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Overlord Page 14

by Cyndi Friberg

  “I planned it all so carefully,” she lamented, anger fading to hopelessness. “How could this have happened? There is only one reason Apex could have lost.”

  “Velmar?” Indrex shook his head, looking at her piteously. “I thought you’d gotten over him a long time ago.”

  “There was nothing to get over. Velmar was an annoyance. Nothing more.”

  He approached her cautiously, knowing her temper could flare again without warning. “We are never going to accomplish our goals until you stop lying to yourself. Velmar broke your heart, and you, sister dear, hold a grudge like no one else.”

  “What do you want?” She gritted out the words between clenched teeth. “If my anger upsets you, leave.”

  “Your anger is a waste of energy,” he said simply. “Apex failed, which means we’ve lost the military. We cannot lose control of the Guiding Council, or the rebellion will win. Was Tajon able to fix your shadow lenitas or not?”

  She stalked over to the beverage dispenser and ordered a glass of potent mountain berry wine. Indrex was right. Dwelling on the defeat served no purpose. They needed to minimize the damage and decide on a new strategy. Or actually, she needed to solidify her strategy. His disregard for the Outcast threat was simply unacceptable. She agreed that controlling the Guiding Council was paramount. And Indrex was high councilor.

  “I have the new lenitas, but I’ve yet to test them.” She triggered the secret compartment on the side of the beverage dispenser and quickly withdrew one of the small injectors, hiding it in the palm of her hand. “Tajon seemed confident that the intermittent interruptions are resolved.” She picked up her wineglass with her free hand and turned around. “It has only been a problem when I tried to use the lenitas on someone at the outer reaches of my range anyway.” She paused for a sip of wine, ignoring the subtle shaking of her hand. “All of the shadow agents in Riverside are functioning faultlessly.”

  “Good.” Indrex moved closer, and his expression grew more intense. “You and Cagor have been so focused on the Outcast invasion, that you nearly lost the world below. Forget about the Outcasts. They are irrelevant. This is and has always been a political conflict. As long as we maintain control of the Guiding Council, Malik’s victory can work to our advantage.”

  She scoffed. “You’ve spent so much time surrounded by politicians that you’ve lost touch with reality.” She took a longer drink, fortifying herself for the biggest betrayal yet. “Nothing is solved through diplomacy. All the Outcasts understand is strength. We must—”

  “The Outcasts are not the enemy!” he yelled. “The rebels are the only threat that matters, and their influence grows with every passing day.”

  Quickly setting her wineglass aside, she crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes. “So convince me. How can this conflict be resolved without the backing of our military?”

  Indrex let out a sigh of frustration as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Our ultimate goal is to keep Ayrontu in power. Correct?”

  “And to drive the invaders off our planet,” she persisted, absently stroking the injector with her thumb.

  “Isolaund, it’s never going to happen. The Outcasts are here to stay. We must focus on maintaining control of the world below.”

  “I don’t accept that.” Stubbornness lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. And in a few moments, he’d accept anything she told him to accept. Her goals would be his goals.

  “Then you’re no use to me.” He turned toward the door, but she rushed forward and grabbed his arm.

  “I’m trying to let go,” she insisted. “But they’ve taken everything from me. They took my only friend.”

  “Arrista was not your friend. She was a mind slave.” His tone was gentle, but the words stabbed like a sword.

  Why did he have to be so brutal? She needed compassion, not ridicule. “They took my cats.”

  “You betrayed Certice when you threatened her cubs. Their defection had nothing to do with the Outcasts.”

  Carefully positioning the injector between her fingers, she balled up her fist and punched him in the chest. The impact had easily been hard enough to activate the device, but the bastard didn’t even flinch. “I hate you!” She looked down as if dejected. In truth, she verified that the shadow lenitas had deployed. They had. Within an hour, with a few commands, the high councilor would become her newest mind-slave.

  Indrex shook his head and heaved another sigh. “I’m the only one you can’t bully, the only one who tells you the truth rather than what you want to hear. You were so afraid of rejection that you drove them both away.”

  “What am I supposed to do now?” Her voice broke, and theatrical tears blurred her vision. “I couldn’t even protect Apex. Without my cats, I’m...powerless.” She covered her mouth with her hand and pretended to blink back tears.

  Indrex wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave her an encouraging squeeze. “Your magic has been compromised. There is no point in pretending that nothing has changed. But you are far from powerless.”

  She twisted away from his light embrace and wiped away the manufactured tears. Crying was a sign of weakness, even if it was just for show. “My shadow agents can accomplish more than those faithless cats. And lenitas eat a lot less than battle cats.”

  He smiled, pleased by her attempt at humor. “And the lenitas are why I’m here.”

  She nearly laughed. If he only knew...

  “With Velmar Rylin supporting the rebels,” he went on, “we cannot control the outcome of the advancement tournament. Malik’s support of the rebellion is surprising, but he is no longer our problem. We need to make damn sure whoever replaces him supports the designations.”

  “Meaning you want me to use the new lenitas on whoever wins the tournament?”

  He nodded. “That way we can—” A sharp beeping cut off his words.

  Isolaund hurried to her communications console and identified the originator. “It’s my secure line. I better take this.” She approved the emergency interrupt, then asked, “What’s so damn important?”

  “I’m so sorry, Lady Farr,” the agitated voice of a young male Sarronti came over the main audio system. “You told me to keep you informed of Tajon’s whereabouts.”

  Isolaund couldn’t remember the young male’s name, but he worked in security and was currently assigned to the arena’s lower level. “Has he moved from the munitions workshop?”

  “I took him a meal tray after the fight, and he wasn’t there.”

  Isolaund looked at Indrex, confused by the youth’s concern. “He’s not a prisoner. He can come and go as he pleases.”

  “I understand that Lady Farr, but War Chief Apex stressed that Lord Tajon should stay put. The war chief insisted that Lord Tajon was in danger.”

  “Thanks for the update,” Isolaund muttered, preparing to end the comm.

  “That’s not all, Lady Farr. I was concerned enough to run some scans. Tajon is no longer in the world below.”

  Now that was much more concerning. “Did you scan Wind Rider village? He probably ran home to Daddy when he realized Malik won.”

  “I scanned all the passageways between here and there, and also spoke with Lord Tajon’s father. His entire family is convinced Lord Tajon has been kidnapped.”

  “Kidnapped by whom?” Indrex asked, sounding impatient and skeptical. “What motive do they ascribe to this alleged crime?”

  Always the skeptic. Indrex would never change, but she was interested in the answer, so she kept the complaint to herself.

  “The family has many enemies,” her spy reported. “They are unsure who is to blame.”

  “Understood,” she said dismissively. “If you learn anything definitive, let me know.”

  “Of course, Lady Farr.”

  She closed the connection with an impatient gesture then looked at her brother. “There are only two real possibilities, the rebels, and the Outcasts.”

  Indrex shook his head, exasperation clear in his ex
pression. “You are like a feral dog with a bone. You’re going to keep on chomping until your mouth bleeds. What possible reason do the Outcasts have for kidnapping Tajon? You’re obsessed.”

  And he was a godsdamn fool. “You won’t like the answer,” she predicted.

  “Then let’s forgo your conspiracy theories and focus on reality. If you inject Malik’s replacement with shadow lenitas before he attends his first meeting, no one will question his loyalty. Can you tear yourself away from the world above long enough to make that happen?”

  “I’ll take care of it.” And she would. Controlling Malik’s replacement was a solid suggestion. But mainly, she just wanted Indrex to leave. Thank all the powers of destruction, this was the last conversation she would ever have with her argumentative brother. Once his lenitas were activated, she would have three shadow agents on the Guiding Council.

  But first, she needed to figure out what to do about Tajon. Without Tajon, there would be no more shadow agents. And without shadow agents, she was nothing.

  Chapter Eight

  Shaken and breathless from her unexpected orgasm, Eza stared into Kage’s eyes. She’d always enjoyed oral pleasure, but she’d never reached climax while giving it before. Everything was different with her mate, more intense and meaningful.

  “You are so damn perfect,” he whispered, sounding just a muddled as she. “I don’t deserve you.” He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, his handsome face flushed, eyes now bright green.

  He set her down beside the bed and undressed her slowly, kissing and caressing each portion of her body as he unveiled it. Her gown was elaborate and required several layers of undergarments. He was chuckling by the time he reached the final layer. “I should have pushed up your skirts and ripped off your panties.”

  “You would have gotten no argument from me.” Then to torture her further, he paused to take down her hair before he kissed her again.

  His arms wrapped around her naked body and he pulled her flush with his while their mouths fused in a long, deep kiss. “No, it was worth the wait,” he whispered against her lips. “This feels amazing.” He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, rubbing her breasts against his broad chest. Skin on skin, mouth to mouth, there was nothing better.

  For a long time, they just clung to each other kissing and caressing. Their passion smoldered, building gradually. Finally, he placed her on the edge of the bed as he knelt on the floor beside it. “Lean back,” he directed gaze burning.

  She knew what he intended to do, but she wanted him deep inside her. “I’m not sure I can wait.”

  “I’m not giving you an option.” He guided her down, then bent her knees and spread her thighs.

  She tensed for just a moment, but his warm fingers brushed over her folds gently, patiently. He soothed her with caresses, waiting until she relaxed before he bent and lowered his head between her wide-spread thighs. His lips were just as gentle as his fingers had been, brushing over and sliding against her delicate folds. He took his time, exploring her slowly, yet thoroughly.

  The tip of his tongue found her clit, and she gasped at the shock of sensation. She was always sensitive there, but electricity seemed to arc between them whenever he touched her. And their mental link made everything more intense. She not only felt her body responding to his skill and tenderness but also his escalating hunger, how much he desired and cared for her. He licked her again and again, circling the nub until she was panting and dizzy.

  She buried her fingers in his hair, unable to resist her need to touch him. One of his fingers slowly pushed into her core while his tongue continued to tease her clit. “Yes,” she murmured. “That feels so good.” She poured her pleasure into his mind, sharing the building urgency, the longing.

  A second finger joined the first as he gently sucked on her clit. The combination soon had her gasping and rocking, right on the verge of another orgasm.

  Do it, he insisted in her mind. Come for me like I came for you.

  His tongue returned to her clit, and her body eagerly obeyed. She channeled each wave of sensation across their link sharing her pleasure and inciting his need. Her head swam, and her skin tingled, but he didn’t stop. Moving both hands to her hips, he devoured her. His lips rubbed against her folds and clit while his tongue pushed into the very heart of her body.

  She cried out at the sheer carnality of the act. His mouth was demanding, but his emotions were downright savage. His desire to claim her burned like an inferno, devouring everything in its path. She teetered on the brink of another orgasm, when he suddenly lunged up and over her, thrusting his entire length deep into her aching core.

  Pleasure detonated like a bomb, bowing her back as her inner muscles convulsed. Another sharp cry tore from her throat as the pleasure went on and on. He pulled back, nearly out, then thrust in hard again and again. The ripples of pleasure continued with each deep stroke until she was shaking and mindless beneath him.

  His energy blazed into her mind, consuming and demanding. She dragged his face down to hers, responding with just as much intensity. Beyond thought or caution, they flowed freely into and through each other’s minds. She gave just as hungrily as she got, sucking on his tongue and tightening her inner muscles with greedy abandon.

  Their link had never been so complete, so intimate. He ripped his mouth from hers and caught the backs of her knees, spreading her legs even farther as he drove into her soft, warm body. His features tensed, gaze blazing as he stared into her eyes.

  He wanted to claim her, make the link permanent, and connect them for all time. It was more than just a passing need. He craved his mate, ached for Eza on a cellular level.

  She started to surrender, to invite his claim, but uncertainty rippled through the mindless passion. She wasn’t ready to make this permanent, not until he was willing to offer everything, as she had with him.

  Sensing her decision, he closed his eyes and pounded into her, focused entirely on physical release. Their psychic link diminished, fading away like a spectacular sunset gradually robbed of light. The pleasure came, but his emotional withdrawal made it feel hollow, incomplete. She shivered and groaned, but the sensations quickly passed, leaving her frustrated and sad. It had started out so perfectly. Why had she hesitated? She knew he was her mate.

  “You’re not ready,” he answered for her and rolled to her side, depriving her of his fullness and the blanketing warmth of his body.

  Panting harshly, she arranged her body more modestly and stared up at the ceiling. “I’m sorry.”

  He propped his head on his hand and captured her gaze. “Don’t be. I can’t help being disappointed, but you have to be sure. Soul bonding is forever. I won’t let myself get that excited next time. I’ll—”

  She silenced him with her fingertips. “Never. I don’t want you to hold back with me. I want us to be honest and open. I’m nearly ready. I promise. It won’t be too much longer.”

  He pulled her against him, slipping his arm under her neck. “Take all the time you need, love. I’m not going anywhere.”

  His words soothed her, but she still felt an emotional distance that hadn’t been there before. If she wanted complete honesty from him, she needed to offer the same. True leaders don’t issue orders, they lead by example. It was her mother’s favorite adage, a concept that had guided Eza for most of her adult life.

  Fortifying herself with a deep breath, Eza licked her lips and said, “I met Lord Drakkin last night. He slipped into my dream as I was falling asleep.”

  Kage sat and ordered the cabin lights to seventy-five percent. “Why didn’t you tell me last night?”

  His sudden intensity made her feel vulnerable, so she sat as well and pulled the sheet up over her naked body. “I was concerned about your reaction, and didn’t want to be distracted by anything during the advancement challenge.”

  Rather than respond to that, he asked, “How did he know about...” He shook his head and made a dismissive gesture. “
Drakkin knows about everything. How did he find me? I’ve been so careful to shield anything regarding my location.” Before she could respond, he said, “Forget that too. How did he enter your mind? Your shields are some of the strongest I’ve ever encountered.”

  She hadn’t told him anything she’d learned, and already he was agitated. Maybe honesty wasn’t the wisest strategy. “My link with you allowed him to slip beyond my shields. Your mentor is extremely powerful.”

  Kage smiled as he glanced away. “He’s also sneaky as hells.” He was lost in a flurry of memory and emotions for a long, silent moment, then he refocused on her. “What did he tell you? How long did you spend with him?”

  It was too late to change her course, but she kept her answer succinct and factual. “Lord Drakkin told me about Operation Hydra, and the horrors your relatives endured. I’m still a little confused about some of the details, but I’m thrilled that the people responsible have been made to pay.”

  A stiff nod was his only reaction. “Was he alone?”

  “Yes, but he said his mate would love to speak with me.” She waited until he looked at her to add, “They’d all love to speak with you too. What harm can there be if you meet on the astral plane?”

  He shook his head, looking tired and defeated. “If Drakkin found me the NRS could too, which puts him in danger. It puts you in danger. I won’t risk that again. I will not be the cause of another tragedy.”

  Suddenly the puzzle pieces snapped together, and she understood his seemingly irrational fear. He blamed himself for everything. His mother died because she refused to destroy him. His father died protecting him. Aria nearly died because her mate dared to mentor an “abomination.” It all made sense, and it broke her heart. Her love, her true mate, the other half of her soul had lived his entire life tortured by guilt and regret.

  She folded her legs beneath her and took his face between her hands. “It was not your fault. It was never your fault. Your parents were both adults. They made their decisions willingly, gladly. You were an innocent child. You are blameless.”


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