Danger at Poppyridge Cove

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Danger at Poppyridge Cove Page 4

by Rimmy London

  In the bedroom, Ava was leaning over the edge of the crib with her arms dangling, swinging them like a joyful chimpanzee. "Bocks, bocks, bocks." She looked up to see Abby and swung her arms jubilantly, pointing at the pile of blocks on the floor. "Bocks!"

  Abby laughed, lifting her little girl from the crib and hugging her tight. "Wanna build a castle?"

  "O-tay!" Ava plopped down on the floor and scooped up an armful of blocks, dumping them at Abby's feet. "Here, Mommy."

  "Oh, thank you.” She smiled at Ava, and her heart brimmed with warmth. Her toddler hair was tangled after her nap, wound into a fuzzy mess at the back of her head. But it would have been worse if she'd gotten Abby's curls; instead, she'd gotten Chase's hair. More like a gentle wave, light brown with blonde ends. It contrasted well with her olive skin, so much like Abby's.

  Abby leaned close, whispering in her ear, "I love you, punkin'."

  Ava continued building, her complete concentration focused on balancing one square atop another.

  The thought grabbed her again, of Kyle close by and awaiting his chance. But his chance to do what? Like a bucket of frigid water, the question doused her joy and had her heart accelerating.

  But at least they were going away for the weekend. Perhaps she wouldn't even mention her new memory of the license plate until after their trip. Being at Chase's parents’ house would be an especially nice break, after all. She didn't want to ruin it. The lakeside home was isolated and quiet, exactly what Abby wanted. She planned to kick back on their hammock, listen to the bird's chatter in the trees, and think of nothing else. Kyle would have to wait.

  Chapter 5

  Chase arrived home a little earlier than usual, as his parents had invited them to dinner that night to start their weekend stay. Excited to be putting her worries on hold for a few days, Abby already had their bags packed.

  "Looks like I'm slowing everyone down, " Chase teased, picking up Ava and swinging her into the air. The toddler squealed with delight. Once she was released again, she ran circles around them, laughing with excitement. Chase turned his attention to Abby with a softness in his eyes. "You ready to get outta here for a while?"

  He reached for her, and Abby loved the way he relaxed into her arms like she was all the cure he needed to conquer the stresses of the day. "It'll be nice," Abby said. Then, stepping back, she glanced across the inn. "Are you sure everyone will be okay without us for a few days?"

  Chase didn't hesitate, nodding emphatically. "Just wait until you meet Cassandra." He laughed. "She was overjoyed to manage the inn. Actually, I have no doubt she could handle four inns all on the same weekend. Her energy level towers above normal."

  Abby wasn't completely convinced, but she shrugged. "Well, at least there's only one guest right now. She'll have tonight to acclimate before everyone begins showing up in the morning." The grin widened on Chase's face.

  "Trust me." He tangled his hand with hers. "She'll probably be buying us vacation packages just for an excuse to come back."

  Abby lifted an eyebrow skeptically. "That good, huh?"

  "That good." Chase solidified his comment with a firm nod, no doubt in his eyes. Abby couldn't suppress her smile, loving the small crease that appeared aside his lips when he smirked like that. She leaned forward suddenly, kissing it. Moving to the side, she kissed him again, properly this time. It was a perfect moment in the middle of an ordinary day. His hands moved slowly, sliding across her back as his lips took the lead.

  The excitement of a vacation, mixed with the end of a workweek, cleared away the stress that had been eating at her incessantly. She tightened her grip around him, tracing the tight strands of muscle in his back and tilting her head to the side.

  "Well now, isn't this the romantic scene?" A voice boomed through the room, reverberating off the tall ceilings.

  Abby parted from Chase reluctantly, turning to see a woman with a smile as big as the golden blonde waves that had been teased into a voluminous mass atop her head. But it framed her pretty face well, and she was pretty. The smooth lines of her face accentuated her kind expression, and she knew how to use her curvy figure, pausing in front of them with her hip kinked to one side dramatically. "So?" She laughed. "This is your wife, I'm guessing?"

  "Yes!" Chase finally answered, shaking the woman's hand. "Cassandra, hello. This is Abigail, my wife. Thank you so much for doing this."

  Abby shook her hand, enjoying the way her wrist jangled with bracelets. Her style was as boisterous as her personality.

  "Oh, no, you don't need to thank me. I am so thrilled to be here! I mean, look at this place!" She took in enough air to float away as she scanned the view in all directions. "You've got the coastline, the redwoods, and all this open space. My goodness, it's heaven, Dr. Roberts."

  "You can call me Chase outside of work, Cassandra."

  She giggled hysterically and slapped at his arm. "Oh, you." Her hands landed on her hips. "Now, where's the kitchen? I want to bake something!"

  Abby laughed and gestured behind her. "You just passed it."

  She spun around and gasped. "It's beautiful! How could I miss that?" She marched toward the kitchen and then turned back to Abby and Chase. "Hold on, hold on, let me first go gather my things. Where do you want me?"

  "Upstairs to the right, last door on your left." Chase smiled, looking thoroughly entertained as they watched Cassandra retreat out the way she'd come.

  "D'ama, d'ampa!" Ava was lifting her bag with all her might, dragging it toward the door.

  "One more," Chase whispered, leaning close to Abby and grinning just as he had before, like he'd discovered it was a secret weapon. He touched her chin lightly and brushed a final kiss across her lips. Abby's heart raced. She felt weak, suddenly wishing they could curl up together and waste the evening away.

  But their daughter was leaving without them.

  Ava had the door open and was struggling to pull her suitcase through the entryway. Abby laughed, hurrying to lift Ava's bag before she could fall down the steps. "Hold on, we're coming."

  "I'll just go pack my stuff and round up Champ. You guys go ahead." Chase's deep voice was inches away, and Abby flinched, turning to him with a giggle. "One minute," he said, his breath touching her face as chills erupted down her arms. More excitement of their miniature vacation crowded into Abby's heart, keeping it pumping steadily. She watched Chase, admiring his athletic build as he ran up the stairs. He turned at the top, and his eyes sizzled back at her before he winked and disappeared into their room.

  "Mommy!" Ava was tugging on her suitcase, wrestling with it as Abby held the other end tightly.

  "Okay, okay," Abby giggled again, "Let's go!"

  An hour of travel had them at Chase's parent's house just before 7 p.m. Chase pulled slowly up the drive. It was crowded on both sides with brilliantly colored trees. Orange and red leaves scattered the dark asphalt, still wet from the recent rain.

  Abby loved pulling up to the Robert's house. It was always a beautiful experience. The long drive, lined with trees, opened up just as the house appeared. A craftsman's dream huddled among a lush lawn that stretched to the edges of the lake. Only a small corner of water was visible, one of the outreaching corners of a lake that seemed to go on forever. The water was glass, calm and welcoming.

  Ava's head had settled against her car seat in a sleepy trance, but when the car stopped, she popped upright. "Here!" she cheered, clapping her hands.

  "Yep, here we are. Cedar Creek." Chase smiled. His parents appeared on the porch, waving at Ava. Champ yelped and his tail whapped at the car, but Chase made sure to attach a leash to their enthusiastic pup before he could run off. Hugs went to Ava first, which everyone enjoyed, smiling at the scene of her arms fastened snugly around her grandparents’ necks.

  "Hello, Saul, Felicia," Abby hugged her in-laws, catching the fragrance of chicken and dumplings from inside the house. "It smells good in there." She breathed in deeply, glimpsing freshly baked bread and a steaming platter of vegetab
les through the window. Felicia was passionate about food, particularly when sharing it with guests. And it was never anything less than incredible.

  Chase's respect for his parents was another thing Abby admired about him. She watched as they greeted each other, seeing small moments and looks that signified a lifetime of guidance and teaching, as well as making time for fun. It was clear they'd dedicated their lives to raising their children, and Chase was proof that it had all been worth it.

  "Hope you're hungry," Saul said with a smile, ushering them in through the front door as he held it open. "We know how much Ava likes Grammy's bread."

  "Yummy!" Ava found her spot at the table and climbed onto the white chair with a single pink balloon tied to it. Felicia had started the tradition the previous Thanksgiving for her only granddaughter and kept it going ever since.

  They all gathered around the table and talked comfortably while they ate, something that Abby couldn't help but marvel at. A functional family that worked the way it must've always been intended. She looked from face to face, smiling incessantly. A sense of gratitude for Chase welled up inside her as she thought about everything he'd brought into her life.

  "Oh, I forgot to mention…" Saul had his fork lifted off his plate, like a director's baton. "There's a small harvest festival at Apple Hill tomorrow, might be fun to wander about. It's a beautiful piece of countryside."

  "I love Apple Hill." Chase's eyes were glittering with years of memories. "We should go." He glanced back at Abby, awaiting her answer.

  "Sounds amazing." Abby smiled.

  "And they have pony rides," Felicia chimed in, smiling at Ava. "Would you like to ride a pony?" Ava's eyes were wide, and she nodded seriously.

  "Okay then, we will! Ready to go see your room?"

  The grin on Felicia's face meant she had something big in store. Ava slid down from her seat and held her arm up, awaiting her grandmother's hand to guide her to her surprise. Felicia turned back to the table secretively. "We'll be back in a moment." She winked. "Fair warning, you might hear raucous laughter."

  Abby snuck out of her chair and followed behind, watching Ava's expression of wonder as she walked through the house. At the end of the hall to one side was the guest room for Chase and Abby and directly across was Ava's. Felicia switched the light on as they walked in, and Ava squealed.

  A bunk bed was set up with a playhouse replacing the lower bed, complete with a door and tiny curtains on the windows. A ladder went up one side and a slide curved down to the floor on the other. Felicia helped Ava climb up the steps, holding a cautious hand on her back. Ava crawled across the bed and sat at the top of the slide, looking back to see Abby at the doorway.

  Abby lifted her hand and waved excitedly, smiling and watching her daughter slide down. Ava landed on her backside with a plop before jumping up and running to the ladder again.

  Leaning against the doorframe, Abby crossed her arms contentedly. "This is wonderful, Felicia, thank you. And thank you for coming to Ava's birthday party. She loves having you guys at the inn, I meant to tell you." The shock of the surprise gift surfaced in her mind, and she tried to step around it carefully. "Things just got a little busy toward the end, and Ava fell asleep, but I wanted to let you know. It was fun."

  Felicia hesitated, a smile flashing across her face a moment too late. "It was beautiful," She stumbled slightly over the words. "We loved it. The catering was incredible, and the decorations were so cute."

  Abby could see it again, something unspoken. She debated on what to say to encourage her mother-in-law to continue while Ava opened and closed the playhouse door. But before she had the chance, Felicia broke the silence.

  "It was interesting for a two-year-old's party, though."

  She looked as if she were considering something new, although Abby doubted that was the case. If she saw that same look during the party, it meant Felicia had spent the entire week stewing over it.

  "It was incredible, really." Felicia encouraged, nodding emphatically. "I just wonder about a child growing up in such an unstable way, you know? There were no kids there at all. And people always coming and going at the inn…" She paused, glancing back at Abby. "Do you ever think about that?"

  Abby was struggling to keep from bringing up her own childhood and throwing it in Felicia's face. What did she mean unstable? She took a little time to calm her emotions. It had been a rough week, after all, and she was probably overreacting. Ava was lacking friends her age, that was true.

  "She could use some good friends," Abby agreed, trying not to grit her teeth. She took another breath and felt her tension gradually ease. "But she's so young still, it's not all that necessary until she's a little older. I plan to put her in a preschool when she's three."

  She smiled, feeling proud of herself for holding it together. Chase had been very confidential of her past, and she appreciated it. No need to go throwing it in his unsuspecting parents’ faces.

  "Hmm," Felicia's face was twisted in thought, looking like she wanted to disagree, but thankfully, she kept quiet. She watched Ava for a little longer. "Well, that will be nice to have her in preschool. I'm sure she'll love it." Her smile wasn't completely genuine, but it was still a relief to have her back down.

  Abby couldn't shake her irritation for the rest of the night, although she tried to hide it. Clearly, her mother-in-law had been thinking about it ever since the birthday party, even at the birthday party. It was still on her mind after they'd gotten Ava to bed, watched a movie, and when she and Chase were in their room getting into their pajamas. Abby sat on the end of the bed, wondering if there was anything to it. Were they raising Ava the best way they could? Especially now that Kyle was a threatening unknown in the back of her mind, was an inn the best place to raise a family? There wasn't enough privacy now; what about if they wanted another child? Chase sat down next to her, and her eyes darted up to meet his.

  "Is something wrong?" He brushed her hair back behind one shoulder, trailing his hand down her arm. "You seem…" He glanced across her face. "Distracted."

  Abby sighed. "Your mom mentioned that an inn isn't the most stable place to raise a child." Ryan’s eyes narrowed, but Abby went on. "I could see that something was bothering her at the birthday party, and I think that was it. She said Ava needs children her age to play with, in a more permanent situation."

  Chase looked irritated, possibly closer to angry. "I'm sorry, but she has no right to tell us how to raise our child, Abby. We haven't told her that this was our dream, and what it took for us to get the Inn at Poppyridge. We're so lucky to make it our life and livelihood all in one. It's an amazing opportunity. Maybe we just need to say that. I'm sure she'd understand, then."

  He wrapped his arm around her, and she leaned her head on his shoulder, debating. Sure, it was her dream. Designing it, owning it. But living in it? Raising their family at the inn? Maybe Felicia wasn't so far off. Abby grumbled inwardly, fighting off her change of heart. Could she ever really leave it? Her heart ached at the thought, at the redwood forests that had become as familiar as any home. The private beach was etched into her mind, every inch of it. "I don't know," she finally admitted, feeling devastated at the thought.

  She could feel Chase turn and look at her, but she kept her head on his shoulder. There were too many thoughts still battling inside her, and she didn't want to try to let them out.

  "Abigail…" Chase tucked one hand under her chin, and she lifted her gaze. In his eyes was a devotion she adored. "That inn is filled with a presence that invites, it's welcoming and warm and everything good. There's no reason to leave it just because we have a child. Just think of the incredible memories she'll have." Chase looked back at her, but his face went from determined to unsure. "Unless… have you been wondering about it? Do you agree with her?"

  "No, no, I haven't,. Abby rubbed her hands on her legs, the soft flannel pajama bottoms warming them.

  "Because that would actually make sense if—" Chase's explanation cut off suddenly. />
  "If what?" Abby found herself unable to predict what he would say next. She eyed him curiously.

  "It's just something I've been thinking about." His voice was cautious. "If you did have these underlying feelings that related to protecting Ava, it could cause some of the fears of your past to surface. Your brain could even create new, fake memories as a way to compliment your new feelings." He gazed out across the room, but he turned back to her. "Have you had any new memories pop up?"

  "Uh…" Abby's cheeks felt hot. The idea that she'd possibly just created memories to back up her first creation of Kyle was ridiculous. It was real, and that was all there was to it. She fought off the confession. "No, nothing."

  The lie stung in her mouth, sour and unpleasant. But Chase still held her, still wrapped his arms around her, and lowered his lips to hers. If she'd told him about the license plate, would he have held her like that? Or would he have created a bit of distance between them, a buffer just in case?

  Her mind spun, even as they snuggled under the blankets. What was she saying, then? Just in case of what? But she didn't need an answer, it was simple.

  Just in case she was crazy.

  Chapter 6

  Chase adored the wild hills beyond Cedar Creek. Tree-lined drives, cow-spotted valleys, and open farmland. Weathered fences snuck through the lush field grass, and tree canopies collided with their autumn colors ablaze. Appropriately, Apple Hill was a wide hill covered in walnut and oak trees that were just relenting to the season. Miles of apple trees stretched out in the valley below, scenting the air with their harvest.

  They parked in a makeshift grass lot, roped off for the festival. White canvas tents were strewn with lights. And just as his mother had said, ponies could be seen walking lazily in circles not far beyond. When they stepped from the car, the aroma of apple cider filled the crisp air. Years of memories came to Chase's mind, and he lifted Ava from her seat, hurrying to wrap his arm around Abby as well. Sharing one of his favorite places with his two girls was almost too good to be true. Especially now, with how much Abby had been struggling, he couldn't wait to enjoy the day with her.


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