
Home > Fiction > Flame > Page 18
Flame Page 18

by Chelle Bliss

  She pulls at the hairs near my chin, toying with the tips. “I’ve only had a few boyfriends, and those relationships were complete disasters. How do I know we won’t be the same?”

  I press my lips to her forehead, wishing we could stay here, this way, forever. “There’s no way to tell if we’ll work out, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to do whatever I can to hold on to whatever this is. All I can promise is that I’ll treat you good, be loyal to you always, and give you as many orgasms as you want.”

  “As many as I want?” she whispers into my neck, fingers still playing with my beard.

  “As many as you want,” I repeat.

  “I never had one with someone else before you,” she confesses. Her voice is so soft and quiet, I almost don’t hear her.

  The statement doesn’t shock me. So many women never get off with their partner, and half the time, the guys don’t even try. They think that by getting theirs, they did enough, and if it doesn’t happen for the chick, it isn’t their fucking problem. I’ve never been that way. Can’t even begin to understand that way of thinking.

  “But you did with me, yeah?”

  “Every time.”

  “That has to count for something. What if you don’t stay with me, and no guy ever gets you off again?” It’s a lie, but one I can use to my advantage since she has very little experience, and all of it before me was absolute shit.

  “I do have a vibrator, so it’s not like I’d never come again.”

  “I got a hand too, but it doesn’t mean I’d be happy jacking off for the rest of my life.”

  She tips her head back, a smile back on her face. “Can I watch?”

  My eyebrows draw together as I stare back at her. “Watch what?”

  “You know.” She waggles her eyebrows. “Watch you jack off. It would be the hottest thing ever.”

  “You going to give me that ass?” I ask, waggling my eyebrows just like she did. “Because that would be the hottest thing ever.”

  Her nose scrunches. “Um, no.”

  “A little more tequila and I bet you’d say yes.”

  She lets out a loud huff and flattens her lips. “You let me watch you jack off and give me enough tequila, and I’ll think about giving you my ass.”

  I roll her to her back, and I’m on top of her quickly. “See, darlin’. We work well together. Communication and negotiation are important in every relationship.”

  “You just want my ass, Pike.”

  “I want all of you, Gigi.” I slide between her legs. “But right now, I want that sweet cunt squeezing my cock until we both pass out.”

  “That I can do,” she promises.



  The compound is massive. Not just the main building—everything is supersized. The ten-foot-high walls around the perimeter seem excessive, but I wouldn’t be shocked if there was a moat on the other side of the gate either.

  “Don’t get any ideas, girl,” cautions one of the men who’s been following me around like he’s my shadow.

  I pull my hand back, letting the dusty green curtains fall back into place, and scrunch my nose. “Where would I go? Seriously, it’s like Fort Knox out there.”

  The guy pulls a toothpick from his lips, sliding the same hand through his blond hair. “You look crafty and as if you’d claw your way over that wall like a superhero or some shit.”

  The double doors leading into a room that’s set up like something you’d see in a corporate office creak, and the men file out, but there’s no Pike, Morris, or Tiny. The looks on the men’s faces don’t give me much solace that this shit is over and we can finally go home. They called an emergency meeting an hour ago, telling me I wasn’t allowed to attend even though my life was on the line and anything they said in there could either save me or end shit in a bad way.

  To say I was pissed was an understatement. Even though I am a girl, I never have been treated like one by my family. We are all equals. It doesn’t matter what you have between your legs, your opinion and thoughts count for something and are always taken into consideration.

  The Disciples don’t feel the same way. There is a macho hierarchy where the women cook, fuck, and suck dick, but beyond that, they aren’t needed or wanted.

  Thank God Pike didn’t pick up on that shit when he lived here. He has enough of an attitude; I couldn’t take the sexism on top of the rest of him.

  The men scatter in opposite directions, pulling their guns from their waistbands as they walk. Great. Whatever they talked about has them on edge, because I haven’t seen weapons out in the open in such numbers except for on television.

  “What do you think’s happening?” I ask Mr. Toothpick because he’s the only one who’s bothered to talk to me today besides Pike.

  He shrugs. “My ass is out here with you, so I’m not in the know.”

  “They didn’t clue you in?”

  “They clue me in when they want me to be clued in.”

  The man talks in riddles, and he wouldn’t be half bad-looking if he cut his long hair and trimmed his beard so it wasn’t so scraggly.

  “Gigi.” Morris’s voice booms through the open space, drawing my gaze. “Get your ass in here.”

  I smile at Toothpick. “Guess I’m going to be clued in before you,” I taunt him because it’s the only form of entertainment I have, and I’m feeling bitchy.

  He snarls, waving me off. “Lucky you,” he mutters and slides the toothpick back between his lips.

  Morris is standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame, eyes on me like my ass is moving too slow for him. “You out for a stroll?” he asks, confirming I am, in fact, moving too slow. But I have one speed, and it’s sloth.

  “The scenery lacks a certain charm.” I smile, looking up at the big guy I’ve grown fond of in the short time I’ve been at the compound.

  I can understand why Pike liked him even if he thought the guy shot him. I’m not sure I’d ever get over everything that happened, like him punching Pike in his injured shoulder, but men are cut from a different cloth like that.

  “I’ll make sure to call HGTV and see if we can get a makeover,” Morris jokes, following me through the double doors.

  Tiny’s at the far end of the table, Pike next to him, both men staring at me as Morris closes the doors behind us. “Is everything okay?” I ask, walking slower than before because the looks on their faces say shit is far from okay.

  Pike pulls out the chair next to him, and Tiny motions for me to sit. I do it quick, like my ass is suddenly on fire and only the chair can put out the flames.

  Pike throws his arm around the back, turning his head to face me. I give him a timid smile. “What happened?”

  As Pike opens his mouth, ready to tell me what I want to know, Tiny clears his throat. “There was an attempted hit on Pike’s father last night.”

  I gasp, because this shit is far too real. His mother is dead, and his father was in hiding, just like us. But somehow, it sounds like he didn’t come out unscathed.

  Tiny leans back, eyeing me. “As far as we can tell, he’s alive.”

  “That’s good, right?” I ask, swallowing the lump that’s back in my throat.

  “DiSantis isn’t taking his time. The next twenty-four hours will tell us if Pike or you are a target. So far, there’s been no movement toward either of you. I spoke to James this morning, and he said it’s quiet over there. He’s had his boys sitting outside your apartments, parked outside Inked, and ears everywhere in that shithole town listening for chatter.”


  Tiny drags his hand down his face, maybe not used to being questioned about anything. He probably lays shit out and people just take what he has to say and soak it in. But I’m not built that way. I question everything, and just when the person thinks they’re done, I want to know more.

  “We’re ready in case they come here, looking for either of you.”

  “You really think they’re here?”

  Tiny s
hrugs. “Don’t know. I’m sending out some guys to see if there’s anyone new around, asking too many questions. The next few hours are critical.”

  “And if they hear nothing, can we go?”

  “If we hear nothing, James and I will make the call on if your ass can walk outside those walls tonight.”

  “Okay,” I whisper, knowing there’s no point in arguing about who gets to determine our fate.

  “DiSantis isn’t a fool. I’m sure he did his homework, and if he’s after Pike, he figured he’d come here for cover from the hell storm he’s raining down.”

  “I can do another day standing on my head.” I lean back into Pike’s arm that’s still flung across the back of my chair. I stare at Tiny, looking to him for some comfort.

  “Just lie low. Maybe stay in Pike’s room as much as possible. If shit goes down, I’d rather you be in a room with no windows than out there.” He jerks his head toward the door. “I’m sure you can find ways to keep yourselves occupied.” He winks.

  I let out a nervous laugh. “Nothing gets me hotter than knowing I may be taking my last breath.”

  Tiny swipes his hand across his lips, muttering obscenities. “Take a nap, play Scrabble or some shit, but keep yourselves out of sight.”

  “Scrabble?” I scrunch my nose. “Poker maybe.” I tap my chin, thinking of ways to entertain ourselves. “Strip poker works too.” I turn to Pike, who’s pale as a ghost. “You okay, baby?”

  He gives me a small smile, hiding whatever passes across his eyes. “I’m great, darlin’.”

  His answer comes too easy, and I wonder what I’m not being told. Maybe he’s in shock, mourning the loss of his mother and the possible death of his father.

  “Now, you two get gone. I have shit to do, and the sooner this is over, the better,” Tiny announces, pushing back from the table and climbing to his feet.

  “You know you’re going to miss me,” I tell Tiny, standing and craning my neck to look up at him.

  “Kid, the next time I see your face, I expect it to be under happier circumstances.”

  “Me too, Tiny. Me too.”

  Pike’s on his feet, arm around my shoulders like he needs to be physically touching me at all times. I turn my head, looking at his face, soaking him in. “Why don’t we grab a bottle of Jack before we head back?”

  If the day goes to shit, I’m going to need something hard to chase away the fear that’s settled into my bones. I’ve been good at keeping it under wraps. I’ve pretended to be sleeping, when half the time, I’m paralyzed by fear, waiting for the bad guys to come crashing through the doors, ready to take us out.

  “I think we should stay clearheaded,” Pike says, moving me toward the doorway right behind Tiny. “If something happens and I’m shit-faced…”

  “We’ll stay sober.” I reach up and touch his hand that’s closed around my shoulder.

  Tiny puts out his hand, stopping us from walking to Pike’s room. “Here.” He pulls a gun from his waistband and holds it in front of us. “Take this. If you don’t need it, great. If you do, at least you have it. You remember how to shoot it?”

  “I’ll never forget,” Pike says as he wraps his hand around the handle, holding it like he’s done it a million times.

  “Shit goes south, you shoot at anything coming your way.”

  Pike nods at Tiny, and I’m feeling a little left out again. “Do I get a gun?”

  Tiny’s eyes twinkle, but his expression doesn’t change. “Absolutely not.”

  “This is bullshit.”

  “As is life,” Tiny teases.

  Pike moves one hand to the small of my back, the other one still holding the gun. “Come on. Let’s let the guys do their shit so we can get out of here sooner rather than later.”

  “Fine, but I’m grabbing the Jack.” I stalk away from him and push past Morris before Pike has a chance to usher me toward his room.

  “Fuckin’ women,” Morris mutters loud enough for me to hear even though my legs are moving faster than before. “Now she’s Jackie Joyner-Kersee.”

  I don’t know who Jackie is, but she has to be badass if he thinks I’m anything like her. I’m so not chill right now as I stride across to the bar, throwing myself over the top, and reaching underneath to find a bottle of Jack. Once I have it in hand, I slide back down, turning to face the three of them, all of whom are staring at me with a look of amusement.

  “Good luck,” Morris says to Pike, slapping him on the back as I throw them a quick glance before striding down the hallway, cracking the top of the bottle open.

  “You comin’?” I call out when Pike’s not right behind me, hanging on me like he was a few minutes ago.

  Tiny and Morris laugh their asses off, but I don’t turn around to see if Pike’s following me or not. I’m cranky and starting to go a little stir-crazy, missing the sunshine on my skin. All I can hope for now is that today’s our last day in captivity and we walk out of here breathing.

  Half a bottle of Jack and four hours later, I’m sitting on the edge of Pike’s bed, wrapped in a blanket and nothing more. He’s naked, pacing near the door like he’s a caged animal, gun on the dresser.

  “You okay?” I ask him, watching the muscles of his body flex and relax with each step.

  His body is long, sleek, and sculpted. His legs are longer than his torso, all brought together with the most spectacular ass I’ve ever seen on a man.

  “Just thinking.”

  I lean back, still staring at his nakedness because I can. “About?”

  “How my family has fallen to shit because of the stupid, greedy things my father’s done. But then there’s you—” he motions a hand toward me “—and that part of my life feels like it’s finally falling into place.”

  “I’m sorry about your mom and dad.”

  I can’t imagine something happening to mine. I wouldn’t even be able to get out of bed, let alone form coherent thoughts. My world revolves around my family. Always has, and I can’t imagine that ever changing. I didn’t even leave the state to attend college because I wanted to be close enough to go home whenever I missed everybody. Which ended up being more often than I’d expected.

  Pike shakes his head. “I feel like I should be crying or at least be sadder than I am. They’re my parents after all. They brought me into this world, but Gigi, they weren’t good to me. There wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t feel like I was a burden to them. Do you know how it is to be a little kid, playing with your old-ass toy truck that is falling apart, knowing you’re not wanted.” He looks at me, and I shake my head. “Of course, you don’t. You have the Gallos. They love you. They worship the ground you walk on and would do anything for you if you asked.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Those are the only words I have because I know I was lucky the day I was born. I could’ve very easily been born into a shit-ass family where I was just another mouth to feed. But I wasn’t. I hit the proverbial jackpot. Not only do I have amazing parents, but my aunts and uncles are the bomb too.

  “I’d give my left nut to have something good like that in my life.”

  I’m on my feet, walking toward him. “I wouldn’t like that because I’m kind of partial to your left nut.” I’m using humor because it’s the only thing I can do. “Your right one just doesn’t do it for me.”

  Pike grabs me as the blanket I have wrapped around myself falls to the floor. “You’re such an asshole.” He laughs, holding me tightly, skin against skin.

  “But you love me.”

  “I do,” he replies, running his fingers down my spine. “More than I have anyone in a long time.”

  “Pike.” I’m breathless, wondering if he meant to say that, wondering if he’ll take them back. “Is it a little too soon to say those words?”

  He peers down at me, a swirl of emotion in his eyes. “I didn’t just meet you, darlin’. After you left, I dreamed of no one but you. When I saw you walk into Inked, I couldn’t believe my goddamn eyes. We’ve onl
y spent two weeks together in total, but I feel like I’ve known you since the day you walked up to me and asked me for my number—and let me say, you never gave me yours.”

  “Well…” I don’t know what to say to all that. If I were honest, I’ve thought about Pike a lot since the day I walked out the door for that nonexistent cup of coffee.

  “You’re young. Maybe you’re not ready to say how you feel, but I’ve lived enough to know when there’s something good in my life and something I don’t want to let go of again.”

  “Um,” I mumble, my vision blurring because this beautiful man, one who doesn’t always share his feelings, is spilling his guts like water over Niagara Falls.

  “I’ll give you all the time in the world to figure out if it’s how you feel too, but until then, you’re my girl and only my girl. You’re mine, Gigi Gallo.”

  My stomach flutters at the way he says those words and at the intensity in his gaze. I’ve heard my father utter those words a thousand times to my mother, and every time, I’d roll my eyes. But now I understand how it made her feel. I understand why those words made her smile and go all gooey in the knees, because in this moment, I am finding it difficult to stand.

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  “Okay?” He raises an eyebrow.

  I nod. “I’m yours.” I brush my hand across the beautiful back dimples he has just above his ass. “But as long as we’re staking claims, you’re mine too, Pike Moore. No other women are in your bed or on the back of your bike. If we’re doing this, we’re doing it right.”

  Pike’s sadness from earlier is gone, replaced by a big, toothy smile. He slides his hand up my back, cupping my neck. “In the shittiest week of my life, you’ve somehow found a way to make me the happiest man alive.”


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