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by Blair Grey


  The Steel Wings MC – Book #1

  By Blair Grey

  Copyright © 2019 by Blair Grey

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Chapter 1


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  The sound of my feet falling hard on the pavement was the only thing on my mind. That, and breathing. Long, deep breaths in and out, in and out. Running wasn’t my favorite thing to do, but I still made it a priority in my life. Every day, rain or shine, I would head out for a solid run at some point.

  I might hit the gym, too, if I was really in the mood to get a sweat going, but that wasn’t nearly as often as the run itself. I didn’t always have the time to head into the gym and work with all the equipment – not to mention I didn’t care for the excessive attention I always received whenever I went to the gym, either.

  I didn’t have any trouble getting female attention. In fact, I often had more female attention than I knew what to do with. Being in a motorcycle club did that, it seemed. I didn’t have to try very hard to get what I wanted out of any of them.

  And, what I wanted was pretty simple. A night in bed without any commitment or any expectation it would lead to anything else was fine by me. Ideal, even.

  The last thing I needed was someone clingy. I had enough going on in my life. I didn’t need to worry about keeping a woman happy on top of everything else. The club was my life. It always had been, and it always would be.

  I’m Jett Corbin, son of Jimbo Corbin, the founder of the Steel Wings.

  My father threw his heart and soul into the MC, and growing up, I often felt like I was just a gift to them. The club was my destiny; the men were my family. And, after the dark, shitty childhood I’d survived, I felt I needed those men more than anything else in my life.

  No matter what happened to me – what went down – they were there for me. They were there no matter what, and I was grateful to them for it. With them, there weren’t any strings or stipulations. We made our own rules, we lived out own lives, and we were there for each other through thick and thin.

  Nothing could get in our way, and no one could come between us. It was a brotherhood bound together with loyalty and a heartfelt love for the other members.

  There wasn’t a thing I’d change.

  So, as I brought another run to a close, my chest rising and falling as I checked my time, I knew I should shower and head over to the bar. That’s where we spent most of our time, and I looked forward to hanging out with the boys already.

  It was a great way to learn the word on the street and figure out what was going on around town – and in the nearby towns, too, for that matter. I liked to be on top of what the other MCs were doing, especially those who were far from friendly.

  They were even more annoying than the cops, really. Not only did they pose a threat to our borders and our people, but they also posed a threat to our industry. Not that I was entirely on board with the currency we dealt or the goods we supplied, but we had to make a living somehow. I didn’t make the rules, I just enforced them.

  I picked up my pace again to finish out the run strong, rounding the corner back to my place with all the energy I had left. I felt good when I ran. I felt alive. The sound of the blood rushing through my head and my breath rising and falling in the afternoon sun was exhilarating – almost like when I was on the back of my favorite Harley.

  But, with the minutes ticking by, I knew I had to hurry to change and get down to the bar. I wanted to be there before it filled with the people who weren’t in the club and find a good spot with some of my boys. Sure, I could make them move if I wanted to, but that was always a pain in the ass, especially if they were already tipsy.

  I would rather set up and make a point of where I would be that night before anyone had the chance to get in the way or sit too close and listen in on the conversation. It wasn’t a private place to hang out, but it served its purpose for us, and that’s all I really could ask for.

  Not to mention it had been a while since I’d had a pretty woman in my bed. I was feeling the effects and I wanted to get laid. Hell, I had to get laid, and soon. I didn’t like that tension rising in my body, and there was only one way to get it out of my system.

  I was a hunter, and now, I was looking for prey.

  And, I’d have someone in bed with me that night.

  The bar was getting crowded as I walked inside, but it didn’t take long for me to single out the other members of the club.

  We all wore our emblems proudly – some on the backs of their leather jackets, some of on the backs of their leather vests. Of course, most of us also included the emblem as a tattoo in one way or another, though it wasn’t unusual for it to get lost among all the other tattoos we sported.

  We had our fair share of ink, and we all embraced hot shot haircuts, as well – some of us with hair nearly buzzed clean off, others of us embracing edgier styles.

  Personally, I liked to keep my hair shaved on the sides and longer on top. It wasn’t incredibly long anywhere, but it was definitely a statement look, and I turned heads. Of course, with my attitude and attire, I turned plenty of heads anyway – some because they knew to steer clear, some because they only hoped I would give them my attention.

  A group of four of the boys surrounded a table, so I headed straight for them. Of course, they split from being so tight in their circle and made room for me, welcoming me in with slaps on the back and jokes all around.

  “It’s about time you showed up,” one of them teased. “We were wondering if you were skipping out tonight.”

  “Since when do I ever do that?” I asked. “I’ve got to keep an eye on you guys somehow.”

  They were playing a game of cards, and there were beers all around the table, but I was after something stronger. I didn’t want to just get a buzz going, I wanted to feel the alcohol. Of course, I didn’t mind heading up to the bar to get a drink. In fact, even if there had been a drink waiting for me on the table, I might have declined for the pure and simple fact I wanted to head over to the bar – and for a really good reason.

  There was someone at the bar who had caught my interest, and I wanted more than anything to learn more about her. She was new in these parts, and that alone was enough for her to catch the eye of anyone who frequented Echo Mori.

  We were used to the insiders – the people who were here the longest and the people who belonged. There were several bartenders working who were old enough to be my father. I remembered growing up around them. I remembered them being there for a lot that went on in my life.

  Sure, there were others who came and went over the years, but for the most part, it was the same handful of people.

  Then, this new girl started. I wasn’t sure where she came from, or why she had chosen Echo Mori of all the bars, but she had, and I wasn’t complaining.

  I didn’t know her name. But, I knew she was hot as Hell, and that’s all that mattered. She was curvy in all the right places, her slim figure rounded with thick thighs, an ass that would turn the head of anyone with eyes, and tits for days.

  I’d had my eye on her for a couple weeks now, but I hadn’t had the chance to really talk to her. She was often serving during the crowded times at the bar when there just wasn’t the time for me to sweep her off her feet and into my bed like I wanted.

  So, I had bided my time. And with the bar as it was right now, I knew tonight was the night I’d make this happen. It was just a matter of finding the right moment to walk up to her, introduce myself, and work my charm until I
got what I wanted.

  But, before I announced I was going to grab a drink, my attention was brought back to the table with the boys telling me one of our own had been released from prison that morning and was heading to the bar that night.

  “He’ll want to see you, you know that, right?” Greg clapped me on the back. “You’re going to have to do the official welcoming.”

  “Of course, I am,” I said as I tossed my hair out of my eyes. I didn’t mind doing that sort of thing. In fact, it wasn’t that unusual considering my position in the club. And, it would be nice to have another of our brothers on the outside again.

  It wasn’t unusual for any of us to be behind bars at one point or another, but it was always a relief to me when we were out. And, knowing we would have a night of celebration ahead of us, I knew now was the time to make my move with the girl behind the bar. If I was going to get the chance to have her full attention without everyone else trying to get me back to the table, I knew I’d have to talk to her before our brother got to the bar.

  Once that happened, it would be all about him. And, as the president of the MC, I would make sure everyone paid him the proper respect. After all, he had been through the ringer, and it was time to bring him home. Hopefully, this would be the last time.

  But, with the life all of us lived, it was hard to say when any of us would end up back behind bars.

  Either way, I made my way over to the bar, my seductive smile on my face. I had my eyes locked on target. I would pounce and make this woman mine.

  If only for the night, I’d finally have her. I’d feel her body, I’d give her mine, and I would make the most of the moment.

  This was going to be glorious.

  Chapter 2


  Although I did everything in my power to conceal my outward reaction when Jett Corbin walked into the bar, that didn’t stop my stomach from churning.

  I wasn’t thrilled with any of the MC members being in Echo Mori, that was for sure, but especially not the one who was the leader of the bunch. I wasn’t entirely sure how the MC worked internally yet, but I was determined to figure it out. And so far, I knew he was the president – the one the rest listened to – and he was the one I was going to take down.

  Hell, I would get them all eventually. I’d destroy the club from the inside out, and I’d make sure each and every one of those crooks ended up behind bars. I wouldn’t give up until I had that satisfaction, and with each passing day, I knew I was that much closer to getting what I wanted.

  Jett walked through the bar as though he owned the place. He’d done that since the first day I’d seen him, but I learned from the other bartenders that he’d been coming for as long as he’d been allowed into the place – since before he was even old enough to drink, from what I understood.

  Several of the bartenders working with me spoke of him as though he were their own son, and no one seemed to see anything at all wrong with what he was doing within the club.

  But, I wasn’t working at Echo Mori to make saints out of anyone else. I was there on a mission, and tonight, I sensed the time to act had finally come. It wasn’t something that I’d planned entirely, but I knew when the time came, I’d have to make a move. I was ready.

  I knew of Jett before I ever started working at the bar, but it wasn’t until I’d started my employment that I’d gotten his attention, as well. He clearly knew he had an invisible power over practically every woman he came into contact with, and that only fed into his already massive ego.

  So, when I noticed I’d caught his eye a couple of weeks before, I knew it was just a matter of time before he made a move on me. Sure, being the president of the Steel Wings meant he had other obligations he had to fulfill, and hitting on the newest bartender might not fit into just any night of the week, but with the way he gazed at me with that hunger in his face, it was only a matter of time before he acted.

  But, tonight was also a busy night as far as the bar was concerned. It might be the primary hangout for the members of the Steel Wings MC, but that didn’t mean other people didn’t come to hang out at the bar, too.

  In fact, this seemed to be one of the hottest venues in all of Devil Hills. Patrons who were barely old enough to buy themselves a beer all the way up to older gentlemen with grizzled beards frequented the venue, and already, I was getting used to seeing repeat visitors.

  Still, even those who weren’t part of the MC seemed to give them a wide berth, and many would step aside for Jett, too. It was as though he had a power over the whole town, even those who weren’t part of the MC or had anything to do with it.

  Which only fueled my passion to bring these people down.

  But, it also made it far more difficult to get my grip on the club, too. It seemed all these people allowed the MC to have the run to have the run of the place, but at the same time, they was so tight, there was no penetrating the club, at all. They were incredibly exclusive, and aside from members picking up random women at the bar to take home with them on an almost nightly basis, it seemed impossible to know what was going on within the club itself.

  Unfortunately for me, I realized if I was going to infiltrate the club and get close to any of these men – especially the one whom I had my eyes on – I would have to do what the rest of the women were doing: I’d have to flirt, I’d have to offer myself up, and I would have to deliver.

  If anyone showed disinterest in the men, they would just move on to another. At least, that’s the vibe I got out of them. They would sweep in and strike up a conversation with a woman as casually as if the entire thing had been written in the stars.

  The flirting would grow physical rather quickly, with the women encouraging every bit of it. For them, it seemed, it was just as big of a triumph to get one of the men in the club to take them home as it was for the men in the club to have them.

  It was a song and dance I pretended to approve of, encouraging any drunk woman who came over to the bar swooning over one of the men in leather to give it a shot and see what happened. I wanted her to get what she wanted, or at least, I made it appear as though that’s what I wanted.

  On the other hand, there was definitely a part of me that found it difficult to be so encouraging to these women who so desperately wanted to go home with these men, knowing how I felt about the MC and the members. But, I felt it only proved how good of an actress I could be.

  And, I would have to be if I was going to pull this off.

  It wasn’t that I just had a deep hatred for the MC for no reason. No, although I never really had enjoyed motorcycles or bikers, I couldn’t say that I had anything personal against them before.

  But that was before, and this was now.

  Now, I was going to stand up for my family, and I would finally stand up for what was right. Sure, this was going to be hard. This was going to be a lot harder than anything I’d ever thought I’d have to do, but that didn’t stop me.

  I had already been through Hell, and I had survived. Now, it was time for justice. I was going to hold these people accountable. These people who had taken so much from me were now going to know what it felt like to lose everything.

  I hated to think of what was going to happen to them when they got behind bars. I knew things didn’t often go well for drug dealers or gang members when they were put into prison with others who were just like them. But, I wasn’t going to let myself worry about it.

  In fact, I hoped they got what was coming to them. I hoped each and every member of this MC got the shit beat out of them on a daily basis – and I even hoped none of them would survive the stint they would be forced to serve in prison.

  It wasn’t like me normally. Normally, I didn’t wish ill on anyone. I had gone through enough trouble in my childhood to know what it was like to be in pain and misery, and it wasn’t something I would push on even my most hated enemy.

  But, when the last straw came and I lost someone who was very, very close to me because of this MC, I knew I had to finally g
et my revenge. For too long, I had been the sweet, quiet girl who let the rest of the world unfold around her. But, that wasn’t the case anymore.

  Now, I was coming for these jerks, and I would be there for each and every one of their trials. I would be in the front row if I wasn’t on the stand itself to see each one sentenced to something that wasn’t near what I would have designed for them.

  Anger did that to a person. Throwing in a healthy level of pain only made it worse. Oh, I might be able to cover it well when I handed these men beer after beer, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t hatred behind the sparkle in my eyes.

  I would get my revenge, and my father would be avenged. I’d decided as I applied for this job at this bar I would do anything and everything I had to in order to make that happen, and I was still ready to stand by that decision no matter what.

  And if there was one thing my father had taught me when I was young, it was if I wanted something to happen, then I would have to make it happen – and that meant I would be going straight to the top.

  Sure, I could mess around with the lower members of the MC, but that wasn’t my style. No, I wasn’t going to do this halfway. Considering what it would cost me to get in with them, I wasn’t going to mess around with anyone who could kick me to the curb without another thought.

  There might be other women passed around from man to man in the club, but I wasn’t that woman. I had my eyes on one man and one man only, and I would have him. I would get him to lower his guard – sure, he might not think that was possible, but I would – and I would strike as soon as the moment was right.

  I wasn’t going to let fear or anything else get in my way, either. I’d planned out every move carefully. I had played out being the hot new bartender down to the letter. I’d flirted with the right men, I’d given just enough interest to the right people, and now, now that it had come down to the way Jett was looking at me tonight, I knew I’d held back enough interest from the one man I wanted most of all.


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