Quinn Family Romance Collection

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Quinn Family Romance Collection Page 76

by Cami Checketts

  Kim blinked her eyes open and nodded. “Yes, thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” She started to stand but he put out a hand. “Wait, please.”

  Kim watched as he went to the kitchen, got ice from the freezer and refilled her glass with cold water this time. He returned and handed the glass over. “This will help too.”

  She sipped on the water, watching him over the lip of the glass. This interchange reminded her of the time they’d been together. Colt had been so thoughtful and kind with her, almost a direct contrast to his tough military persona or his flirtatious, charming side. She loved every side of him. She closed her eyes and prayed for strength and redirection. She used to love every side, every part of him, but she couldn’t allow herself to be in love with him any longer.

  Finishing her glass, she set it on the table and stood. “You ready to run?”

  Colt’s brow squiggled. “Are you feeling up to running today?”

  She really wasn’t but she did feel much better after his massage and with the Tylenol and water kicking in. She ran her route six days a week rain or shine. “I’m tougher than I look,” she said.

  Colt smiled. “You look amazing, and you are one of the toughest chicks I know.”

  “One of? Not the toughest?” She put a hand on her hip.

  “Well, Navy and my mama are scary tough.”

  She acknowledged that with a tilt of her head. His sister and mother were good ladies but definitely tough as nails.

  “And you haven’t met Kaleb’s wife yet. Jasmine makes Navy and my mama look like domesticated cats. But you’ll love her. She’s amazing and perfect for Kaleb.”

  “Kaleb needed someone tough.”

  “For sure. The guy is a sap.”

  Kim laughed, but she was caught up on, you haven’t met Kaleb’s wife yet. As if it were a given they would meet and be fast friends. Colt was the most determined man she knew, but no matter how sweet he was being with her, she couldn’t let herself fall again. How was she going to convince him that she wouldn’t be meeting his recent in-laws, that she wouldn’t be loving anyone in the Quinn family, and most especially, that she’d never surrender her heart to him for the second time?

  Colt jogged by Kim’s side up the quiet street. Bowzer must’ve still been asleep as he didn’t come out and slam against the fence. No sign of the John guy either. Colt had gotten reports early this morning that both John and Yanni were coming up clean. It frustrated him to no end. One of those two had to be the joker who had tormented Kim for so long.

  He glanced at her. She was quiet, and he worried that her head was still hurting her. Even with the time he’d taken to give her a massage they were still running earlier today, the sun barely cresting the mountains out east of them, across the valley. Giving her that simple massage had brought back all the memories of loving Kim and being there for her. Why wouldn’t she allow him closer? He clenched a fist, knowing this was all his fault and having no clue how to fix it.

  “Is your head any better?” he asked.

  “Yes, thanks.”

  “I don’t mind walking.”

  “Well, I do,” she shot at him and increased her pace.

  Colt chuckled. He loved her fiery side, except when it kept her away from him. He matched her faster pace and soon they were approaching the gate at the waterfall. Nobody was there yet and Kim pulled to a stop. “Dang, we’re too early.”

  “Do you want to do a different route?” he asked.

  Kim glared at him. “Do you want to go back to America and let me live my life?”

  Whoa. Colt blinked at her, not sure what answer would work right now. Kim had always been one for routine, but running the exact some route every day, pizza and Baldi every Wednesday and Saturday, and she’d said something yesterday about him putting her behind on her schedule. She obviously craved stability and routine with her life always in turmoil not knowing where the stalker was and having to leave everything familiar. But was her patterned life too much? He knew a guy in the military who’d taken obsessive-compulsive disorder to the next level and had lost his career and wife because of it. That wouldn’t happen with him and Kim though, if she’d ever take him back.

  Colt moved closer to her, unable to resist telling her what he yearned for. “I want to take you back to America and live your life with you.”

  Kim shook her head and pushed out a breath. “I’m too out of sorts to fight with you this morning.”

  “Why fight with me?”

  She narrowed her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. “Because I’m too smart to fall prey to you, Colt Quinn.”

  Colt studied her, praying she’d somehow soften. “Did you fall prey to me before or did you fall in love with me?”

  She swallowed and looked away from him. “Every woman is just prey to you.”

  Colt wrapped his hands around her shoulders. She gasped and stared up at him. “I’ve made mistakes Kim, but I’ve only loved one woman.”

  Kim’s chest was rising and falling quickly, and her dark eyes were soft. She leaned slightly toward him, and he took that as his sign to pull her closer.

  A car roared into the parking lot with a squeal of brakes. Kim yanked free off his arms. Colt cursed, and she gave him a dirty look.

  “Miss Kim!” One of the boys from yesterday came running toward them. “So sorry I am late.”

  “You’re not late, we’re early.”

  “You’re the best, Miss Kim.” He opened the gate with a key and shoved it wide.

  “Thank you, Ricki,” Kim said.

  He grinned at Kim but narrowed his eyes at Colt. “Big boyfriend still here I see?”

  Kim rolled her eyes but didn’t contradict him.

  Colt was surprised by the venomous look Ricki gave him. He was a young kid though and probably enamored with Kim. Colt couldn’t blame him when he was completely under Kim’s spell himself. Any man would be, but Colt didn’t want any man to love her but him.

  “See you soon,” Kim called, jogging toward the waterfall steps.

  Colt followed her, and they started pumping down the stairs, and then the exhausting run back up. He followed Kim and didn’t complain. At least he was with her. He wondered how out of sorts she was feeling. She didn’t complain at all, but she was slower than yesterday, and she tripped on a step. He took her elbow to steady her, but she pulled away and kept running.

  He had sweat everywhere as they finally made it down the fourth time. He admired the view of the greenery surrounding the waterfall with the sun shining on them from behind. “We swimming today?”

  Kim shot him a look. “I swim every day. You can watch if you want.” With that she unlaced her shoes, pulled off her socks, and then yanked her shirt over her head.

  Colt was speechless as she made her way across the boulders down to the water’s edge. Her sports bra was modest but seeing the olive-toned skin of her abdomen and lower back sucked the oxygen right out of him. She’d swum in her shirt yesterday. Was this standard procedure? Was she more comfortable with him or just trying to show him all he was missing out on?

  Colt didn’t waste time analyzing. He hurried to pull off his shoes, socks, and shirt and slid over boulders until he plunged in the cool water, swimming hard, fast strokes to bring himself closer to the waterfall and Kim’s position. As soon as he reached her, she gave him an imperious look then she swam away from him and over to the calmer part. Ignoring him completely, she floated on her back.

  Colt forgot to keep milling his arms and about sunk under the water. He stared at her beautiful form as she lay on her back. He slowly swam toward her, tempted to just put his hand on her abdomen and feel that smooth skin, but knowing it wasn’t right. He’d promised the good Lord and his mama at a young age that he would never push boundaries with a woman. He would remain pure until he was wed. If he couldn’t convince Kim to marry him, he just might join the priesthood and die celibate.

  He forced dreams of marriage away and relaxed into the water, floating o
n his back next to her. It was relaxing and beautiful to focus on the towering green cliff, cascading water, and the morning sun making it all sparkle. Kim’s hand brushed his. Colt wrapped his fingers around hers. She didn’t pull away, and he counted that as a huge victory. They floated for another half a minute before she righted herself and started treading water, pulling her hand free.

  She smiled at him, dimples, sparkling brown eyes, and all. “My head feels better now. I love floating on my back.”

  “I’m glad your head feels better. I love being with you.”

  Her eyes widened, and she shook her head. “Colt, you can’t keep saying things like that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because if you do, I’m going to fall for you.” Her voice dropped as his heart soared. “And I won’t survive you breaking my heart a second time.”

  Colt didn’t know that words were going to help him right now. He treaded water with one hand and wrapped the other around her waist, tugging her close against his chest. He swam backwards with her until his feet touched a rock below. Balancing them on the smooth rock, he held her tightly to him with both hands planted firmly on her back. The feel of the smooth skin of her abdomen against his was distracting, but he needed to keep her close and pray she’d listen to him.

  Kim stared at him. She didn’t make a move to break away, but she didn’t wrap her arms around him either, trailing them through the water.

  “You’re not supposed to touch me if we’re alone,” she reminded him of his desperate words of a few days ago, only said to keep her from sending him away.

  “Public place. We need to keep the role up.” But they were completely alone, and that was exactly what he wanted. Hopefully with the early start they wouldn’t be interrupted by tourists again.

  She shook her head and gave him a look that said she knew he was taking advantage of the fake boyfriend role, but she didn’t move away or contradict him.

  “Kim,” he began. “You have to believe that I’ve learned from my mistakes, and I would never hurt you again.”

  She drew in a quick breath and studied him with her dark gaze. She was so beautiful with her naturally tanned skin, full lips, and dark eyes. If only she’d smile at him and he could be gifted with her dimples as well. He felt her softening, but then she bit at her lip, and her chin quivered.

  “You broke me, Colt,” she admitted.

  Colt’s stomach felt sour. “I would do anything to change the past, anything … But all we can do is go forward. If you’ll forgive me, we could go forward together, Kim.”

  She stared at him for a few beats, and then she stiffened in his arms. “That can’t happen.”

  “Why not?” He was nearing desperation and not above begging. He’d never begged before, but he would … for Kim.

  “I don’t trust you and I never will.”

  Colt drew in a sharp breath, feeling like he’d been slugged in the gut by his oldest brother, Griff. He didn’t even resist when she pulled from his arms and climbed over the rocks back to her clothes. His head felt too heavy for his body as he followed her. She didn’t trust him. She never would again. Was his dream of him and Kim truly unreachable? He’d never lacked confidence in any area of his life, but Kim not trusting him ripped all hope and future plans out from under him.

  Chapter 10

  Kim was used to her solid, safe routine. It was engrained in her after five years, and Colt throwing her off schedule was messing with her head. Truthfully he’d been great to do whatever she said, but he was still stirring her up too much inside, and she wasn’t getting any painting done. She needed the accomplishment that painting brought her and the safety of her routine.

  Unlike many child stars, Kim had parents who had always managed her money responsibly, and because of that she could now live comfortably in Costa Rica off of her investments and the small royalties that still came in. She didn’t need to paint financially but it was soothing for her and pulled her mind from fear of her stalker and worry over one hunk she could never have, namely Colt Quinn.

  They made it back home from the waterfall in silence. John and Bowzer came out to greet her, but Colt’s reticence kept the conversation short. Once in her room, she showered and then put on a comfortable mid-kini, blue, floral top and pink, high-waisted bottoms throwing a lacy coverup over top. Grabbing her beach bag, she made her way downstairs. The scents of good things frying floated up to her. It smelled delicious, but she would prefer her plain oatmeal. What did it say about her that she preferred oatmeal over something more enticing?

  She stopped on the bottom step and stared at Colt standing near her stovetop, frying veggies in the pan, and then cracking eggs in to make a huge breakfast griddle. He wore a t-shirt and board shorts. His dark hair was wet and his well-built body was showcased as his back was to her.

  “Hi, love.” He smiled over his shoulder. He must’ve heard her approach as she’d said nothing. “I couldn’t find any breakfast meat, but the mushrooms and cheese will make it taste good.”

  Kim’s jaw dropped. He was something else. The nerve of the man. Calling her love, messing up her normal breakfast, and worst of all, making her want him all over again. She thought she’d finally gotten through to him at the waterfall, telling him she didn’t trust him and never would. He’d been distant, almost contemplative, throughout the trek back home, but now it was like nothing had gone wrong between them. As if they were a couple and he was simply cooking their breakfast.

  She huffed out a breath and strode to the fridge, pulling out a few water bottles and shoving them in her beach bag. “I go visit one of the beaches each Thursday,” she informed him. “Check in with the closest gallery that houses my art, and then spend the afternoon at the beach. Today it’s Playa Hermosa.”

  Colt spun to face her. She didn’t like the analytical way he looked at her. He used to tease her about her schedules but also claimed he admired that she got a lot done because of how organized she was. It was one of the reasons she’d been successful as a very young actor. She was organized and didn’t flake on things like some of her friends. They may have had more talent, but weren’t as driven to be successful. When she was a very young teen she had to have some help managing her obsessive behaviors, but she only had positive habits now, so it wasn’t out of control.

  “Okay. I’ll inform the guys to follow us.”

  “Thank you.” She went to the pantry and grabbed a bag of Starburst and some Ritz crackers. “Have they found anything yet?”

  Colt shook his head and stirred the eggs before sprinkling some cheese on them. “Yanni and John have come up clean … so far. They’re checking into Ricki and Frazier.”

  Kim rolled her eyes. “Those two are boys. They couldn’t possibly be my stalker.”

  “You never know.” Colt lifted his broad shoulders. “People surprise me all the time.”

  “So nobody else is on their radar? They didn’t find anything from whoever was out back yesterday?”

  “No, they didn’t. They’re checking into people in town, especially your neighbors, the gallery owners and workers, and people at the stores and restaurants you frequent, and Baldi.”

  There wasn’t much to say to that. They were trying but not finding anything. It was frustrating, but she’d about given up hope of ever finding her stalker. It was so much a part of her life, she felt like she coped okay. If moving to a foreign country, not dating for five years, and being bound to her schedule was “coping okay”. She glanced over at the handsome man dishing eggs onto plates. She blamed him more than her stalker for the way her life had spiraled downhill.

  They ate and cleaned up quickly. Kim’s stomach was a little uncomfortable from two days in a row of heavy breakfast, but she wouldn’t say anything and have Colt give her one of those appraising looks.

  She hurried upstairs to brush her teeth then met Colt in her small garage. He extended his hand. “Do you want me to drive?”

  Kim clung to her keys. “No. You don’t know the
area or how crazy people drive in Costa Rica.”

  He smiled. “I got a little touch of it when we drove in the two hours from San José a couple nights ago.”

  “Just strap in and hang on,” she said, basking in his smile and giving him a saucy wink.

  Colt’s smile grew, and she realized she was falling back into the pool of Colt Quinn’s charm. He hadn’t even done anything but smile. She stowed her beach bag in the back seat, not sure how this day was going to go, worried that she couldn’t stay strong around him.

  Colt clung to the oh-crap bar and let out a mild curse.

  “Hey, watch it,” Kim said, glaring at him.

  “You watch the road,” he shot back at her.

  She gave him a beautiful smile, complete with dimples, and thankfully focused on the windy road again.

  Colt had participated in a lot of high-intensity activities, and he’d been part of insane stunts in the military. But he wasn’t ashamed to admit he was scared for his life on these Costa Rican roads. Kim drove as bad, or worse, than any of the natives. The roads were barely two lanes, and they slithered tightly through the green mountainside with a deep gutter for rainfall runoff on the edge of the road that a smaller vehicle could get lost in. If there was any kind of break in the traffic, a vehicle would dodge around the slower car or truck in front of them and take off. Kim had come freakishly close to running them into two semis and a motorcycle.

  This time she’d darted around a box truck and barely missed a Volvo that appeared around the corner before they got safely back in their lane. Colt saw her flick her lights on and off in the moment before the car would’ve hit them. The car had slammed on its brakes, and they’d dodged back in front of the semi. Safe for a moment or two.

  “What was that?” he asked.

  “What?” She glanced at him.

  “Why did you flick your lights on and off?”

  “Oh.” She smiled and navigated a tight corner much too fast. They were at the front of the pack now, but guaranteed they’d hit a slow-moving truck soon and Colt’s life would be at risk. “It’s a signal. If you flick your lights, or at night bright the other car, they’ll stop so you can get in. Just keeps you safe.”


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