Quinn Family Romance Collection

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Quinn Family Romance Collection Page 12

by Cami Checketts

  Ryder had no clue how to reason with this guy. You can’t reason with the unreasonable, his dad was fond of saying. The saying made his gut churn even more. Nobody was hurting Bree or Tate. “Look.” He held up his hands. “You let my girl and son go inside, and I’ll get you a ‘fat load of money.’ I’ve got over a hundred grand in my safe.”

  The guy’s eyes lit up. “Where’s your safe?”

  “Let them go, and I’ll take you to it.” He couldn’t care less about the money. If the guy would let Bree and Tate go hide safely in her bedroom, Bree would call the police. Even if this guy shot Ryder, at least Bree and Tate would have a chance.

  “No deal.” The guy shook his head. “I’m not letting her go call the cops. We’ll stay together. You’ll open your safe and give me your cash. Then I’ll leave.”

  Ryder was shaking his head.

  “You have no choice here!” The man roared.

  Ryder sensed movement behind the man. He glanced over at the trees as three black shadows appeared.

  The man turned, and Ryder saw his opening. He leapt off the porch, sprinting at the man. The guy whipped back around as Ryder dove, tackling him into the flower bed. He heard the gun discharge and a scream. He grabbed the man’s wrist and squeezed with both hands, keeping him pinned down with his body. The man growled in frustration, hitting at him with his free hand. Ryder released his right hand and elbowed him hard in the jaw.

  A small black shadow was upon them and stomped on the man’s wrist then ripped the gun from his fingers.

  Ryder slammed his fist into the guy’s face then jumped to his feet, not sure if these new arrivals were friends or foes.

  The small figure put her hands up. It was Jasmine.

  “It’s all right, big guy. I won’t hurt you,” she said, winking at him.

  Ryder’s shoulders relaxed. Another man in black was dragging the man away from Ryder’s feet, the man was writhing and cursing. Ryder whipped around. Bree and Tate were on the porch. They both looked unharmed. They both looked perfect. The breath rushed out of him.

  A man who was almost his height and reminded him a lot of James Bond, down to the pristine suit and handgun strode up to him. “We apologize for infiltrating your property, Mr. Quinn.” He even had an English accent. He shifted the gun to his left hand and stuck out his right. “Sutton Smith. Pleasure to meet you.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Bree clung to Tate as she watched the drama unfold around her. Ryder had leapt from the porch like some crazy superhero. Then Jasmine had shown up and helped him disarm the guy. She had a couple of tough-looking guys in suits with her and one man who looked like a really muscular James Bond. It was nuts.

  The men hauled off the bad guy, and James Bond came and introduced himself as Sutton Smith, explaining that her sister worked for him. They’d known to come because the leader from the other night, Troy, had finally admitted to them that his guy would probably come after them.

  “So you’re the good guys?” Bree asked.

  “We like to think so.” He smiled patiently at her. He turned to Jasmine. “Would you like a few minutes with your sister?” he asked. “We can wait outside the gate.”

  “Thank you, sir.” The level of respect in Jasmine’s voice astounded Bree. The Jasmine she remembered treated most adults with either humor or contempt.

  He inclined his head to her. “Nice to meet you,” he said to Bree and Ryder.

  “You as well,” Ryder said.

  Bree couldn’t find her voice. They’d been threatened by some man, on Ryder’s property, and now, Jasmine was here again. Did this mean Jasmine cared? That they had a chance to form a relationship as adults?

  She focused on Ryder. His jaw was tight, and his blue eyes darker. He was obviously upset, and who could blame him? Did he blame her for bringing this threat to him and Tate? Her stomach sank at the thought.

  “Why don’t you talk in my office,” Ryder said.

  Bree nodded, appreciating the gesture. He could’ve told her to leave with her sister and stay away from him. Of course, Ryder was too kind and thoughtful to treat her like that. Her heart was thumping painfully though. If she associated with Jasmine, would she be risking Ryder and Tate?

  Ryder’s phone rang. He answered it, and from his answers, it sounded like his security company.

  They all walked quietly into the house while Ryder talked on the phone. He hung up and took Tate from Bree’s arms, giving her a sad smile. She didn’t know what to say, so she walked toward the office with Jasmine in tow.

  She and Jasmine sat in chairs close to each other. Jasmine reached out and took her hand. “I’m sorry, sis.”

  “For?” Almost getting them killed tonight? Bree realized that was mostly on her as she’d been the one to hire a P.I. and find Jasmine twice, but she couldn’t have known the danger surrounding her sister.

  “Saying I didn’t want you in my life last night.” She let go of her hand and looked at the desk. “I lied.”

  “Why?” Bree’s heart filled with tenderness for her sister.

  “I wanted to protect you.” She gestured toward the outside. “My life is nothing predictable or safe. I wanted to leave you alone with your famous football player and know you were safe and happy, even if I couldn’t see you again.”

  “But I want you in my life,” Bree said.

  Jasmine arched an eyebrow. “Is that smart for you or them?”

  Ryder and Tate. She didn’t want anything to happen to either of them. Yet she needed this chance, to be with Jasmine, to get to know her.

  “I want to know you. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.” Jasmine smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “But my life is just too … crazy. How would we spend time together?”

  Bree swallowed. “What if I came with you? Where are you going?”

  “We’ll go back to Sutton’s home, to California, until I get a new assignment.”

  “Could I come with you?” Jasmine started to protest, but Bree held up a hand. “Just for a little while, even if only for a couple of days. I just want to know you a little bit. Hear what’s happened to you the past fourteen years, know how you became this Wonder Woman lady, see where you live.”

  “You’re the only person I would share any of that with.”

  Excitement filled Bree. Her little sister was here, and she wanted to talk to her, share her past.

  Jasmine shrugged. “Sutton won’t care if you come. There are so many agents in and out of the house, and there’s plenty of room.” She lifted her eyebrows. “Can you really leave Ryder Quinn and that cute little boy?”

  Bree’s throat tightened. She didn’t want to leave them ever, especially when they’d had this breakthrough with Tate’s speech, but how could she pass up this opportunity to finally reconnect with the sister she’d longed for? “It’s only for a couple of days.”

  “We’d have to leave immediately.”

  It was still hard to reconcile this professional, confident woman with her eight-year-old sister. Bree couldn’t let her get away again. “I can do that.”

  “Okay. Let’s go.”

  Well that was easy. Sadly, leaving Ryder and Tate wouldn’t be nearly as simple or painless. Would Tate be okay after seeing his dad fight to protect them? Ryder was an amazing dad, and Bree knew he would take good care of Tate. Two days shouldn’t matter much, and she’d be back soon to be with them.

  Bree stood and followed Jasmine to the entry. Ryder rose from the couch with Tate in his arms as they approached. Bree left Jasmine’s side and walked to meet him. Before he could say anything, she quickly said, “I’m going to California with Jasmine for a couple of days.”

  His eyes widened. “You’re leaving us?” His voice was full of pain.

  “No, not leaving. It’s just for two days.” She lowered her voice. “Please understand, Ry. This is my chance to get to know my sister. I’ve dreamt of this day for fourteen years.”

  Ryder studied her, his blu
e eyes as serious and troubled as she’d ever seen them. Finally, he asked, “Will you come back to us?”

  “Of course.”

  Ryder shifted Tate higher in his left arm, wrapped his right arm around her back, pulled her in close and kissed her. The kiss was full of passion and need. The kiss was begging her not to leave his side, even for a moment. The kiss made it impossible to think straight. She finally pulled back, breathing heavily and feeling disoriented.

  “I’ll see you soon,” she whispered, kissing Tate on the cheek and then pulling away from them. She spun quickly and strode to Jasmine’s side so she wouldn’t have to see their faces. If either of them looked sad, she would break. She loved them both, but she would hate herself forever if she didn’t reconnect with Jasmine. Two days shouldn’t matter much in her relationship with Ryder. Especially if he really cared for her like she thought he did.

  “Bree.” Tate’s little voice floated behind her. “Don’t leave.”

  Bree whipped around. Ryder stared at his son in disbelief. Tate struggled from his dad’s arms. Ryder set him on the floor. He pumped his little legs to get to her. Bree ran at him. She swooped him up in her arms and kissed his soft cheek.

  “Please,” he repeated, framing her face with his chubby hands. “I’ll talk. Please. Don’t go. I love you, Bree.”

  Every word was clear, perfectly enunciated.

  “I love you, Tate.” Tears ran unchecked down her face. She looked to Ryder. His eyes were bright, and he was pushing a fist against his mouth.

  Bree pulled Tate close, swaying with him. “Thank you, Tate. Thank you for talking to me.”

  “You stay, Bree?”

  Bree glanced at Ryder. She needed his support more in this moment than she ever had before.

  Ryder walked to them and said quietly, “Bree needs to be with her sister, but she’ll come back to us.” He looked to her as if searching for confirmation of that.

  Bree had never felt so torn. She wanted to get to know Jasmine but to leave Tate and Ryder, now? Could she really do that?

  Jasmine spoke up. “You know what, sis? This is your family.” She focused on Ryder. “It’d be fun for us to reconnect, but I think you need to be with them right now.”

  Bree felt the rightness of that wash over her. This was her family. They needed her, and Tate loved her. Was it possible Ryder loved her as much as she loved him?

  “How about I come see the three of you when I know I’m clear and won’t bring any danger to your family?” Jasmine asked.

  Bree glanced at Ryder. She wanted her sister to be part of her life, but she couldn’t endanger them.

  Ryder nodded. “We’d love to see you. When it’s safe for everybody involved.”

  Jasmine smiled. She gave Bree a hard, quick hug and then said to Ryder. “Take care of her.” Then she disappeared out the front door.

  Bree suddenly felt uneasy. Had she just agreed that this was her family? She was still Ryder’s employee, no matter how brilliantly he kissed her. Would he think she was crazy for assuming she was a part of them?

  She focused on Tate. “Hey, buddy.”

  “Hi, Bree.” His little voice was adorable. “The bad guy gone?”

  “Yes.” She pointed at the front door. “Your daddy beat the bad guy up.”

  Tate smiled. “My daddy’s tough.”

  Bree hugged him close, laughing. “Yes, he is.” She let herself look at Ryder. His eyes were shining, and his face was relaxed. He looked so happy, but of course he would be, with Tate speaking. Their gazes connected and held. Bree felt such hope as he studied her like she was his entire world.

  The doorbell rang, and they both jumped. Bree laughed.

  “Probably the security guys,” Ryder muttered. He walked past them to the door. Bree stepped down to the living area and sat on one of the couches with Tate. Leaning against the cushions, she was suddenly drained and exhausted.

  “You tired, my Bree?” Tate asked.

  “Oh my goodness, little man, I love hearing you talk.”

  Tate grinned. “Sorry I didn’t afore.”

  He didn’t offer any reason, and Bree didn’t think she should get into reasons or theories. She simply smiled at him. “It’s okay. You can make up for it now.”

  He tilted his head to the side, his golden curls swaying. “Okay.”

  He suddenly seemed so much older than his four and a half years. He’d always had this wisdom in his eyes, but Bree was absolutely amazed by him now. She knew him not talking was due to the trauma of losing his mother and Jessica asking him not to speak after she was gone or his dad would get hurt. What kind of self-control did this little man have to follow through for so long? Some might call it stubbornness, but to Bree, it was impressive. She thought that kind of will, applied correctly, would take him a long way.

  Ryder shut the door and walked to them, sinking down on the couch next to her. He smiled at her and Tate.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, they just wanted to check the property out with what happened. They said something about reporting to the police, but when they called, Sutton Smith had taken care of everything. He’s some kind of enigma apparently. They were all in awe when his name came up.”

  “And my sister’s working for him.”

  “I’m sorry you had to miss out on being with her.”

  Bree shook her head. She loved Jasmine and wanted to reconnect with her, but now was her and Ryder’s time. “I want to be with Tate … and you.” She suddenly felt shy. Did he want her here permanently? She loved them both and would even if they couldn’t be her family, but oh, how she longed for them to be her family.

  “Daddy?” Tate spoke up, and Ryder jolted. Tate talking was going to be a shock for a little while for both of them.

  “Yeah, buddy?” Ryder smiled softly at his boy.

  Tate circled Bree’s neck with his arms. “Can my Bree stay with us? Not leave us like Mama did?”

  Ryder and Bree sucked in breaths. How to answer a child when she didn’t know if they had some permanent connection?

  “I hope she can,” Ryder murmured, searching Bree’s face.

  Bree nodded. “I would like that.”

  “When your sister said that we’re your family, that felt right to me.” He glanced away and rubbed his hand down his thigh. “I know this is really unconventional, but I don’t ever want you to leave. Will you marry me, Bree?”

  Bree leaned back, blinking quickly. “Whoa. Are you serious right now, or have you had too many hits to the head? Do you even love me, or is this just because Tate doesn’t want me to leave?”

  Ryder chuckled. He slid off the couch and onto his knees, resting both his hands on her knees. Tate’s gaze kept swinging from his dad to Bree. “I’m doing this all wrong. Help me out here, Tate.”

  Tate pursed his lips. “You love my Bree, right Daddy?”

  Bree absolutely loved him calling her “my Bree.” She didn’t want Ryder to be pressured into loving her or marrying her, though she never wanted to be apart from either of them. Before Ryder could answer, she put up a hand. “I don’t want you to be pressured into something, Ry. We can take this slow and date, but I’ll probably have to move back to my apartment and get another job.”

  Ryder was shaking his head. “No,” he said. “Unless that’s really what you want?”

  Bree swallowed and admitted, “I want you.”

  Ryder grinned. “I love you, Bree. Please marry me.”

  “I love you back. Of course, I’ll marry you.” She leaned forward and kissed him. It started soft and tender but quickly grew in passion and intensity.

  “You’re smashing me, Daddy,” Tate said.

  Ryder let her go and leaned back. “Sorry, buddy.” He grinned and winked at Bree. “This is to be continued, after he’s in bed.”

  “I’m not sleepy.” Tate puffed his chest out.

  Bree wrinkled her nose. “And here I am exhausted.”

  Ryder slid next to them on the couc
h. “You’d better take an energy drink or something,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ve got hours of wedding prep planned for after he goes to bed.”

  “Wedding prep already?”

  “We’ve got to practice the ‘you may kiss the bride’ part.”

  Bree giggled. Suddenly, she wasn’t tired at all.


  Bree glanced down at her energetic, gorgeous sister. She was ecstatic that Jasmine had contacted her again a few weeks ago and made arrangements to be here for her and Ryder’s wedding day. Bree had sent an invitation to Sutton Smith’s address, but she’d had no idea if it would get to her sister in time.

  Jasmine winked at her. “You’re the prettiest bride I’ve ever seen.”

  Bree felt pretty in a simple, fitted white lace dress with a white veil circling her head and holding her curls back. “Thanks for being here.” She blinked to stop from crying. “I don’t think I’m worthy of this much happiness.”

  “You hold up on that kind of talk. You’re an angel, and you deserve everything.”

  “Thanks,” Bree whispered.

  “Let’s go, girls.” Navy snapped her fingers and pointed.

  “Bossy, isn’t she?” Jasmine whispered.

  Bree laughed, but Jasmine and Bree followed Navy out the French doors and onto the rear patio of Ryder’s house.

  “Ready for me to walk you down the aisle, sis?” Jasmine extended her elbow, looking perfect in a pale blue dress with her long, dark hair flowing down her back.

  “Let’s do it.”

  The wedding party stood, craning their necks to look at the two of them as they walked slowly down the aisle. The wedding wasn’t huge, mostly Ryder’s family and football buddies. Bree had some college friends here and her sister, who was the only one she really cared that was here besides Ryder and Tate.

  Her two men were standing up front, with a whole slew of brothers to Ryder’s right side. Tate saw her and punched his fist in the air. “Yes! That’s my Bree!”


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