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Jett Page 3

by Blair Grey

  “Sorry,” I apologized without even realizing who was talking to me. It only took a second for me to see it was Tom. I didn’t even realize he was at the bar that night, and I felt rather sheepish he had just caught me out back.

  “Get back in there and get to work. I don’t pay you to sit on your ass,” he said.

  Before I had the chance to say anything else, he was gone, disappearing back to his office. With my luck, he was likely just stopping by to grab some of the money out of the register and happened to stop in at the time when I was out back, rather than seeing how busy I was the whole time.

  But, I didn’t have time to worry about that now. I had to get back to work and keep the customers happy. It didn’t matter of Tom would be gone for the rest of the night or if he was staying until closing. Either way, I didn’t want him to catch me out back when he wanted me at the bar again.

  The last thing I wanted to worry about right now was losing this job. It was the one thing that was getting me close to the MC, and I had to keep that line open until I had a chance to get Jett’s attention all for myself.

  I headed back inside and took my place behind the counter once more, acting as though nothing had occurred when I was outside. Travis was busy clearing the tables that were now vacant of patrons, and I went back to cleaning the bar and being available in case someone wanted another drink.

  But, I couldn’t help but scan the room and see where Jett had gone. He wasn’t hard to find, even with all the matching vests and jackets scattered about the room. There was something about the confidence and sexiness that exuded from him that really caught my attention. He woke something in me I didn’t fully understand, and I was almost scared to admit.

  I had to remind myself he was the bad guy. He and all the men who served under the Steel Wings MC. They were the reason I was here, and I wasn’t here on anything good. It was because of them that my father was dead. They were responsible for ruining my life a year ago.

  And now, watching them celebrate the return of their friend, I knew I had to be on guard. They all appeared to be innocent enough as they laughed and talked to each other, but I knew the truth.

  Thanks to these men, I was alone in the world, and I would stop at nothing until they knew how I felt.

  They deserved what was coming, I had to remind myself of it at times, and they would get what was due. I wouldn’t let my father die in vain, and I would avenge him.

  This might not be easy, or, in some ways, it might be a little too easy, but that didn’t change the end result. I would avenge my father. These men were the enemy.

  Nothing could change that.

  Nothing could change my hatred for all of them.

  Chapter 5


  The celebration got loud quickly. We were all thrilled to have Ryu back in the club, and damn, was he ever glad to be back. Drinks flowed freely with everyone offering to buy the next round, and the next, and I soon lost count over the pitchers of beer passed around the group.

  I had my fair share, of course, but I stuck to whiskey primarily. That’s what I liked, even more than beer, and that’s what I would continue to drink. Of course, I didn’t have a problem keeping my glass full, though I hadn’t yet returned to the bar to get another drink myself.

  Everyone in the MC knew how I liked my drinks, and they were ordering them for me as much as I was drinking them. It was fine by me. I would rather not go over to the crowded bar and deal with getting my own drink on a normal day.

  But, tonight, I didn’t mind the need to go get my own beverage, and as soon as my glass was gone again, I headed over to have it refilled before someone else took the chance.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to hang out with the boys. I was going to only be gone for a moment, but the fact I had caught Callie staring at me more than once had my attention. She wasn’t shy like most of the women I caught staring. In fact, the way she smiled at me whenever my eyes met her almond gaze only grew the intrigue I felt.

  There was something about her sultry way of doing things that had my attention entirely, and I couldn’t ignore the drive to get up and go talk to her. The bar wasn’t as busy as it had been when I first ordered a drink, and I was glad to see several of the people who were drinking near the counter moved out of the way when they saw me coming.

  Perhaps it was the noisy celebration we were having, but it was clear tonight the bar belonged to the MC. Sure, the other people could be there for a drink if they wanted, but it was a night meant for my crew, and we would take it.

  Callie smiled when I walked over, and I set down my empty glass before ordering another. “Make it just like you did the last. There was something about that I found better than normal.”

  “Perhaps it’s the magic touch of the one making it,” she said with a wink.

  “I’m guessing that had something to do with it. The name’s Jett,” I told her. “If you haven’t already heard.”

  “Callie,” she smiled. “If you haven’t already heard yourself.”

  “Beautiful.” I didn’t tell her whether I had or hadn’t. It wasn’t any of her business, and I wasn’t going to let her known I’d shown interest in her before approaching the bar.

  “Thanks, I got it for my birthday,” she laughed.

  “Cute.” I took the drink from her and paid, leaving her a generous tip. “Are you always so funny?”

  “I’d like to think so,” she flirted. She leaned forward on the bar, revealing even deeper cleavage than before. I didn’t hide the fact I looked right down her shirt, and she didn’t act like she wanted me to stop. Hell, women never did. In fact, I had a feeling they got off on me checking them out, if they happened to catch me in the act of doing it.

  I wasn’t shy about letting a woman know when I found her attractive, but I didn’t walk up to all the women I thought were hot and talk to them, either. There were many I would admire from a distance and leave it at that, moving on to the next without another thought.

  Before I had the chance to further giving her attention, she nodded toward the group. “What’s going on?”

  “One of our brothers just got out of prison,” I said nonchalantly. “Ryu.”

  I nodded toward Ryu, where he stood with a drink in one hand and a woman under his other arm. I didn’t say what he’d done to land him behind bars, and I wasn’t going to, either. It wasn’t any of this woman’s business, no matter how hot she was.

  “That girl,” Callie commented. “I’ve seen her around here a lot.”

  “She hangs around the MC,” I nodded.

  “Must be lonely to be so eager to make it into bed with someone who just got out,” she said with a snide tone to her voice.

  “That’s his girl, so I’d say she’s pretty eager to get him to bed,” I shrugged.

  “She’s been cheating on him?” Callie gasped. “Doesn’t anyone care to tell him?”

  “It’s not cheating,” I laughed, knowing it wasn’t an idea that was understood by people who weren’t in the MC, but still acting as though it was a simple truth anyone would do. “It’s the Prison Clause.”

  “Okay, now you’ve lost me,” Callie commented, and I sighed.

  “When a member of the MC goes to prison, it’s obvious his old lady is going to need some attention at some point. We’re all human, after all, and it’s not her fault her old man got himself locked up. So, while he’s in prison, she’s free to do whatever she wants in bed with any of the other members. Trust me, she was far from lonely over the past few months, however long it’s been,” I said with a laugh and another shrug.

  I studied her silently throughout the explanation. I wanted to see how someone like Callie would take the Prison Clause, and I was surprised to find her remarkably hard to read. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but the way she studied the room left me wondering if she was intrigued or repulsed by the idea.

  The look on her face made it impossible to tell which it was, and I had half a mind to ask her directly what was
going through her head. But, I also had to be careful. I hadn’t brought up the name of the MC directly, and though it was plastered on the backs of all the members who were present, I wasn’t going to bring it up, either.

  There was no need for me to throw around our name as though it was candy. It was far more serious than that, and I wasn’t going to ever use it to impress a woman, or to taunt her, for that matter. There were plenty of women who wanted to sleep with a man simply because of the fact he was in the MC, and while that was fine with me to a point, I didn’t believe the name of our club should be used for such a thing.

  It was sacred to me – and to anyone who was part of it. We were more than a club, we were family, and we stood for something. Each and every one of us belonged to the MC, and that meant we were no longer our own people.

  The acts we did were for the good of the MC. The things we believed in were for the common purpose. Anyone who was part of the MC bore the emblem not only on his clothing, but also on his body somewhere. To be stripped of the name would be the highest humiliation a man could endure, and to use the name of the MC for anything but the sheer purpose of MC matters would be blasphemy.

  Still, I watched Callie with great intrigue as I talked about what we were doing. She seemed interested in those wearing the garb, that was for sure, but at the same time, there was a reserve about her. Almost as though she wasn’t sure how she ought to react around the club or what she should do with me, the obvious leader.

  There was something about this innocence that made me want to take her even more. The things I wanted to do with her and to her. The noises I wanted to make her create. I wanted her to scream my name. I wanted her to be blown away.

  And, before we were even finished with the conversation, I was certain of one thing: it was going to happen. I’d already decided I was going to take this woman to bed at some point, but talking to her now, watching the way she watched Ryu celebrate with the rest of the MC, watching her intrigue over what we were doing while serving the rest of the patrons in the bar, it was all enough to make me know without a shadow of a doubt I would be taking her that night.

  My dick was got harder every time I thought about what I wanted to do to her, and now, it wasn’t a question of if it was going to happen, it was a matter of when.

  I’d been coming to Echo Mori for as long as I could remember, and I knew the hours. I would head back to join with the rest of the celebration for as long as it lasted, then I would hang around for a while longer. Hell, I might end up at another bar around town, but that wasn’t to say I had any interest in finding anyone else. No, my sight was set on the woman behind this counter, and before the night was out, she would have my cock buried deep inside her.

  “How long was he gone?” she asked.

  “Ryu?” I replied.

  “Yes,” she gave me a look that told me she understood I was merely being difficult.

  “Too long,” I said simply. As with the reason he went to prison in the first place, I wasn’t going to share how long he had been there. If she wanted to look into it herself, she knew how to use the internet. But, I wasn’t going to be the one to share gossip about any of my members.

  It would be hard for me to talk about any of the members of the MC with anyone but the vice president or someone else who had high ranks within the club, but as far as people who weren’t even part of our MC, there was no way in Hell I would breathe a word about the whys or the hows of what happened.

  Before Callie had the chance to say another word, I took my drink and left her at the counter. More people had just walked into the bar, and it wasn’t going to be long before she was busy taking care of them, anyway.

  I would see her again before the night was out, though. I already made that promise to myself. And, when I made myself a promise, I kept it with all the same dedication as when I gave a promise to someone else.

  That woman was enchanting, there was no denying that. I wasn’t sure where she came from or what she thought about the MC, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was the fact I would make her mine before the night was out, and I would feel that tight pussy around my throbbing cock.

  Another thought made me smile, too. The thought that she may not even realize it yet, but she was already mine.

  Chapter 6


  “Goodnight,” I called over my shoulder. I pulled up my purse and headed out the door, leaving Tom with the money bags. He had stayed the rest of the shift, and though it was annoying to have him hanging around when we were trying to work, it was nice not having to deal with the cash registers or the money when I finally could leave.

  It was nearly two-thirty, and I was ready to head home. My mind was spinning – partly from the interaction I’d had with Jett that evening, and partly from the two drinks I had during closing. I didn’t drink on shift very often, but I thought it might help relax me after feeling so strongly about the MC.

  I couldn’t decide whether I was surprised to see Jett waiting for me out in the parking lot. I thought he had left with some of the others a couple hours before, but now he was the only one left out there.

  He was on his bike and gave me a wave when I walked out. “I didn’t think it was a good idea for you to be out on this side of town alone at night,” he said with a shrug. “So, I thought I’d give you a ride home.”

  “Thank you for the gesture, but I’m okay,” I said with a wave of my hand. “Really.”

  “Famous last words, if you ask me,” he said.

  “You’re the only one here, so if I’m going to get kidnapped, it would be by you,” I laughed. I wasn’t going to make this easy for him, not by a long shot. And, considering the way he was reacting to my flirtation, I could see that he enjoyed it.

  Jett was clearly cut out to be the chaser in any relationship. He liked to be the one to call the shots, and he liked it when his prey ran from him. Of course, I wanted to be caught, so I wasn’t going to make it impossible.

  But you need to keep your wits about you. Don’t let your guard down, and don’t act like you aren’t feeling this running all through your body. Your hands are clammy, your heart is racing all over again, and are those really butterflies in your stomach?

  You think this guy is hot, and clearly, that’s starting to cloud your judgment. The last thing you need is for someone to make this difficult for you. Keep your head on straight, and don’t let him get the upper hand.

  But have some fun with this, make it all the sweeter when you deal the final blow.

  “How far you going?” he asked.

  “My apartment is only a few blocks from here,” I told him with a gesture of my thumb. “That was part of the reason I thought it would be a good idea to work at the bar. I don’t have far to go.”

  “Even still,” he said as he started up his bike. “You might as well get on. I’m not going to let you leave alone.”

  “If you insist I’m not going to leave alone,” I said seductively as I took a step forward, “then you’re going to have to follow me. I’m not getting on that bike.”

  I nodded down toward the Harley, trying to ignore how sexy it looked in the moonlight. The silver glinted under the stars while so much of it disappeared in the black of the pavement below us. But, I wasn’t going to give in. I had to remember who the bad guys were.

  Sure, it was hard for me at times to think of these people that way. When the MC was in the bar having fun and laughing and talking together, they were just like any other group of friends or coworkers out to have a drink.

  But, I had to remember these weren’t just people who worked together. These weren’t just friends. Jett might make it sound like they were one big happy family, but that wasn’t at all what was going on. These men were drug dealers, and they dealt with very dangerous people.

  For all I knew, they may also do drug runs and the like. They might take advantage of anyone they could, just to get their way. I knew they might act like they were just normal people, but that sort o
f thinking could get me killed.

  These were the men responsible for killing my father. I didn’t have direct proof, but I didn’t need it, either. The police even suspected that the MC had something to do with it, but there wasn’t enough proof for them to make any arrests. It made me sick to my stomach. I hated the thought of them just walking free around town, knowing that my father had been torn from the world much too soon.

  And, I wasn’t going to look past it or move on. I had to get my revenge, and when I did, I could finally let it go.

  I wasn’t sure if Jett himself had been there the night my father was killed, but that didn’t matter. I knew he was the president, and as such, he was responsible for what happened with the other members of the club. That meant I held him just as responsible for what happened to my father as though he had been the one to do it himself.

  And, he would pay.

  My plan to get in with the MC started with him, since taking him down would leave the rest of them reeling. Hell, taking him down would even pave the way to take down a few of the others, too. I would get the evidence I needed, and if I had to hook up with Jett to do that, I would make a game of it.

  I would ignore the way I felt about him during the act, too.

  I wasn’t sure why this man turned me on so much. It didn’t make sense, even to me, but I didn’t have time to think about that. The more I thought about my feelings in this situation, the harder it was for me to see myself going through with it. And no matter what, I was going to see it through to the end.

  I would bring the police, and I would give them the evidence they were looking for. In the end, I would see my father avenged.

  “If you insist,” Jett said. I looked up into his face once more. It was easy for me to get lost in thought over my father and how I felt Jett was responsible for what happened to my dad, but the thoughts passed through my mind so quickly, only a second had passed from when I last spoke and Jett replied.


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