Fixer-Upper: A Summer Romance (Vale Valley Season 3 Book 15)

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Fixer-Upper: A Summer Romance (Vale Valley Season 3 Book 15) Page 6

by EE Silver

  “I have to be honest with you. I don’t know if that’s something I’d be able to do,” he finally said. “I’m not built for casual fucking around. Plus, it’s more than just my needs and wants at stake here. Anya deserves whatever stability I can give her. If you’re not ready for a relationship, I won’t force one on you. And if you’re never ready for one…well, I won’t be happy, but I won’t be angry either. I want to be with you, King. And if all you can really manage is friends, I’ll keep my hands to myself and count myself lucky to have you in my life.”


  “But nothing.” Jonah shook his head. “You deserve the space and time to get yourself together, and I can give it to you without trampling all over my own boundaries in the process. Otherwise, there’s no point in this, because we’d never truly be happy together.” He paused. “Besides, as much as my instincts are telling me to mate with you, I figure that prophecy is as a good a reason as any for us to take our time with this. I want you to be sure. Hell, I want to be sure.”

  King sighed and leaned into Jonah, resting his head on Jonah’s shoulder. “I wish it was that easy,” he finally said.

  “We’ll figure it out.” Jonah kissed the top of King’s head, loving the way his close-cropped hair rasped gently over his lips. “We have time.”

  “Yeah, I suppose we do,” King said, squeezing Jonah’s hand tightly. “I should probably go soon.”

  Jonah wound an arm around him, holding him close. “I don’t mind if you stay a little longer.”

  King moved even closer, humming tunelessly, and Jonah felt his heart crack wide open at the artless sound of pure contentment. King might think relationships weren’t something he needed, but Jonah hoped he was wrong. He’d just have to be patient. Give King a chance to figure out what he wanted.

  Somehow, Jonah was pretty sure it would be worth the wait.

  Chapter Eight


  After several frustrating days without a repeat of the evening in Jonah’s bedroom, King wanted to be annoyed that Jonah was firmly keeping them in the realm of “friends only,” especially when they now knew how explosive they could be together. But with the way his instincts were pushing at him to roll over and beg Jonah to mate him and breed him, it was probably for the best. He knew with almost full certainty they were meant for each other, but that didn’t mean they had to accept that fate. To throw the chance to steer by his own charts would be unfair to the both of them, especially if Jonah was going to turn out to be anything other than the ridiculously perfect man he seemed to be.

  But his calm logic and unending patience with King’s baggage made that seem highly unlikely. Still, King had to admit, the chase was kind of fun when they both wanted to end up in the same place. At least if that place was in bed and with a distinct lack of clothing. King grinned at the thought.

  “What’s got that wicked smile on your face?” Jonah asked, coming in the room with a bag full of hardware for the rehabbed cabinets they were putting back together. “Should I be worried?”

  “You sound like my cousin,” King said, unable to keep from laughing. “It makes me wonder how I’ve managed to get such a reputation for trouble. Especially when I know people who are way more notorious than me.”

  “Somehow I’m not surprised those are the kind of people you’d hang out with.” Jonah nudged their shoulders together, the innocent contact sending warm waves of desire washing over King’s entire body. Jonah wasn’t unaffected, either; he blushed, pupils wide and dilated, and lingered for just a beat too long. “But fine, don’t tell me what you were thinking about if you don’t want to.”

  King leaned in closed, giving Jonah’s big, muscular body a long, slow once-over. “I was thinking about you,” he said, voice a little huskier than usual. “I’m sure you can fill in the blanks. Unless you want a detailed description of every sexual fantasy I’ve had about you. It might take a while, and we won’t get any work done, but I’m all for that kind of caring and sharing if you are.”

  “Fuck, King.” Jonah closed his eyes.

  “That’s the general idea, yes,” King said with a chuckle. Then he took pity on Jonah and put a few very necessary inches between them. “Eventually, at any rate.”

  Jonah groaned, but backed away too. “Buy a guy dinner first,” he said. And it sounded like such a good idea, King couldn’t resist.

  “I can do that,” he said, ridiculously pleased by the happy surprise on Jonah’s face. “There’s a diner in town I’ve been meaning to check out. Katarina was telling me this morning they have the best pie in town. Maybe we could go check it out together?”

  “I’d like that.” Jonah leaned back in briefly, and King felt the pull to meet him halfway like they had matching magnets over their hearts. “But only if we can get these cabinets together first. I’m sick of seeing my paper plate collection being the only thing on those empty shelves all the time.”

  “I’d been meaning to ask,” King asked, then hesitated. He wasn’t sure if it was a question for new friends or a potential boyfriend, but considering they were a messed up combination of both, he decided to take the chance. “Where’s the rest of your stuff? Your plates and cookware, things like that? All you’ve moved in is your clothes and Anya’s things.”

  Jonah shifted, suddenly uncomfortable. “I, ah, I don’t have anything else,” he finally said. “I sold everything to get here, gambling it all on a house I’d only seen in pictures and a town most of the world doesn’t believe exist, and dragging a baby across the country to do it.”

  “Sounds like you’ve had a hell of an adventure getting here,” King said.

  Jonah laughed, but it didn’t sound like he’d found anything funny. “My dads had plenty to say on how irresponsible it was, trust me.” He looked away. “I told you I wasn’t perfect.”

  King’s chest clenched in sympathy even though he sensed there was a lot more to the story than what Jonah was hinting at. “You took a chance so you could build a life for the two of you. That’s amazingly brave and selfless.”

  “I’m pretty sure the accepted interpretation is more along the lines of impulsive and selfish for cutting myself off from my entire support system, all in the name of chasing a dream instead of making a rational, adult decision.”

  King couldn’t help the rude noise he made in the back of his throat. “Have you seen how fast people reproduce around here? Opening a daycare in this town is the epitome of making a rational, adult decision.” He put his hand on Jonah’s forearm, losing himself in the warmth of skin-on-skin for a moment. “I get what it’s like when family doesn’t see the whole picture. And if it helps, I still like what I see. At least enough to buy you a slice of pie later. Two slices if you’ll put out.”

  Jonah laughed, which was exactly what King had been going for. “A slice of pie it is, then,” he said. “Come on, let’s get to work. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can find out if that diner lives up to the hype.”

  Bella’s Diner was a little slice of 1950s chrome and neon in the middle of the quaint perfection of Main Street, the late evening sunlight glinting off the windows. For a moment, King was sure they’d time travelled somehow, what with the car hop service and the guys in little white hats working the soda fountain. Even the music playing through the outdoor speakers was period-appropriate, and for a moment King and Jonah just stood out front in awe.

  “Wow. I had no idea this was here,” King said, not really sure where to begin with all the delightful kitsch in front of him. “Did you?”

  Jonah shook his head. “I got to town the day before we met,” he said. “I haven’t exactly had much time to explore. You?”

  “Nah,” King said. “I haven’t really felt very social, so I mostly stayed home.”

  “Should I feel honored, in that case?” Jonah hopped a step ahead to get the door, and King let him play at being gallant. It was kind of cute.

  “Yeah, I guess you should, I mean—” King stopped dead in his tracks at the s
ight of a familiar head of silver hair. The man was cuddled up with a guy with long black hair, probably his flavor of the week, and hadn’t noticed King yet. Oh for fuck’s sake. Not now. “This is where I fucking run into you?” King immediately wished he’d kept his fat mouth shut. There were about a hundred reasons why he’d avoided this particular too-perceptive cousin since coming to Vale Valley, and Jonah was a whole new sub-category all on his own. Too late now, though.

  Scott turned and groaned when he saw King. “Please tell me I’m seeing a fucking ghost.”

  “If you couldn’t kill me when we were kids, what the hell makes you think you’re seeing a fucking ghost?” King glared at him. Of course Scott would start in on him like that. He’d always been such a dick.

  “Do you know this person?” the pretty omega with Scott asked.

  Scott rolled his eyes. “Unfortunately. He’s my pain in the ass cousin.”

  “I didn’t know Scott had family in town.”

  “Funny,” Kingston said raising a brow. “One’s been living in town with him this entire time. Although, Katarina’s very distant in blood relation. I’m Scott’s smarter, more attractive cousin.”

  The pretty boy stepped forward, obviously because he had better manners than his date, but Scott grabbed him around his waist and pulled him back.

  “Don’t touch him,” Scott said, his eyes dancing with amusement. Ugh. Scott always was his own biggest fan. “You might get cooties.”

  “Cooties!” King sputtered. “Are you serious? How old are you?”

  “Could you lower your voice? This is a family environment,” Scott whispered, like he was some kind of a good example of how to behave in public. That’ll be the day, Mister “I gotta be in control of shit at all times.”

  “I take it you two don’t get along?” Jonah asked, looking more than a little spooked. Great. Well, there went all hope of King making this into a date now that Scott had gone and shown Jonah how crazy their family was.

  “How could we?” King said, annoyed that his family was getting in the way of his love life again. As usual. “If I told you about all the shit he did to me as a kid it would curl your straight hair.”

  “For fuck sake, stop exaggerating.” The annoyance in Scott’s tone only served to piss King off more.

  “I do not exaggerate, daddy’s boy,” King said, using the old taunting nickname like they were still kids. He turned back to Scott’s date. “If you’re his mate I feel for you, because he’s a total daddy’s boy, and I’m pretty sure he’s secretly stuck at eight years old.” He waved to the pretty boy, since at least he knew how to act like a grown-up instead of talking about cooties. “My name’s Kingston. Everyone except for the control freak standing beside you calls me King. Are you doing some kind of community service program that has you stuck with this loser?”

  “Um…no,” the omega said, although it sounded almost like a question.

  “Says the jackass who runs from every alpha who wants to shake his hand. Why are you here?” Scott narrowed his eyes. “Who did you punch this time?”

  “My boss,” King mumbled. He hated how his family only seemed to see his fuck-ups, and he knew Scott was going to judge him hard, just like everyone else always did.

  “Do I need to bury his body?” Scott growled, and King softened a little. Scott was a control freak and a pain in his ass, but King knew deep down that his cousin was his ride or die. It meant more to him than he’d admit right then.

  “I’m pretty sure he has it taken care of,” Jonah said, even though he still looked confused as hell. King blinked, pleasantly surprised at Jonah backing him up so effortlessly without being asked. He grabbed Jonah’s hand and squeezed it, wishing he could kiss him.

  “Good, it’s comforting to know you paid attention when I taught you how to defend yourself when we were kids,” Scott told him.

  “How can I not? You wouldn’t let me eat until I made you bleed.” King smiled. He wanted to snark about Scott needing credit for everything, but he really had been the best self-defense instructor King had ever had.

  “Damn right I wouldn’t.” Scott smiled looking pleased as fucking punch with himself. King would have rolled his eyes but he didn’t want to give Scott anymore satisfaction than he already had.

  “Okay, I’m so fucking confused,” Pretty Boy said. “I thought you guys hated each other.”

  “I was wondering the same thing,” Jonah said, frowning as he used his free hand to adjust Anya where she was strapped to his chest.

  “Hate is such a strong word,” King interjected.

  “We’re family,” Scott added, and King let himself be pulled into a hug. “It’s good to see you. I’ve been worried about you.”

  “I told you before: I know how to take care of myself,” King said, pulling back from his arms.

  Scott looked from King to Jonah, and then at Anya. “When were you going to tell me you had a kid?”

  “What?” King went cold all over at the thought of having a kid of his own. Hell, he didn’t even have a boyfriend. And wouldn’t ever if Scott didn’t watch his mouth. “Oh, fuck no. Not mine. Nope.”

  “Yeah, no. Mine, though,” Jonah said. “I’m Jonah. And I’m really fucking confused.”

  “Oh, I know you,” Scott’s date said. “You’re opening the new daycare by the lake.”

  Jonah smiled and waved. “I am. And this is Anya, my daughter.”

  “I’ve been meaning to come and see you.” The omega reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. “I’m Quintus Wolfe, from Wolfe Construction. If you need any help I’ll have a couple of my guys come over and help you out.”

  “Oh, that’s great but I can’t pay you. It’s why I’m doing it on my own,” Jonah said taking Quintus’s card. King bit his tongue to keep from offering to pay for it for him. No sense in taking away their excuse for spending time together, after all. Besides, the last thing this evening needed was King showing off how wealthy he was and accidentally finding the one thing that might piss Jonah off.

  “That’s no problem, it will be free of charge on your end. We like to help each other out here in Vale Valley. So give me a call if you need help.”

  “I’ll do that thanks,” Jonah smiled and pocketed the card.

  “Hey kitty, I need to talk with my cousin for a second.” Scott didn’t wait for his guy to respond, he just grabbed King by his shoulders and pulled him aside. They found a nice little spot off to the side, half-hidden by a plant. Not that it would do anything about all the shifters undoubtedly eavesdropping on their conversation.

  “Watch it,” King said, shrugging off Scott’s hands as soon as he could. “Just because you’re the only one I let manhandle me, doesn’t mean you get to do it whenever you get a bug up your ass.”

  “You’re not going to distract me,” Scott said, grabbing King by the shoulders once more and pinning him with his eyes. “What the fuck are you doing? Please tell me you’re not leading this guy on.”

  “The fuck gives you that idea?” King scowled, jerking out of Scott’s grasp again and crossing his arms.

  “Um...the way you look at him and the way he looks at you gives me that fucking idea. Plus, you held his hand.”

  “We barely know each other, and I never held his hand. Stop talking nonsense, Scott,” King said, but couldn’t look Scott in the eye. “I work for him, helping him rehab the house for his daycare. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Do you even know how to use a fucking hammer?” Scott asked, and King barely resisted sticking his tongue out in response.

  “Bite me, Scottland.” Okay, not much more mature, and probably not the best thing to say to a vampire. Oh well.

  Scott stared at him with that freaky way he had that always made King feel like his cousin was looking into his damn soul. “I can tell you’re lying to me and possibly yourself, but I have no cause to judge you.”

  “What do you mean by that?” King tried to think innocent, butter-wouldn’t
-melt thoughts. Just in case Scott had actually learned how to read minds since the last time King had seen him. He’d always had shitty manners and no concept of personal space, after all, and King wouldn’t put it past him to do it if he had the ability. “And don’t tell me you’re actually in trouble, because that would make my fucking decade.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I know how to handle my shit without involving the family.”

  “How is it you get to choose when our nosey relatives get involved, but I’m stuck with every last one of you being convinced it’s your divine purpose to clean up my messes?”

  Scott looked unimpressed. “Do I need to remind you about what happened three years ago?”

  King huffed. “There is no way you can pin that tsunami on me. It was an act of the gods. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and you all need to stop blaming me for it.”

  “Uh-huh.” It didn’t seem like Scott was buying it, which was fair enough. King was pretty sure it actually was his fault. Not that he’d admit that.

  “Whatever.” King waved him off. “Now tell me about your woes, big cousin. Make me feel better that for once I’m not the biggest fuck-up in the family.”

  “I didn’t fuck up anything,” Scott said, looking offended King would think he had. “I know how to control myself.”

  “Oh no, cousin, you don’t get to start this conversation and think you’re just going to walk away from it. Spill.”

  Scott sighed heavily. “I just know what it’s like to deny something that’s right in front of your face. If he’s your mate, claim him. If not, don’t dick around with his feelings. I’m not in the mood to clean up your damn messes. Between you and the Mutt I get tired of cleaning shit up.”

  “Don’t lump me in with him.” King might be a hot mess, but he was worlds better than the glorified family pet. “Besides, according to you I’m still a baby, I’m supposed to get into trouble every now and then.”


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