Rafe: The Dragon Knight (Dragon's Blood M.C. Book 10)

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Rafe: The Dragon Knight (Dragon's Blood M.C. Book 10) Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  "I wouldn't discount the possibility that this man is your mate," Calum concluded with a confident smile.

  Rafe shot him a hard stare beneath his dark brows. “You’re enjoying this too much, Calum.” Calum barked a laugh followed by Alrick chiming in.

  "We are all enjoying this, Rafe," Alrick told him and reached across the table to pat his shoulder in congratulations.


  Noah woke at just after ten in the morning. His rest was sporadic but better than sleeping on the street. The rooms on either side of him were active all night until around seven this morning and then all went quiet. Listening to others having loud sex for hours on end was annoying, but what did he expect when he checked into a cheap motel in the bar district of town. The bed was soft and there was a shower, so he had nothing to complain about he told himself.

  He pulled himself to the edge of the bed and just sat there for a few minutes, taking in his surroundings and thinking. He had to be constantly in the now, constantly alert and aware of his surroundings. Where would he go next? He toyed with the idea of heading home and going to the police as Justin had so many times suggested.

  As far as anyone was aware, Joe died as a result of the fire and they believe he decided to disappear due to sadness and depression over the death of his cousin. It was all neatly packaged and easy to understand, but it was a pack of lies. No one was interested in hearing what was really happening.

  He wished there was someone he could trust that he could talk to and who would help him figure this out. He had Justin to talk to, but over the weeks that they have talked nothing had been decided, he's been no real help at all. He hated to admit that, but for all his comforting words, Justin was just a voice on the phone. They talk, Justin gives him the same advice, come home and then asks where he is and then shortly after that the Jackals find him and he has to run again. It was the circle that Noah wanted to escape.

  How was he going to survive? Running forever was not an option for him because the more he wore himself down, the more likely they would eventually catch him. Jackal shifters had a very long life and they never lost their vitality. They were like killing machines and they were hired to kill him and wouldn’t stop until the job was done. Would he ever have a normal life again? Would he live long enough to see tomorrow? Two questions he asked himself every morning.

  As he sat there, his thoughts once again shifted to the man who helped him last night. He was a shifter Noah was sure of it. The looks and the air about him spoke of dominance and control; he was something large and powerful, but he wasn't a wolf. The wolf shifters were afraid of him that had been made obvious by how quickly they took off. He was larger than a wolf and more intimidating than a bear, he was something else. Noah racked his mind but came up with nothing that seemed to fit.

  Having him right there at the diner having coffee and pie while Noah ate his meal had felt comforting, even though they sat at opposite ends of the room. It was as if he were there to protect Noah. It was crazy, but Noah had felt at ease for the first time in weeks. It was all in his head, he knew that, but it was nice all the same.

  With a deep heartfelt sigh, he got up and took a shower and then reapplied the scent disrupter that, according to the mage he bought it from, would cloak his natural scent. He still registered as a human with any shifter he came across, but his personal scent markers were covered. The jackals trailing him wouldn't be able to follow his scent, but they knew what he looked like, so in actuality, the disrupter was a feeble assist, but it was better than nothing.

  He took a look out his window and could see up and down the main street. It was busy outside with people and cars but no one he recognized, so that was good. His plan was to stay indoors for the day and maybe get more rest before leaving early in the morning. There was a bus station not far from the motel. Tomorrow he would continue north he decided. He pulled his chair over to the window and opened the curtain a little so he could keep watch.


  It wasn't long after breakfast that Cameron finished his research and went looking for Rafe. He found him in the garage with Angus who was fixing him up with his own cycle. Rafe was a large man, so he required a motorcycle with plenty of size and horsepower. Angus outfitted him with a Harley Davidson CVO Ultra Limited one of their most powerful models. It was all black and chrome and beautiful.

  "You're a Dragon's Blood now Rafe," Angus told him as he handed him a leather jacket replete with the club colors. Rafe was speechless for a moment so proud and pleased by the acceptance of his brothers.

  “Thank you, Angus, I’ll wear it with honor.” Rafe uncharacteristically grabbed him and pulled him in for a brief manly hug.

  "We're glad to have you with us," Angus told him as they both turned towards the large bay door when someone entered.

  Rafe saw Cameron coming into the garage and walked to the front to meet him. He had been biding his time waiting to find out more about his mystery man before heading back to the motel. The clerk had told him the guy registered for two nights under the name John Smith and Rafe was pretty sure his name was not John Smith. The clerk hadn't called yet saying he left, but Rafe knew he needed to get back there soon, he felt it in his bones.

  Cameron came up beside him and pulled out his tablet and began to rattle off a lot of information. “Don’t worry, I’ll send all of this to your phone.” He said when he saw Rafe’s expression. Rafe gave him a quick nod.

  "His real name is Noah J. Owens and he's twenty-five years old. Up until approximately a month ago, he lived in Twin Falls, Idaho. He worked at a coffee shop and shared a rented home with his cousin Joseph B. Witte." Rafe took Cameron by the arm and lead him out of the garage and into the back yard away from the noise and fumes.

  “What happened a month ago?” Rafe couldn’t stop himself from asking, wanting to know the end of the story first.

  "Their rental burned down and Noah and Joe, as he was called, were taken to hospital. Joe died of his injuries. Noah remained in the hospital for a couple of weeks recovering and then suddenly one day he disappeared from the hospital and no one has seen him since." Cameron scrolled through some documents and showed Rafe Joe's hospital records.

  "The fire might have finished the job, but it wasn't the only reason for this man's death," Rafe spoke his thoughts. "This man was beaten to near death." Cameron then showed him Noah's hospital records. "He was beaten as well not as severely as Joe, but he was unconscious when they pulled him from the fire," Rafe stated as he read the report and Cameron nodded.

  "The fire was to finish them off and cover the crime I assume," Cameron told him. Rafe had a sudden urge to go get Noah and force him back to the Lodge. Noah needed protection, but he quelled the urge and continued to listen.

  Cameron showed him the police records that indicated that the fire had been caused by a faulty electrical connection and was the cause of death. "The detective in charge was Jamison Ralls whose half-brother happens to be Justin Morley a very good friend of Noah and Joe." Cameron and Rafe walked over to the deck and took a seat at one of the round tables. For the next half hour, Cameron took Rafe on a ride through the dark web and beyond.

  “Do you know who accepted the contract on these two boys?” Rafe was getting heated as was his dragon. Cameron shook his head.

  “It was most certainly a paranormal. Based on the facts of the case no human could have done this and gotten away so clean.”

  “Not even with the help of Detective Ralls?” Rafe asked.

  "No, there was too much involvement on the scene by other officers and first responders and by what I can determine he seems to be the only dirty one in the bunch. Also, he has to have something on the medical examiner because that cause of death was a crock of shit." Rafe couldn't help but smile at Cameron's use of profanity because it was so rare. He was finding himself warming up to this young human more and more.

  “Crock of shit for sure, Cameron.” Rafe agreed.

  "You need to help him, Rafe," Ca
meron stated abruptly.

  “I will, Cameron, I promise. Whether he’s my mate or not I’ll bring him home. We can protect him here.” Rafe stood and headed for the SUV at the end of the drive. He jumped in and took off for town.

  The thought of a human as his forever mate had horrified him at first, but after some thought and consideration and time spent with both Cameron and Dane and even Juan wasn't too bad, he had to admit Fate could have made a worse choice.

  He wasn’t getting his hopes up though, the connection he was feeling might just be those of one being reaching out to the needs of another. Whatever the case, he told himself he had to help this man because he’d promised Cameron.


  Noah tensed as he watched a black vehicle pull up and park across the street from the motel. He stood off to the side of the window. Two men got out, it was them, they found him again. They headed straight for the motel. Fuck, how do they always know where he is?

  He grabbed his backpack and carefully left his room knowing full well they would catch him if they saw him. He couldn't outrun a jackal and he doubted he'd have another trucker ready to spirit him away this time or a waitress to help him escape. He took the stairs down to the first floor and hurried down the hall to a room furthest from the front desk.

  Knowing that the clerk would give him up in a heartbeat if the price was right, it was suicide for him to stay in his room or even on the second floor. They would check all the rooms on the second floor. Leaving would put him in the open, so he decided to hide in a room on the first floor and pray they didn't check all the rooms in the motel.

  He picked the lock and entered a well-used, utterly debauched room. He thanked God for his good luck. The scents clouding this room would hide him even if his diffuser didn't. They must have had an orgy in here last night. He banished the unhelpful thoughts, locked the door and went to the bathroom were a plethora of discarded condoms and booze bottles littered the floor. They wouldn't scent him in there even if they entered the room.

  After forty-five minutes of hiding and waiting, he took a cautious step out and surveyed the room and listened. Everything was quiet. He took a couple steps to the left and looked out the window without disturbing the curtains. The black car was still parked across the street and the two jackals were inside. They kept watch on the motel and the street, he would have to find a way out the back without the desk clerk seeing him.

  The exit door at this end of the hall had an alarm attached, which seemed unnecessary since you have to pay first for your room, but maybe it was to keep people from entering. The room he was in faced the street, so going out the window was not an option.

  He could hear the housekeeper's cart in the hallway, so going into another room wouldn't be possible either. The place was set up so that other than going out a window, everyone had to walk past the front desk in order to leave. He stood in the doorway watching the front until the clerk stepped away and then he made his move.

  There was a front door that led to the sidewalk and main street and a back door that lead to the parking lot. Several people entered and he ducked his head and walked as fast he could without appearing to run. The back door was moments away.

  “Hey, kid there’s people looking for you.” The clerk yelled to him as he tried to bypass the desk, damn that guy. Noah kept moving and the clerk kept calling to him. He saw the man had his phone in his hand and he was calling someone.

  "Fuck," he started to run and burst through the back doors right into the rock-hard chest of someone who was entering. At first, his fear spiked thinking it was one of the jackals, but then he recognized the eyes looking down at him and crazy as it might sound, relief flooded his mind. This was the big man from last night. The man's phone was ringing, but he just reached in his pocket and shut it off, never taking his eyes off Noah.

  He stood there, staring as the guy held him by the upper arm. "What's wrong, why are you running?" He questioned him, but it was more like a command that he answer. Noah didn't even consider lying, what was the point. If he wanted help, he had to ask for it.

  "I have people after me, it's life or death. I have to get out of here right now." Noah stressed the urgency and thankfully, the big man did not question or hesitate. He continued to hold him by the upper arm and hurried him across the lot to a large black SUV and helped him inside. Within seconds Noah was buckled in and they were driving away.

  He should be concerned, but the fact that he was getting away from the jackals was all that mattered at the moment. Besides, if the man had wanted to hurt him or kill him, he could have easily done so last night. Noah dropped his face into his hands and tried to still his racing heart and calm the panic that had embraced him at the sight of those men so close once again. Too many close calls, he was going to run out of angels to save him pretty soon and then what?

  He needed to ask questions, but for the moment he just wanted peace even for a second just some peace. He'd take some deep breaths and get a clear head and then he'd figure this out.

  The man didn't speak, but even in his silence, his presence was overpowering but in a positive way. He was a complete stranger to Noah and yet he felt no fear. Perhaps he was on overload and simply had no room for more fear.

  "They were sitting out in front of the motel in their car. I don't know how they found me so fast." Noah just suddenly erupted and started to talk. He'd kept everything inside for so long he just needed to talk.

  "The last time they got this close was two days ago in Austin, Texas. I saw them before they saw me. They didn't even see me leave; I hitched a ride with a trucker who dropped me here in Laramie. How is it they keep finding me so fast?" Noah noticed his hands were trembling, so he threaded his fingers together, hoping they'd stop. He had no time for a breakdown.

  "The two jackals in the black Ford are the ones chasing you?" The man asked him, but this time his voice had taken on a soothing quality. It was still forceful and deep but not commanding as it had been before. But even then, it had made Noah feel as if the man cared and really wanted to help. It was a good feeling and Noah hadn’t known many good feelings in the past two months.

  "Yes." It didn't escape Noah's notice that the man knew they were jackals and had stated it clearly. "I know about shifters," Noah told him figuring he might as well get everything out in the open.

  The man turned and looked at him with a curious glint in his beautiful green eyes. “I know you do.”

  “Where are you taking me?” Noah decided to ask at last.

  “My name is Rafe Adair and I’m taking you home with me.” Rafe gave a half smile and turned his attention back to the road.

  “Oh, okay, Rafe.” Noah found that he had nothing else to say to that other than introduce himself. “I’m Noah Owens, by the way.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Noah.”

  Rafe sat stiffly behind the wheel consumed with the desire to reach over and touch Noah. To squeeze his thigh or clasp his hand anything to help calm the man’s fear and ease his frantic thoughts.

  Rafe knew his touch would help, but Noah was probably not in a place to accept something so forward and intimate. He agreed to go home with him and had started to open up so that was more than had been expected. Rafe knew he needed to be careful not to scare this one. Noah’s nerves were brittle and his world in chaos, so Rafe had to be gentle.

  He glanced over and marveled at the beauty and innocence of the young man. So much had happened to him in the short span of one month and still, he looked lost and lonely rather than angry. The events should have made him hard and cold, but instead, they made him seem forlorn.

  Rafe wanted to hold him and never in his life had he felt compelled to hold or comfort a human or anyone else for that matter, he was a warrior and didn’t have time for such nonsense. But this human was different, so different he was going to tip Rafe’s world on its end. Rafe had a feeling he was going to be experiencing a lot of firsts in the next few days.

  A part of him had known from the b
eginning when he first stepped foot outside the Red Lion and witnessed the young man being harassed. He'd broken up situations like that many times before. But he never felt the compulsion to follow the victim and find out everything he could about them or find it impossible to get them out of his head. The scent was obscured and the connection, not crystal clear so at the time he could pretend not to be sure. That had been stupid of him and Rafe was rarely stupid.

  The moment Noah came rushing through those doors and slammed into him, Rafe was left with no doubt as to his importance. Whatever Noah had used to cover his natural scent was wearing off and the impact of their bodies and Noah’s panic drove his natural scent to its peak.

  He smelled like heather in the rain and Rafe took a long greedy breath. The scent entered his nose, his throat and went straight to his heart. Noah Owens was his mate, this red-headed bundle of trouble and despair belonged to him.

  Noah suddenly turned and looked at him with a deep frown marring his lovely face. “Why were you at the motel?” His panic over the jackals was wearing off and now his suspicion of Rafe was setting in.

  "I was looking for you," Rafe answered truthfully.

  “You followed me to the motel from the diner?”

  “I did.”


  “I knew you were in trouble. I thought I might be able to help.” Rafe kept it honest but without details.

  “Why would you care about someone like me?” Noah no longer seemed suspicious but rather baffled by the apparent thoughtfulness of a stranger.

  "I could feel your sadness, your despair," Rafe said and turned to hold his gaze for a moment before turning back to look at the road ahead.

  "Thanks," Noah said softly as if not believing his ears and then added. "You're not going to hurt me, are you? I had to ask."

  "No, and I will kill anyone who tries." That was probably more than he should have admitted but too late now. Noah made no comment, but he seemed to relax again. He continued to look out the side window and pick at his fingernails in silence.


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