Rafe: The Dragon Knight (Dragon's Blood M.C. Book 10)

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Rafe: The Dragon Knight (Dragon's Blood M.C. Book 10) Page 7

by B. A. Stretke

  “Offer them an incentive, more money perhaps.” Justin proposed.

  "Why do they refuse to attack the Lodge? They didn't shy away from anywhere else, not even when Noah was hiding in the basement of that church in Clarksville." Jamison ignored Justin's suggestion of more money.

  “Apparently ancients live there or some such bullshit. They won’t cross the threshold at least not for what we’re paying them.” Justin rolled his eyes.

  "Wait for him to leave the Lodge," Jamison said. "He can't stay in there forever."

  “That could take a while and, in the meantime, Noah could be telling his story of you and Joseph to anyone who will listen. Whoever these people are, they’re helping him and he’s probably sharing it all as we speak. You okay with Sarah and her daddy finding out about your extracurricular activities?” Justin glared at Jamison with a half-smile.

  Jamison walked over to the sofa and looked down at Justin. “If you’d done your job we wouldn’t be in this situation. The jackals were to kill them and then set the house on fire.”

  “What can I say they like to torture and Joseph’s screams as the fire consumed him were quite delightful from what I hear.” Justin grinned and then threw his head back in laughter at Jamison’s expression.

  “You’re an evil little bastard.” He stated.

  “Yes, and what would you do without me?” Justin shot back.


  "How are we going to lure them here?" Was the question. Noah sat safely in Rafe's arms as he listened to the men discuss the best way to end this. The consensus being to draw both Justin and Jamison to Laramie and confront them, but Bryn had questions.

  “What could bring them here, both of them? They have an endless stream of jackals to carry out the hit. Why would they put themselves in the middle of this mess and possibly become implicated?” He asked

  "Urgency," Rafe stated. "They need to feel a sense of urgency and that the jackals are taking too long."

  “Noah could elude to Justin that he was considering coming clean with the relationship between Detective Jamison Ralls and his cousin Joe. That seems to be the secret worth killing for. It might bring them here.” Calum suggested.

  "Justin has stated many times that he would come and get me if I wanted to come home and work this all out," Noah spoke up but remained cuddled close to Rafe. It wasn't manly, but it was what he needed and he was done denying himself.

  "He's been lying and playing with me since the first day we met. These past few weeks he's jerked me around pretending to give me hope and then taking it away. He was tracking me just as Cameron said and I can't outrun a shifter so I should be dead right now. But I'm not dead because he likes listening to my despair and hopelessness. He is no better than the jackals that he hired. I wouldn't doubt that he would enjoy killing me himself. He'd love to see the look on my face when his intention was made clear." Noah paused and looked up at Rafe, who was listening quietly, but Noah could feel his tension.

  "If I set up our meeting in such a way that it looks like he could get away with my murder, he will come. He wouldn't be able to resist." Noah knew that as sure as he knew his own name. Once the blinders regarding Justin were off, he saw all the clues and inconsistencies of their friendship and how everything bent to Justin's favor.

  Calum looked at Rafe. “How do you feel about this?” Rafe considered everything for a few seconds before looking down at Noah and assessing his need and his ability. Rafe knew that his mate wanted this. He needed to face Justin and avenge his cousin. Rafe turned his gaze back to Calum before responding.

  "It's a good plan. Besides, I will be there with him."

  "Thanks, Rafe." Noah felt suddenly so strong and capable at that moment. He could accomplish anything with Rafe standing beside him.

  “You’re welcome, Noah.”

  Rafe looked at the Chieftain and let him know. “If this fails, I will go to Twin Falls and I will kill them both.” Calum nodded his understanding.

  “And we will do everything in our power to cover your tracks. Laws, authority, norms we will break them all to secure the safety of your mate. You will do what you have to do. We are with you.”

  Calum stood and the other followed. “Take care of your mate, Rafe.”

  “I will, Calum.”


  Noah woke and he found himself alone in the large bed. The bedroom was dark, but he could see Rafe standing in front of the window staring up at the mountain in the distance. He got out of bed and walked over to stand beside him. He didn't speak; he just stared up at the mountain with him and waited.

  After several minutes Rafe draped his arm across Noah’s shoulders and pulled him up against his side. “I’m taking you away from here.”

  "Okay," Noah answered without question. His trust and faith in Rafe grew with each hour they spent together. The claiming definitely put a boost on his trust level but even before that Noah had seen in Rafe someone who could and would help him. The soul connection was just a bonus. He would never take for granted the gift that was Rafe Adair. Life had been kicking his ass for years just to turn around and offer him this absolute magnificence on a silver platter. Never give up hope.

  “I am the leader of the Dragon Knights. I am the First Knight to King Duncan Adair. My King and my brother Knights reside together on the mountain. I was sent away by my King to live here with Clan Keith in order to learn the value of all members within the Circle.” Noah wasn’t sure what Rafe was getting at, but he seemed to need to explain himself, so Noah listened.

  “I was sent here because I disrespected the King’s Consort. In my defense, at the time, I didn’t know he was Duncan’s mate. I just thought he was a nosey human who was getting in the way.”

  “You have a problem with humans, Rafe?” Noah was compelled to ask.

  “I used to, but by living among them, the mates here at the Lodge have made me realize that I shouldn’t judge an entire race by a few bad examples. Then I met you, my little human mate, and any prejudice that I still held completely dissipated. I saw in you your strength of will and your love and your devotion to what you hold dear. My complaint with humans was that I perceived them to be self-serving and untrustworthy yet neither you nor any of the mates here at the Lodge have shown such weakness. Everyone has been dedicated and devoted to their mates and their Clan.”

  Rafe stopped to place a hard-passionate kiss to Noah's lips. "I've learned to be more discerning in my judgment of others. I'm not a warm or friendly person by nature, but I can and will do better. I'll do it for you." He said and kissed him again. "I'll never get enough of you, Noah."

  “I’m no prize, Rafe, but I’ll never let you down. I can promise you that much.” Noah was impressed with Rafe’s honesty and tried to reciprocate.

  "You are my prize," Rafe stated firmly and kissed him again. "I understand now the control it must have taken Duncan not to tear me apart for the way I treated his mate. If someone had treated you the same, I doubt I'd have the control Duncan showed.”

  "So, you were banished from the mountain," Noah asked, feeling his mate's hurt and loneliness.

  “Yes, but only until I learn to value humans and to discard my prejudice. I’ve nearly learned my lesson.” Rafe smiled. “It’s okay, if Duncan hadn’t sent me here, I wouldn’t have met you. Fate always brings the pairs together. I was meant to be here, for you.” He dropped another kiss to those delicious lips.

  "When this is over, I will petition the King to return to my duties with my brothers. You and I will reside in the Gatehouse on the mountain, or we can stay here if you'd prefer to remain at the Lodge." Rafe watched him gauging his acceptance.

  “I like it here and the mountain sounds beautiful, but in all honesty, I’d be happy anywhere as long as you’re with me.” Noah wrapped his arm around Rafe’s waist and leaned into him.

  "I was raised by my Aunt Karen, Joe's mom, after my parents took off in separate directions. They didn't like each other any more than they liked me." He gave a sh
ort laugh. "Aunt Karen died five years ago, so Joe was all I had left."

  "I'm sorry sweetheart." Rafe caught himself shocked as the endearment flowed across his lips. Never in his entire existence had he ever used an endearment of any kind with anyone, not even a child, but it felt so natural with Noah.

  Rafe pulled Noah over to stand in front of him and then wrapped his arms around him. No more words were necessary as he bent to take Noah’s lips once more while dropping one hand to cup that beautiful bottom. The kiss grew more and more desperate as their desire burst forth once more. Noah felt his body melt against Rafe’s glorying in the sensations he was eliciting with his insatiable kiss and his large hands.

  He felt himself being lifted so instinctively wrapped his legs around Rafe’s waist to steady himself. The move pressed him hard against Rafe’s formidable cock. The pressure sent dizzying pleasure spiking through his system.

  Noah felt Rafe’s rough hand slip beneath the band of his briefs kneading the flesh. One large finger traced the crease down to his waiting hole. He gripped the back of Rafe’s neck and deepened the kiss even further. The need to have Rafe and have him now overruled everything else in his mind.

  Rafe pushed him up against the wall using it as leverage to hold him in place. Noah tightened the hold he had with his legs and began riding Rafe’s fingers as they glided in and out of his increasingly sensitized channel.

  "I need you, Rafe." He panted the words as Rafe used one hand to reach down and release his own throbbing cock. Heady pleasure swamped Noah as Rafe's cock began pressing up alongside his fingers that were in his ass. His arousal flared and his cock grew and felt engorged and painful as Rafe prepared him. Rafe moved his lips to Noah's cheek and then down his neck to nibble on his shoulder near the claiming scar. Noah moaned into Rafe's mouth and rubbed his hard cock against Rafe's abdomen, begging for satisfaction.

  Noah found his briefs gone and Rafe’s cock pressing urgently inside his tight channel, stretching and filling him once again with his silken hardness. Noah pressed down with his hips and began riding Rafe’s cock with quick thrusts until Rafe stilled him with a hand on each hip and took over.

  Rafe moved from suckings sensually on his mating scare to look up and capture Noah's gaze. He held him in a near hypnotic embrace while driving his cock ever deeper over and over, pushing to the depths of Noah's being. He balanced Noah against the wall and held him with one hand while he used the other to stroke Noah's needy, leaking member. Noah was coming apart in his hands.

  Each stroke was synchronized with his own powerful thrusts inside Noah's channel. Tight, hot and mind-numbing in its magnificence, Rafe couldn't hold on much longer. Noah was tearing everything out of him piece by piece his emotions and his needs were being laid bare by this little human.

  Rafe drove deep and held him fast as he emptied himself into the warm embrace of his forever mate. Noah cried out and arched his back as he too broke loose and came over Rafe's hand, covering him in the sweetest of scents. They held on pressing into each other's touch and just breathing.

  Once Noah’s heart was calm and his breathing relaxed, Rafe slowly allowed him to slide down his body to stand before him. “You set me on fire every time you touch me, Noah.” He said with a contented smile.

  "I melt when you hold me, Rafe," Noah answered in kind which made Rafe chuckle.

  “Let’s shower and get dressed.” Rafe order. “Then I’m taking you to the mountain.”


  “Slow down, Noah. What are you saying?” Justin appeared taken aback by Noah’s panic but was catching up and calculating it to his advantage fast enough. Noah was impressed by his own acting abilities.

  "I left the place I was staying. They were a nice bunch, but they didn't deserve to have my troubles brought down on them. I need to get away from here and I have nowhere to go." Noah became breathless as if running. "You told me that you'd come and get me and bring me home. I need you to do that, Justin. I need you to come get me. I'm outside Laramie hiding in the mountains, but they'll find me. You said you'd help me."

  “Yes, I will, now tell me exactly where you are and I’ll be there by nightfall, I promise.” Justin was faking concern. It was interesting how Noah could hear it now when he couldn’t before. The fake tone and the fake words all fake.

  Noah gave him his current coordinates. "Call me when you get to Laramie and I'll meet you," Noah told him and Justin agreed.

  Rafe and Noah had driven up the mountain and down the opposite side. The far side of the mountain was still wild with no inhabitants apart from the recluse who lived on the twenty acres near the base. That property was well isolated, so Rafe was confident that no one would get in the way.

  “Do you think he will call when he gets to Laramie?” Noah asked. They were hiding out in an old abandoned mine shaft. Rafe had concealed the SUV back in the woods. He told Noah that it was important that he appears to be alone and on foot. The more isolated and helpless he looked, the more careless Justin would be.

  "No, he will assume you'll stay put and try to surprise you by just showing up. He'll follow the phone from which you made the call." Rafe pointed at the new burner phone they'd purchased before leaving Laramie. "Besides, he knows it would be easier for him to hide your body up here rather than in Laramie," Rafe explained without sentiment.

  “Wow, that sounds really cold.” Noah moved over to where Rafe was seated and sat down next to him. He needed Rafe’s strength to assure him that this was going to work.

  “Justin and Jamison are cold killers just like the jackals they hired. Don’t expect mercy or consideration form either of them.” Rafe held Noah with a hard stare following that statement and did not look away until Noah nodded his understanding.

  “Why are you so sure Jamison will come with him? I only asked for Justin and there really doesn’t seem to me to be a reason for Jamison to tag along. As long as Justin gets the job done, Jamison should be happy.” Noah reached over and laid his palm on Rafe’s thigh marveling at the heat his mate gave off. Dragons ran very hot and Noah loved it.

  "There's no guarantee that he will come, but my hunch is that he will want to make sure the deed is done this time. He left it up to Justin the last time and you survived, he isn't going to tolerate mistakes this time, he will want to be here." Rafe laid his hand on top of Noah's and gave it a squeeze. He then leaned back and raised his arm for Noah to cuddle up next to him and then he tucked him up close under his arm.

  “It’s several hours before they will be here why don’t you rest for a while.” Rafe urged gently and Noah took him up on his offer was soon fast asleep.

  Rafe could feel his brothers getting restless. He could feel their moods just as they could feel his. His emotions were charged as of late and their concern for him has been growing. He’d deal with these good for nothing pieces of human garbage and any jackal they brought along and then he would deal with his brothers. He would call Jude and let him know of Noah and that alone should answer all their questions.

  Looking down at the man so comfortable now in his arms, he just smiled. Never in his life had he thought that a day would come when loving a human would bring him so much joy. Once the brothers were destroyed and his mind at peace regarding Joe, they could move on with their lives.

  Rafe had decided to move the game to the mountain for the simple reason he could more easily and cleanly kill them all. Up here so far away from the public, no one would hear them scream. Also, if he needed or wanted to shift the mountain gave him cover to do so. He could protect and defend his mate better here than in Laramie among so many.

  Calum had understood when Rafe explained his need to take this fight to the mountains but reminded him that the mountain was close enough that if he needed them, they could be there in seconds. Rafe was once again reminded that he was surrounded by good men and good friends. He sat quietly in the stillness of the morning listening and holding his mate while he slept and vowed that Noah's suffering would end today. />

  “Are you going to call him?” Jamison asked as he and Justin sat in their rented car in downtown Laramie. They’d flown in earlier and rented a car for the drive into Laramie. “Call him, he’ll come right to us.” He became more demanding.

  Justin flipped his computer pad over to Jamison so he could see what Justin had been calculating. “The coordinates that Noah originally gave me match near exactly to the current location of the phone he is carrying. As you can see, he is on that mountain.” Justin pointed up ahead of them.

  Jamison just stared for a moment not responding, clearly not understanding Justin’s inference. “Wouldn’t it be easier to have him come to us?”

  "Sure, if we were just picking him up and driving him home, but we're not Jamison we plan to kill him, remember," Justin stated sarcastically. "Do you want to try and kill him here in the middle of downtown Laramie or up on that isolated mountain where he is vulnerable and alone?”

  “Okay, I get it. Stop being a smartass and let’s go.” Jamison’s agitation was growing.

  “I called for backup when we left Twin Falls. The pack will meet us at the coordinates Noah gave.” He started the car and pulled away from the curb.

  "Does he still think that you're his friend," Jamison said with a sneer and a shake of his head.

  "Yeah, and he told me that Joseph really loved you, Jamison." Justin shot back with an answering sneer. "Too bad he fell for a lowlife like you."

  "Shut your fucking mouth." Jamison barked and punched his brother in the side of his head. Justin turned on him, seething with anger.

  “Touch me again and I’ll have the jackals finish you as well. It will be just as easy to bury two bodies as one.”

  “Just shut up and drive.”


  When Noah woke, Rafe gave him some beef jerky to eat and some water to drink. Rafe didn’t need anything, a dragon could go days even weeks without food or water and not suffer for it. But his human needed sustenance to stay strong and healthy.

  "Give me your phone," Rafe said and Noah pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to him. Rafe took it and threw it off into the woods a good distance.


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