Killing Frank Barnes

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Killing Frank Barnes Page 7

by Ruth DuCharme

  Jack’s parking spot in the back of the motel lot afforded him a clear line of sight to Joel’s room. From here he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be noticed. Jack determined to wait until he could figure out what his brother might do next.

  It was early afternoon when Jack saw the door to Joel’s room open. Cigarette dangling from his lips, Joel came out onto the front step, followed by a scantily dressed girl. Gross. His brother really hadn’t changed much. Joel handed the girl a few dollars and as she walked away, he closed the door without so much as a glance Jacks way.

  Moments later Jack’s cell rang. Jack looked at the phone with disdain. He didn’t have time for this right now. He glanced down at the screen but didn’t recognize the number.

  Jack answered the phone gruffly, “Yeah?”

  “Well good morning to you as well, big brother,” Joel said with more enthusiasm than Jack thought was possible, given the night he clearly had.

  “What do you want?” Jack growled.

  “Hey, hey, hey! Why the hostility? We are family. No need to sound so gruff. What makes you think I want something?”

  “Sorry, it’s been a tense morning. How’s the job search going?”

  “Oh that. Well you know it’s tough out here. Not a lot of jobs but I think I have a lead on something big.”

  “Something legal?”

  “Have a little faith in your brother, why don’t you,” laughed Joel. “So here’s what I’m thinking. I need a little more dough to help me out. I need to buy some clothes for job interviews and maybe a nice fancy briefcase. You know, so’s I look professional and all. Going straight aint cheap!”

  “I just gave you three hundred!”

  “Yeah, I know but that doesn’t ever last long. I had to get a place to stay and some clean clothes…”

  “And some booze?”

  “Don’t be so judgy. It’s not like you don’t have a few yourself. A six pack aint gonna hurt to ease the pain now and again.” Joel’s voice shifted. “Remember, we don’t want dear little Lizzie finding out that you’re a toad. Do we?”

  Jack punched his steering wheel. He took a silent deep breath trying to hold back the urge to cuss his brother a blue streak. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Come by the hotel. Seashore Inn. Room 318. We can discuss my future.”

  Jack needed to get his head straight and figure out what he was going to do about his brother before he made any decisions. “Ok. I’ll be there in a couple of days.”

  “Now, now, now. See, that’s not going to work for me. You want your little brother to get on the straight and narrow as soon as possible, don’t you? Tonight!”

  “Tonight? Dude, I can’t. I have to pick up Sam. Lizzie won’t be home until late. I have responsibilities remember?”

  “It’s your choice, bro. Either I come to you or you come to me. Which is it? Pretty sure you aren’t going to invite your dear old brother over for dinner so you better get over here. Tonight!”

  “Let me see what I can do.”

  “There is no try, only do,” said Joel, using his best Mr. Miagi impersonation.

  There was clearly no way for Jack to get out of dealing with Joel. He changed tactics, “How about I bring the money over and we have ourselves a little party like we used to. Like brothers. Hanging out and catching up. I wasn’t very nice to you when you came by the apartment.”

  “Now see? Isn’t that better? Looking forward to it!”

  “See ya tonight”

  Jack hung up the phone and pounded the steering wheel again. He knew his brother was going to pull something like this. He had to come up with a plan. Trying to manage Lizzie’s new job and fly under her radar took enough effort without throwing Joel into the mix. Tonight he would talk Joel into leaving town. Maybe he would have to part with more money but it would be worth it. Jack was more than a little concerned that, like a stray animal, the more money he gave Joel the longer his brother would try sticking around. Jack had to think of something and he didn’t have much time.

  Jack picked up his phone and dialed Lizzie’s sister Carly. After a curt but brief conversation with her, Carly agreed to pick up Sam from school and to keep him overnight. Carly never had liked Jack much. Jack wasn’t entirely sure why he rubbed Carly the wrong way but he suspected it had something to do with Sam’s dad. Or maybe it was just an overprotective older sister thing. Either way, Sam was taken care of for the night.

  Jack placed a call to Lizzies cell phone but it went straight to voicemail. He left her a brief message explaining he was going to be working late and Carly would be taking care of Sam. With those two things handled, Jack threw his cell phone in the glove compartment and headed back towards his house.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Joel smiled to himself as he hung up the phone. His brother really was an idiot. When he visited his brother for the first time in years he hadn’t been stupid enough to “stay put” like his brother had told him to. Joel waited until Frank was in the spare room. Playing “spy” once more he had snuck up to the half-closed bedroom door. Joel watched as Frank took down the box with his hidden treasure.

  Joel smiled at the memory of all that money and cocaine. He watched as Jack flipped through the stack of hundreds. It was like playing with one of those little flipbooks you make in elementary school. Only this time it was the faces of dead presidents flipping by so fast you could barely see the denominations. What a stash!

  Joel had quietly tip toed back to the couch before his brother could see him. He would have to play this just right. He didn’t want to set off any alarm bells. He did, however, want everything in that box. He was going to get it. Joel had no qualms about conning his own brother. No shame in my game! And man do I got game!

  Joel looked down at what was left of the measly pittance his brother had given him. Enough for maybe a bite to eat? Joel dressed in the same dirty clothes he wore the night before. Slipping his motel room key into his pocket he headed to the corner store.

  Joel purchased a bag of chips, a Gatorade and a fresh pack of smokes. As he stood outside the store, he spotted another Honda in the lot. He did need another ride after all. Hondas were the easiest to steal. Would people never get that?

  Joel glanced inside the car window. Nothing too much inside. He scanned the parking lot as he tried the handle. Unlocked! Score! Joel searched under the driver seat with his hand, quickly finding a set of keys. What kind of idiot leaves his keys in an unlocked car these days?

  Joel started up the car and slowly drove out of the parking lot. By the time he returned to the motel, he was beat. He needed a nap, a shower and a plan.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Jack paced nervously inside the apartment. It was now dark and closing in on midnight. Joel hadn’t given him a specific time but Jack really couldn’t put this off any longer. The more he stalled the more anxious his brother would get. Who knew what Joel might pull if Jack didn’t get there soon. He still wasn’t sure how he was going to keep his brother from spilling his secrets but maybe he would think of something once he got there?

  Jack considered calling Lizzie again but they had been missing each other’s phone calls all day. He wasn’t entirely sure that if he heard her voice he wouldn’t back out of this. No, it was time to go.

  Jack went into the bedroom and took down his box of Christmas ornaments once more. He quickly peeled five hundred dollars from the wad of cash and then paused. The dope. An idea suddenly sprang to life in Jack’s mind. He could plant it in Joel’s room! A quick anonymous phone call to the local cop shop and Joel would get sent back to jail. This time he wouldn’t be able to get out so fast. Yes, this sounded like the best plan so far.

  Jack glanced at the gun in the bag. He didn’t need that but he picked it up anyway and tucked it into the back of his waistband. Jack pushed his stash box back up into the closet and went to the kitchen for one of the manila envelopes Lizzie stored there. Stuffing the dope in the envelope, he shoved it deep into his jacket p
ocket. Jack took a quick look in the mirror by the front door. Good lord he needed a shave. And were those the beginnings of dark circles under his eyes? Admittedly, he looked pretty stressed. Jack reassured himself that after tonight, life could get back to normal.

  Jack headed down to the garage. His truck was parked in the smallest space in the farthest corner of the parking garage just how he liked it. Somehow this parking arrangement made him feel safe. The wide-open garage always made Jack feel as if anyone could sneak up on him. Not that anyone ever had, of course. That’s what living a secret life could do to a person. Make them blasted paranoid.

  Jack got into the truck and pulled out into the quiet neighborhood. He was painfully aware of the gun pressing between his lower back and the car seat. Why did he even bring this damn thing? It wasn’t as if he would actually use it. But Jack knew his brother. If he couldn’t find an opportunity to plant the dope and Joel refused to play things his way…well, Jack may have to get a little more convincing. He worked too hard to build this new life for himself and he wasn’t about to let it go to hell.

  Jack pulled up to the motel. Instead of returning to his earlier vantage point, he drove around to the backside and parked out of sight. Jack took a deep breath and got out of his truck. He locked the door and walked around to the front of the motel. It was now or never. He knocked on the door of room 318.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The door to the motel room opened and Joel grinned at Jack. Jack could see that Joel had at least taken a shower since this morning but he appeared to already be half in the bag. Maybe this would make his job easier. “Come in. Come in, said the spider to the fly,” quipped Joel.

  Frank entered the small room and almost gagged at the smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke. He hid his disgust as he gave his brother a quick hug and fist pound.

  “How’s it hanging?”

  “Want a beer?” Joel asked as he hurried over to a six-pack sitting on the small bedside table.

  “Sure I’ll take a beer.” Jack walked over to the window and stared out at the parking lot. Nothing was moving. Frank turned from the window and asked, “Joel, what exactly do you expect here?”

  “How about we take our drink and sit down. Discuss our options man to man.” Jack took the chair Joel offered him and they both sat at the tiny kitchenette table.

  Joel began, “I want to be able to survive. I want to get to know my brother again.”

  Jack looked at his brother with skepticism. “I’d like that too but right now I have to focus on Lizzie and Sam. I can’t have you coming around and threatening to tell them about me. About us.”

  “Well that’s just sad, you know?” Joel drunkenly reached over to clasp Jacks shoulder. Joel sloshed his beer a little as he tried to take another sip. He was drunker than Jack initially realized.

  “You know we were always thick as thieves. ‘member? Don’t you remember how we were?” Joel sat back in his chair with a strange grin on his face. “I saw the box, man. Christmas ornaments my ass! Your holding out on me.”

  Jack stood quickly and set his still full beer down on the table. He opened his wallet and took out the five hundred dollars. “Look, here’s five hundred to get you through. But you are going to have to leave me be for a while. At least give me more time to come up with a way to explain you to Lizzie. She has no idea I have a brother and I can’t just spring you on her without a story.”

  Ignoring the cash Jack held out, Joel sat forward in his chair and leaned his elbows on the table. He dropped his voice to a whisper. “What about the dope? Yeah, yeah, yeah, man! I saw that too. Why do you still have it? You know we could do a little business for ourselves with that.”

  “That’s what got me into trouble in the first place!”

  “Well I’m not scared!” Joel slurred loudly. “Give ME the dope and I’ll sell it. Cut you in on the cash. 80/20.”


  “Hell yes! I’d be the one doing all the dangerous work. Only fair I get a bigger cut of the profits. Besides, wouldn’t it be worth it to you? Keep me busy for a while instead of in your hair.”

  “I don’t know man,” said Jack, walking back to the window.

  Suddenly, Jack felt a tug on the back of his waistband and before he knew it Joel was holding the gun.

  “Think I didn’t notice you were holding? What kind of an idiot do you think I am?” Suddenly Joel appeared much more sober than before. “Why’d you bring it?” Joel asked turning the small pistol over in his hand and examining it.

  “Give it back to me, Joel!” Jack said alarmed.

  “You think you were gonna warn me off? Or maybe, just maybe you were gonna shoot your own brother?” Joel turned the handgun toward Jack and pointed the muzzle at his stomach.

  “Whatever,” said Jack. “ I carry it for protection is all.”

  “Liar! You keep it in the closet with rest of your stash!”

  Jacks face went pale.

  Joel continued, “Yeah you thought I didn’t know. You thought you were so sly. Where’d it come from? You rob a bank? You deal more dope than I know? You snitch that many times that you gotta protect yo’self?”

  Frank looked away.

  “No way! That’s it isn’t it? That big shootout and snitch job you did. You took the money and the dope! That was you!”

  “Look, it wasn’t planned. I grabbed the bag out of instinct. I didn’t mean to keep it. But then Jimmy was shot and one of those detectives was blaming it on me so I had to run man. I had to.”

  “That cop got in tons a trouble over that! Dekker was his name? That shmuck!” Joel laughed, “I kinda admire you for sticking it to the popo. So awesome! You still managed to make out.” Joel looked at his brother with a wide grin and shining face full of admiration. He was clearly impressed and proud.

  Jack rolled his eyes. “Look Joel, I’ve been under the radar and if you don’t stop messing with me your gonna get me caught.”

  Joel stood on shaky legs and the gun wobbled in his hand. “If you don’t give me what I need you’re gonna get caught anyway.”

  “What exactly is it you think you’re going to do? Snitch me out to the cops?”

  “Why not? Maybe you could show me how it’s done? Maybe there’s another backpack of cash in it for me this time,” taunted Joel.

  “Just give me the gun Joel.”

  Joel popped the magazine out of the gun and laughed as he wracked the slide to the free the last bullet from the chamber. “Sure. You can have it back after you give me what I want.”

  Jack felt his blood begin to boil. “I said give me the damn gun!” Jack lunged towards his brother’s hand.

  Joel seemed to have anticipated this move and as Jack lunged forward Joel brought the empty gun up hard, striking Jack square in the jaw. Jack’s vision blurred and before he could recover Joel struck him a second time in the temple.

  Joel laughed. “Had enough yet bro?” Jack doubled over at the waist trying to clear the stars from his eyes. He glanced up at Joel’s laughing face and quickly lunged at his brother driving his shoulder into Joel’s stomach. The momentum drove Joel backward into the nightstand and they both crashed to floor.

  Jack quickly pushed himself up and straddled Joel’s mid-section, ready to throw another punch. Joel didn’t budge. Jack stopped and examined Joel’s face. Maybe the fall knocked him out?

  Jack shook him. “Joel?” Joel didn’t respond. Jack noticed a lump starting to form on Joel’s head. He must have hit his head on the table when they went down. “Joel!” Jack called his brother’s name a little louder and shook him just a bit harder. Joel still didn’t make a sound.

  Jack pressed his ear to his brother’s chest. He was still breathing. Relief washed over Jack. He climbed off his brother and sat on the bed catching his breath. The dope. Now would be the perfect time to plant it. Jack began to look around the room for the ideal place to stash it. It had to be a place his brother wouldn’t find it.

  Jack walked over to the a
ir conditioning unit and popped the cover off. It wasn’t warm enough for air conditioning yet so it made the perfect hiding place. Jack took the large envelope out of his jacket pocket and wedged the drugs inside of the air conditioner.

  Joel moaned.

  Jack quickly replaced the air conditioning cover and turned back to his brother. Blood had started to seep from the wound on Joel’s head. For a brief moment Jack entertained the idea of calling an ambulance. But how could he explain this?

  Jack couldn’t just leave him here. Joel was going to be pissed when he did come to. He might just go off the deep end. Jack considered going outside to the payphone. He could call 911 anonymously and say he heard an argument from the room and could someone please come check it out before someone got hurt.

  Joel moaned again. His eyes remained closed but he muttered, “I’m going to kill you.”

  “Joel! Man, I’m sorry!” Jack got down on the floor next to his little brother. Jack took a pillow from the bed and gently placed it under Joel’s head. Joel’s speech was slurred but Frank understood clear enough when Joel mumbled, “You blew it. You’re gonna pay for this. It’s all or nothing now.”

  Jack quickly pulled the pillow back out from under Joel’s head. He let Joel’s head hit the floor with a thud.

  Ice seemed to fill Jack’s veins. He had just about enough of his brother’s nonsense. Without a second thought he held the pillow down over Joel’s face. Joel barely moved in response.

  Joel’s left hand thumped weakly against the gray, threadbare carpet as Jack pushed the pillow down harder. Jack counted to sixty. Joel had stopped his meager struggling but Jack counted for an extra thirty seconds before releasing his weight from the top of the pillow. Frank sat back on his haunches and then scooted back up against the side of the bed. He stared at Joel’s body with disbelief. Dear God, what did I just do?


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