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Quinn Family Romance Collection

Page 22

by Cami Checketts

  If she’d give him the chance, he would show her that she could trust him, that he’d always be there for her. Maybe he’d have the opportunity here in this remote vacation home. He rested his head against the arm of the couch and prayed for that chance.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jasmine blinked against the sun streaming in from the floor-to-ceiling windows and patio doors. Her cheek was pressed against Kaleb’s bare chest and she was snuggled against his side on the couch.

  Fire and terror raced through her simultaneously. Oh, how she was falling for this beautiful man and oh, how stupid and irresponsible that was of her.

  She pushed out of his arms and landed on the floor in a crouch. Kaleb sat up, his blue eyes full of sleep and his dark hair mussed. He was usually clean shaven but a shadow of deep brown scruff covered his jaw this morning. His muscular chest, arms, and abdomen were on fine display. He would be absolutely impossible for any normal woman to resist, but she wasn’t a normal woman in any sense of the word and had to resist him.

  She straightened, folded her arms across her chest, and gnawed at her cheek. She had completely let her guard down last night and she had let Kaleb take control of her heart. So dumb. So unlike herself. So unfair to him.

  Kaleb stood and she didn’t like how he was almost a foot taller than her or how exquisitely shaped he was. “Good morning, beautiful,” he said, reaching out to her with a big smile on his face.

  Jasmine backed away. It was the farthest thing from a “good morning”.

  His smile fell away as understanding flickered in his eyes. He stepped toward her. “Jaz?” His voice was low, pleading.

  “No.” Jasmine held up a hand and retreated again. She might need to knock him down again to escape. She didn’t want to do it, she cared about him too much, which was the reason she probably should do it.

  His shoulders and arms both lowered. He studied her and she tried to make her face impassive. It was imperative he not know how he’d gotten to her, how much she already cared for him. She blamed Sutton and Griff for putting her in this situation, Manuel for insisting she sleep next door to Kaleb, but most of all she blamed herself. Truly, it was all on her. None of those men had pushed her to kiss Kaleb like she had, admit she loved his music, or sleep in his arms. It was her fault and now she had to fix it. It was better to crush his hopes now rather than let both of their feelings grow. If these feelings got any stronger, they would destroy her when she left him. If she was at all correct about the softness of his heart, this would be even harder on him.

  “Jaz, don’t do this,” he said, his blue eyes begging her. “We were developing something last night. Please don’t back away from me again.”

  “No.” She shook her head quickly. “I shouldn’t have let my guard down. It was wrong of me to do that to you.” She put a hand to her chest. “This is all on me. I wasn’t strong enough. Please, if you care for me at all …” Her voice broke and she had to start over. “Please just stay away from me.” Tears choked the words and that surprised her as much as it horrified her.

  Kaleb stepped toward her, his eyes soft, obviously aware that she was breaking down because she did care so much for him.

  “No!” Jasmine yelled. She pushed him as hard as she could and didn’t wait to see if it slowed him down before she ran to the door that opened into the hallway, pulled it open and rushed through. She ran to her suite next door. His footsteps pounded behind her but she didn’t stop to look, slamming and locking the door behind her.

  A pounding came on the door and his lovely, throaty voice calling to her. “Jaz, please. Please talk to me.”

  She ignored his tender plea and rushed to the patio door on the opposite side of the suite, making sure it was securely locked. The entire back side of this floor of the house was made of glass and the long balcony overlooking the pool, forest, and beach far below connected all the suites. If Kaleb thought about it, he could come, stand and look at her, even if he couldn’t get in. He was still pounding on the hallway door and calling to her as she ran into the bathroom, slammed the door, and slumped to the floor.

  Resting her head in her hands, she blinked furiously to try to keep the tears at bay. What was he doing to her? Nobody made her cry. Nobody. She’d cried for weeks when Bree had been taken from her, but then she accepted her life, got tougher than tough, and did not allow emotion to factor in to anything. The only time that she cried as an adult was the night, a few months ago, when she first saw Bree again. She’d acted tough and like she didn’t even care that she had a sister, but when she got back to her hotel room that night she cried for all they’d lost.

  Now she was letting down her guard again. It was semi-acceptable to allow her only sister back into her life, but not a man. Dang Kaleb Quinn. Dang his beautiful heart, and the way his words and music touched her, the way she didn’t know how to steel herself against him, now that she’d allowed him to crack her and seep in. A single tear made it past her eyelashes and rolled down her cheek.

  “Argh!” Jasmine yelled. She jumped to her feet, pulled open the glass shower door, and yanked the knob on. She had no clue how she was going to stay away from Kaleb until Sutton caught the stalker–slash-bomber person and they could go back home, but she was resourceful. She’d been in plenty of rough situations before and she always protected herself. Just like her adoptive mother had taught her—throat punch any man who tries to get too friendly. Yet the thought of throat punching Kaleb made her own throat hurt. This situation with him was different than any other man she’d interacted with. The stakes were higher because she had to protect the only man she’d ever loved from the perpetrator, and from herself.

  Kaleb stumbled back but recovered quickly when Jasmine shoved him. He hurried after her. She ran into her room and slammed the door. He heard the lock click and it was as ominous as a gunshot. He’d been ecstatic and relieved last night. She’d finally let him get close to her and he’d fallen even deeper for her. Now this. He felt like he was being ripped apart.

  He wasn’t putting up with it. He stormed to the door and pounded on it, calling to her, “Jaz, please. Please talk to me.”

  There was no response. Kaleb kept pounding and calling to her. Somehow he would get through to her. Was it possible she really didn’t have any feelings for him, or like she’d said yesterday, she didn’t have a heart at all? How could she kiss him like she had, let him hold her, and then ditch him this quickly?

  “Come on, Jaz.” He pounded his fist against the door and a scream of sheer frustration ripped from his throat. “Why?”

  “Señor Quinn?”

  Kaleb whirled to see Manuel staring up at him like he was nuts. “Hey, Manuel,” he pushed out.

  “Everything okay? You need Mees Jasmine?”

  “Yes! Yes, I need Mees Jasmine, right now. Please, can you get her for me?” If Kaleb could just talk to her, maybe he could reason with her. He didn’t hold out a lot of hope though. Why did she have to be so hardened to love, to him?

  Manuel leaned closer to the door and then his eyes widened. “Can you hear? Shower is on. Mees Jasmine is taking a shower. As soon as she’s done, I’ll have her come help you.” He thrust a large sack at him. “Some clothes for you, señor. No shoes big enough.” He grinned.

  “Thank you.” Kaleb nodded to the man but sadness and loss swept over him. What would Manuel do when Jasmine refused to come to him? How had he let himself fall in love with the one woman who would never return his feelings?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jasmine fought a hard battle but a few more of the traitorous tears mingled with the water from the shower. She hated being weak like this, and realized how smart she’d been over the years to never let a man touch her emotionally, just like her adoptive mother had taught her. How had Kaleb penetrated that ten-foot wall hiding her heart so quickly? She allowed herself to replay his kisses and remember the sensation of him holding her. Then, as she shut the water off, she shut her feminine desires off too. She was done being
soft and risking herself and Kaleb. Done.

  As she was drying off, her phone rang. She wrapped in a towel and hurried to it, hoping it was Kaleb and cursing herself for the hope. The letdown when it was Manuel was so strong she could taste it.

  “Yes?” she asked shortly.

  “Hola, I left clothes and running shoes by your door.”

  “Gracias, Manuel.” He knew she’d want to run to the beach. He was such a nice guy.

  “Sí. And Señor Quinn needs to speak with you as soon as possible.”

  Anger and raw need battled within her. Jasmine tamped them both down and asked, “Can you find a guitar?”

  “For Señor Quinn?”


  “Of course, Mees Jasmine. What a great idea. Of course.”

  Jasmine reasoned that it was a great idea. It would distract Kaleb, keep him out of her hair, and maybe she’d be lucky enough to hear him sing again.

  “Let me know when you return with the guitar, and then stay with Mr. Quinn.” Manuel and his family lived close by so it shouldn’t take too long. “I’ll wait until you return before I leave the property, but I need to go on a long run.”

  “I can do that.”


  She hung up and hurried to the door of her suite. Cautiously opening the door, she grabbed the sacks left on the floor, shut the door softly, and locked it again. Soon Kaleb would be busy with a guitar and she would be out running the quiet beaches of this beautiful island. That would be the next best therapy to sparring with one of the security guys downstairs. The other option was to kiss Kaleb until this crazy thirst for him went away. Somehow she knew that would just increase the need.

  Kaleb explored the mansion, without any sightings of Jasmine. Apparently, she wasn’t risking running into him, and had locked herself away in her room. Maybe he should remind her that she was supposed to be keeping a close eye on him.

  He sat in one of the patio chairs by the beautiful pool area, staring out at the forest and the ocean that was down the mountainside, brooding about what he had done wrong. Had he pushed Jasmine too fast? Would he ever have a chance with her or was he destined to lose the woman who was the perfect fit for him? His agent and producer would be thrilled with all the heartfelt, touching songs his loss and agony would create, but he just wanted Jasmine. The lyrics for more songs, about her, started bouncing around in his head. He gritted his teeth and strode around the pool toward the main living area. Maybe some food would help distract him.

  “Meester Quinn? Señor?” Manuel burst out of the open area that flowed from the patio to the kitchen and living area on the main floor. Manuel was so full of energy and smiles. Kaleb liked him. Maybe the man had gotten Jasmine to come talk to him like Kaleb requested. Manuel was holding aloft a guitar. “Look what I find you, señor,” he said when he reached Kaleb, pushing the instrument into his hands.

  Kaleb reverently held the older guitar. He was never without a guitar and having one in his hands again made him feel more complete, more like himself. “Where did you get this?”

  Manuel grinned. “It is my friend’s. He says a great musician like Kaleb Quinn can borrow it while he is here.”

  “Thank you, Manuel.” He itched to be alone and start trying out some of the songs racing through his head. “That was … very thoughtful of you.”

  Manuel bowed slightly, looking very pleased with himself. “Mees Jasmine requested it.”

  Kaleb’s heart thumped quicker. “Jasmine did?”

  Manuel nodded. “Yes, señor.”

  “Where is she?” If she’d asked for him to have a guitar that must mean she cared.

  “She is getting ready to go on a run, sir.”

  “Thank you.” Kaleb clung to the guitar as he hurried into the house and toward the front staircase. Jasmine did care. She wouldn’t have done something so kind as find a guitar for him if she didn’t realize what it would mean to him.

  As he reached the front entry, Jasmine was pulling open the large front door.

  “Jaz,” he called out to her.

  She whirled to face him and the longing on her face encouraged him even more. He hurried toward her, but stopped shy of plowing her over or dragging her into his arms. He needed to proceed with caution, as if she were a skittish foal who needed lots of patience and a soft touch. She was a million times prettier than any foal he’d seen. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail, so he could fully appreciate the refined features of her face and her long, tempting neck.

  He held up the guitar. “Thank you for this.”

  She nodded quickly. “No problem. Now you can go compose some songs and keep busy.”

  Kaleb’s bright hope was dwindling quickly. “You got me the guitar to … keep me busy?” He begged her to tell him, no. She’d gotten him the guitar because she cared for him or because she longed for him to give her a personal concert. She’d confided last night that she loved his music. Was that still true?

  She bit at her lip. “To keep you out of my hair, more like.”

  The words could’ve been said teasingly but somehow Kaleb didn’t think so. To him it was the worst kind of verbal dagger. “Oh,” was all he could think to say.

  She offered him a tight smile, and then slipped through the door shutting it behind her without so much as a goodbye or see you later.

  Kaleb stood there feeling sorry for himself for a few seconds before frustration and anger traced through him. How dare she? She toyed with his emotions like he was a teenage boy, not an accomplished, wealthy, talented adult. He could run as fast and as far as anyone and suddenly he really wanted to run. He was going to chase after Jasmine, knock her down for a change, and demand she share what was in her heart. If he truly had no chance with her he needed to somehow accept that, learn how to cope, and start healing. But he needed to hear it from her.

  He set the guitar gently on a side table and pushed out the front door. He was in a too-tight t-shirt and shorts Manuel had left for him and the comfy boat shoes he’d worn here last night. They were the only shoes he had as Manuel couldn’t find any shoes in a size twelve, Running in them might give him shin splints but he really didn’t care.

  He started off at a decent pace toward the front gates, but a side by side, off-road vehicle raced up to him. One of the security guards who’d flown in with them demanded, “Where are you going, sir?”

  “I’m going on a run. Do you know which direction Jasmine went?”

  “No, sir, but I can’t allow you to leave the premises, for your own safety.”

  Manuel came out the front door of the mansion and jogged to them. “What is the problem?” It was obvious this was his property and he outranked the security guy by the way the other man shrunk back.

  “Our orders are to keep him on the premises, sir.”

  Manuel nodded. “I believe I gave you those orders.”

  The man bowed his head submissively.

  “I’m just going on a run. Jasmine went on a run.” This was ridiculous. Wasn’t he the one paying for all of this protection?

  “Yes, señor.” Manuel smirked at him. “But Mees Jasmine can handle herself.”

  Kaleb knew that all too well. He gestured at the peaceful forest surrounding them. “Is it really that dangerous to run down to the beach?”

  Manuel studied him. Finally he lifted his shoulders. “I will drive you in the Mule to the quiet beach and you can run while we follow close by.”

  “Gracias.” But Kaleb wanted to be wherever Jasmine was running, not just a safe spot to run. He prayed that he’d intercept her. She couldn’t hide from him forever.

  Jasmine flew down the steep road and reached the beach in a matter of minutes. She plodded through the soft sand, listening to the waves gently breaking along the shoreline. The waves here in Puerto Rico were pretty gentle, especially compared to the waves on most of California’s shoreline.

  She thought the run would be a good idea, but all it did was give her more time to think about Kal
eb. Every tender word and touch, every look that made her want to melt. She’d never asked for a reassignment or failed to complete a job before, but she might have to ask Sutton to send in another security specialist. Ditching Kaleb was the responsible thing to do because she didn’t know how much longer she could resist him.

  The sound of a motorized vehicle pulled her head around. Manuel and Kaleb were in the Mule racing across the sand to her. Oh, my goodness! Could she not have one moment of peace? Not that stewing about Kaleb was any peace but it was preferable to more exchanges where he engrained himself in her heart and mind. No matter how badly she yearned for those interactions.

  She stopped running and turned to face them, planting her hands on her hips. Kaleb jumped out of the side by side, before it came to a complete stop, and jogged to her. “Manuel said we could go on a run together.”

  “I didn’t say … quite that.” Manuel’s bright smile faded as Jasmine glared at him.

  Jasmine ignored Kaleb and said to Manuel, “He shouldn’t be off the property.”

  “That’s what I said,” Neil muttered from the back of the Mule.

  “At least one of you men has some sense.”

  “Aw, come on, Jaz. Afraid you can’t keep up with me?” Kaleb taunted.

  Jasmine turned the force of her glare on him. “Afraid I’m going to kill you with my bare hands, but then at least this miserable job would be over.”

  Neil chuckled from his perch. Manuel’s eyes widened. Kaleb simply arched his eyebrows, slipped off his shoes, and then took off running down the beach barefoot. “Try and keep up, pretty girl.”


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