’d come!”

  Peter chuckled, set Blue down, and hugged Tiago back. “I missed you too, little man.”

  Blue barked and jumped in on the action. Tiago laughed and let her lick his face. “See, Ronnie, I told you everything would work out if you would just call him. Does this mean we can stay in Deep Haven now?”

  Since she couldn’t speak past the emotion clogging her throat, Ronnie nodded.

  Tiago—looking for once like a happy, normal ten-year-old boy—whooped in delight and grabbed Blue’s leash hanging by the door. “Now can I please go see Josh? Blue probably needs to go outside. And I unpacked.”

  “Go ahead.” Ronnie choked out the words with a grin of her own.

  “Don’t be gone too long. I was hoping we could go get some dinner together. Maybe ice cream too.” Peter gave him a high five as her brother rushed out the door.

  And then his attention zeroed in on Ronnie.

  He walked toward her with his one pink rose. “I should’ve known you’d be early. I was hoping to be here when you arrived.”

  “I can’t believe you’re here at all,” she whispered.


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