
Home > Fiction > Flame > Page 15
Flame Page 15

by Chelle Bliss

  “You’ll spank me?” I sass, smirking as soon as his eyes cut to mine in the mirror again.

  Uncle James and Izzy get their freak on. I know all about their sex life now, after finding his profile on a BDSM website I’d used for research when I had to write a paper for my sexual psychology class at FSU. The textbook only went so deep, and the library was absolutely no help because many of the books they carried were by men who preferred the missionary position and knew nothing of real kink. So, I went right to the source, clicking my way through the biggest kinkster site I could find.

  A few clicks later and I was on Master James’s page, looking at shit I could never unsee and learning things I never wanted to know. That’s not something you can just wipe out of your head. Can’t erase the images and words with any amount of alcohol, and I should know because I tried and failed.

  “Fucking hell,” Thomas mutters, shaking his head. “You have a mouth on you sometimes.”

  “I’m just practicing for my stint at the Disciples’ compound. I figure I can’t walk in there all meek and mild. I have to be balls to the wall, ready to sling some shit with the best of them. Yeah?”

  Pike’s eyes flash as I glance at him with a big smile. “Fuck,” he groans, which only makes my smile even bigger.

  “It’s best if you just stay in your room,” James says, like that’s going to fucking happen.

  So, I keep poking because I have to do something to pass the time, and this drive has officially turned into the longest one of my life. “Why didn’t you just lock us up instead, Uncle James? I mean, if you want us to be prisoners, why not just keep us home, locked in our rooms like the little kids you think we are?”

  “I get you’re pissed, kid, but I don’t need your lip right now when I’m trying to do everything to keep you and Pike alive. You don’t like the situation?” He pauses, but I don’t fill the silence. “Too fucking bad. Sometimes, as adults, we have to do shit we don’t want to do so we can live another day. You think a jail cell is going to be better than the compound?” He barks out a bitter laugh. “You have a lot to fucking learn.”

  “Three minutes out,” Thomas says into the phone, sending a voice text to everyone who’s following behind.

  “Still all clear,” my father’s voice says back.

  And I mean everyone. Not only are my other uncles and Dad in the cars behind us, but so are the guys from ALFA. Even Uncle Bear tagged along for the ride because he’s down with anything that could end up with his ass shot. The man is crazy, searching for danger and driving my great-aunt Fran absolutely batshit crazy.

  “I promise I won’t cause trouble,” I say softly, knowing my fate is sealed and our imprisonment within the walls of the compound probably won’t be as bad as I’m making out.

  “Just stick by Pike. He lived at the compound for a few years and knows what situations to steer you clear of.”

  “So, you want me at Pike’s side at all times?” I clarify because it’s sounding like I have the stamp of approval to be in Pike’s bed.

  “Gigi,” James warns, knowing where I’m going, because of course he does.

  “She’s trying to get me killed,” Pike whispers.

  I squeeze his fingers, trying to hide my laughter because this shit is heavy. I’m using the only coping mechanism I have…my humor and my sarcasm.

  Who wants to be running for their life?

  Not me.

  Who wants to hide out because there might be a bullet with their name on it?

  Again, not me.

  The only upside to this entire situation is that I’ll have Pike at my side. But if he thinks he’s bossing me around like I’m his woman, he has another thing coming.

  “Let’s go over a few things before you step out of this car.”

  “Of course.” I roll my eyes, getting a hand squeeze from Pike because he’s not happy either, but somehow, he’s remained silent.

  “Absolutely no drugs.”

  “Uncle James.”

  “I’m serious, Gigi. They’re into some heavy shit there. Stuff is just lying around, easy to get, and even easier to take. If I get word that you’re sniffing coke or taking some shit you shouldn’t be taking, I’ll have your ass back in this car so fast…”

  “I promise, Uncle. I’ve never taken anything before, and I don’t plan to start now.”

  Pike raises his eyebrows because my admission has to be shocking to everyone in the car, especially him. I mean, what person my age hasn’t at least dabbled in drugs besides me? Probably no one except Tamara. It has to do with the way our parents raised us and the fear of them finding out and the ass-chewing we’d both get over it after a very lengthy and boring-as-fuck punishment.

  “No drinking either,” Uncle Thomas adds.

  My mouth drops open, and I gawk at the back of their heads, blinking like somehow it’ll make those words any easier to swallow. “You’ve got to give me something. I’m old enough to drink and it’s legal, so I don’t understand the issue.”

  “Cut the girl some slack,” Uncle James says, which shocks the hell out of me and Thomas too.

  “Are you serious right now? She’s going to be in the middle of a crazy scene, and you’re giving her the okay to drink?”

  “She’s grown, Thomas. We can’t stop her from drinking.”

  “Or doing drugs,” I add because fucking with them is too easy, and maybe if I fuck with them enough, Thomas will relent on the drinking. “But I promise I won’t get drunk.”

  “Just don’t do anything stupid. Stay inside and out of sight.”

  “I’ll sit at the bar day and night.” I smile, earning me a few curse words from all three in the car.

  “They’re here,” James says, ticking his chin out the windshield at a long-ass line of bikes and an unmarked, windowless van parked in an abandoned lot.

  “Guess we’re doing this,” I whisper, glancing at Pike as he stares back at me.

  “We’re going to be okay,” Pike says sweetly, squeezing my fingers gently. “I promise.”

  I believe what he’s saying, and from the huge army waiting for us, I believe they’ll do what’s necessary to keep us safe. Unless DiSantis brings an actual army, they’ll have a hard time outnumbering the men waiting in the parking lot and probably even more still back at the compound.

  “Out,” Uncle Thomas barks as soon as he throws the engine into park, letting it idle. “We’re making this quick. Drop and dash.”

  Uncle James helps me from the back seat, looking no less badass than the other men standing in this parking lot. “Behave, Gigi,” he warns before releasing my hand. “I love you and don’t want anything bad to happen to you. Something goes sideways, and we’re all going to be in the shit.”

  I swallow the lump his words cause to lodge in my throat. The last thing I want is for my entire family to be in the proverbial shit because I slept with a guy who has a questionable father and a possible order for his assassination.

  “I’ll be good. I promise,” I rasp.

  He gives me a quick nod before stalking toward a giant man with a potbelly, no doubt caused by all types of excessive drinking. I assume it’s Tiny because that would make total sense as there’s nothing small about him.

  My father is at my side before I can follow Uncle James. “This is it,” he says, balling his hands into fists as his eyes dart to Pike and then back at me. “I’ve said what I needed to say.”

  I don’t correct him and tell him it was more of a lecture than a good old-fashioned chat. My dad chewed my ear off for hours about my trip to Daytona and throwing myself in the path of countless bikers and into the arms of one in particular.

  “I’m sorry this is happening, Daddy. I never meant to cause any trouble.”

  His face softens. “Baby, sometimes trouble finds us, no matter how hard we try to stay away. This isn’t your fault. It’s not Pike’s fault either.”

  I blink up at him in surprise. “You’re not pissed anymore?”

  His jaw tick
s, which answers my question before he even opens his mouth. “I’m not happy about any of this. Pike and I will be having a long talk when you two are back home.”

  So, he is still pissed, but at least he isn’t talking about murdering the guy anymore. In my book, that’s progress. For my dad, that’s a huge step. The man has the patience of a saint sometimes, but when it comes to men and his daughters, he has zero. I’ve probably had it easier than my sisters will because I’m like the trial kid where they can fuck up and see what works, tweaking their plans for the next in line. Luna and Rosie aren’t going to stand a chance, but they’re crafty little shits even at their age and will adapt easily before my father knows what hit him.

  “Go easy on him, Daddy.”

  My father’s eyebrows draw together, causing the wrinkles on his forehead to deepen. “You want me to go easy on Pike?”

  “Yo, we gonna do this, or what? Eyes are everywhere, and I don’t feel like being a sitting duck,” Tiny yells across the parking lot.

  “Gigi,” Pike calls, motioning for me to move my ass before things start to get heated.

  “I’m coming.” I wave and stare back up into my father’s piercing eyes. “Pike’s no different from you, and I’m no different from Mom.” I pop up on my tiptoes, planting a kiss on my father’s cheek and throwing my arms around his shoulders, squeezing him tightly. “Well, maybe I’m a little different from Mom because I have two kick-ass parents.”

  “Baby,” he whispers, wrapping his arms around my back and holding me so tight, I can barely breathe. “Go. Stay safe. Don’t do anything stupid.”

  I nod, pulling out of his embrace ever so slowly. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you too, baby girl. One call a day to me on the burner phone. You understand?”

  “I’ll call around noon every day. I promise.” I start to walk backward. “But don’t worry so much. I won’t do anything stupid, and these guys—” I pitch my thumb over my shoulder toward the horde of badass bikers “—will keep us safe.”

  “Tiny, Gigi. Gigi, Tiny,” James says, looking between the two of us as I walk toward them, almost faltering when I get close enough to realize the true size of Tiny.

  “Holy fuck,” I whisper. “Well, aren’t you a big fella.” I wink, throwing that out there because I know bikers, and they love a compliment.

  Tiny’s lip twitches ever so slightly, but the man keeps up his tough-guy exterior with his arms crossed, making him look even bigger and downright scary. “She’ll do fine,” he tells James like I’m not even standing here.

  James extends his hand to Tiny, and the men shake as I turn my gaze toward Pike, who’s also shaking hands with a man about his age and his size, but with a bald head and a tattoo across his forehead that does nothing except make him look so frightening, I can’t imagine getting pussy is real easy.

  “You.” Tiny juts his chin at me as soon as we make eye contact. “Ass in the van. We gotta roll.”

  “And Pike?” I ask, because where he’s going, so am I, whether Tiny or any of these other bikers agrees.

  “He’s in the van too. Can’t have you bein’ seen before we get you within our walls.”

  “Sure thing, boss man.” I smile at the big guy, because if it’s the last thing I do, I’ll get the old bastard to smile back.

  “She’s a handful,” Uncle James tells him, shrugging his shoulders and throwing out his arms like he doesn’t know how to handle me and is sorry to put me off on someone else.

  “I got a kid her age, but mine isn’t so…pleasant. Anyway, Pike will keep her ass in line, and if he doesn’t, I’ll make sure she’s under control.”

  I roll my eyes at their conversation, and Pike mutters, “Good fuckin’ luck,” at my side.

  “Let’s get this shitshow on the road, boys.” I wave my hand in the air and look at Pike with a smirk. “This is going to be one hell of a time.”

  Pike keeps step with me as I stalk toward the van. “This isn’t a vacation, darlin’.”

  “Don’t give a fuck. We’re spending time in a biker compound, and I plan to enjoy the fuck out of it because I’m not spending all day in my room worrying about some asshole trying to kill us. Now turn around, put a smile on your face, and wave to my family.” I spin on my heels just outside the back door of the van, my eyes sweeping across the line of cars brimming with my family and the ALFA guys. I wave a little too happily, which earns me more than one glower. “Bye, I love you,” I call out, knowing they’d all cuss me out if they could and probably will the next time they see me.

  My father’s near the car, talking to Uncle Thomas, shaking his head at my antics, knowing shit isn’t going to be as PG as he hopes. “Just behave, kid,” he yells out, knowing damn well there’s a snowball’s chance in hell that’s going to happen. “Now, get your ass in the van, and get the fuck out of here.”

  I salute him before crawling inside, nestling against the side wall of the filthy van. They could’ve at least cleaned up a little bit seeing as they were going to be transporting two people in here instead of whatever the fuck was here before us.

  “We’re only twenty minutes away,” Pike says as he settles next to me, legs outstretched and his shoulder touching mine.

  “Good, I could use a drink.” I plaster a smile on my face because I don’t want my father or uncles to know I’m terrified.

  “Already?” he asks, staring at me as the doors slam shut.

  “Already?” I gawk at Pike, happy I don’t have to put on a good show anymore. “We’re in some deep shit, Pike. What the fuck do you mean, already? Don’t you want to drink that shit away?”

  Pike shakes his head. “I have to stay focused. Shit can happen at any time, and I don’t want to be three sheets to the goddamn wind when all hell breaks loose. They come for you, I need to be ready. I’ll throw myself in front of whatever they hurl in our direction, shielding you so you can walk away without a scratch.”

  My mouth’s hanging open as I blink at Pike like I’m trying to focus, but everything’s crystal clear. “You’d give your life for me?” I whisper as Tiny slams the front door, shrouding us in darkness.

  “I’d give everything for you, darlin’.”



  “This place is like Disney World for crack whores, career criminals, and lost souls,” Gigi says casually at my side, almost making me spit my mouthful of beer across the bar.

  “Keep your voice down.” I wipe my lips with the back of my hand, glancing around to figure out if anyone overheard.

  “They can’t hear above this classic rock, Pike. Half of them are probably hard of hearing, and the other half are so trashed, they’re probably unable to form coherent thoughts.”

  “You’re on a roll tonight, sweetheart.” I lift my mug, glancing over my shoulder at a few guys who are sitting close, most likely assigned the task of keeping an eye on us while we’re under their protection.

  I’ll have to talk to Tiny about that. While I appreciate his concern and security, when we’re within these walls, hidden from view, we don’t need extra eyes on us, watching our every move. Gigi most certainly doesn’t need any men loitering near her, making her feel any more uncomfortable than she already does.

  “They your friends?”

  I shake my head. “Nope. Never seen them before. I haven’t been around here in years. Based on the lack of patches, I’d say they’re prospects.”

  “Oh. I saw that on television,” she says, confirming everything I assumed she thought this place would be. “How long do they have to do that?”

  “As long as Tiny and the guys want them to.”

  “There’s no time limit?”

  “Babe, this isn’t a job. Bikers don’t put time on anything unless there’s money involved.”

  “Where’s the little fucker?” a familiar voice says, and we both turn, watching him finish tucking his cock into his pants before he zips his fly.

  “I guess you’re the little fucker, yeah?” Gigi gig
gles, peering at me over her shoulder.

  I set my beer down, climbing off the stool to greet Morris before he sets eyes on Gigi and tries to get his hands on her too. “Morris. Lookin’ good, man.”

  “Morris?” Gigi asks, not hiding her shock that the guy with the crazy-ass salt-and-pepper hair and goatee to match doesn’t have a biker name like the rest of the guys.

  Morris shakes my hand and pulls me in for a bear hug before slapping my back so hard, I’m almost winded. “Who’s this fine piece of ass you brought with you, kid?”

  “This is Gigi, my girl, Morris. Don’t start no shit, and there won’t be no shit.”

  A slow, wide smile spreads across Morris’s face, showing his white teeth with a big enough gap between the two front ones it’s hard to mistake him for someone else.

  Morris throws his hands up as he steps away from me, and his eyes sweep over Gigi again. “Wait a second, isn’t she the chick from…”

  “Yeah, man. Don’t say it. It’s a long-ass story.”

  “Hello,” Gigi calls out, waving her hand at Morris and me because we’re talking about her like she isn’t sitting right there, and she hates nothing more than being ignored.

  Morris slides next to her, moving onto the barstool so smoothly, it’s like he practiced the maneuver a thousand times. “You’re even more beautiful than the last time I laid eyes on you.”

  She blinks at him in confusion, moving back slightly when he reaches for her hand and brings it to his lips. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember…”

  “You probably don’t remember a lot, mama. You were pretty trashed the night I met you—and damn fucking mouthy too.” Morris laughs, placing a soft kiss on the top of her hand and getting a growl from me.

  Gigi laughs, looking like a little kid next to the old man who will stick his dick in just about anything as long as he can get off. “It was spring break. I was letting loose.”

  “And so you did, sweetheart.” Morris grins, eyes only on her and not on me at all.

  Gigi grabs her drink as soon as Morris releases her hand and rests her chin in the palm of her free hand, elbow propped against the bar. “Why Morris? Why don’t you have a tough name like the rest of the guys?”


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