Werewolves and Wranglers

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Werewolves and Wranglers Page 15

by Kristen Banet

  “Let me. Last night was fucked up. We should do this as a team.” He pulled her hand off him and sat up. She didn’t stop him as he swung his legs off the bed. He shooed her out of the room, even lightly smacking her ass as she went out. “Let me get dressed.”

  “I’ve seen you dress before!” She was laughing now.

  “Yeah, but if you stick around, I’m going to strip you and have my way to deal with this hard cock of mine. While fun, I think Easton would like us to help him out sooner rather than later.”

  She couldn’t stop from doubling over in a fit as he shut the door on her.

  Riding up to the office, she thought about the night before. There was so much cleanup that had to happen. The bank was closed, like it always was after a new moon, to give the werecats time to recover. She would have to check in with them at some point, but it seemed like their night went as well as could be expected.

  She walked in first, finding Easton looking completely normal behind the front desk. He even had fresh clothes.

  “Any word?” she asked immediately.

  “Lawrence sent his report on it a couple of hours ago. I read it over.” Easton sighed, holding it up. When she went to grab it, he didn’t let go. “I’m sorry for last night, Adalyn.”

  “It happened. Don’t let it happen again. That’s coming from your boss as much as your lover.” She had never been someone’s boss, but she knew what she had to do. “I don’t expect everything to work out perfectly for me, but I don’t need pointless hostility while we’re in an already tense situation.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He dared to smile. She yanked the paper from him right as he let go. She yanked so hard, she went back a few steps. Trying to maintain her composure, she steadied herself and began to read. She didn’t get much of a chance. “They lost a third of their herd and the coordination of this last attack makes them wary about the full moon. Lawrence noted a suggestion at the bottom about how we can help him.”

  She went straight to the bottom and wanted to go back to sleep. Why, Lawrence? Does me sleeping on a regular schedule somehow offend you? “A stakeout.” She dropped the file back on the reception desk. “Of course. Well, let’s get planning this.”

  “We can explore other options…” Remy looked between them. “Right?”

  “I want to track these humans down and put an end to this mess. At the very least, we need to get the Pack’s cattle back. That’s…thousands of dollars in meat. It could bankrupt them.” She ran a hand through her hair. “Right? That’s what Lawrence put in there, isn’t it?”

  “That’s right. He was stressing the severity of what they stole through most of it. The injured will be fine. He’s going to increase security, but when the full moon comes—”

  “He’s going to need all hands locked away so no one gets hurt. We’ll be there with the werecats. The werecats will handle them and we’re going to deal with the humans.” She could see it. “That’s in two weeks…Yeah. We can plan for that.” At least I’m protecting Redstone and not dealing with petty internal drama. Something about that thrilled her a little in a way she hadn’t felt since she got the job.

  “You did well putting Lawrence in his place this morning,” Easton said kindly. “Very Adalyn of you.”

  She smiled at that. “That felt very good,” she told him. “I haven’t pulled off magic like that in a long time.”

  “It was amazing.” He stood up and walked around the desk. She stepped into his arms when he opened them. “Make this yours.”

  “I’m working on it,” she promised. She pulled away after the quick hug and looked around. “What do we need to do to set up a stakeout?”

  “Look over the terrain. We can even make a trap out of it. Position the herd where it’s best for us to see, making the humans come to us. It wouldn’t be hard. The werewolves are probably already planning for everything. We can coordinate with them to take over during the full moon.”

  “Which is their most vulnerable time. A fight like that could easily lead to someone on our side getting seriously hurt or turning some of those humans into werewolves themselves, and that would be a disaster.” She considered all the angles she could think of. “So we have all of them put on lockdown, with the werecats patrolling their little mini town. We stay out in the fields, a safe distance away, and watch the herd for humans.”

  “That’s right. Remy and I have done stakeouts before, but…” He trailed off. “I hate to say this, but I think we might need more than the three of us.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “I can ask Tobias and Valen. Will you throw a fit?”

  “No, ma’am,” he promised, looking away. “I trust them in a fight, I think. They helped you out last night, like I hoped they would. They can help with this.”

  “Good, because I was already hoping to ask them.” She wasn’t, but she liked to maintain the illusion she had any control over the men around her. She was feeling it slip every day and didn’t like it. No, if they’re getting feelings for me, this is wildly out of my control now.

  “Sounds like we have our work cut out for us,” Remy said innocently.

  “Yup. I’ll go talk to those two now. Close this up for the day. You need some time off, Easton. You might not sleep, but I won’t have you chained here all the time.” She was feeling just a tiny bit guilty she had gone home to sleep while he’d stayed here, waiting patiently for everything.

  “Thank you, but I’m fine.”

  “Go,” she ordered. Then she added something else. “I don’t want you thinking I’m just using you to cover my ass here so I can go take naps and slack off.”

  “Okay.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek before walking out. It left her with Remy, who went behind the desk.

  “No,” she said immediately. “We’re closing down for the day. I’ll be in town. You can go with him.”

  “No. You need more than just a nap off. I’ll watch this. You talk to your friends, and I’ll handle things here. Let me do this for you.”

  She wanted to roll her eyes, but she had just done the same thing to Easton, really. She waved and walked out, thankful she had such great deputies. She could tell now how much they cared for her. Now that they were throwing such obvious hints, anyway. It was the little things: those flowers. The way they had pampered her after that hard day when Tobias returned. What Remy was doing now and what Easton had done all day for her, waiting while she got some much needed rest.

  What have I done?

  She walked slowly to the saloon, hoping her friends were awake. Part of her was scared to face them. Tobias. He seemed so hurt and how could she deal with that? It wasn’t her fault that he had feelings for her and she refused to believe it ever was. But I could just shut him down, and I…can’t. I can’t tell him it will never happen, and he knows it. Which means he’s going to hurt every moment I’m with other men.

  She was in the middle of a rock and a hard place now. Once she was done with these two, she fully intended to go see William. She had been so busy, but she needed the respite of a man who knew her better than anyone.

  Walking into the saloon, she didn’t see anyone. “Valen? Tobias?” she called out, hoping one would show up.

  Valen materialized before her, looking surprised. “Yes, Addy?” he asked. “Are you here to yell at me again?”

  “No, I’m here to ask for your help again, actually. And Tobias.” She sat down at the nearest table. “We need to help the werewolves during the full moon.” She quickly explained everything she had just learned and the decision that she made with her deputies. It was a big thing and they needed the extra hands.

  “We’ll be there. Would you like a drink?” He patted her hand gently. “The last two days haven’t been good to you.”

  “No, they haven’t.”

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “To protect Redstone and get laid without it being so damned complicated,” she answered, smirking. “A whiskey for the road would be great.”

��Have you eaten?”

  Oh great. Now he’s going to get worried and try to take care of me. “The drink, Valen…and a sandwich for the road.”

  “That’s better,” he said, chuckling. Both materialized before her. “Go on. It looks like that nap hasn’t helped you all that much.”

  “No and I’m just…” She shook her head, grabbing her drink. “Valen, I’ll be honest. I can’t tell Tobias it’ll never happen, and that’s making this very hard.”

  “I know,” he said softly. “I can see it in your eyes. He’s hurting, you’re hurting. Hell, I’m hurting, and I know your deputies are. There’s a lot of emotions flying high, and I wish I had answers for you—but I don’t, not yet.”

  “Not yet?” She raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been thinking about it?”

  “I have, but no perfect answers. I’ll come to you or say something when I figure out what to do, or what you can do.”

  “Just tell Tobias I’m sorry for me?” She didn’t like leaving without seeing him, but she didn’t have the energy to stick around. “I care about him, but I’m not ready…” She felt like running again. This wasn’t even about the friendship anymore. That was pretty much shot in the foot. Now she didn’t know how to handle the feelings. Feelings she couldn’t deny existed on either end.

  “I will. And I’m going to try and get him to calm down. He’s been very out of character about all of this.” Valen waved her along.

  “He has been, hasn’t he?” She couldn’t move. That was something she hadn’t thought about yet.

  “He came home from losing someone, another close friend, and found the woman of his dreams in the arms of two other men, ones he didn’t even know. He’s having a hard time adjusting that his grand plans of admitting his feelings and sweeping you off your feet have gone terribly wrong.” Valen sounded tired, but also amused. “How is he when you make potions?”

  “Blissfully normal. He only gets…weird when my guys are involved. Otherwise he’s kind and wonderful and amazing.” Close to perfect. So close to perfect. “And he’s a devastatingly handsome man, but you all are, so…” She shrugged, unable to resist a smile now. “Why are you all so good-looking? It’s not fair.”

  “Have you looked in a mirror? Little witch, you literally are magic and you wonder why you’ve got multiple men pawing at your feet, begging for your love? Really?” Valen shook his head in disbelief. “Get out of here before you find out just how many of your ‘friends’ really have feelings for you.” She didn’t know how to take that, not moving as she tried to process it. He leaned closer, filling up her personal space. It was a sensual move that had her heart racing as his eyes pierced her damned soul. “Go, little witch, and get some sleep.”

  She had to back away now, because when she breathed, their chests brushed together. She wanted him to show her. She had the undeniable need to see if the flirting was all talk or if he had the game to back it up. It wasn’t the first time she’d ever had the thought, but it couldn’t have resurfaced at a worse time. She remembered dancing with him, how he’d tugged her to him and how nice it had felt and how much more than friendly it had been.

  She was practically running out of the saloon. Again. Her heart was racing as she continued to move at her hurried pace back to the house. She didn’t even dare to stop at home.

  No. No. Absolutely not. This is not happening. Valen didn’t just turn me on.

  She was lying to herself.

  She stopped in front of William’s grave and threw up a ward. It wouldn’t stop the Nephilim she knew was inside her house, but it would be a sign she wanted to be left alone. Then she threw up a newer spell she was developing, a sound bubble that didn’t need the structure already made for it. She didn’t want anyone hearing her talks with William—and maybe hearing him.

  “William!” she called out. “I need you right now!”

  He appeared immediately, the spectre of her dead husband. The concern on his face was apparent, but he sat casually on his gravestone. She knew it was because he couldn’t move very far from it. Not even a few steps. She stood at the bottom of his grave, holding her sandwich and whiskey. With him watching, she downed the whiskey and dropped the mug in the dirt. She called in a blanket from inside, without wondering why William wasn’t talking yet. She dropped onto the blanket and opened the wrapping around her sandwich. She took a massive bite, looking up at him. He was now watching her with an intense curiosity.

  “Why did you tell me about Tobias?” she asked once she was done with her bite.

  “Because you deserved to finally know. He was going to act on it quickly, knowing you were back out and enjoying life again,” he answered softly. “What happened?”

  “He hates them!” she said, waving a hand back at the house. “He’s hurting because…He’s hurting because I can’t give him a straight answer. I can’t…tell him he’ll have a chance one day, but he could!”

  “So you do care about him,” William said with a sigh. “I knew it.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. Gods, it was hard to admit. That’s what she was running from. She could so easily fall in love with Tobias. She already cared about him so much. Him having feelings back made the entire thing so…unsafe. She could end up with a ring before she was ready for it, and then what would she do? Give up her newly-found freedom? No, Tobias wouldn’t take her freedom, but she just didn’t want to get married again. “I think I always have. I used to get jealous thinking of other women with him. But he always came back here, to make potions with me, and…”

  “I can’t give you all the answers, Adalyn, I’m sorry. I’m…not allowed to do that.” William held his hands up in forgiveness.

  “You’re the second person to say that today. Literally in the last twenty minutes, I think.”

  “Who was the other?”

  “Valen.” She snorted. “Who then…” She sighed, feeling oh so stupid. “All of them. It’s all of them, isn’t it? Tobias. Valen. Maxwell. All of our friends.”

  “I don’t blame them,” William said softly. He didn’t deny her accusation.

  “I do!” she snapped. “I blame them! I didn’t ask for this! I didn’t think all of the men I trusted were also half in love with me! If I had known, I probably would have skipped town a year ago!”

  “That’s probably why they’ve never told you,” William said with a knowing smile.

  She tossed her hands up, even throwing the sandwich. She didn’t care anymore. She had a sneaking suspicion Easton was inside cooking anyway and she would get something else to eat. Or she could eat leftovers. I don’t care anymore.

  “Are you going to be okay?” William asked carefully.

  She glared at him. “No and I’m going to pretend this entire conversation never happened.”

  “Ok.” He smiled. “So, now we’re in the ‘Adalyn avoids her problems’ phase, huh?”

  “I’m too busy with work to handle this right now. Our damned werewolves are getting themselves in a fucking war with some humans over land and cattle.” Damned right I’m avoiding it. Maybe they’ll all just…get over it. I don’t have the heart to hurt any of them—except maybe Maxwell, but he’s not here to beat on right now. I can’t…hurt Tobias or Valen. I can’t give up Easton or Remy. So damned right I’m going to avoid it.

  “So that’s blowing up now, huh? Bad timing. Well, be careful, love, and if you need me, I’ll be here next week.”

  He disappeared, and her heart sank. “William…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” She had chased him away. He’d always been very good at knowing when to bow out of a conversation at exactly the right time to get her thinking about how she was acting. “Fine. I’ll handle this on my own. I’m going to figure this out. I just need the four of them to stop hating each other so much. Maybe something can be done then.” She didn’t know how to make that happen, but she was going to try. She was going to wade neck-deep into male nonsense and figure this out.

  None of this is what I wanted, but damn it,
it’s what I have. I’m going to fix this.



  Adalyn rode away from the Ranch, ready for the day to be over. She was already neck-deep in preparations now, only a couple days after the new moon. There was so much she needed to get done: scoping out the Ranch’s property, planning the defense, talking to the werewolves about how many humans were actually showing up. She needed information, and it wasn’t going very well.

  As she rode back into town, she caught a glimpse of Valen in the saloon and detoured. She jumped off Dark Prince and walked in without pausing to deal with anyone, even when someone called her name.

  “Valen, do you have a minute?” she asked quickly. “And where’s Tobias?” She pointed at the empty stall, wondering where her business partner was.

  “I have all the time you want to give me, and Tobias is at your home. Said something about how he knew a way he could help with the full moon coming up,” Valen answered, smiling at her. “Come with me.” He jerked his head towards the back and she followed him. Once they were out of sight, he leaned on a wall, putting his entire wonderful body on display for her in the most obvious and purposeful way. “What do you need?”

  For you to not show off when I have enough problems with men. “Do you have any ideas yet?”

  “Nope.” He sighed. “Want to just leave all of them and stay here with me?”

  She looked him over. “Tempting. You seem like you don’t care about drama as much as the rest.”

  “I don’t. I know how I feel, but I’m not going to get into a bunch of fights about it. You either will or you won’t.”

  “I like that,” she said, smiling. “Very kind of you.”

  “It would be nice to know if I ever had a chance…” He lifted an eyebrow.

  “I would fuck you right here and now if I felt like it was a good idea.” She shrugged. “If I didn’t think Tobias would try to kill you. Or Easton and Remy. I don’t want to hurt any of them either, so…”


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