Chasing Arlo (Genoa Mafia Series Book 5)

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Chasing Arlo (Genoa Mafia Series Book 5) Page 7

by Ginger Ring

  “And the bombings?” Dominic was obviously trying to figure out all the angles just as much as everyone else. The guy wasn’t usually at meetings, as he preferred to just wait until things were over and then clean up whatever was left behind. But this was a serious threat to everyone involved. The fact that they hit on his wedding day probably didn’t help either. “How does that tie into things? If he wanted us dead, we’d be dead. All there’d be left to do is just drive in and take it all. Doesn’t make sense.”

  “If we were dead, he still wouldn’t know where his brother was.” From the looks of the dark circles under Roman’s eyes, he’d not slept much.

  “So, how many people know where he’s being held?” Arlo’d stopped at the safe house a week ago. They had a three-man crew that took turns watching the prisoner and making sure that he stayed alive. Alex had attempted suicide a few times when they’d first captured him but seemed to have settled down since then. The family’s doctor also checked on Alexander once a week and monitored his meds. Prescription drugs had kept the man calm and helped battle some of the guy’s mental issues, making him much easier to handle. If only Alexander’s brother would have done the same. Paranoia, depression, and numerous anxiety issues were just a few of the medical problems the man had.

  “Just Doc, those at the house, and everyone here in the room,” Roman verified.

  “What about the tech guys? They monitor everyone’s location through their phones.” Jasper brought up a good point. It was an advantage to know where everyone was at all times but anyone with that information could use it to do great harm.

  “I had Ryan set up a scrambler there. Whenever anyone gets within a half mile of the place, their signal stops at any of the various stores, restaurants, or gas stations in the area.” Their boss had thought of everything, but then Roman always did. Still, the timing of the bombs going off was just too close for comfort.

  “Again, what about the tech guys?” Arlo didn’t want to let it go.

  “I have them working overtime changing things out and gathering data. In the meantime, I want you to check them out.” Roman slid a file in Arlo’s direction. “It’s everything I have on everyone who works in IT security. Don’t overlook small details. If they lived anywhere that makes you suspicious, been anywhere suspicious, dated anyone suspicious. I want no stone unturned.”

  “Got it.” Along with the file, his boss gave him a large envelope to put everything in. Any eyes that might be on them as they left would never know what was inside.

  “Anything else we can do?” Jasper leaned forward as if ready to jump into action.

  “Keep your women close and don’t go anywhere isolated alone. Any loved ones that could be taken and used against us is a target, warn them as well. Also vary your routines. Do what you usually do on Monday, on Wednesday, and so on.”

  “What about the businesses?” Again, Jasper spoke up. His new fiancée worked at the Caponellis’ winery.

  “Ryan has hired some private security to help out there and at other locations.” Roman looked each guy in the eyes. “Anything else?” When no one spoke up, he continued. “Be safe and be on alert. That is all.”

  Except for the scraping of chair legs on the floor, everyone was silent as they got up and left the room. Dominic exited the house without another word. Jasper followed behind. Roman went in the direction of the kitchen, leaving Arlo on his own.

  The file in his hand was light but the weight of its responsibility was not. Their IT department was a well-oiled machine that they relied heavily on. If it wasn’t for Christopher alerting them that Jackie was missing, they’d have never found her, or captured Alexander. It tied his stomach up in knots just thinking about it, yet he couldn’t wait to go through the report and see what he could find.

  He glanced at the clock on the wall. Damn, they had to get to the club soon to meet with the realtor. That was the last thing he expected to be doing when he agreed to keep Layla safe. It just reaffirmed the fact that you could take the mob princess out of the city but you couldn’t keep the mob life out of the girl.

  Women’s voices could be heard in the distance. They were probably talking about names for babies or some such. Climbing the stairs, he walked the short distance to the room the sounds were coming from. When he heard his name, he stopped. They were talking about him.

  “You spent the night in his arms?” Maddy sounded excited.

  “Yes and no. We were on the couch but I never felt so safe. I just wish…” Layla trailed off.

  “I know he likes you, it’s just his pride in the way. You were once engaged to Roman.”

  “Don’t remind me. Ugh,” Layla blurted. “Not that there’s anything wrong with him. You guys are the ultimate power couple but I don’t want to rule the world.”

  “Rule the world?” Madison laughed and Arlo could just imagine her shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “I’ll explain it then, dear sister. Arlo is a mystery to me. He’s tough, strong, smart, and I haven’t the slightest clue how to get him to see me as just me. Not Bruno’s daughter, not mob royalty, none of the crap that he seems to have a hang up with. I want him to see me as a woman. To give me a chance.”

  “He does see you. I know he does. I see him watching you,” Madison agreed. “There’s no mystery about how he feels about you. I can see it the minute you walk in the room. He only has eyes for you.”

  “But I want more than for him to be watching from a distance.”

  Arlo should have made his presence known but hearing that she might have feelings for him left him frozen on the spot. She wanted him. Him! Arlo leaned against the wall, closed his eyes, and gave thanks to whatever strange twist of fate had blessed him with a such an amazing woman.

  “I want to have mad, crazy, amazing sex with the man,” she squealed. “And then I’ll go back to Chicago and marry whoever my father wants me to.”

  What? His pulse stopped. He was sure of it. He couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. Arlo’d been shot, stabbed, and tortured a time or two but nothing had ever hurt as much as what he’d just heard. Urging his legs to move he took a step back and then another. As quiet as possible, he retreated to the railing and down the stairs. If he had a heart, she’d just reached into his chest and pulled it out. Gripping the rail, the room swam as he made his way to the study.

  For being a strong man, he felt sick. Sinking down in a chair, he leaned his head back. He’d keep her safe but after that, Arlo was done. No more mooning over someone that only wanted to use him. He was done. If this was what heartbreak felt like, love could go fuck itself.

  Chapter Ten


  “Did you just say what I thought you just said?” Madison’s mouth dropped open.

  “That I want to have mad, crazy, amazing sex with the man I haven’t stopped thinking about since I first laid eyes on him. Yes.” Layla put her hands on her hips and tapped her toe on the carpet.

  “No, not that part. The bit about marrying someone our father picked.”

  “Oh hell, no. Of course not. I just said that to see if you were paying attention.” Layla paced back and forth. “That ship sailed a long time ago. Father will never pick out a husband for me again and he has no say in who I choose either.”

  Maddy wiped the back of her hand across her forehead and sat down. “Wow, that’s a relief.”

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t be taunting you when you’re in the family way.” Excitement surged through her. “I can’t believe I’m going to be an auntie! Either you move to Chicago or I’m moving here because I want to see the baby every day.”

  “Well, my home is here, so you marry Arlo and buy the house on the other side of us.”

  Her sister placed her palm on her stomach. Whether she realized it or not, the gesture was sweet. It had always been just her father and her so the growing family was something she’d never thought was possible.

; “I’m trying but he’s being all honorable and shit.”

  “Yes, it’s horrible that he’s so honorable and wants to put your safety first.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “It’s just weird seeing you pursue him when I’m used to seeing it the other way.” Maddy laughed.

  “What can I say, I love a challenge.”

  “As long as you want him for the right reason and not because he’s proving to be hard to get.”

  “Oh, that reminds me. I have to be somewhere.” She hugged her sister. “I’ll call you later.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  Layla started to the door.

  “Hey, Lay?”

  She stopped and leaned against the frame. “Yeah?”

  “Go get your man.” Madison grinned.

  “Planning on it. Love you.” And she did. It was hard to picture living anywhere but Chicago but this place and the people here had grown on her too much to resist.

  An hour later, Layla wondered if her quest of being with the man of her dreams was just that, a dream. He’d hardly said two words since she found him sulking in the living room. Maybe sulking wasn’t the right words. Arlo seemed distracted. Angry. Brooding.

  “Are you sure everything is all right? Did something happen in the meeting?”

  He drove into the lot of the Genoa Gentlemen’s Club and parked next to the only other car in the lot. “Nothing to worry about.”

  Arlo turned off the car and this time she didn’t wait for him to come around and open her door. That resulted in a scowl but it was the most emotion he’d shown since they’d left the place. If he was going to be difficult then so would she.

  A big Lincoln with realtor signs on the doors gave no doubt that their agent was there. The long-legged blonde leaned against it and smiled. As soon as they got she stepped away from it, her hand outstretched.

  “Hi. I’m Vicki Samuels.” She kept her hand out until both of them shook it. The woman had perfectly styled blonde hair and wore a navy jacket and red skirt. “Let’s go inside.” Vicki had obviously unlocked the place before they got there and quickly held the door open wide. “I’m so excited to show you this wonderful business opportunity.”

  Vicki was there to make a sale but the last thing Layla wanted was a high-pressure sale pitch.

  “I bet.” Arlo spoke under his breath. “This place has been listed for what? Three months now.” He spoke up loud enough for both to hear. It was obvious he didn’t want her to purchase the place, maybe that was why he was in a bad mood.

  “Yes, the previous owner had some personal issues and was forced to sell.” Vicki led them through the bar area. “But as you can see, the equipment is all fairly new.” Except for all the alcohol being gone, everything else looked to be in place. Glasses, bar tools, even the drawers held clean, crisp towels neatly folded. Walking over to a wall, their guide flipped the light switch, bringing the stage area to life. The poles were shiny and the dance floor spotless.

  “Oh, this is nice, but all the furniture will need to be replaced.” Layla weaved her way between the tables and chairs to inspect the stage floor, music equipment, and lighting system. She even stepped on the runway and gave the stripper pole a good shake. It was sturdy as hell.

  “It also has a full kitchen, although they never served food here.” Vicki studied the notes on her phone. “All stainless-steel appliances and subzero refrigeration.”

  “Why’d they never use them?” That seemed odd.

  “It was originally going to be a supper club but they ran out of money before it could be opened, then the second owners bought it from the bank and made it into a gentlemen’s club.”

  “I want to see that and everything else that goes with it.” It was perfect but if Layla blurted that out, she’d never get a fair price. Yes, the club would need some work but it was actually better than she thought it would be. Some of the features, such as the nude pictures in the men’s bathroom, were a little on the cheesy side but she envisioned something more than just a strip club. No, her vision ran more to a high-end club with burlesque shows and ladies’ night. Maybe even a prohibition theme. She practically buzzed thinking about the endless possibilities.

  Arlo paid more attention to structural details, which was nice. What did she know about water heater capacity, electrical issues, and structure damage? From the frown on his face and lack of complaints, it appeared everything was in good working order. As soon as they were finished, she was getting to the bottom of what was up his ass. ‘Normal Arlo’ was the strong, silent type. ‘Bad mood Arlo’ was a bear on steroids.

  They continued their tour with the office being her least favorite. It would need to be gutted. Cigarette and pot smoke still lingered in the air. That wouldn’t do at all and it would need to reflect her more feminine style. The dressing rooms were okay but not classy at all. Mirrors would need to be refurbished as well as locker and make up areas updated. As they continued the showing, Layla calculated what it would cost for updates and what she was willing to pay.

  “So, what do you think?” Vicki flashed a bright smile as she swung around in a flamboyant turn. “It’s a great deal, so I wouldn’t wait.”

  “I’m interested but only at the right price.” Layla studied her figures again and stated her proposal. Vicki had her game face on and didn’t bat an eye at the below price offer.

  “That’s way less than what the owner is asking.” Vicki frowned, folded her arms, and twiddled a pen between her fingers. “I’m sure he could be persuaded with more money.”

  “Anyone can be persuaded with more money,” Arlo added his two cents. “I know what he paid for this place. He’ll be breaking even with a little left over. Call him. Believe me, he’ll take the bid.”

  Layla turned his direction and lifted an eyebrow. She’d all but given up on getting any support from him.

  “Call him,” Arlo repeated.

  Vicki took a deep breath. “Fine. I’ll be right back.” The realtor marched out of the building to make her phone call in private.

  “What’s wrong?” Layla wasn’t leaving here without an answer.

  “Nothing.” He blew her off.

  “There is, so spill.” Stepped into his space and placed a hand on his chest. “Now.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Even with her high heels on she had to tilt her head up to see him. “We already talked about this and I know what you’re thinking, that it’ll be competition to Firenza, but I promise, it won’t be.”

  “That has nothing to do with it.” He turned his back on her, walked over to the stage area, and took a seat.

  How dare he walk away from her? Her heels echoed in the empty room. The chair screeched as she yanked it back and plopped herself down on the seat. “Then tell me. Now.” She could play tough guy just as much as he could. “And we’re not leaving here until you do.”

  “Why are you buying something here if you don’t plan on staying? Are you going to run it from Chicago? You’ll have a business in Caponelli territory.”

  “I never thought about it being in Roman’s terrain but we’re family now. Once the baby’s born, I plan on being here all the time.” Bruno and her were going to have to talk. As his only heir they did need to clear a few things up. He planned on her taking over the business but would the men want to follow her? Would the man she married support her in being the boss? Would he be willing to support her in the decisions she made?

  “What about your husband?” Arlo rested an elbow on the table.

  “What husband?” Layla knew what he meant but she needed more time to get him to finally fall in love with her.

  “I don’t have one.” She wiggled her eyebrows in a come-hither expression. “Yet. Want to apply for the position?”

  Arlo rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. For one that was usually so cold and emotionless, his face was a kaleidoscope of emotions. A variety of shock, anger, and hurt. Something was wrong, very wrong.

  “What?” Layla had had enough. “Spit it out.” She placed her palms up on the table but he remained silent. “Look, I don’t let my father order me around as far as my personal life goes but I do seek counsel for business affairs.” Digging her phone from her purse, she sent a quick note to Roman asking permission to start a business on his ground and one to her father explaining what she wanted to do. “There, messages sent to my father and Roman. Everything is covered now. Happy?”

  “That’s not what I meant and not what I heard.” The softness of his voice struck her as odd.

  “Heard?” What was he talking about?

  “I came up to get you and overheard you talking to Madison.”

  Wracking her brain, she tried to recall what he may have heard to cause such a riff. “Can you give me a hint?”

  “You said you’d marry whoever your father picked out for you and that means you will be going back to Chicago. So, there is really no reason to put down roots here.”

  “That’s what you heard me say?” Layla felt a thickening in her throat. “What else did you hear?”

  He looked away and mumbled. “Just that?”

  “Nothing else?” Oh, God. They were talking smack. It wasn’t meant to be heard by anyone but the two of them. “Just that?” Biting her lip did nothing to relieve her anxiety.

  “Was there something else I wasn’t supposed to hear?” He directed his attention back to her.

  “Of course not.” She blew him off and climbed the three steps to the stage. “We were just talking about the baby. Maddy’s so nervous, I told her women have been giving birth for years. Nothing to worry about.” Rambling on as she walked, Layla grabbed hold of one of the stripper poles.


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