Quinn Family Romance Collection

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Quinn Family Romance Collection Page 68

by Cami Checketts

  “Oh, Holden.” Navy wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned in. “I’m so sorry.”

  A few moments passed as he took the comfort she offered. “I’m doing okay,” he finally said. “It’s been almost twenty years now. Crazy how time passes, even when you’re hurting. My dad works nonstop and my mama lives on Netflix and her daily visits to Callie’s grave. My family are a shell of themselves, so I tried to keep them safe by being very private.” Now that he was opening up it wasn’t quite as hard, especially since it was Navy he was sharing with.

  She nodded her understanding. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks. Losing Callie is the reason I’ve always been so defensive of Kim. She’s like a sister to me.”

  “I obviously understand being defensive of family.”

  Holden smiled.

  “I’d like to meet your parents.”

  “Tomorrow?” he asked.

  Navy’s brows lifted. “Sure.”

  “Seeing us together will be the highlight of my mama’s year.” Maybe more than a year. It was sad how withered his parents had become without Callie and, to a large extent, without him. He would still keep them protected from the media, but with Navy by his side he couldn’t wait to go see them.

  “Let’s load up on that beautiful jet of yours first thing in the morning.” She winked at him and Holden’s chest swelled with happiness and the desire to stay right by her side.

  “Thank you.” He squeezed her close.

  Silence fell between them for a few beats. “After we visit your parents can we go on all those fun and exciting dates you have planned?”

  Holden loved that they could be serious but then move on to the carefree fun of being together. “What would you like to do first?”

  “Nothing that involves a remote tropical island.”

  Holden chuckled. “What about something that involves kissing?”

  “That I am all in for.” She grinned impishly up at him.

  Holden lifted her onto his lap and proceeded to kiss her. Her response told him she was definitely all his, and he knew he was definitely all in with this relationship. The kisses deepened and he stopped thinking about anything but the woman in his arms. He loved Navy Quinn and nothing would come between them again.


  Navy glanced around the wooded cemetery. It was a beautiful sanctuary, and she loved the peaceful feeling here. Holden squeezed her hand as they walked toward his sister’s gravesite. She smiled up at him.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked.

  “You told me she would love me,” she shot back.

  Holden chuckled. “Mama will love you. I meant about the cemetery. A lot of people don’t like being here.”

  “I love it. It’s so peaceful and beautiful.”

  “You’re amazing,” he said.

  Navy’s heart seemed to swell. Holden guided her along the path and she saw a dark-haired woman in a wheelchair staring at a sparkly grey headstone.

  “Mama,” Holden murmured. He released Navy’s hand and ran the last ten feet.

  Navy stayed back, falling for him even deeper as his mama’s face lit up and she cried out, “My boy!”

  Holden bent low and hugged his mother as she clung to him. Navy should have felt like an intruder on their moment, but she didn’t. Holden loved her, and she instinctively felt she was meant to be part of this family.

  Holden straightened and turned to her, extending his hand. “Navy, this is my mama, Julia Penrose.”

  Navy walked quickly toward them. Julia beamed up at her and extended her arms. “Well hello, Miss Navy.”

  Navy bent down and hugged Julia tightly. She smelled like sunshine and vanilla. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mama Penrose.”

  “You as well.”

  She straightened and took Holden’s hand.

  “So.” Julia’s dark eyes sparkled at Holden. “You came to see me and Callie because you finally found her.”

  Holden grinned, looking like a little boy who had been caught sneaking his mama’s best chocolate. “Slow down a bit, Mama, I’ve still got to talk her into marrying me.”

  Navy’s stomach swirled with heat. “He’s got a lot of talking to do.”

  Julia threw back her head and laughed. “I don’t know … my boy’s pretty charming. I bet you’ll fall quick.”

  Navy completely agreed. “If he’s lucky.”

  Holden bent and kissed her. “Very lucky,” he murmured against her lips.

  Julia rubbed her hands together. “I’ll pray hard and Callie will be pushing from the other side. Do you think you two can make me grandbabies before I pass?”

  Navy’s eyes widened. “Wow. You don’t waste any words, do you?” Their mamas were going to get along very well.

  “No, pretty girl, I don’t. When you’re dying you get right to the point.”

  “You’re not dying today,” Holden told her. “Dad’s going to meet us for lunch. Let’s say goodbye to Callie.”

  Julia smiled. “What did I tell you?” she said to Navy. “He can talk his workaholic father into taking off time for lunch. I’m sure he can talk you into babies.”

  Holden’s dark gaze made Navy warm clear through. Creating children with this amazing man sounded wonderful. She stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Between our strong-willed mamas we don’t have much of a chance.”

  Julia laughed. “That’s right! Stop wasting time.”

  Holden pulled her in tight and said, “We can take this as fast or slow as you want, Navy Quinn, as long as I get to be with you.”

  “Fast,” Julia chanted.

  “We’ll see,” Navy said, but she put up no resistance as Holden’s warm mouth claimed hers and she decided she might listen to both of their mamas and speed things up. All she cared about was being with Holden.

  Don’t miss the rest of the Quinn family series:

  1. The Devoted Groom: Texas Titan Romances - Ryder Quinn

  2. The Conflicted Warrior: Sutton's Security Romances - Kaleb Quinn

  3. The Gentle Patriot: Georgia Patriots Romances - Mack Quinn

  4. The Tough Warrior: Navy SEAL Romances - Griff Quinn

  5. Her Too-Perfect Boss - Navy Quinn

  6. Her Forbidden Bodyguard - Colt Quinn

  Her Forbidden Bodyguard

  Chapter One

  Kim Heathrow kept her back to the wall as she studied the sliding glass door at the back of her living area. A few seconds ago she’d been celebrating the completion of her latest painting of the La Fortuna Waterfall. The gorgeous wonder of nature at the end of the road she lived on was a spot as beautiful as the Garden of Eden.

  Now she was wondering if her deepest fear had happened. Could her stalker of ten years have found her again? She had been scavenging her freezer for any flavor of ice cream for the celebration of her painting, but was startled to hear quiet movements on her back patio. It was too quiet to be one of the many stray dogs, or young boys, that roamed the area.

  Her heart beat so high and fast she felt like she was choking. It was impossible to get a full breath. She sidestepped to the right and grasped a long kitchen knife. The cool stainless steel in her hands offered her some reassurance, but if her stalker followed the pattern of when he’d discovered her locations in America, he wouldn’t try to come in. He’d simply send pictures of her to reassure her he was close by and notes to make sure she knew he’d never stop loving her long, dark hair, dimples, and shapely backside. It was gross and disturbing, but had been occurring for so long she mostly ignored the repulsive words.

  She’d lived in La Fortuna, Costa Rica for the past five years. After Colt Quinn broke her heart, she’d run from America and her stalker. Being with Colt was the only time she’d felt truly safe but he’d cheated on her. When she’d tried to call him, to give him a chance to explain, he’d never answered her calls. She’d relocated to Costa Rica shortly after that and dropped off the map. Only her parents, older twin sisters, cousin Holden Jennings, and the infamou
s Sutton Smith, along with his impressive security specialists, knew where she was. Sutton’s men were paid well to monitor her security. Why hadn’t she gotten a call or notification?

  Where was her stupid phone anyway? Probably up in her art studio. She wore noise-cancelling earphones when she painted to block out the roosters crowing and the dogs barking. Maybe she got a notification and hadn’t noticed. But her stalker hadn’t found her in five years. She missed her family and sometimes being a recluse was lonely, but she was safe. Probably just an animal or one of the local boys messing around.

  Relaxing her grip on the knife a fraction, she said a prayer to be calm and safe, and then edged her way toward the stairs. She’d find her phone and make sure there were no security alerts, then she’d send a message to Sutton’s team and see what they advised. River Duncan had been her contact since she’d signed up for their services and he seemed like a great guy. He and a team had traveled down here and set up her security. Of course they advised her that being in America would be more ideal, if she refused to have a specialist assigned directly to her, but she felt much safer here where her face was rarely recognized from her years as a child and teenage Disney star.

  She had to leave the safety of the cabinets at her back to navigate the open space between the kitchen and living areas on the backside of the house and the foyer and the sweeping staircase on the front. Kim stayed focused on the sliding glass door and the inky black night beyond it. Why hadn’t she thought to shut the curtain? She’d gotten very lazy lately with only her parents’ home in upstate New York receiving regular notes from her stalker. He didn’t know where she was and that made her very happy.

  There was a quick rap on the front door. Kim screamed, jumped, and dropped the knife.

  “Kim!” A deep, male voice yelled through the door. “Kim! Are you all right?”

  The voice sounded eerily familiar, but there was no way it could be who she thought it was. Sweeping the knife off the floor, she sprinted for the staircase, praying her phone really was in her studio. How did the person at her door know her name? Was it her stalker? Or could it possibly be the man she still dreamed about—Colt Quinn. No. He wouldn’t know where she was, and even if he did, he wouldn’t care to find her.

  She made it to the top of the stairs and raced for her art studio. Behind her she heard the front door crash open and she screamed before clapping her free hand over her mouth. How stupid was she to give away her location? Every terrorizing dream she’d had of her stalker coming after her and hurting her was coming true.

  Icy prickles covered her body as her house alarm split the air. The local police would respond to that and Sutton would get a notification. Would help come before the man found her?

  The alarm silenced and her terror increased. Chills raced down her spine. How had the person gotten through a deadbolt and silenced the alarm? You had to type in the code that only she and Sutton’s Security knew to silence it.

  She gripped the knife with slick fingers as she sprinted into her studio, tried to shut the door quietly with her trembling hand, and locked it. Not that a lock would keep out whoever had just gotten through the deadbolt on her front door and somehow stopped her alarm.

  Her gaze darted around for her phone. Please let it be in here. She didn’t dare turn the light on, praying the man would search the other upstairs rooms before coming this way. Creeping across the space, she ran into a chair and had to bite her lip to not cry out. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and froze.

  “Kim? Are you okay? Kim?” The man’s voice was getting more insistent and closer.

  Her phone rang. Kim was relieved and sick at the same time. It was ringing from across the hall … in her bedroom. The footsteps retreated. She found her desk and huddled underneath it. If the man came in she’d wait until the perfect moment, stab the knife into his leg, and then run for her life. Who would she run to? The only neighbor she talked to more than a wave or casual, how are you, was John, a mid-fifties guy who’d retired from America and always stared at her too intently. He was a nice guy but kind of strange.

  Shaking almost uncontrollably, her stomach pitching, she listened but couldn’t make out the muffled conversation. The guy had answered her phone, but why would he do that? Was the call the police or Sutton? Who would call first? If there was any hope for her survival it was that the police would just come, not call, but would they come with the alarm being silenced so quickly? The couple of times she’d accidentally triggered it then shut it off they hadn’t come, simply called to make sure everything was all right. No!

  Quiet footsteps approached the door again and the handle rattled. Kim curled back under the desk. She could barely hold on to the knife she was quaking so badly. Would she even be able to plunge it into the guy? The thought of it made her stomach lurch and bile rise in her throat, but she had to protect herself.

  The lock clicked and then the door opened. Light from the hallway spilled in and even in her hiding spot Kim felt exposed.

  “Kim?” The man slowly eased into the room and then flicked the light on.

  Kim squeezed her eyes shut and prayed desperately. This was it and she had little hope that she could protect herself from the man that gained such easy access to her sanctuary.

  Opening her eyes, she gritted her teeth, transferred the knife to her left hand, wiped her sweaty right palm on her cotton dress and transferred it back. Gripping it tightly, she promised herself she’d go down fighting.

  “Kim?” The man was growing ever closer.

  He paused right in front of the desk. Stab him, her mind screamed. The thought of plunging a knife into the tanned, muscular calf in front of her made her squeamish stomach churn even more. She recoiled, but she had no choice but to fight, try to defend herself.

  Shoving the knife forward, she prayed to hit the target and then escape.

  “Whoa!” she heard the man yell as he leapt to the side.

  The knife met nothing and she sprawled on her stomach on the hardwood floor. The man’s hand grasped her arm tightly. She tried in vain to swing the knife around but couldn’t move her hand at all with his large palm gripping her so tight.

  The knife was yanked from her hand and went clattering across the room. The man wrapped both hands under her arms and lifted her to her feet.

  “Hi, Kim.” Colt Quinn stood before her—casual, relaxed, as if she hadn’t just tried to knife him. He had a huge grin on his handsome face. His blue eyes sparkled at her and he was more beautiful than even her daydreams had made him out to be over the last, lonely five years. His dark hair was slightly longer on top and all kinds of memories of running her fingers through his wavy hair came back. His sculpted face and body had both matured and she really, really liked what she saw.

  “Waiting for me, I see?” Colt asked.

  “I … I …” Kim could only stutter. Her legs went wobbly and she almost went down.

  Colt swept her off her feet and cradled her against his chest. His warm palms on her bare legs and around her abdomen made her lightheaded. She’d always felt this almost electric connection to Colt. The old feelings all resurfaced and she knew immediately she was in trouble, lots of trouble.

  He smiled down at her, all confidence and swagger, exactly like she’d remembered. “Ah, sweetheart, you didn’t have to swoon for me. A welcome home kiss would be more than enough.”

  He leaned in as if he would claim her lips like he used to. The memory of those fabulous kisses about had her truly swooning. His blue gaze was focused on and completely invested in her, as if she were the only woman for him in the world.

  No! That wasn’t true. She was one of hundreds, possibly thousands, of women who lost themselves in Colt Quinn’s gaze and she could not, would not fall to him. She turned her face away just in time. His lips grazed her cheek and even that much contact made heat pool in her stomach and desire race through her body.

  “Put me down,” she demanded, finally finding her tongue.

  Colt ar
ched his eyebrows. “You’re the one who fell into my arms, love.”

  Righteous indignation rushed through her. “I would never fall into the arms of a cheating playboy. Put me down!”

  Colt’s warm gaze changed to concern. “Kim. Ah, love, we have so much to talk about.”

  Kim shoved at his chest. “Yeah starting with why you broke into my house, how you wrongly assumed you could just grab me like this, and how fast you can get your cheating self out of here.” She squirmed to free herself.

  Colt released the arm holding her legs and let her slide to her feet, but he kept his other arm around her back, holding her close. “I’ve come to apologize, love. I was so wrong.”

  Those were words she never planned on hearing from him. “You bet your butt you were wrong, but you still have no right to be in my home.” She dodged out of his arms and pointed at the door. “Get out!”

  Colt held his hands up. “You have to let me explain.”

  “I don’t have to do anything for you.” Storming past him, she paused at the studio door and whirled back. “Where’s my phone?”

  Colt pulled it out of a pocket and held it out. Kim narrowed her eyes at him. She was not going back to get it from him. He gave her a slow grin and sauntered across the distance. His blue eyes filled with a smolder that Colt Quinn had perfected. One look and women fell at his feet. Well not her, not anymore.

  He came much too close, but she didn’t allow herself to back up, even though doing so might have preserved her heart from aching so deeply for him. She used to think he only looked at her in that special way, but he’d proven her wrong. She wouldn’t allow him to rip her apart again.

  With his gaze trained on her, he slowly extended the phone. Kim’s hand darted out and she grasped it, pulling her hand back. Not quickly enough. Colt’s lean fingers wrapped around her hand. Kim gasped from the connection that always surfaced when Colt touched her. He smiled softly, his overconfident look gone; in its place was the true depth that had always been there between them.


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