The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding Page 27

by Crist, J. D.

  "That's not good enough!" one of the men yelled.

  "That's the best I can do," Emily said. "Sam, please escort the men back to their section."

  "You think he's going to force us all through that door?!" a different man yelled.

  Marley had grown tired of how the men were talking to Emily. Marley stepped forward and bared his teeth at the men. Emily watched as Marley continued to snap and herded the men back through the door. Sam closed and locked the door once they were through.

  Emily then walked with Sam and Marley out and locked the door to the women's area behind them. Marley didn't relax until they had walked back through the gate.

  "I'm going to meet with the new arrivals," Emily said to Sam. "Once that is done, I will meet with the council to do the final set of interviews."

  "Good luck," Sam said as Emily continued up the street with Marley.

  Emily could see that there was a group forming on the street in front of her house. First, Emily pulled the host families aside and talked to them about the new arrivals. The host families had seen nothing that concerned them and expressed that they would feel comfortable with the latest arrivals joining Sanctuary. Emily then approached the new arrivals and waited as they each told her their decision. All of them had decided to stay, and soon the ledger was being passed around. Emily had assigned them a place to live but didn't have time to walk them all to their homes with the remaining interviews. Instead, she handed the list to Isabelle and asked her to show them to their homes. Emily told everyone that she would be meeting with them as soon as possible to assign them a job.

  Emily made it back to the conference room just as Shawn and Sam walked through the door with one of the women. The woman was still agitated and stood glaring at Emily while Shawn and Sam took their seats.

  "So, what makes me a possible threat," the woman asked.

  "Several individuals have identified you as a "wife leader," Emily replied. "Tell us about that."

  "I did what I had to in order to survive," the woman replied casually. "You see me as a threat because I'm a survivor?"

  "Is it true that you prepared and coached young girls on how to please the husbands?" Julia spoke next.

  "Yes," the woman replied without hesitation. "Better them than me."

  Everyone turned to look at Julia as the sound of her pencil snapping filled the room. Emily could tell that Julia wanted to do more than break her pencil at that moment.

  "You would do the same thing," the woman smiled. "I don't regret what I did, and I would gladly do it again."

  "That's enough," Shawn said as he stood and took the woman by the arm.

  Sam stood and followed Shawn out to get the next person. The interviews only got worse. Some women claimed that what they did was a talent and tried to see if they could do the same work in Sanctuary. The men were worse as they admitted what they did and even requested access to the girls. Shawn grew rougher and rougher as he escorted each of the men from the room.

  "These people are sick!" Julia exclaimed as soon as the interviews were over.

  "Sick implies that I could help," Doc replied. "There is no helping these people."

  "Does anyone think that any of these people can be saved?" Emily asked the table.

  Everyone remained silent, and Emily knew that they all agreed with her.

  "They can't stay here," Julia spoke.

  "You know what that means?" Emily asked.

  "Yes," Julia replied.

  Emily looked around to see everyone nodding.

  "You all agree that these people can not continue to live in this world?" Emily asked to be sure.

  "My daughter is not growing up with those sick fucks," Cole spoke through his clenched teeth.

  "We will take them outside the wall tonight and carry out their sentence," Emily said as she closed her notebook. "I will carry it out personally."

  "We all agree and will help you," Shawn said, looking around the table.

  "I can't ask you to do that," Emily replied, shaking her head.

  "You didn't," Doc spoke. "Don't get me wrong, I don't think I can help, but if others can, it would be best. Imagine having to be the last one in line waiting while eleven other people are shot in the head for your turn. That makes us just as cruel as them."

  "I won't ask anyone to help," Emily spoke.

  "But those who want to volunteer can meet me at the gate after dark."

  Emily stood without looking back and left the room. Emily made her way to June's house and picked up Hope. Emily spoke to no one as she made her way back to the house and fed Hope dinner. They had just finished eating when Emily heard the front door open and close.

  "Ladies?" Shawn's voice bellowed through the house.

  "Kitchen!" Emily called back to him.

  Emily was finishing the dishes as Shawn entered.

  "I just wanted to talk to you a little bit more about tonight," Shawn said as he sat down by Hope.

  "Not in front of her," Emily smiled at Hope.

  Shawn picked up Hope from the high chair and held her in his lap.

  "Is she going to a babysitter tonight?" Shawn asked.

  "It won't take long. She can sleep in her bed, and I will take the monitor with me," Emily replied.

  "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Shawn asked with concern. "We have quite a few new people, and I'm not sure they can be trusted that much."

  "I thought you agreed they were innocent?" Emily said as she dried her hands with a towel.

  "I did, but…." Shawn tickled Hope and didn't finish his sentence.

  "I will ask Doc to sit with her while we are gone," Emily smiled.

  "Would it be bad if I already did?" Shawn slunk down like he was afraid Emily would hit him. "He should be here in a few minutes."

  "Good," Emily smiled. "You can explain to him how you pick up Hope when you are still on lifting a restriction."

  "Shit!" Shawn exclaimed as he realized what he had done. "I didn't think!"

  "Give me the baby," Emily said as she took Hope from Shawn. "Please don't learn to say that word."

  "Great, now I'm teaching a baby to cuss," Shawn said covering his mouth.

  "I do it sometimes, too," Emily smiled. "Don't worry about it."

  "Are you still going to tell Doc on me?" Shawn asked.

  "Not this time, but next time I will sing like a canary!" Emily laughed.

  "Deal," Shawn smiled.

  "I better get her laid down before he gets here," Emily said as she turned and headed upstairs.

  Emily found Doc and Shawn waiting for her when she returned downstairs with Marley.

  "I'm sorry I can't help tonight," Doc said as soon as he saw Emily.

  "There's nothing to be sorry for," Emily replied with a smile.

  "I tried to tell him," Shawn said from behind Doc.

  "Thank you for sitting with Hope while we do this."

  "It's my pleasure," Doc said.

  Emily walked out the door with Shawn and felt the reality of what they were about to do hanging heavy in the air. Shawn grabbed Emily by the hand and led her to the armory. Emily stopped to look at everyone that had gathered. Cole, Sam, Howard, and Jacob were waiting for them.

  "Are you all sure you are up to this?" Emily asked as they handed her a handgun.

  "Let's get this done," Jacob said as he slid his handgun into the waistband on his jeans.

  Emily turned and walked with all of them to the quarantine area. Emily helped the men as they secured the remaining people in zip-ties and escorted them outside the wall.

  "Are you letting us go?" one of the women looked up with pleading in her eyes.

  "You all have been convicted of unforgivable crimes against the living," Emily said as professionally as she could.

  "For these crimes, you have been sentenced to death."

  Emily pulled her handgun from her waist and saw that the others did the same.

  "You can't do this!" one of the men yelled.

  "We are people, no
t zombies!"

  "Which means you had no excuse," Jacob said as he aimed his gun at the men.

  "May God has mercy on your souls," Emily said.

  Immediately, each of them fired two rounds, and the twelve people dropped to the ground lifeless. Emily lowered her weapon and tried hard to keep her composure. While she had killed many zombies and Jeff, this felt different. The guys lowered their guns, immediately dragged the corpses up the road, and put them in a pile. Emily felt herself move and help. Once all of the bodies were stacked, they burned them.

  Emily walked back through the gate with everyone and back to the armory once the gate was shut. No one spoke as they each returned their weapons and headed back into town. They walked up the road together and broke apart in silence as each of them headed home. Emily walked into her house with Shawn and shut the door.

  "Is it done?" Doc asked as he stood up.

  "It is," Emily replied, feeling exhausted.

  "She didn't make a noise," Doc said, trying to change the topic.

  "Thanks, Doc," Emily smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow."

  Doc took the opportunity to leave without hesitation. Emily made her way upstairs and could hear Shawn behind her.

  "Would you like me to get Marley?" Shawn asked as they reached the top.

  "Not yet," Emily replied as she turned and headed into the bedroom.

  Emily sat down on the edge of the bed and dropped her head into her hands. Shawn sat down beside her and wrapped his arm around her. Emily expected herself to cry, but no tears came. Instead, she felt exhausted.

  "I don't want to ask if you are okay," Shawn spoke.

  "I appreciate that," Emily said as she lifted her head. "I'm not so that you know."

  "I know," Shawn replied as he pulled her closer. "That's part of what makes you amazing."

  "The fact that I feel like shit for killing child molesters, rapists, and essentially pimps makes me an amazing person?" Emily looked up at Shawn with confusion.

  "Yes," Shawn smiled down at her. "You did what you had to in order to keep everyone safe. But you still allow yourself to feel the emotion of taking a human life."

  "I still don't understand," Emily stared back at him.

  "Taking a life shouldn't be easy," Shawn explained. "It's the fact that in this world you manage to hang on to your humanity that makes you amazing."

  Emily leaned her head against Shawn and closed her eyes. He held her tight and allowed her to sit in silence for a long time.

  "We should get to bed," Shawn finally spoke.

  Emily nodded as she stood and grabbed her pajamas. Emily came out of the bathroom to see Shawn and Marley were waiting for her. Emily crawled into the bed and Shawn's arms. Emily laid her head on Shawn's chest as he held her. Emily felt Marley jump up on the bed behind her and lay down. Emily closed her eyes and saw an image of each person's face who died that night.

  Chapter 25

  It had been a week since everything had happened with Jeff, and things were beginning to feel normal at Sanctuary. Everyone contributed, and Hope's birthday party was planned. June was right that no one wanted a small event. All of the new arrivals had settled into their new jobs and were blending into Sanctuary seamlessly. Shawn had continued to stay at Emily's each night and it had not gone unnoticed. While they did only sleep, it didn't stop the rumors from flying.

  Emily and Shawn walked down the main street, hand in hand, while Marley and Hope walked ahead of them. It seemed like Hope was growing more every day. Her steps were very steady, and she was saying new words every day. Emily smiled as she watched Hope walk up the street like she owned the place.

  "Are you ready for her party tonight?" Shawn asked beside her.

  "I was thinking about postponing," Emily replied as she waved at Hope, who had turned to look at them.

  "Postponing the party won't keep her from growing up, you know?" Shawn smiled at her.

  "You just have to kill my dreams, don't you?" Emily pretended to be flustered.

  "That's me," Shawn laughed. "Killer of dreams."

  "Good morning, you two," Julia said as she walked towards them. "I was wondering if I could steal away Emily and Hope to get their opinion on the cake for tonight?"

  "I need to go get a report on the wall for last night," Shawn smiled as he let go of her hand. "I will catch up with you guys later."

  "Hope, do you want to see your birthday cake?" Emily asked Hope as Shawn walked away.

  "Cake!" Hope squealed. "Yes, cake!"

  Julia laughed as she turned towards the bakery with Hope running behind her. Emily shook her head and followed with Marley. Emily walked into the bakery and could not help but gasp at the cake that was sitting out. It was four tiers with pink and white trim.

  "You don't think it's a bit much?" Emily asked as she picked up Hope.

  "Not at all," Julia smiled. "We have a lot of people to feed tonight."

  "You're the expert," Emily laughed.

  "Cake!" Hope clapped next to her.

  "I also made a small cake just for her," Julia smiled.

  "It looks amazing," Emily smiled. "It's more than I could have imagined."

  "Speaking of imagination," Julia looked at her slyly. "You two are living together now?"

  "Not exactly," Emily replied shyly. "We are taking it slow."

  "I don't think you know how slow works," Julia teased.

  "It's not like that," Emily insisted. "I had to make sure he would rest and …."

  "Yeah…" Julia encouraged her to continue.

  "I honestly didn't want to be alone after everything," Emily admitted.

  "So… you're telling me that you just sleep?" Julia asked.

  "Yes," Emily laughed.

  "If you say so," Julia smiled. "Oh, don't forget we have the town picture at noon. Jessica asked me to remind you."

  "Well, I think we can make it," Emily replied, looking at Hope.

  Emily waved goodbye to Julia and headed back out to the street with Hope.

  "Do you have a moment?" Jose asked as the door to the bakery closed behind her.

  "Of course," Emily replied as she turned to him.

  "We officially have the town hall done, and I wanted to get your approval."

  "Lead the way," Emily said as she motioned up the street.

  Emily followed Jose into what used to be a building with nothing but offices; what they were for, she wasn't sure. Now a sign hung above the door that read "Town Hall." Emily walked through the door and gasped at the sight around her. The area was opened up in the front. There was a long table on a small risen portion of the floor at the far end with enough tables for everyone in the council. There were several rows of chairs between the table and the door. Emily followed Jose through a door on the left and looked around at a large office.

  "Sarah says she can set you up a computer terminal here so that you can work," Jose explained.

  "This is perfect," Emily said as she looked around. "It is exactly what we needed."

  "I'm glad you like it," Jose smiled. "I did have a suggestion for what we should do next."

  "I would be glad to hear it," Emily smiled.

  "Cole is still working out of that one car makeshift garage. I would like to recycle one of the houses that are just framed into a full garage."

  "I agree," Emily smiled. "He needs an official workspace, especially with me assigning him another mechanic to help out."

  "We will get started on it right away," Jose nodded. "It will take us quite a bit longer than this, but we can do it."

  "We will also work on getting him more supplies to make sure he has everything he needs."

  "I'm sure he will be thrilled," Jose smiled.

  "I'm going to get ready for the picture. I think Derick is hovering to talk to you."

  Emily looked back and could see Derick peaking through the open door. Emily knew he was probably wanting to make sure she was going to hold to her promise. On Halloween, she had told him that if he didn't break any rules, she wo
uld allow him a small drink on Hope's birthday. Emily watched as Jose headed out and motioned for Derick to come in.

  "I didn't mean to interrupt," Derick said as he walked towards her.

  "You didn't," Emily smiled. "What can I do for you?"

  "I have done as you asked," Derick started.


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