New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 12

by Lily Bernard

  Jane looked puzzled. “Who could be coming to call six hours before the Ball?”

  The ladies waited together in the hallway to see who the footman admitted. Elizabeth and Jane were not completely surprised to see Caroline Bingley waltz through the door.

  “Jane, my darling sister. It is so good to be here. I knew I just had to return to help you with preparations for the Ball. You are so inexperienced at entertaining for such an elite crowd, I knew I had to come and offer you my guidance.”

  “Caroline, you are my sister and you are welcome to visit us at any time. As you can see, my sisters and I have taken care of all the arrangements for tonight.”

  “Jane, you are so clever. Now, kindly have my trunks brought up to my usual suite so my maid can let my gown air out for the Ball.”

  “I fear that will not be possible. My sister, Catherine, is staying in that suite. I am sure you remember my sister.”

  “Oh yes, how charming to find another Bennet sister here,” Caroline said snidely. “I thought your name was Kitty but, it matters not. I am willing to stay in another suite for now.” Caroline’s impatience was beginning to show and she failed to acknowledge Elizabeth’s presence with even a nod.

  “Caroline, I have a lovely guest room for you, but we do not have another guest suite available right now. We are converting the other suite into a nursery with an adjoining room for the baby’s nurse.”

  Caroline made no comment about Jane’s condition and continued speaking as if no one else was standing there. “Well, I suppose I will have to make do. If you will kindly show me to my room, I must rest before tonight’s festivities.”

  “Mrs. Rhodes will be happy to show you to your room.” The housekeeper had been standing behind her mistress for several minutes. She knew the rest of the staff would not be happy about the return of Mr. Bingley’s sister. The last time she visited, Miss Bingley was very vocal when she found fault with almost everything the staff did or in her opinion, did not do.

  “Right this way, Miss Bingley,” said Mrs. Rhodes. In a huff and a rustle of skirts, Caroline walked up the stairs with her usual sour expression on her face.

  In the late afternoon, all the women in the house were busy preparing themselves for the Ball. Mr. Bennet knew that Catherine would be attending a Ball in Derbyshire and had given her the money to have a new gown made in Meryton. Lydia did not envy Catherine’s travel plans, but she loudly expressed her feelings regarding the unfairness of her sister having a new gown made. Jane and Elizabeth also had new gowns made by the modiste in Lambton. Jane’s gown was a dark blue which complimented her beautiful blue eyes. The dress was beautifully cut to minimize Jane’s slowly expanding mid-section. Elizabeth’s gown was a pale pink which looked lovely against her fair skin and dark hair.

  When it was time for the guests to arrive, Jane and Charles stood near the front door in order to greet all their guests. One of the first to arrive was Mr. Darcy, who greeted both Jane and Charles warmly. When he looked up the staircase, he saw a sight which he had dreamt about for a year. Elizabeth was walking down the stairs with her sister, Catherine. Darcy only had eyes for his beloved Elizabeth and he thought he had never seen anyone as beautiful in his life. As the Bennet sisters got to the bottom of the stairs, Darcy walked over to them and bowed. “Miss Bennet, Miss Catherine, may I say how very lovely you both look this evening.”

  They both curtsied and together they said, “thank you, Mr. Darcy.” Darcy took Elizabeth’s gloved hand and kissed it before he placed her hand on his arm and led her to the ballroom.

  Catherine was standing with Jane and Charles when Lord Winthrope arrived. “Your Lordship, we are so pleased to have you with us tonight. Allow me to introduce my sister, Miss Catherine Bennet. Catherine, this is our friend and neighbor, Lord Winthrope.”

  “Miss Catherine, how very lovely to meet another beautiful Bennet sister. May I have the honor of escorting you to the ballroom?”

  “With pleasure, your Lordship.”

  “Please, Miss Catherine, call me Brooks,” he said as they walked toward the ballroom.

  Jane and Charles looked at each other and smiled. They knew that Catherine was still young, and they had already discussed how they would attempt to protect her from any suitor they deemed unfit.

  When Caroline Bingley finally entered the ballroom, no one greeted her or came to her side. She had planned to make a grand entrance, but she came downstairs after everyone had entered the ballroom and no one seemed to notice her arrival. She saw Darcy dancing with that country chit, Eliza Bennet. From the look on Darcy’s face, Caroline knew she was probably too late. She remembered how well they seemed to get along when she was spying on them in Hertfordshire. It was easy to see that Darcy was too in love with Elizabeth Bennet to ever offer for his friend’s sister. She was not quite ready to give up on Darcy, but she really had her sights set on being Lady Winthrope, even if she had to stage a compromise. Caroline saw Lord Winthrope talking to that other country chit, Kitty Bennet. ‘He will soon lose interest in that country nobody when he sees me again. I will be Lady Winthrope no matter what I have to do!’

  When the music ended, Caroline approached Darcy and took his arm. She attempted to pull him away from Elizabeth, who simply walked away rather than remain where she was and once again be insulted by Caroline. “My dear Mr. Darcy, how wonderful to see you looking so well. We were all quite devastated when we learned of your death. How I rejoiced when Charles wrote and told me you were alive after all. Such a shame about your fiancé, Miss deBourgh.” Caroline’s words were the farthest thing from sincerity that Darcy had ever heard.

  Darcy lost no time removing Caroline’s talon-like fingers from his arm. “Miss Bingley, although I profoundly mourned her death, I have never been engaged to my cousin, Anne. Pray excuse me.” Darcy bowed to Miss Bingley and then he looked around the ballroom. He saw that Elizabeth was now dancing with David Brooks. He walked away from Caroline Bingley and stood against the wall watching the dancers. Darcy was not happy because the situation between him and Elizabeth was still unsettled. Watching her dance with another man, especially Brooks, grated on his nerves. Darcy would not be satisfied until he and Elizabeth were officially engaged.

  When the music ended, Darcy saw Elizabeth go out to the terrace for some fresh air. The sun was just setting, and she closed her eyes to inhale the cool evening air. A few minutes later she heard Darcy say, “the air on a summer night has a wonderful stillness to it.”

  “Mr. Darcy, what a lovely observation.”

  “I am observant enough to notice you enjoying your dance with David Brooks.”

  “I hope that Lord Winthrope and I will always be friends. I noticed you enjoying your conversation with Miss Bingley.”

  “Not nearly as much as I enjoyed my dance with you.” Darcy looked around the terrace to make sure they were alone before he walked toward her. With every step closer that Darcy took, Elizabeth backed away from him until she felt the terrace wall behind her. Darcy approached her, and he took one of her hands and raised it to his lips.

  Darcy placed their joined hands on his chest and leaned forward. His mouth was only inches from Elizabeth’s. “Elizabeth, please marry me. You know how much I love you and I want nothing more than to have you beside me for the rest of my life.”

  Elizabeth placed her other hand on the side of Darcy’s face and looked lovingly into his eyes. Before she could respond to his words, Catherine came outside looking for her sister.

  “Lizzy, there you are. Jane is worried sick about you.”

  At the sound of her sister’s voice, Elizabeth and Darcy quickly moved apart but they could still feel the strong connection that united them.

  “Jane asked me to check on you since she is worried about you being outside in the cool evening air.”

  “Thank you, Catherine. Mr. Darcy, would you be kind enough to escort me back to the ballroom?”

  “It would be my pleasure, Miss Bennet.”

  “I than
k you, sir,” Elizabeth said with a laugh in her voice.

  “Lizzy, I feel a little warm myself. I think I will remain out here for a few minutes.”

  “Come back inside soon. I do not want you to catch a chill.”

  When they entered the ballroom, Elizabeth said, “I am still feeling warm. I believe I will get something to drink.”

  “Yes, I am rather warm myself.” ‘Feeling this way has nothing to do with the weather.’ “Let us enjoy a glass of lemonade.”

  Elizabeth smiled at Darcy and took his arm as he escorted her to the refreshments table.

  Chapter 25

  Caroline Bingley approached one of the many footmen stationed around the ballroom. She instructed him to send Lord Winthrope out to the terrace in ten minutes and then she watched as the footman approached Lord Winthrope and spoke to him. Before Caroline could follow him out to the terrace, her brother called her over.

  “Not now Charles.” Caroline said harshly to her brother. She did not want anything to distract her from watching Lord Winthrope’s every move.

  “Yes, Caro, now. You have not yet explained what you are doing here when you were supposed to remain in Scarborough with our aunt until Michaelmas.”

  Their discussion went back and forth and by the time Caroline headed for the terrace she saw Lord Winthrope walking back into the ballroom. He appeared to be very happy to be escorting Catherine Bennet to the dance floor.

  David Brooks had responded to the footman’s instructions and went outside to the terrace. There he found Catherine Bennet looking out at the beautiful grove of birch trees which surrounded the house. “Miss Catherine, did you ask to see me?”

  Catherine turned around to face him. “No, sir, I have not summoned you but since you are here, I believe we are to dance the next set.”

  Brooks smiled and offered her his arm. “Shall we?” Catherine took his arm and they entered the ballroom as the musicians were warming up.

  While standing along the wall of the ballroom with Elizabeth, Darcy saw David Brooks dancing with Catherine Bennet. After the dance, Brooks escorted his dance partner to the refreshments table. They were laughing together and definitely enjoying each other’s company.

  Caroline Bingley saw Lord Winthrope with Catherine Bennet and Darcy with Elizabeth Bennet and she knew that she would never have either man as her husband. She stormed out of the ballroom and as soon as the doors closed behind her she started shrieking, “those conniving country chits! All of them! How could anyone prefer them to me? I do not understand it! I am so accomplished and beautiful and graceful, and I have a large dowry! What is wrong with these men?”

  One of the footman heard their master’s sister screaming and stomping her feet and went to summon Charles from the ballroom. At the footman’s request, Charles walked hurriedly to the hallway outside the ballroom.

  “Caro, what is the problem, now?” His question was met with another shriek.

  “Come my dear, you are distraught. I will escort you to your room and instruct your maid on how we will handle this situation.”

  As Darcy watched Brooks speaking with Catherine Bennet, he observed, “Elizabeth, it appears that Brooks now favors a different Bennet sister.”

  “Do you think he is sincere in the attention he is paying to Catherine? She is young, and we must protect her from being hurt.”

  “I have known David Brooks since we were at school together and I have never heard anyone disparage his reputation. He is very well respected by everyone who knows him.”

  “Everyone but you, Mr. Darcy.” Elizabeth teased him with an arched eyebrow.

  “Please do not misunderstand me. I care not who Brooks admires as long as it is not you, my love.”

  “Oh, I see. I think I understand now.” They could hear the musicians begin to tune their instruments.

  “Did you not promise me the supper set? I believe the musicians are almost ready for us to join the others on the dance floor.”

  “You are persistent, Mr. Darcy. I will say that for you.”

  “Miss Bennet, you have no idea.”

  “I seem to remember that you told Sir William something about every savage being able to dance,” teased Elizabeth.

  “You are taking what I may have said completely out of context.”

  “Well then, Mr. Darcy, I believe this is your set.”

  Darcy took Elizabeth’s hand and they joined the other dancers. Back in Hertfordshire, they had been very drawn to each other when they danced together at Lucas Lodge. Tonight, their attraction was at a different level. When Darcy was with Elizabeth he held her very close and waited until the last possible moment to allow her to move on to the next partner. When the steps called for her to be by his side, she enjoyed the way he touched her and held her close. Although Elizabeth had not answered his plea to marry him while they were on the terrace, they both thought they were moving toward reaching an understanding that would eventually lead them to the altar.

  When Darcy said goodnight at the end of the Ball, he took Elizabeth’s hand and kissed it for an inappropriately long time. She felt as if she was on fire and experienced stirrings that were entirely new to her. Later, while lying awake in her bed, she thought about how she felt while Darcy kissed her hand. She knew that she never experienced any of those feelings with David Brooks. Elizabeth was happy to admit to herself that Darcy was the only man for her.

  The morning after the Ball, the house was unusually noisy. Elizabeth heard someone shouting and while she was dressing she asked Martha, her maid, “do you know what all that noise is about?”

  Martha replied, “it seems that Miss Bingley is going back to Scarborough sooner than expected. She is very unhappy about how her trunks are being packed.”

  Later, when Elizabeth entered the breakfast room, Caroline Bingley was already seated at the table with Jane and Charles. Elizabeth thought that Catherine must be sleeping late although she did not know how anyone could sleep through all the shouting.

  “Good morning everyone, I hope you all slept well. Thank you, Jane and Charles for such a lovely night. Everything at the Ball was just perfect.” Jane and Charles smiled at each other in the joy and relief that their first Ball had been such a success. Elizabeth went to the sideboard to fill her plate for breakfast. “Miss Bingley, I heard that you are leaving us and so soon after your arrival.” Elizabeth could not stop herself from making Caroline feel the point of her barb. Caroline Bingley had never said one kind word to Elizabeth in all the time they had known each other.

  Before Caroline could respond, her brother said, “yes, our aunt has need of Caroline in Scarborough as soon as possible.”

  Elizabeth ate some fruit and toast with her tea. As she rose to leave the table, “pray excuse me, I feel the need for some fresh air. Mr. Darcy asked me to go for a walk with him this morning and I do not wish to keep him waiting. I hope you have a pleasant journey, Miss Bingley.”

  Caroline Bingley started to growl and hurled her tea cup at the door which Elizabeth had just closed behind her.

  When they were together in the garden, Darcy asked Elizabeth, “besides walking, what have you been doing since you came to Birchwood?”

  “I have been improving my ability to play the pianoforte and Jane has taught me some new sewing stitches. You will be particularly happy to know that since moving to Derbyshire I have become a proficient rider. No one is more surprised than I am that I have come to enjoy it.”

  “I am very happy to hear about all of your achievements. I am anxious to hear you play and we must go riding together soon. I can show you some of the most beautiful sights in all of Derbyshire.”

  Elizabeth smiled at the man beside her and said, “I believe I would like that very much, Mr. Darcy.” They continued walking and Elizabeth reached into her pocket and took out Darcy’s book of sonnets. “I believe this belongs to you. You asked me to keep it safe for you while you were gone. Now that you are here, you should have it back. I have my own copy now.”

/>   “I have missed this little book. I have a copy of the sonnets at Heatherwood and I often looked at it while I was recovering and thought about you. I remembered the first day we walked together, and we were carrying the same book. Thank you for taking such good care of it.”

  “I enjoyed taking it with me on my walks. Its small size is very convenient, and I ordered my own copy several months ago from the bookseller in Lambton.”

  “That is precisely where I found this copy.” Elizabeth and Darcy both smiled and continued to walk.

  Later that day, Jane and Catherine were sitting together in the drawing room. “Catherine, would you like to remain with us at Birchwood Manor until my baby is born? Lizzy is assuming some of my responsibilities and I would enjoy your help while I get closer to my confinement.”

  “I would love to stay in Derbyshire. It seems to have many delights that are lacking in Hertfordshire.”

  “Would one of those delights be named David Brooks?”

  “Jane! How can you say such a thing? Brooks and I enjoyed each other’s company at the Ball, but I know not if I shall ever see him again.”

  A few minutes later, Jane was smiling to herself as Lord Winthrope was announced and he happily joined Jane and Catherine for tea.

  Several days later, Darcy and Elizabeth went out riding and their excursion was a long one. While high up on a hill, Darcy pointed out a beautiful estate in the distance. “Miss Bennet, what do you think of that house down there?”

  “Mr. Darcy, is that, by chance, Pemberley?” His smile gave her the answer to her question. “May we not go closer and have a better look?”

  “No, my love, you will not get any closer to Pemberley until we are betrothed. I do not want anyone to think you are marrying me for my home.” They both laughed.

  “Sir, you drive a hard bargain. I will certainly consider how badly I want to see Pemberley while I consider your marriage proposal.” She said it with a big smile and Darcy was beginning to have hope that Elizabeth would finally agree to marry him.


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