New Beginnings

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by Lily Bernard

  Elizabeth smiled at her father’s words. “Thank you, Papa. Remember when I told you how much I loved William after we thought he was gone? I love him so much more with every passing day. I am so pleased that you are here with us.” She kissed her father’s cheek and moved on to greet her sisters.

  When she embraced her youngest sister, Lydia said, “la, Lizzy, what a big house but Mr. Darcy? He is such a boring stick.” Elizabeth had not seen Lydia in almost a year and she quickly observed that her youngest sister had grown even taller but, unfortunately, her speech was as uncensored as ever. Elizabeth ignored her youngest sister’s lack of decorum and warmly greeted the Gardiners who had arrived shortly before she had.

  Elizabeth was very emotional when she saw Colonel Fitzwilliam. When he entered the room with his parents, Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears remembering the sorrowful news he conveyed to her the year before.

  “Miss Bennet, how wonderful it is to see you again and under such happy circumstances. I cannot tell you how delighted I was when I received news of your betrothal.”

  “Colonel, the last time we met was the saddest day of my life. Let us think of the past only as its remembrance gives us pleasure.”

  “How right you are! However, I am no longer a Colonel and I am soon to be your cousin, so please call me Richard. Will you allow me the honor of introducing my parents, Lord and Lady Matlock?”

  Elizabeth curtsied. “I am very happy to meet you both and I hope you know your presence here is very important to William and me.”

  Lady Matlock smiled at her nephew’s betrothed. “My dear, how happy we are to meet the woman who has captured our nephew’s heart. He has been praising you to the heavens ever since he returned to us. Since you will be a part of our family in two days’ time, will you please call me Aunt Patricia? I have the feeling that you and I are going to be very good friends.”

  “I look forward to that, Aunt Patricia.”

  Richard took Elizabeth’s arm and led her to a more private area of the drawing room and said quietly, “Miss Bennet, I am very sorry that I had to lie to you. You must know it was the only way Darcy and I felt we could keep you and Georgiana safe. We chased Wickham from one place to the next, but it took almost a year to find him. I hope that one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me for causing you so much pain.”

  “Richard, you are already forgiven. I know you were only thinking of my well-being. However, you must promise me that you will never do anything like that again.”

  “Miss Bennet, you have my word.”

  “Good, please call me Lizzy. We are family now.”

  When she had finished speaking with Richard, she turned around and saw that Darcy had already introduced Lord and Lady Matlock to the Gardiners. Elizabeth had been anxious about Lord and Lady Matlock’s reaction to meeting them. Darcy always spoke well of his aunt and uncle, but Elizabeth did not know how they would react to being introduced to people in trade. When she walked toward them, she heard Lady Matlock say to her Aunt Gardiner. “I am delighted to meet you, Mrs. Gardiner. We are family now and I would be pleased if you call me Patricia.”

  “I would be delighted, please call me Madelyn.” The two women sat down beside each other on a settee and began discussing the merits of living in London.

  Her Uncle Gardiner was speaking with Lord Matlock. “Gardiner, I know that name. Are you the chap who has that big import business in Cheapside?”

  “Yes, your Lordship. Gardiner Imports is my company.”

  “Please call me Henry, Mr. Gardiner. I believe that you might be just the person to give me some advice on a business venture I am considering.”

  “Henry, I would be happy to discuss it with you and please call me Edward.” The men shook hands and Elizabeth was happily relieved that the Fitzwilliams were so welcoming to her family.

  Everyone enjoyed meeting each other and when they had had enough tea and refreshments, Darcy suggested that everyone retire to their rooms to rest and prepare for dinner. Darcy escorted his fiancé up the stairs and led Elizabeth down the hallway to the family wing. Before they reached her chambers, Elizabeth placed her hand on Darcy’s arm to stop him. “How can I ever make amends for my mother’s inconsiderate words?”

  “You are not responsible for anything anyone else says. Besides, I knew what your mother thought of me last year at Longbourn.”

  “You did? Why did you not mention it before today?”

  “I did not think there was any reason to speak about it. It was a very warm day and Bingley and I came to Longbourn to call on the two women we love. The windows in the sitting room were open and I heard your mother’s opinion of me then.”

  “I would not have blamed you if you had turned around and run away.”

  “I stayed where I was because as soon as your mother finished speaking, the next thing I heard was my beautiful Elizabeth defending me to her mother and sisters. I knew then that I loved you and interpreted your words to mean you had some feelings for me as well.”

  “I do remember that day and your reaction to what you heard shows what a forgiving man you are. Not many men can ignore the insulting words of the mother of their future wife.”

  “As long as your mother has no plans to move to Derbyshire, I believe I can tolerate a few misdirected statements every now and then. Now, may I show you your rooms?”

  As they continued to walk down the hallway, Elizabeth said, “do you not remember that you showed me the mistress’s suite several weeks ago? Have you made any changes?”

  “Open the door and see,” Darcy said with a mischievous look on his face.

  Elizabeth opened the door and was happily surprised by what she saw. When she had last seen these rooms, they had not been changed in the many years since Lady Anne had passed away. Today, the rooms were freshly painted and there was brightly colored floral wallpaper and new fabrics covering every chair, settee and pillow. “William, I do not know what to say. It is all so beautiful and bright. It may sound nonsensical, but these rooms look happy.”

  “We will be happy here, my love. My mother has been gone for a long time and everything she chose for these rooms was old and faded. Georgiana and Mrs. Reynolds are primarily responsible for the changes. I am so glad you like what they chose.”

  “I love what they have chosen. Will you show me the rest of my suite?”

  Darcy showed Elizabeth her bed chamber and sitting room. He then directed her to her new dressing room where her new things had already been hung. Darcy then showed her the door which led to his adjoining suite, “that door is presently locked from your side. I do not want to be tempted by you being just a few feet away from me until we are married.”

  “I thank you for your consideration, Mr. Darcy.” Elizabeth said with a laugh.

  “However, since we are together and there is no one else nearby…” Darcy embraced Elizabeth and kissed her with all the love and passion he possessed. When she finally pulled away, her lips were red, and she was out of breath.

  “Two days, my love, and I will be yours completely and forever,” Elizabeth said as she tried to catch her breath.

  “I am counting the minutes.” The happy couple smiled at each other and before they could kiss again, they heard a knock on the door. Darcy was not happy about the interruption but knew it was much safer for both of them if there was someone else in the room. Elizabeth and Darcy moved apart from one another. “Come in,” called Darcy.

  A young woman entered the room and bobbed a curtsey toward them. “Pardon me, sir, madam, Mrs. Reynolds sent me. I am Hannah, Mrs. Darcy’s lady’s maid. I mean Miss Bennet, of course, for now.”

  “Hannah, I am very pleased to meet you. Mr. Darcy was just leaving, and you and I should prepare for dinner.” Darcy scowled knowing his private time with Elizabeth was now over. He bowed briefly and went out the door leading to the hallway. A few minutes later, Elizabeth could hear him moving around in his dressing room and speaking to Kenton, his valet. ‘In only two days’
time I will be very happy to unlock that door,’ thought Elizabeth.

  Chapter 28

  The day before the wedding was a very busy one. After Jane, Charles and Catherine arrived, all five Bennet sisters gathered together in Elizabeth’s new sitting room to have the final fittings for their dresses for the wedding. Elizabeth had asked all her sisters to stand up for her. She was so happy about marrying Darcy and she did not want any of her sisters to feel left out.

  While the sisters were all laughing and recalling stories from their childhood, their Aunt Gardiner entered the room carrying a small box. She looked at Elizabeth in a certain way that communicated that she wanted to speak to her niece privately.

  “I will be right back. I want to show Aunt Madelyn something in my bed chamber,” Elizabeth said to Jane.

  When they left her sitting room, Elizabeth motioned her aunt to sit beside her on the settee in front of the fireplace in her bed chamber. “Thank you for understanding my eye signal.” They both laughed.

  “Aunt Madelyn, I learned what your eye signals meant many years ago when Jane and I first started coming to London to stay with you and Uncle Edward.”

  “The reason I wanted to speak to you alone is because I feel I should talk to you about tomorrow night.”

  Elizabeth began to blush. The events following the wedding breakfast had been on her mind ever since she arrived at Pemberley. “I suppose I should know a little more than I already do.”

  “Before I tell you the details of what will happen tomorrow night, I would like to say a few things. First, I want you to know that the marriage bed can be a source of tremendous joy and satisfaction for both the husband and the wife. Second, you may have some pain the first time, but it will quickly go away. And my third piece of advice is this, always tell your husband the truth. He wants to know if he is hurting you and he wants to know what gives you pleasure. If you are honest with each other about everything, you will be happy for the rest of your lives.” Aunt Gardiner then explained the specifics of what Elizabeth should expect to happen on her wedding night. “Do you have any questions?”

  “No, but I think I will need a few minutes alone to think about what you have just told me.”

  Aunt Madelyn handed Elizabeth the box she had been holding. “This is for you for tomorrow night.”

  Elizabeth opened the box and pushed aside some floral paper to reveal a pale blue silk and lace nightgown and robe. “Thank you, Aunt Madelyn, they are very beautiful, but I cannot see myself wearing them.”

  “Have no worries, my dear Lizzy, when Mr. Darcy sees you wearing this, you will not have it on for long.” Elizabeth and her aunt looked at each other and they both began to laugh. “Now put that away and let us rejoin the silliness next door.”

  As they were walking toward the sitting room door, Elizabeth put her hand on her aunt’s arm to stop her. She embraced her aunt and said, “Thank you, my dear aunt. Thank you for all your love and support. You have eased my mind about so many things.”

  “We love you very much and pray that you and Mr. Darcy have a long and happy marriage.”

  “William is the very best of men and I know he loves me with his whole heart as I love him.”

  “Then I foresee a wonderful life for you both.”

  “Thank you again, somehow I fear my mother’s explanation of my wedding night would not quite be the same as yours.” Both women were laughing as they entered Elizabeth’s sitting room to rejoin the Bennet sisters.

  When Elizabeth left her chambers to meet everyone for dinner that evening, Darcy was waiting outside her door. “Good evening, Mr. Darcy,” Elizabeth said happily.

  “You look absolutely beautiful, my love.” Elizabeth smiled at her future husband as she took his arm and he escorted her downstairs. They joined their guests in the drawing room before being called into dinner. Lord and Lady Matlock led the guests into the dining room and since Elizabeth was not yet mistress of the house, she sat on Darcy’s right.

  Dinner was a joyous family celebration. Elizabeth’s heart was bursting with happiness as she looked around the table and saw her family easily conversing with William’s. Jane and Catherine were speaking to an animated Georgiana, Mr. Bennet and Mr. Gardiner were having a serious discussion with Lord Matlock, Richard Fitzwilliam was entertaining Mary and Lydia with tales from his days in the military and Mrs. Bennet and Mrs. Gardiner were listening intently to Lady Matlock’s opinion on the latest London fashions. The food was delicious, and the footmen were very diligent about keeping all the wineglasses full.

  After dessert was served, Darcy stood with his wine glass in his hand and asked everyone for their attention. “Before the gentlemen separate from the ladies this evening, I hope you will indulge me for a moment. I would like to propose a toast. To my beautiful Elizabeth,” his fiancé was surprised but looked up at him with love in her eyes, “who makes me want to be a better man, who loves me despite all my faults and who, most importantly, finally said yes!” Everyone laughed and raised their glasses to toast the future Mrs. Darcy.

  Elizabeth did not have a chance to speak privately to Darcy until the men rejoined the ladies in the drawing room. She had been speaking to Jane and her Aunt Gardiner when she saw Darcy enter the room. She excused herself and made her way over to her betrothed. “May I have a word with you, Mr. Darcy?’

  “Madam, I am at your service.”

  They walked to an area of the drawing room where they knew they could not be overheard. Elizabeth took Darcy’s hand. “William, I wish to thank you for your beautiful toast. I was not expecting to hear you say such lovely things in front of our families. It took all my self-restraint not to jump into your arms and kiss you in front of all our guests.”

  “I think we are fairly well concealed here and I would welcome any thanks you may wish to impart.” Darcy had a playful look on his face.

  “Mr. Darcy, whatever shall I do with you?”

  Darcy became more serious and said, “just love me, Elizabeth, that is all I will ever ask of you.” Darcy put his arms around Elizabeth and pulled her close to him.

  Elizabeth looked up at Darcy with love in her eyes. “Then your desire shall be fulfilled.” Elizabeth placed her hand on Darcy’s cheek and he bent down to kiss her. Their kiss was not long but it conveyed all the love that was in their hearts.

  Richard called out, “I say, you two. Can you not wait until tomorrow morning when the vicar pronounces you man and wife?” Everyone laughed at Richard’s good-natured teasing. “I believe we would all enjoy hearing Elizabeth sing. Georgie, Miss Mary, will you play for us as well?” Everyone smiled at the happy couple being caught during their private moment. They could feel the love Elizabeth and Darcy had for each other and the happy couple were both blushing as they rejoined their guests. Georgiana, Elizabeth and Mary entertained the guests until everyone agreed it was time to retire for the evening.

  Darcy escorted Elizabeth and Georgiana upstairs to the family quarters. When they reached her chamber door, Georgiana kissed Darcy and Elizabeth, “goodnight Lizzy, tomorrow I will have what I have always wanted, a sister. Goodnight, brother, and thank you for bringing Lizzy into our lives.”

  “Sleep well, little one, and we will see you in the morning.” Darcy embraced his sister and placed another kiss on her forehead.

  Darcy walked with Elizabeth until they reached her chamber door. “Goodnight, my love. I hope you have pleasant dreams.”

  “Goodnight, William. Tonight is the last night we will ever be separated. I will see you in church, my dearest love.” Darcy kissed Elizabeth’s hand and he walked down the hallway to sleep alone for the last time.

  Hannah was almost finished helping Elizabeth get into her wedding dress when they heard a knock on her door.

  “Come in,” Elizabeth called out and Jane entered the room carrying a flat box.

  She took several steps into the room before she stopped and stared at her sister. “Lizzy, you look so beautiful! Mr. Darcy is a very lucky man.”

  “Thank you, Jane. Hannah, I think Mrs. Bingley and I can manage from here.”

  “Of course, miss, and may I wish you and Mr. Darcy every happiness.”

  “Thank you, Hannah.” Her maid exited the room and Jane came closer to her sister.

  “Jane, what is in that box?”

  “I do not know but a moment ago I caught William holding it as he was about to knock on your door. I told him that tradition demands that he not see you until you enter the church and he looked very unhappy about not seeing you this morning. He asked me to give you this box and to tell you that these belonged to his mother and now they are yours.”

  Jane stood next to her sister as she opened the box and both sisters gasped at the contents. Elizabeth lifted the double strand of pearls out of the box and was overcome with love for her dear William. “Look Lizzy, there are earrings and hair combs as well. Let me help you put them on.” Elizabeth sat at her dressing table while Jane placed the pearl necklace around her neck and closed the clasp. She then placed two of the hair combs in her sister’s hair.

  Elizabeth looked at her reflection in the looking glass and smiled with tears in her eyes. “Jane, I am so happy.”

  “I predict that William may be so distracted by your beauty that he may forget to answer the vicar when he asks him to repeat his vows. Now, no more tears, even if they are tears of joy.” The sisters embraced, and they were both grateful to know that the closeness they had always shared would continue.

  “Lizzy, I had another reason to see you before the wedding.”

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Oh, yes, everything is fine, it is just that, um, I thought I might tell you what to expect, you know, tonight.” Jane was very embarrassed, and Elizabeth had never seen her sister’s face so red.


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