Bitter Sweet Kisses

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Bitter Sweet Kisses Page 8

by S M Mala

  ‘I’m thinking about work,’ he lied, smiling at her before glancing away.

  All he thought about was Sophie’s fleeting visit and what happened that afternoon.

  He suddenly turned to a bag of nerves when she looked through his work, and he didn’t know what he was saying. Because all he could do was to focus on what he was doing to avoid looking at her.

  And he wanted just to stare.

  There was no way he would have realised to what extent he felt about his agent’s wife until he looked over the bannister when she was speaking to Ross.

  His heart pounded so hard he had to take a few deep breaths to control whatever he was feeling because he knew it wasn’t right.

  Even while he was away, all he did was think about her, wondering if she was okay but not wanting to call or text. Jonah knew that would look pretty odd.

  But there was something he couldn’t control the way he was feeling, and he didn’t know what to do. It wouldn’t be reciprocated; that was for sure.

  It’s when he looked at her, there was something he could sense on her side though he was unsure what it was.

  He wished he had walked her to the station, took her to a small café to get her a cake and spend time together. Because all he really wanted to do was kiss her, wrap her up in his arms and hold Sophie close to his heart.


  ‘Yes?’ he replied, looking at Onya’s confused expression.

  ‘You’ve been off with me ever since that evening,’ she said, her voice starting to get agitated. ‘Today Sophie James visits you and you’re upset. What did she say?’

  ‘What? No!’ he replied, shaking his head. ‘I’ve got a lot on my mind, that’s all.’

  ‘I think you should tell Harry you can’t babysit his wife any longer. He’s going to have to do something about it if he’s not happy.’

  ‘Pardon? Did he say that to you?’

  ‘No,’ Onya replied, looking shaken up. ‘It’s pretty obvious you’re the substitute. You know what he’s like. I think marriage is stifling him. If he doesn’t like it, he should walk away.’

  Jonah stopped and looked at Onya.

  ‘What is it you don’t like about Sophie? Is it because I’ve spent some time with her? You think I’m giving her too much attention? Harry’s not helping matters.’

  ‘Don’t get caught in the cross fire.’

  ‘You didn’t answer my question. What has Sophie ever done to you?’

  ‘I didn’t like her. Can’t see the appeal and don’t know what the fuss is about,’ replied Onya bluntly. ‘I’m sorry if that spoils the idea of us all getting together for dinner again. Frankly, she’ll be too busy with the baby, and Harry will seek his fun somewhere else.’

  ‘You seem so sure.’


  Onya grabbed his arm and continued to walk down the road.

  If Harry were going to do something, he would certainly disregard Sophie’s feelings, especially after the baby came.

  He hated feeling it, but Jonah wanted to be there for Sophie, make sure she was okay. There was this turmoil and that’s what was upsetting him the most.

  Jonah realised after not seeing Sophie for nearly fourteen days, he desperately missed her.

  The worst thing, which he realised that day, was he was falling in love.

  And that was a scenario he couldn’t deal with.

  ‘And you have to go?’

  Sophie was sitting on the bed watching her husband pack. ‘For a fortnight?’

  ‘I told you ages ago I had to fly over to Miami then to Los Angeles. It’s my job and there’s the possibility of getting some clients out there, so I might be setting up an office. I’ll be back before the baby is due.’

  ‘Will you be coming back?’

  She had to ask.

  It had been the burning question for weeks.

  After seeing Jonah, Sophie told Harry that she didn’t need a babysitter and to let his client get on with his work. He was planning a holiday and he should focus on it.

  That’s when Harry mentioned Jonah was taking Onya.

  And reality hit hard for Sophie knowing what she felt was a whim, and the decision was made on her part not to see Jonah again.

  The less confusion there was, the better.

  ‘Why would you even say that?’ he replied, turning to her. ‘I love you.’

  ‘Why did you marry me?’

  ‘Oh God!’ he sighed, looking up at the ceiling before walking towards her. ‘What’s this about?’


  Sophie slowly got up.

  Three weeks she was due and her body was starting to feel the strain. All she wanted to do was sleep but that was a problem.

  There was no position comfortable enough to lie in.

  ‘I married you because I knew I wanted you in my life. You’re not like the other people I meet; wanting something off me.’ Harry’s face saddened. ‘I know I'm not supportive. It’s not that I don’t care, but it’s happening quickly.’

  ‘You’re forty-four years old. That’s not quick at being a first-time father.’ Sophie’s heart melted when she looked into his baby blues. ‘And I want you to be happy. If you’re not happy, then I’m not happy. Can’t you see?’

  ‘I am happy and you’re hormonal.’

  ‘Harry?’ she said, not wanting to get upset.

  Deep down, she didn’t want him to go as she was petrified about being alone so close to her due date. This is when she needed her husband more than any other time she could ever possibly remember.

  ‘I’ll be back before you know it and everything is going to be fine.’ Harry tenderly stroked her face. ‘Expect me on the first plane back home on 16th. That’s more than enough time. Sophie, I don’t want you to worry.’

  ‘But I do,’ she whispered, holding onto his arms. ‘I’ve never done this before.’

  ‘Oh silly thing!’ he said, gently kissing her lips. ‘I can tell motherhood will come naturally to you.’ Harry grinned. ‘And Jonah is more than happy to come and help.’

  ‘I told you not to ask him,’ she said, glancing away and removing his hands.

  ‘I thought you got on?’

  ‘He’s doing it to be nice to you.’

  ‘Me?’ laughed Harry, shaking his head then she swore he blushed. ‘I’m negotiating some work for him when I’m away. It might mean he has to relocate for a while to the States next year.’

  Sophie felt sick on hearing it but forced a smile.

  ‘I saw his work. It’s very good. He wants to go to one of my women’s homes and take some pictures. I’m unsure.’ She touched Harry’s face. ‘Are we going to be okay?’

  ‘Of course we are,’ he said, kissing her palm before continuing to pack.

  ‘And try and be nice to me.’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘You’re not,’ she said, gulping hard. ‘I hate your comments about my body. My brain hasn’t turned to mush but my confidence does when you don’t support me.’

  ‘You’re overly sensitive.’

  ‘I’m alone too much, Harry. I need someone close.’

  Three hours later he was gone.

  Two weeks away from Harry and she wasn’t sure what to do.

  All the little jobs had been completed and she felt an immense feeling of despair being on her own.

  Sophie couldn’t jump in the car as it was uncomfortable for her to drive.

  Walking was proving a problem as she couldn’t go that far without stopping.

  Her antenatal check-ups were going to prove a nightmare as she wasn’t sure she could get there.

  All the time, she wondered if Harry would come back.

  Something told her things were going to change.

  And probably not for the better.

  ‘You’re kidding me!’

  Jonah was talking to Harry over the web and he was deliriously happy. ‘I can’t believe it.’

  ‘They love your work and this is phenomenal to get a boo
k deal so early in your career. You’re going to have to move out here for a while, but it’s doable.’

  ‘I’m shocked.’

  He put his head in his hands and wanted to scream with laughter.

  ‘And they’re talking about an exhibition. Things are looking good!’ Harry burst out laughing. ‘Plus people are asking for you to do all sorts. You’re going to be a busy boy. You might have to cancel that trip away at Christmas.’

  ‘I don’t know what to say.’

  Then he noticed something in the background.

  There was a figure of a woman in the bedroom.

  Everything slumped when he thought about Sophie.

  Since she came to his studio, neither one had contacted each other. He wanted to see her but knew he couldn’t. It would confuse him more.

  ‘Old friend,’ Harry sheepishly replied. ‘Have you spoken to Sophie? I’ve not heard from her in a couple of days. I think she’s pissed off with me. I told her you might pop round but she said she was fine. The baby’s not due for a few weeks. She’s probably tired.’

  ‘It’s warm at the moment so the heat could be tiring her out.’ He hesitated. ‘Do you really want me to check on her?’

  ‘No, she’ll be fine. Anyway, you might keel over and die of shock when you see how large she is.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘She’s enormous. And the tears! She keeps crying, saying I’m criticising her and not being nice. Can you blame me for wanting to leave the country to get away, and with that thing growing inside her belly?’

  Jonah didn’t want to say he was disgusted by the way Harry was speaking.

  ‘Forget about her,’ Harry continued cheerfully. ‘Let’s talk about you. That’s much more interesting.’

  Soon as he finished his chat, he called Sophie and it went to voice mail.

  ‘Hello there. Are you okay? Harry mentioned he’d not heard from you and I wanted to see if you needed anything. Can you give me a call?’

  Something didn’t sit right, he could feel it.

  He grabbed his helmet and headed to his motor bike.

  When he got to her house, she hadn’t phoned so he knocked on the door.

  ‘Soph, are you there?’ he shouted through the letter box. ‘I’m checking to see you’re okay.’

  ‘Coming!’ she yelled and he watched her walk down the corridor, unbolting the door before opening it.

  She looked really hot and was perspiring.

  ‘I’ve been trying to sleep but I’ve had this pain,’ she said, rubbing her side. ‘I might have strained myself trying to clean the bathroom.’

  Jonah’s heart was thundering on seeing her.

  Then Sophie smiled.

  ‘You came across London to see me? That’s very nice of you.’ Suddenly she grimaced. ‘It hurts, the twinges.’

  He walked straight in, shutting the door and put an arm around her waist, helping her back to the sofa.

  ‘Are you sure you’re not having contractions?’ he asked, placing her carefully to sit. ‘How long have you had these pains?’

  ‘Since this morning.’

  ‘It’s nearly four o’clock in the afternoon.’ Jonah stroked her head. ‘You feel pretty hot.’

  ‘The baby’s not due for another eleven days.’ And he saw the complete panic in her eyes. ‘It’s too early and no-one is here!’

  ‘I am,’ he replied and thought about her husband screwing someone on the other side of the world. ‘Who’s your birthing partner?’ Then he noticed her eyes fill with tears. ‘Soph?’

  ‘Kay’s gone to Barcelona for the weekend with Pete, and she won’t be back until Monday. I’ll call the hospital to see what they say. Go, I’ll be fine,’ she half laughed.

  Then Sophie bent over and he could see she was in pain.

  ‘I’m staying with you,’ he said, flinging off his jacket. ‘We’ll get through this together.’

  ‘I’m not your responsibility.’

  ‘You are, right now, my number one responsibility. Let’s just time the contractions, if it is them.’

  It was her look of sheer relief that made him smile.

  Sophie rested her head against his shoulder.

  ‘I can’t remember anything they told me at the antenatal classes,’ she whispered. ‘I have no idea what I’m doing.’

  ‘That makes two of us.’

  And they counted the contractions and he helped her walk about and breathe. Considering she was about to have a baby, Sophie remained calm.

  The thing he couldn’t get his head around was the way she looked at him.

  Something stirred deeper when their eyes met and he realised, right now, it was totally inappropriate to make a pass at a woman who was about to give birth.

  So he dug deep and found his resolve.

  This was going to be his learning experience.

  Then he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small camera, which he always carried around with him.

  ‘You’re not taking pictures of me looking like this,’ she said, standing up straight and stretching her back.

  ‘You look amazing!’

  ‘You would say that to get a snapshot!’ She took a long, deep breath. ‘I better get my things.’

  ‘Let me. Where’s the bag?’

  ‘In the nursery.’

  He ran up the stairs and noticed it was by the corner.

  Thinking on his feet, he moved the cot to the side of the bed he presumed she slept on and made sure it was all ready for her return.

  Jonah felt excited about the baby arriving and ran back down the stairs, only to see Sophie on her hands and knees, with a roll of kitchen towel.

  ‘Don’t come any closer,’ she said, holding up her hand. ‘My waters have broken.’

  ‘Oh my God!’ he yelled out, now panic filling him. ‘We’re going to the hospital! I have my bike and-.’

  ‘You think I’m getting on a motor bike! You’re hysterical!’

  She started to laugh while crouched on the floor, flinging the used cloth into the bin before checking it was dry.

  ‘Why are you doing that?’

  ‘Because I don’t want you to slip over,’ she said, looking at him. ‘You know I’m having a water birth, don’t you? Are you sure you want to come along?’

  ‘Have you got spare swimming shorts?’

  He had no idea what he was doing.

  But he was going to make sure he was around to help her through it.

  And more importantly, he didn’t want to leave Sophie’s side.

  ‘I can’t stop it.’

  Sophie realised she was laughing continuously, mainly at Jonah’s expression every time she had a contraction. ‘Your face is funny.’

  ‘Fine, if it keeps you calm, then laugh away.’ He grinned as she held tightly onto his hand.

  They had checked to see how dilated she was. Now it was time for her to get into the birthing pool.

  ‘You don’t have to stay,’ she whispered, starting to remove her clothes with his help. ‘This might take a while and it could get messy.’

  ‘I can’t leave you, Soph.’

  ‘It’s not your responsibility.’ Sophie suddenly felt another sharp contraction and she held onto his arm. ‘Honestly, I’ll be fine.’

  ‘I want to stay,’ he whispered, then placed his palm on her cheek waiting for her to breathe through the contraction. ‘We’ll get her out together.’

  This time, Sophie wasn’t confused when she looked at Jonah.

  She knew exactly what she was feeling, and the surge of love for him was immense as it was shocking; very similar to the pain shooting through her body.

  And each uncomfortable sensation she felt was eased with having him by her side, guiding her along.

  Ninety minutes later, she was still laughing.

  It was Jonah’s breathing technique which kept making her giggle.

  ‘I’m coming in,’ he said from the side of the pool. ‘This doesn’t feel right. Where are the swim sh

  She looked at a nurse walking in and smiled while the pair of them watched Jonah take off his clothes and put on the shorts.

  Even though she was in a lot of pain, Sophie held her breath seeing his semi-naked muscular torso.

  ‘And that’s not your husband?’ The middle-aged nurse whispered, with a grin. ‘I’d certainly divorce your current one and go with him. What a babe!’

  ‘He’s my very good friend,’ she said holding her breath, feeling her heart pound from labour and loving the man.

  Stepping into the pool, he waded closer. Sophie had on a large t-shirt, mainly to cover her body from Jonah’s eyes.

  ‘Right, I’m here,’ he said, looking relieved. ‘I can help.’

  He sat next to her and smiled.

  ‘Who would have thought when I met you at that party months ago, I’d be here, right now?’ Jonah whispered, then laughed.

  ‘You must really love your agent,’ she replied, resting her head against the side. ‘Have you spoken to him?’

  ‘Haven’t you?’

  ‘I wasn’t feeling too good yesterday so I called him and a woman answered the phone. It would have been about two in the morning, his time.’ Knowing crying over Harry was a waste of tears, she closed her eyes. ‘I’ve known something was going on for months but he is more than blatant about it when he’s away.’

  ‘Maybe it’s a misunderstanding?’

  ‘I didn’t misunderstand when she asked if she should wake him up.’ She shook her head furiously. ‘This baby is mine, and mine alone.’

  ‘He might have-.’

  ‘Don’t lie for him, please?’ She noticed the hesitation in his eyes. ‘Whatever you know, keep it to yourself and I’ll get through this. When I’m ready, I’ll deal with him but the baby is the most important thing in my life, and I don’t want him to spoil that.’ Taking a deep breath, Sophie could see Jonah looked uncomfortable. ‘I’m a goddess, not a door mat. But if he can’t tell the difference, that’s his problem.’

  Biting her lip hard, she didn’t want to let on that she sobbed on hearing the woman’s voice.

  That’s when she realised Harry wanted her to find out.

  Wanted her to see that he didn’t care about her and the baby.


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