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Flame Page 6

by Chelle Bliss

  “Iz, I had a question about the schedule. You got a minute before we get slammed?” Joe asks.

  “Sure,” Izzy says, drawing out the word but not moving as quickly as Joe does. I can feel her eyes on us for a moment before she finally steps away and follows Joe into the office.

  Gigi and I stand here, staring at each other, listening to the slow march of her family members’ feet across the tile until they’re on the other side of the shop.

  “It’s far too quiet in here,” Izzy yells before loud music fills the shop.

  Fuck my life.

  “Are you stalking me?” Gigi whispers, getting right up in my face.

  “Don’t be fucking crazy.” I wave her off and walk back toward my chair.

  Gigi’s right on my ass, practically glued to my back. “Don’t fucking lie to me. You came here on purpose.”

  I turn to face her, leaning my head down so our faces are close. “Babe,” I whisper, staring straight into her eyes so she knows what I’m saying is one hundred percent the truth. “Let’s get a few things straight. You’re a great fuck and you have a hot little bod, but I’m not chasing a piece of ass all the way across the state because I need another taste. I’m also not planting roots and finding a new job just to get closer to that piece of ass either.”

  She blanches. “You’re crude.”

  “I thought that’s what you liked best about me. At least, that’s what you said when you were riding my cock and moaning my name, baby.”



  His words are like a punch to the gut. There’s truth to what he’s said, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t devastating. I’d thought about Pike for months after spring break last year. Months of lying awake in my bed, replaying all the naughty things we did together, touching myself to the memories.

  I knew Pike wasn’t a gentleman, but the words he just threw in my face prove that simple fact.

  There was nothing about him that screamed manners in the time we spent together. But there was a sweet side to him when he wanted to show it, which wasn’t very often in the short amount of time I spent in his bed. He was a conundrum to me. I knew very little about the man.

  Even though we spent days together, we didn’t talk too much about our personal lives. I knew a few basic details about the badass biker with a cock so damn good, he could charge admission for a single ride.

  I raise my hand, about to strike him, when he grabs my wrist and holds it in midair. “You’re an asshole, Pike,” I hiss, ripping my hand from his grip. I take a step back, knowing I need more space between us. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I’m not interested in spending more time with you.”

  He smirks. The bastard actually smirks when I say those words. His gaze moves toward the office where my father and Izzy are talking. “Babe,” he pauses and steps closer. “I don’t play games. I don’t need to.” He lifts his hand and runs the backs of his fingers across my cheek, but I don’t move away. “And based on the color of your cheeks and the way you’re looking at me, I’d say you’d like to be back in my bed and riding my cock.”

  I slam my palm into his chest, knocking him backward because kneeing him in the balls isn’t an option. At least, not now, but I’m not above using that move to bring him to his knees. Pike’s not fazed in the slightest. He just stands there, still smirking like an asshole, looking just as delicious as he did fifteen months ago.

  “I will not be riding your cock ever again, asshat. You scratched an itch when I needed you, but I’m so over this—” I wave my hand between us. “Whatever we had, no matter how short, is all we’ll ever have. Don’t even look at me sideways, or I’m going to make you wish you hadn’t packed up your life for a fresh start. You may have skill, but that doesn’t mean my daddy wouldn’t fire your ass in a heartbeat. Especially if he knew…”

  “How good I fucked you?” He raises an eyebrow.

  The growl creeps up my throat and slides out from between my lips before I can stop the sound from leaving my body.

  “Everything okay?” Aunt Izzy asks, stepping back into the room.

  I nod and turn my face toward her. “Just talking about the shop,” I lie.

  Her eyes move between Pike and me, and I can tell by the look on her face, she isn’t buying what I’m selling. “It looks like a little more than that,” she says, running her fingers across her chin.

  “Auntie, it’s just a little friendly competition between us. We’re both starting on the same day, and neither of us wants to look like the bigger asshole…even if that’s going to be Pike. You know how men are. They never like to be showed up by a woman.”

  Izzy walks between us and faces Pike. “Is that all this is?” She stares at him, watching his every facial feature for a tell. I know my aunt, and she misses nothing. One misstep and Pike’s days could be numbered before he’s even had a chance to finish unpacking his tools.

  “That’s all this is, ma’am.”

  Oh shit. There are things my aunt hates and then things she loathes. Being called ma’am is a surefire way to set the woman off like she’s got a wick coming out of her ass, ready for ignition. She’s going to blow like a Roman candle on the Fourth of July.

  Her entire body stiffens. “Pike, sweetheart,” she says, but her tone isn’t friendly, “don’t ever call me ma’am. I get where you’re coming from, being a Southern gentleman and all.”

  I snort, but it dies as she glances over her shoulder at me for a moment.

  “But around here, I’m Izzy, Iz, or boss. Do not ever, and I mean never, call me ma’am. Got it, kid?”

  I pull my lips into my mouth, biting down on them to stop the laughter that’s bubbling up the back of my throat. First, because Pike’s getting his ass chewed out in the nicest way possible by my aunt, and second, because Izzy just called him a kid.

  “I’m sorry, Izzy,” Pike says without sarcasm. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “Your looks may get you a free pass with some women, but I’m not so easily charmed by a pretty face or that Southern drawl. Her daddy—” she pitches her thumb toward me “—will be even less impressed if you do something to piss off his daughter. So, word to the wise, kid, either steer clear of Gigi, or learn to make friends with her. You do something to make her mad, and it’ll be your made bed you’ll have to lie in as the door kicks you in the ass on the way out.”

  Pike nods, those beautiful green-blue eyes that have haunted my dreams for months showing no emotion. “Got it. Loud and clear, boss.”

  Izzy smacks her hands together and moves away from Pike. “My work here is done. We have a full schedule today, so it’s time to get your asses in gear and your shit set before they walk through the door. No more time for girl talk. You two can finish your bullshit later. Got me?”

  I’m staring at Pike, smirking because my aunt shut his shit down, but when I look at her, any glee I felt dies. She’s staring right at me, looking like she knows something isn’t on the up-and-up.

  “There’s no bullshit to finish later, Izzy. We’re solid, and I don’t have time for anything else. Bear’s coming in this morning to get that piece he’s always wanted.”

  “Who’s Bear?” Pike asks.

  “A real badass biker, Pike. You may want to take notes on how one acts instead of being a wannabe.” I walk toward my chair and away from Izzy’s penetrating stare.

  “You two ready?” my dad asks, walking into the main room, completely oblivious to everything that’s been happening. “I prepped your station last night, sweetheart. Figured it would make your first day less stressful.”

  I pop up on my tiptoes and kiss my dad on the cheek. “Thanks, Dad. You’re the best.” I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. I peer over his shoulder, catching Pike’s eye and sticking my tongue out at him.

  Not the most grown-up thing to do, but I don’t care. I’m not into impressing Pike. I’ve already taken what I wanted, and now whatever we had, which was only a few days, is done. Over.
Caput. Finished. There was no dipping my toes back in those waters again, no matter how fabulous the orgasms were.

  And they were ridiculously great.

  Every orgasm I’d had before Pike, I gave to myself. It had always been me and my hand until Pike rocked my world and showed me how it could be. Or should I say, how it should be.

  “I’m here, baby girl,” Bear yells as the bell above the door chimes so loud it’s like my aunt purposely wants to scare the shit out of everyone every time it rings.

  “Back here, Bear,” I yell back, trying to be heard over the bell and the death metal my aunt feels is appropriate for this early hour.

  By early, I mean noon. Nothing happens in the shop before noon. My family has a different idea of time. In college, I took the earliest classes possible so I’d have the rest of the day free. Now, I’m trying to reset my internal clock to be on Inked time.

  “I’ll grab Bear,” Dad says as he pats me on the shoulder. “Get your shit together because Bear may love you, but don’t put it past him to be on your ass on your first day.”

  I nod. “I’ll be fine. I’m ready for whatever he’s going to throw at me. You know I’ve spent my life handling men like him.” I smile, because my father’s friends aren’t for the faint of heart, and I’ve perfected wrapping them around my little finger.

  Bear’s no exception. He and my dad go way back. They’ve been friends for almost thirty years, back to my dad’s single life when he was an even bigger badass than he is now.

  When I was little, Bear married my great-aunt Fran, my grandfather’s sister. No one was happy about their relationship at first, and I remember more than a few screaming matches, but people calmed their shit after a while and gave them free rein to be happy. I love Bear and Aunt Fran together. She is absolutely perfect for him because I don’t know if anyone else could handle Bear the way she does.

  Bear may be a biker, but he is the very best kind of person. He is sweet beyond compare—but only if he likes you and you have a set of tits. He is a horndog. It doesn’t matter how old he is or that his beard is almost completely gray, he’s never lost his thirst for the females. But he is a one-woman guy, and that woman is my aunt Fran.

  “Got a handout for your first client. Must be nice to ride on everyone’s coattails,” Pike says when we’re alone again.

  “Why don’t you just fuck right off?” I glare at his reflection in the mirror. “I can’t help it if my family owns this shop. I’m sorry that pisses you off so badly, but I earned this spot just as much as you did, Pike. So, get the fuck over yourself.” I plop down in my chair, pulling the bottle of black ink out of the cabinet I stocked last week, ignoring whatever face I’m sure Pike’s making at me.

  “There she is,” Bear says as he walks into the back, holding out his arms, waiting for me to jump into them like I did when I was a little girl. “Come and give me some love, baby girl.”

  “Hey, Uncle.” I smile at Pike so he’ll eat shit. I want him to know that I plan to have everyone eating out of my hands, whether they’re related or not. The only person who’s not going to like me is Pike, and for that…I don’t give a shit. “I’ve missed you.”

  Bear hugs me tightly. “Not as much as I missed you.”

  Pike’s gaze flicks upward as he slowly shakes his head, muttering something under his breath. I can’t wipe the smile off my face, because knowing he’s annoyed has me over-the-fucking-moon ecstatic.

  I pull away, still holding on to Bear’s arms. “You finally ready to let me scar you for life?”

  Bear’s eyes light up. “Been waiting for you to leave your mark on me for years, kid.”

  “Still putting it on your shoulder?” I ask.

  “Well, it’s either there or my ass. I figured I’d save your young eyes and stick with the shoulder.”

  I love my uncle, but there’s no way in hell I’d tattoo his ass. I know it comes with the job. Men and women will walk through the door and ask for ink in places no human should have to see, but I am not prepared to go there with Bear. I’d never be able to sit across from him at another family dinner or holiday and not think about his pasty white ass.

  “I have your design all ready.” I grab my sketch pad from my bag and flip through the pages until I find his design. “I’m so excited for you to finally see it. I can make any changes you want.” I tear out the page and hand it to him.

  Bear holds the paper with both hands, gaze sweeping up and down and back up. His mouth twists at the corners, and his pink lips disappear, replaced by his white teeth. “Damn. You did good.”

  I let out the breath I’ve been holding because I wasn’t sure if Bear would like the design, and I knew he wouldn’t hold back. I may be his niece, but one thing Bear isn’t is a liar. He doesn’t sugarcoat shit. He doesn’t spare anyone’s feelings, and it’s one of the things I love most about him.

  I don’t like people who are full of shit. Family or not, I want to be told the truth, and if Bear says it, I believe him.

  “Do you want black or some color, Uncle?”

  “Whatever you want, kiddo. Just not fucking pink.” He shakes his head. “I fuckin’ hate pink. No purple either. Not into having pansy-ass colors on my skin.”

  “No chick colors. I got it, Bear. You want it bigger or smaller than it is?” I ask, taking the paper from between his fingers.

  “It’s perfect. Let’s get this show on the road. I have to be home in time to take your aunt Fran to dinner, or she’ll have my balls in a sling, sweetheart.”

  “Get comfortable and take off your shirt. I’ll be back in a minute, and we’ll get started.”

  Bear sits down and pulls his shirt over his head before leaning back and throwing his hands behind his head, staring right at Pike. “What’s your name, boy?”

  I snort as I walk toward the back room to put the design on transfer paper.

  “Name’s Pike.”

  “Pike, huh? Where ya from?”


  I stand close to the door, listening to them shoot the shit and trying to get whatever details I can on Pike.

  “That your hog outside?” Bear asks.


  “It’s nice.”

  “You look like a man who knows his way around a machine, and that is one of the best.”

  “Had to cost you a pretty penny. I’m impressed someone your age could save enough for a classic like that.”

  “I don’t spend my money on bullshit. I like a few things in life, and riding is one of them. I don’t cheap out when it’s something I want, and I wanted that bike since I was a kid.”

  Bear laughs. “A kid with an attitude. I don’t know if this shop can take more, but you’re going to fit right in here, Pike.”

  “So, Gigi’s your niece?” Pike asks, and I move closer to the hall.

  “By marriage. I’ve known her since she was born. She’s like one of my own, and I can tell by the way you’ve been looking at her since I walked through the door, you better turn your eyes elsewhere.”

  “Ain’t looking at her, man. She’s not my type,” Pike lies because from the way Pike fucked me, I’d say I was very much his type.

  “She’s every man’s type,” Bear tells him, calling him on his bullshit.

  I laugh as I grab the paper, but I don’t walk out of the back room yet. I’m enjoying this exchange way too much to interrupt.

  “And I know her daddy, and he won’t like you staring at his daughter like you want to devour her. So, word to the wise, kid. Look elsewhere. Don’t shit where you eat, and do not—and I mean, absolutely do not—make goo-goo eyes at my niece, or you’ll be packing up quicker than that young pecker of yours can come.”

  “Noted,” Pike replies.

  I cover my mouth to hide my laughter as I stroll back into my station, holding the design, ready to give Bear the best tattoo I can. I also plan to fuck with Pike as much as possible to make the day even more kick-ass.


/>   My client, Piper, has headphones on, and she’s trying her best to last one more hour in my chair before she calls it a day. She’s sweating profusely and on the verge of hyperventilation with her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  “It doesn’t look like she’s going to make it,” Joe says, standing behind me and watching over my shoulder.

  I don’t look up. Every second is precious now, and I’m doing my best to finish the outline of the massive piece before Piper quits. “She said she can take it. I’ve asked her every ten minutes if she wants to tap out and finish another day.”

  “She pukes, you’re cleaning that shit up,” Joe tells me. “You have two hours before your next and last client arrives.” He walks away, going to the front of the shop where everyone is standing around, shooting the shit.

  Everyone except Gigi. She killed the design on Bear’s shoulder and finished four other small pieces on various clients. Each design was better than the last. I’d assumed she’d gotten the chair because she was related and for no other reason. But I was wrong. The girl has talent and tons of it. I have nine more years under my belt than her, but she is so skilled, I would’ve guessed she’d been doing tattoos for years.

  I glance up as Gigi feverishly types away on her phone, tongue poking out, sweeping across the corner of her mouth. She’s barely said two words to me since our little chat before the shop opened. It’s probably for the best anyway.

  Of all the damn shops I could’ve planted new roots in, why in the hell did it have to be the one where I’d fucked the boss’s daughter? I was psyched when I got the call that there was a free chair at Inked because they needed extra hands to keep up with the demand for their services. This is a dream job for me. Every artist wants to be at a place that’s brimming with life.

  That was my main reason for coming to Inked. That and starting over, getting away from the bullshit of the last five years, and finding a new place to call home.


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