The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding Page 7

by Crist, J. D.

  "She is right on track for an infant about eight months old," Doc smiled as he closed his folder.

  "But she is only six months old!" Emily exclaimed.

  "I know, but she is growing fast," Doc smiled. "She is perfectly healthy, though, so I don't see any reason for concern."

  "I'll take your word for it, Doc," Emily grinned back. Doc helped Emily secure Hope into the backpack and opened the door.

  "Have a good day, Isabelle," Emily said as she left.

  "You too, Ms. Emily," Isabelle called back.

  Emily walked out the door with Marley and found herself on main street. Across the street, Jessica was busy as usual directing her people to stock the shelves, and the smell of fresh bread flowed in the air. Emily turned to head back to her house but instead went to the construction area. On the backside of the main street, she had permitted the first house to be converted into a church. Most of the town seemed to enjoy church service. Derick had thrown a fit about the work, but his objections never went further than talk.

  Emily smiled as she looked up to the cross that had been secured above the door. Emily opened the door and realized how long it had been since she was here. The entire first floor had been opened up, and pews now filled most of the floor space. Emily walked up the aisle towards a staging area where Father Nathan read a bible at the podium.

  "Looks like everything is just about done," Emily smiled at him.

  "It is," Father Nathan smiled back. "And not a moment too soon. The Lord tested my patience with Derick this past month."

  "If that's the case, he tests me daily." Emily could not help but laugh as she spoke. "Do you have everything you need to get set up?"

  "Almost." Father Thomas looked down at his bible as he spoke. "Robert was a man of science and did not bring a supply of the good book inside. I would like to have more to distribute and to have here during service."

  "I will try to find some on my next time out. I can't promise anything, but I will try."

  "I'm sure the Lord will guide you just as he did when you found Sanctuary."

  "No offense, Father, but if the Lord guided me here, it was a messed up way of doing it." Emily couldn't help the image of Jeff smiling at her that flashed into her mind.

  "I know you have some faith," Father Nathan smiled at her. "But I can see that you are having a bit of crisis."

  "More than a bit these days," Emily smiled back.

  "Would you care to talk about it?" Father Nathan had been trying to get her to open up since he had arrived.

  "This is something that is between the big man and me," Emily replied.

  "I'm sure he is guiding you, but maybe you just need help understanding what he is saying." Father Nathan was not going to give up quickly this time.

  Hope began to squirm on Emily's back, showing that she was either hungry again or needed to be changed. Emily shifted her focus to taking Hope out of the backpack and grabbing a jar of carrots.

  Emily took a seat on one of the pews and began the process of feeding Hope. Marley curled up next to her in the aisle and soon began to snore. Father Nathan smiled and spoke to Hope as she ate. Once the jar was empty, Hope began to rub her eyes.

  "Why not let her take a nap here today?" Father Nathan beamed. "That will give us a chance to talk."

  Emily searched for an excuse to say no but couldn't find one. If Hope didn't lay down as soon as she wanted, the whole town would know she was upset.

  "I'd appreciate it," Emily smiled.

  She took Hope upstairs and laid her down in a playpen that Father Nathan had purchased for nursery school. Marley laid down next to the playpen and resumed his nap. Emily walked back downstairs and found Father Nathan still sitting in the same pew she left him in. Emily sighed and walked over to sit next to him.

  "So, what is troubling you?" Father Nathan asked in his most soothing voice.

  "I have no idea where to start," Emily rolled her eyes as she spoke.

  "Why don't you tell me about Hope's father?"

  "He was a selfish bastard, and the only good thing he ever did was give me Hope."

  "I see, so your marriage was not a happy one?"

  "It was a life of servitude. I gave him everything while he took and still wanted more."

  "That must have been lonely."

  "It's part of the reason my therapist told me to get Marley. I needed emotional support that Chad just couldn't give, at least to me."

  "Well, now, there's more behind that statement." Father Nathan looked at her trying to read the information from her expression.

  "I thought we were trying to save our marriage," Emily began. "I found out the night of the flash that he had already moved on. He had gotten his girlfriend pregnant and was only still pretending with me to get as much as possible out of the divorce."

  "I'm sorry," Father Nathan said in no more than a whisper.

  "You want to know what's worse?" Emily felt tears rolling down her face. "I stayed and tried to repair the relationship because of wedding vows, which meant nothing to him. Even after I knew the truth, I still told my family to pick up his girlfriend to protect her and her baby."

  "Did you know you were pregnant at the time?"

  "No," Emily replied. "I was bitten before we got out away from my house. No one in my family knows that Hope exists."

  "Do you want Chad to know?"

  "No." Emily felt the tears stop as she found no sadness that Chad could not take advantage of Hope.

  "Do you want Hope to know about Chad?"

  "I will tell her the truth about him when she's old enough, but for now, I'm going to tell her as little as possible. I don't want to lie to her, but I don't want to burden her with it either."

  "Does part of you want to find him one day? Perhaps try to repair the relationship for Hope's sake?"

  "Never," Emily replied without hesitation.

  "So, if you are so sure that you would not take him back, why do you stop yourself from pursuing new relationships?"

  Emily remained silent as this was not something she was ready to admit out loud yet.

  "A few months ago, we all thought we were going to see a fairy tale come to life between you and Shawn. That you two had managed to find each other through all of the craziness of this world. However, I get the impression that you are the one who stopped it. Why?"

  "How could you know that?" Emily was confused. Father Nathan had only been Sanctuary a few hours before she had managed to push Shawn away.

  "I see things," he smiled back at her. "Plus, no one in town is shy to talk about it."

  "I can't even consider any new romantic relationships," Emily explained. "I made a vow to Chad on our wedding day. While it may have meant nothing to him, it does to me. I want nothing more than to be free of him but don't know how since divorce is no longer a thing, and I can't be sure if he is alive or dead."

  "I see," Father Nathan smiled as she spoke. "I believe this is why I have felt so drawn to help you."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Your vows were said in a church, yes?"


  "Then in a church is where you can be free of them."

  "I don't understand." Emily looked at him with a puzzled face.

  "A priest listened to your vows and helped you through them. In hearing your story, I believe I can help you free yourself of your vows and move on however you wish."

  "So, what's the plan?" Emily could not hide the skepticism in her voice.

  “I will have to do some praying and see what direction I am led to help you.”

  "I would like to see what you come up with," Emily responded. "I can't promise that it will make me feel free of my vows, but I'm willing to try."

  "I'll get to work on it. I'm heading over to the farm to help, but you feel free to stay as long as you need."

  "Thank you," Emily smiled back as Father Nathan stood to leave.

  Emily sat for a long time, thinking back on everything. She had let go of the anger she felt tow
ards Chad long ago but didn't realize how much it still affected her. Emily didn't move until she heard Hope began to call out from upstairs. After a quick diaper change, her small family headed out of the church and backed out into town. Emily couldn't help but pray that Father Nathan would find a solution to her problem.

  Emily made her way around town, checking in with everyone as she went. Everyone was cheery and told her of the progress they were making. Everyone except for Derick, of course. He complained about the wasted time and materials on the church. Emily let her mind wander as he repeated the same things he had been saying during the project.

  "Are you even listening to me?" Derick asked with frustration in his voice.

  "Of course," Emily smiled back at him. "I felt it was important and will give the people something they need."

  "I think it was a waste of time," Derick sneered.

  "Well, you are welcome to your opinion."

  "We don't have anything else on the books for my crew and me." Derick was done talking about the church, and Emily was relieved. "I was thinking about sending my crew to the farm to work, and I could go help, Cole. I know a little about cars after all."

  "I have another project for you guys," Emily said much faster than she intended to. She knew that sending Derick to help Cole would just end with him breaking the rules against him drinking. It was better to avoid the temptation as much as possible.

  "And what would that be?" Derick seemed to understand what she was doing.

  "I would like to get a few more of the houses finished."

  "Why? We already have so many that are empty."

  "I think ahead, and we have already gotten so many people. I just want to make sure we have more than enough room to grow."

  "Why don't you say what you mean?" Derick scowled at her.

  "Fine, I don't want you working with Cole or around the alcohol." Emily secured the straps on Hope's backpack. She was trying to clarify that this was not the time for them to have another physical altercation.

  "You can't single me out like that." Derick's frustration was building, and Emily knew that she had to shut this down.

  "I'm sorry, Derick, but my decision is final." Emily watched as Derick's face turned red and Marley positioned himself in front of her.

  "Emily, I need you to the COM room." Sarah's voice called out from on the walkie. Emily grabbed the walkie from her waist.

  "I'm on my way," Emily responded and turned to head towards the COM room.

  "This conversation is not over!" Derick called after her.

  "Yes, it is!" Emily called back.

  She was so relieved by Sarah giving her a reason to walk away from Derick that she didn't ask what Sarah needed. Emily walked through the door of the COM building where Sarah was waiting. Emily could hear Margaret talking to someone on a walkie.

  "Do we have another new group coming?" Emily smiled.

  "Margaret is still answering some questions they have, but it looks like a yes." Sarah smiled.

  "Shouldn't we have everyone report?"

  "Not yet. They may not make it until morning. They are at the furthest station."

  "So, this is just a friendly heads up?" Emily smiled at Sarah.

  "That and I saw you were getting ready to fight with Derick, and Hope was on your back."

  "I appreciate it," Emily grinned.

  "You don't want to stay in town after dark," Margaret said to the person on the walkie.

  "You will want to drive straight through and go a couple of miles past before you pull over and rest."

  "Do you have people out here to meet us?"

  "No, we won't meet you until you reach our gate."

  "Then who are these people?" Margaret looked back at Emily.

  Emily and Sarah had turned and were staring back at the radio, trying to process what the voice just said.

  Chapter 7

  Emily ran after Sarah to the radio. She watched as Sarah pressed the button to talk.

  "Those are not our people," Sarah spoke in an urgent voice. "Please turn around for your safety. We can give you an alternate route."

  "They are blocking the road behind us! Please help us!"

  Emily grabbed the walkie from her waist.

  "Shawn and Sam, report to the COM building immediately!" Emily tried to sound calm, but she knew that failed.

  "Are you in danger?" Shawn's voice rang out.

  "I'm safe, but we have an emergency." Emily returned the walkie to her waist. Within moments Shawn and Sam burst into the building.

  "Are you still there," Sarah was saying to the radio. The silence was the only response that she received.

  "What's going on?" Shawn asked.

  "Margaret was guiding in a new group and they were ambushed in town,” Emily answered.

  "Ambushed by who?" Sam asked.

  "We don't know." Emily was removing Hope from the back as she spoke. "They said they couldn't turn around because they were blocked in and then went silent."

  "Please respond!" Sarah pleaded into the radio.

  "No need to be pushy, Love," a voice responded. Emily felt the rage want to explode out of her as he spoke.

  "Your friends are safe. If you just tell us where to find you, we would be glad to bring you into our community. Based on your voice, you would be very welcome."

  Emily motioned for Sarah to step back from the radio and handed Hope to her. Emily stepped up to the radio and stared at the walkie button for a moment.

  "Are you still there, Love?" the voice rang out again. Emily steadied herself as she pressed the button.

  "I told you that I will never be yours," Emily replied before releasing the button. She didn't turn around but could feel the confusion on everyone's face. "Do the smart move here, Jeff. Let those people go, and we won't have to come and get them."

  "I know that voice. Is that you, Love? Tell me, was it a boy or a girl?" Emily could see the twisted smile on Jeff's face in her mind as he spoke.

  "We are not going to talk about that," Emily replied. "We promised those people safety, and you are going to let them go."

  "I don't think so, Love. But I'll tell you what, I would be willing to trade all of them for you. What do you say, Love? Are you ready to come home?"

  "I am home," Emily replied. "Let those people go, Jeff!" Emily sounded forceful as she spoke.

  "Come and get them." With that, the walkie went quiet.

  Emily slammed her hand on the table that the radio sat on. She knew that Jeff was still out there, but she prayed they would never cross paths again. Emily finally calmed herself to turn and face her friends.

  "Was that the leader of the rape gang?" Sarah asked.

  "Yeah, it turns out he's still an asshole." Emily could feel her anger radiating off of her. "I have to go get those people."

  "No," Shawn finally spoke. "I'll gather some volunteers, and we will go get them. He's looking for you, which means you stay here."

  "There's no time to fight about this," Emily replied. "I'm going, and I am leaving in ten minutes. Find volunteers if you want, but I'm going either way."

  "Fuck!" Shawn yelled as he went out the door.

  "Are you sure about this?" Sam asked.

  "I'm positive," Emily stated. "Sarah, could you take Hope to Julia's and let her know what's going on?"

  "I've got it," Sarah answered.

  "Margaret, how many were in the group?"

  "Ten," Margaret replied. "Three of them are children under ten." Emily nodded and turned back to Sarah.

  "I'll see you later, baby girl. I love you." Emily kissed Hope on the head and headed for the door.

  Marley followed her as she made her way to the armory. Emily opened her locker and grabbed her backpack. She took the walkie from her waist and tossed it into the bag next to a couple of bottles of water and protein bars. She slid the bag on her back as Shawn entered the armory, followed by Sam, Jacob, Cole, Aleki, and Jose. No one spoke but headed straight to their lockers to start the same process
as her. Emily slid the knife she stole from Jeff onto her waist and grabbed her crowbar.

  "We may need to risk the noise; take this." Emily turned and took the shotgun that Shawn was handing her. "Put a few extra shells in your pocket and the rest in the side pocket of your backpack for easy access."


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