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Quinn Family Romance Collection

Page 55

by Cami Checketts

  She tried to focus on the host and what she was saying, but inside she couldn’t stop praying that Griff would come for her after the show. He’d claimed in Island Park that he didn’t want to hurt her anymore. If that was true, she had no clue how he could be here and not hold her close. Somehow she had to get through this show; then she was tracking him down.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Griff was slowly making his way down the aisle toward where his family sat when Scarlett strode out onto the stage. She was absolutely gorgeous—her long, blonde hair streaming behind her, her beautiful face grinning at the audience, her perfect form displayed in a tailored floral blouse and a straight blue skirt. She was still blonde. Was that for him?

  She saw him and paused in the middle of the stage. Their gazes connected and he grinned at her, praying she would know that he was here for her now, how much he loved her, how sorry he was that he’d hurt her again. He wanted to run onto the stage and sweep her into his arms. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be running for a long, long time, and this probably wasn’t the right moment to declare his undying love for her.

  The host grasped her elbow and escorted her to the chairs, ending their moment. Griff sank into a seat next to Navy. She gave him a brief hug. “Welcome home, bro,” she whispered.

  “Good to be here,” he grunted back. He waved to the rest of his family, all watching him. His mama looked ready to jump up and fling herself at him, but he’d held himself aloof from everyone for so long that she just gave him a big smile and blew him a kiss, tears streaming down her face. He promised himself that after he found Scarlett, he would hold his mama and tell her how much he loved her, tell her how sorry he was for causing her anguish for so many years.

  He turned and focused on the stage as Jessie gushed over Scarlett.

  “You’ve stayed blonde,” Jessie was saying.


  “A lot of your fans aren’t happy about it.”

  Scarlett laughed. He loved her laugh. “You should talk to my agent and producer if you want to see not happy.”

  So nobody wanted her blonde but him. Was it for him? Griff’s mind went, as it often did, to that brief time they’d been together in Island Park. Those memories had motivated and strengthened him for the past three months. It was torture to have her right in front of him and not be able to go scoop her up and hold her close, tell her how much he loved her. How would she react if he did?

  Jessie was asking about her new movie, and he focused in on Scarlett’s answer. “When I saw this script, it was like it was written for me.”

  “Really?” The talk show host leaned closer to her, eager for this insight into Scarlett Lily’s thoughts. Griff found himself leaning too. He ached for her.

  “I haven’t done a romance for a long time, but I fell in love for the second time a few months ago.” She smiled, and Griff could’ve sworn she was smiling only for him.

  She still loved him. It was all he could do to not punch a fist into the air, or better yet, go to her.

  “When you love deeply, it’s easier to act the part.” She gave a soft laugh.

  Griff’s heart thundered in his chest. She loved him deeply.

  “But doesn’t the love of her life leave her for the war … and die?”

  Scarlett nodded. “‘Death cannot stop true love.’”

  She’d told him that not even death could separate them. It was true. Right now, he wanted to live for her. He’d almost died in Peru. Was it finally their time to love?

  Jessie laughed. “Quoting Princess Bride? I love it.” She arched an eyebrow. “Are the rumors true that you wouldn’t do a love scene with Christian Ross? How could you resist being close to that beautiful man?”

  Griff’s heart was beating so hard, he was starting to feel light-headed. Navy took his hand and held it. His older sister was too protective of all of the brothers, but even she had been forced to distance herself from Griff over the years.

  Instead of pulling his hand free, Griff squeezed her hand back, grateful for the support. Navy had tried to grill him months ago about Scarlett, and of course he’d brushed her off. Yet she was an intuitive sister. It had to be obvious to anyone within a hundred yards how smitten he was with Scarlett.

  “The decision was mutual,” Scarlett said. “You know he’s happily married.”

  “But you instigated the agreement?”

  Scarlett nodded. “I’ve always stayed away from romance scripts for this very reason. I believe intimacy is sacred and shouldn’t be shown onscreen or even acted out with anyone other than one’s husband or wife.”

  “That’s a bold statement—and one that might offend your viewers.”

  Scarlett shrugged. “It’s not about being popular. It’s about being true to myself and my beliefs—and the man I love.”

  Griff’s heart seemed to explode within his chest. True to the man I love. This interview had better be over quick, or he’d have no choice but to interrupt it, pushing his way onto the stage and holding Scarlett. He glanced around for security, certain he could get past them even with his injury.

  “Oh my! So when are you going to reveal this love? There are no pictures of you with anyone.”

  Scarlett gave a very practiced smile, but then her eyes flitted to him and her face softened, love for him shining in her eyes. “That’s up to him. I’m respecting his choices.”

  That was it. Griff used the seat in front of him to lumber to his feet.

  “Go get her, bro,” Navy encouraged him.

  Griff gave her a thumbs-up, but he was focused on Scarlett. The interview lady was talking, but Scarlett didn’t answer her; her eyes were fixed on Griff as he walked down the aisle as quickly as his beat-up body would allow. Most of his undercover ops would be over when he declared himself the love of Scarlett Lily’s life. All that mattered to him was his Jane. Did she truly still want him? She was the most beautiful and amazing woman he knew.

  He didn’t see security storming toward him, and even the prattling show host had stopped talking. The audience hushed as well, sensing something out of the ordinary had happened.

  The Griff of a month ago would’ve been humiliated for the world to see how slow he moved, how humble he was for Scarlett. Now all Griff wanted was Scarlett, and he couldn’t wait a second more to tell her he was sorry, pull her into his arms, and never let her go.

  Griff slowly made his way toward the stage, so handsome and strong despite the agonizing way he moved. Their gazes locked, and his face softened. The studio was quiet as all eyes were focused on the man she had been praying would return for her.

  He was almost to the steps when she heard his quiet whisper. “Jane.”

  Scarlett gave a little whimper and rushed down the stairs and into the aisle. He opened his arms. As she threw herself against his chest, he grunted and stuttered, but he held steady.

  Scarlett pulled back quickly. “Oh no, did I hurt you?”

  “Yeah.” Griff nodded seriously, but his eyes twinkled. “You’re hurting me by not kissing me right now.”

  She gave a strangled laugh, and he wrapped her up tight. He bowed his head to kiss her, capturing her mouth with a passion and love that was all Griff. No one could ever replace him, and he was finally holding her. She loved every part of him.

  The audience was cheering raucously around them, but she couldn’t have cared less. She wasn’t playing for any audience. All that mattered to her was Griff.

  He pulled back, and his brilliantly blue eyes caressed her as surely as his mouth had. “I’m so sorry, Jane. So sorry I didn’t let you come to me. So sorry I’ve hurt you. I’ve prayed so hard that you’d forgive me, wished you were with me to tell me how stupid I’ve been.” He gave a lopsided grin. “But I had to heal … everywhere. I had to turn myself to God to be worthy of you.”

  “Jasmine tried to explain,” she told him. “I wanted to be there with you, for you, but all that matters is that you’re healed and you’re here now.” She’d forgive him every
time, but she didn’t want him to leave her side again.

  Jessie was suddenly next to them. “Are we going to get an introduction to the man in your life?”

  Scarlett glanced around. Cameras and people and the life she knew so well. She smiled and shook her head. “No. I’m keeping him all to myself.”

  Griff laughed, and to her surprise, he released his right hand from around her back and offered it to Jessie. “Griff Quinn. It’s a pleasure.”

  “Quinn? As in the brother to Mack, Ryder, Colt, Navy, and Kaleb?” Her voice pitched up in surprise at this happy tidbit that she was able to share with the world. The only not-so-famous Quinn brother, the warrior, and Scarlett Lily. This was already going viral, guaranteed.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He wrapped his arm around Scarlett’s waist again. “If you’ll excuse us, please. I need some time alone with my girl.”

  “Well, don’t let us keep you.”

  “I won’t.” Griff gifted her with his irresistible grin.

  Jessie moaned, “Oh, have mercy.”

  He tightened his grip on Scarlett’s waist, and she cuddled in close to him. Their progress was agonizingly slow, but she didn’t care what anyone watching thought. Griff had come for her. He’d strode onto a national television show and introduced himself for her. She knew it hadn’t been easy to show the world he was injured and to show the world his face, but he did it for her.

  The crowd cheered them on, and a security person directed them out a side door and into a hallway where they could finally be alone.

  Griff smiled down at her, leaning down and capturing her mouth with his. The kiss was everything she’d always dreamed of. Scarlett wrapped her arms around his strong shoulders and held on.

  When they pulled apart, she wanted to just kiss him again, but she had to know. “Why didn’t you come for me as soon as you got home?”

  “I flew in an hour ago. I was headed straight for your house, but Sutton, of course, had the intel you were here. He got me into the show.”

  “Sometimes I like Sutton.” Griff had come for her after all.

  He chuckled. “When don’t you like him?”

  “When he takes you away from me.”

  Griff nodded and brushed the hair from her face. “Have I told you I love you as a blonde?”

  “You’re dodging the issue.”

  “So the cease-fire is over?”

  “No, the cease-fire can last fifty years if we need. But it would be fabulous to know that I can hold you for longer than five minutes.”

  He smiled. “Sutton’s asked me to train his people in the art of combat. I’m going to help with the battle, but not be in the middle of it for now.”

  She squealed and kissed him soundly. Griff pulled her toward the wall and leaned against it.

  “Are you really okay?” she asked.

  “I’ve never been better.” His voice lowered and he murmured, “I can’t even tell you how much I’ve missed you. I love you, Jane.”

  She gazed up at his handsome face, bursting with love for him. “Only you get the privilege of calling me Jane.”

  “Jane, Scarlett.” He tenderly cupped her cheek with his palm, brushing his lips over hers and making her quiver from head to toe. “What do you want me to call you, love?”

  Scarlett smiled. “That.”



  His grin grew, and he pulled her close. “Love it is.”

  Don’t miss the rest of the Quinn family series:

  1. The Devoted Groom: Texas Titan Romances - Ryder Quinn

  2. The Conflicted Warrior: Sutton's Security Romances - Kaleb Quinn

  3. The Gentle Patriot: Georgia Patriots Romances - Mack Quinn

  4. The Tough Warrior: Navy SEAL Romances - Griff Quinn

  5. Her Too-Perfect Boss - Navy Quinn

  6. Unsolicited Protector - Colt Quinn

  Her Too-Perfect Boss

  Chapter One

  Navy Quinn yelled thank you to the pilot and stepped out of the helicopter, the wind from the rotors tugging at her long, blonde hair. She wrapped it up in her left hand and clung to her small suitcase with her right. The rest of the group filed out behind her and the helicopter lifted off. She assumed the pilot was heading back to the Belize airport where they’d flown in.

  She smiled at the two fitness contestants and her fellow trainer, Ryan, who were all staring at the gorgeous island and the one-story sprawling mansion in awe. The sun sparkled off the ocean and a white-sand beach could be seen down a flight of steps below the bluff where they stood. A long dock stretched lazily over the turquoise Caribbean Sea. Flower and vegetable gardens circled the gorgeous pool area, close to where they’d been dropped off in the helicopter.

  She knew around the other side of the house there was a sheltered bay for yachts to pull into. She’d never been here, but she and Ryan had been sent the link on Google Earth and she had studied the images, getting more and more excited to film the season finale for Muscle Up on the small island. She had agreed to do the twelve-week show for the past few seasons, and they were now in their final week of filming. The show was similar to The Biggest Loser, except the elimination, or retention, was based not on weight loss but change in body fat percentages, a combination of fitness tests, and voter input. The best personal trainers in the world were hired to take an average person and mold him or her into the perfect body.

  Everybody wanted the perfect body. Navy had worked her entire adult life to maintain her shape, be the instigator of fitness trends, and stay at the top of the fitness world. She was approaching her thirty-fourth birthday and would never admit to anyone she was burning out quickly. Especially not her mama who begged her weekly to find a good man, stop being so darn skinny, and have babies already. All three sounded nice, despite the fact that it was her mama who suggested them. But how could Navy find a good man when only a certain one would do, and he was out of her reach?

  “Isn’t the island fabulous?” she asked the group.

  Everyone nodded. The two finalists, Alecia and Michael, were still taking in the details. Ryan was staring at her with one of his usual too-friendly, too-cocky glances.

  “Is this really Zack Tyndale’s house?” Alecia asked. Her deep brown eyes were wide with awe.

  Navy nodded. Zack Tyndale was an ex-Olympian and billionaire. He and his wife Madeline were one of those perfectly beautiful and benevolent couples who adopted children, ran orphanages, and made mere mortals realize how inferior they were. Navy supposed the same thing could be said about her brothers and their wives. But the Quinn brothers had all been through hard things and were down-to-earth, amazing people. She loved the way they’d overcome challenges to be with their wives, but didn’t think she would ever head down that same path of heartache and romance.

  “Is Holden Jennings really coming to the filming and the finale?” Alecia asked again, her eyes going even wider. Alecia was a beautiful brunette and Ryan had done a fabulous job of forming the twenty-two year old’s body into a shape every fitness model would envy. But truly, how hard was it to look perfect at twenty-two? Navy had thought she worked hard in her twenties to stay in tip-top shape. She’d had no clue what hard was.

  “That’s the word.” Navy kept her smile, but the mere mention of her boss’s name could send her into a tailspin. Holden Jennings. He was the owner of Superior Sports and a former professional hockey star. He sponsored many things, including the Texas Titans football team, the Atlanta Cats basketball team, the Boston Bruins hockey team, Muscle Up, and Navy Quinn. Maybe “sponsor” wasn’t the right word for what she was for Holden’s company. She was the fitness model and spokeswoman for Superior Sports and had been for almost ten years now. You’d think in that time she’d get the guts to tell her boss she liked him far too much, but no. Holden was an amazing man but as far as she knew no one got close to him, least of all her. Not even the media had personal information on him. The rumor was he’d changed his name before he even started college. M
ost assumed he’d done it to protect his family from media exposure because he knew he’d be a big name in hockey. If only he would share personal info with Navy.

  Someday she was going to be brave, throw caution to the wind, and plant a kiss on him. Even if he immediately rejected her, at least he’d know exactly where she stood. Sadly, she hadn’t dared yet. She was such a wimp she should rescind the Quinn family name and stop pretending she was some tough chick.

  “She’s hoping he’ll holden her,” Michael joked lamely. He was the other finalist and under Navy’s instruction. He was a good kid, but a little annoying and selfish sometimes. He was also young—twenty-one—and hoping to break into the MLB. He looked as good as the million dollars he might win at the end of this week and was in fabulous shape for his final year of college baseball, thanks to Navy.

  Alecia giggled and blushed prettily. Navy forced herself not to roll her eyes. Ryan edged in closer to her. “As long as he doesn’t try to holden you.”

  Navy shot him a death glare. Most people would shrink from it—even her tough brothers, except for Griff—Ryan simply laughed. He was a former running back for the Georgia Patriots turned fitness model and coach. With his striking pale blue eyes and wavy golden hair, most women swooned when he smiled their direction. Navy knew him too well. He was a flirt who lived to add numbers to his “Have Kissed” list. She was too savvy to fall for that. Sadly he reminded her of her brother, Colt, in regards to dating a different woman every week. But Colt had a golden heart and wasn’t a slimeball who could make a woman cringe with one leering glance like Ryan.

  “Nobody will be holding me.” She smiled brilliantly at him. Her smile was supposedly a better asset than her fit body and golden, wavy hair. Navy thought the magazines that claimed that were stupid. Obviously they couldn’t see how fake her smile was. She was fulfilled in her life, but she was also lonely. Only her brothers knew the real her, sarcastic and overprotective of them to a fault. She didn’t see any of them near enough, mostly keeping up through frequent phone calls and texts.


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