Finding Home Again (Catalina Cove)

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Finding Home Again (Catalina Cove) Page 20

by Brenda Jackson

  Then he was entering his bedroom and placing her on the bed. Instead of taking off her clothes, he stood back and stared at her. “Ten times, Bryce.”

  She looked up at him, confused. “Excuse me?”

  “We’ve been apart ten years, so do you know what that means?” he asked her, holding her gaze intently.

  She shook her head. “No.” She watched as he slowly stepped out of his moccasins.

  “That means an orgasm for every year we’ve been apart. That’s what I want, Bryce.”

  She blinked, thinking he definitely wanted a lot. “Over a period of when?” she asked.

  “How I’m feeling now, I would have to say a few hours,” he responded.

  She had to keep her mouth from dropping open. Had he forgotten that she was a one-orgasm-a-night girl? And with Marcel she’d even faked it a few times.

  “Not sure I can accommodate you, Kaegan.”

  He smiled and that dimple in his chin nearly made her moan. “It’s not about you accommodating me, Bryce. It’s all about me accommodating you. It’s not about me telling you what I want for myself, but me telling you what you’ll be getting.”

  Bryce stared at him as he removed his shirt, thinking of the result of what he was alluding to. A lot of sore muscles. She figured now was the time she needed to speak up, to make something clear to him. “News flash. I need to be able to walk out of here, Kaegan.”

  He shook his head as he began easing his jeans down muscular legs. “No, you don’t. I will carry you.”


  KAEGAN WISHED HE could kiss that shocked look right off Bryce’s face. It was obvious that, over the years, while his level of sexual experience had increased, hers had not. After they’d broken up, he had bedded a number of women to ease his pain and to try to make him forget she’d ever existed. When he’d found that impossible to do, he’d settled down to just bedding women whenever he needed to relieve primitive urges.

  The women knew what to expect and what not to expect, and the one thing they understood was that love and forever were not in the picture. Since returning to the cove, the women he’d bedded weren’t bothered by his lack of commitment because they weren’t looking for love and forever any more than he was.

  Bryce wasn’t saying anything, and he could just imagine what she was thinking. He figured he needed to address her fears...on more than one level. He was naked and she was staring at him below the waist like he’d exposed something she hadn’t seen before, when she had. Several times. However, he would admit it had grown in size. He was no longer in his early twenties and a lot of changes had taken place in his body since then.


  She slowly tore her gaze away from his groin area to look up at him. Was she too shocked to speak? He found out that wasn’t the case when she suddenly exclaimed, “What happened? You weren’t that big.”

  Kaegan would have rolled over in laughter if the expression on Bryce’s face wasn’t totally serious. Now he had two things to address to calm her fears before they could move forward. When he moved toward the bed, she actually backed up a little. The last thing he wanted was for her to be afraid of him or think his size would physically harm her in any way.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he said, “First of all, we don’t have to make love ten times for you to enjoy ten orgasms.”

  She tilted her head like she didn’t totally agree with him on that, and that was fine. Those would have to be one of those I-will-just-have-to-show-you moments. “And as far as my size...”

  “Yes?” she asked, leaning closer as if whatever explanation he gave her was something she just had to hear.

  “Most guys reach their full penis size by the time they’re twenty-one or twenty-two. However, a man’s penis size is determined by his genes.”


  “In case you’re worried about anything, just keep in mind that size doesn’t matter because a woman’s body is built to adjust.”

  She tilted her head and frowned at him. “Says who?”

  “Says experience.”

  He saw a flash of something that appeared in her eyes and recognized it for what it was. Something else they needed to address. The thought of him sleeping with other women was something she had to get beyond, like the thought of other men sharing her body was something he had to deal with and accept, as well. For them the important thing was not what happened during the ten years they were apart, but what was happening now.



  “Like I told you, I didn’t sleep with that woman you saw me with that night at the club. I did go back to her place, and although I was angry and hurt, I couldn’t do it. However, there have been other women I’ve used to ease the pain of losing you.”

  She glared at him. “You used them?”

  “I didn’t mean to insinuate I took advantage of them, Bryce,” he said. The last thing he wanted her to think was that he’d become a selfish bastard over the years. “Any woman I slept with knew up front that I wasn’t in the market for a serious relationship of any kind.”

  She nodded and then said, “And the guys I slept with knew that I the market for a serious relationship. I honestly thought they were serious relationships, but evidently they weren’t serious enough.”

  He wasn’t going to ask her what happened, because he honestly didn’t want to know. All he cared about was that she was not involved with anyone now and that tonight she was in his bed and he would be the one to make love to her.

  “Now getting back to my size, will you believe that I won’t hurt you, Bryce?”

  He wondered if she recalled that was the same question he’d asked her the very first time they’d made love on Eagle Bend Inlet. They’d been young and inexperienced. He had refused to physically hurt her then and wouldn’t do so now.

  The smile that appeared on her face at that moment let him know she had remembered. “After all this time I’d think you would have come up with a better line by now, Kaegan.”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle. “You think? But seriously, I won’t hurt you.”

  She nodded and then said, “I think we do need to get an understanding, though. About this. I want you tonight, Kaegan. I need you tonight. However, I don’t intend for it to happen again.”

  He reached out and cupped his hand at the back of her neck. “Then it will be up to me to make sure you’ll want it to happen again.”

  He saw the mutinous look in her eyes—eyes that would always be beautiful to him. Deciding they’d talked long enough, he leaned in and captured her mouth with his.

  * * *

  BRYCE FIGURED SHE hadn’t made things absolutely clear to Kaegan—that tonight would be all they would have together. Regardless of what he might assume, there could not be a repeat of this. With that thought firmly embedded in her mind, she concentrated on the kiss he was plying to her mouth.

  Leaning in and wrapping her arms around his neck, she molded herself to him, wanting to feel as much of his naked masculine body as she could. She was the one still wearing clothes. He was not. Bryce knew the moment his hand touched her thigh to slowly raise up her skirt. Air fanned her thighs and she knew he was about to remove her clothes, as well.

  She was so into the way he was kissing her that she hadn’t been aware he was removing her blouse until he suddenly broke off the kiss to tug it over her head. Then his mouth was back, taking hers and using his tongue to masterfully stroke the insides of her mouth. She moaned and tried to participate by twirling her tongue around his and sucking on his the way he was sucking on hers.

  She was convinced that nobody kissed as well as Kaegan. Nobody could make her moan this way, make her body ache and want something it really shouldn’t have. Ten years without him and dealing with men who weren’t even second best was driving her over the edge. When s
he felt air touch her breasts, she knew he’d removed her bra.

  “Wow, Bryce. Would you like to explain these babies?” he asked, reaching out and cupping her breasts in his hands and staring down at them with amazement in his eyes.

  “In case you’re wondering, yes, they are the real thing, and I guess like what happened with you, it’s a genes thing.”

  “And one I definitely like,” he said, running his fingertips over the hardened nipples. When he did so, she felt a pull between her legs.

  “And if they’re bigger that means they are sweeter. Only one way to find out.” He then buried his head to her chest and captured a nipple between his lips.


  He didn’t seem bothered by her calling him that. It was what she’d called him whenever they’d made love in the past. He’d always been K-Gee. Another reason that he hadn’t reacted was because he was too busy licking her breasts and driving her insane in the process. He moved from one breast to the other and she could feel the area between her legs throb. The magnitude of sensations made her shudder all over, and she reached out to run her fingers through the silky strands of his hair and hold his head to her breasts.

  Suddenly, the area between her legs began throbbing with an intensity that had her moaning. As if he’d suspected such a thing would happen, his mouth latched even more firmly to her nipple and he began sucking with imposing need.


  And then she threw back her head and closed her eyes as a multitude of sensations swept through her and all around her. She was having an orgasm just from him sucking her nipples. That had never happened to her before but she would admit he’d done some things with his tongue that he’d never done before. She wasn’t sure if she could handle this new Kaegan. She’d been satisfied with him all those years before, but it seemed he was determined to make up for lost time.

  “Now for the rest of your clothes,” he said, leaning back to slide the skirt off her body and reveal a pair of black lace undies that matched the bra she’d been wearing. “You’re one sexy lady, Bryce Witherspoon.”

  He leaned in and took her mouth again.

  * * *

  KAEGAN LOVED KISSING BRYCE. Whether she knew it or not, that orgasm was just the beginning. Like he’d told her, there was another way to ten orgasms instead of one at a time. One benefit to joining the marines and being around a lot of guys 24/7 was that some men liked talking about sex, especially their conquests. Another thing they liked to do was share tips on pleasuring your woman.

  What Bryce didn’t know and what he didn’t intend to boast about was that, over the years, he’d become the MOM, the Master of Multiples. The key was to not only concentrate on your partner’s G-spot, but also to know how to pleasure it, which some men failed to do because they couldn’t hold back on their own pleasure. He didn’t have that issue because whenever he’d made love to Bryce, her pleasure had always been more important than his own. Making sure a woman got hers before he got his was second nature to him.

  Now that she’d had her first, it was on to the second. Already, she was pretty wound up and she greedily returned his kisses, lick for lick, stroke for stroke. Her tongue was tangling with his and she was feasting on his mouth with a hunger that astounded him. That made him wonder when the last time she’d been fully pleasured by a man had been.

  She’d admitted she needed this tonight. Did she not know that she might be needing it tomorrow night and the next night, as well? Did she honestly think this could be one-and-done? He would let her discover on her own that when it came to them making love, there was no such thing as one-and-done.

  He pulled back from the kiss and looked into her eyes. They were hazy with desire and he loved seeing them that way. The sight gave him even more of a boner. He lowered his hand to the juncture of her thighs and gently began stroking her there while watching the look in her eyes fill with even more desire.

  “What are you doing to me, K-Gee?”

  Instead of answering, he asked a question of his own. “What do you think I’m doing?”

  He inserted a finger inside of her and she moaned. He liked the sound. “Torturing me. Trying to drive me crazy,” she said on a ragged breath.

  “None of those things. What did I tell you about multiple choices?” He’d given her the rule when she’d been studying for her exam.

  “That I need to concentrate on what feels right.”

  He was glad she remembered. “Yes, and tonight it’s all about feelings.”

  Kaegan grazed his lips across her chin, moved to the corner of her lips and then licked across her entire mouth. He did all those things while his fingers were busy at work inside of her. Maybe he should have told her he was a master at multitasking, as well. He knew the location of her G-spot and planned to deliberately drive her insane to the point where she would want to make love to him again.

  From the sounds she was making, she was enjoying his form of foreplay. The best was yet to come. He intended to make her initiation back into their brand of lovemaking so pleasurable that she would barely be able to stand it. Torture? No. Drive her crazy? No. However, he did intend to drive her over the edge time and time again.

  When her moans became louder, more intense, he knew he’d located her spot, but hadn’t realized now just what a passionate woman Bryce was. Years ago he’d been too young and inexperienced to know much about G-spots, a woman’s clitoris and the wide wonders of oral sex. Now he did. More than anything, he wanted their first time back together to be so memorable that she would think about it even when she didn’t want to.


  She screamed his name when another orgasm hit her, and he was okay with that. He didn’t have neighbors for miles. This was the first time any woman had slept in his bed and had spent the night in his house, and he had every intention of convincing Bryce to stay overnight.

  “K-Gee,” she said, this time in a whisper. A satisfied awe filled her face. And then, as if even saying his name had zapped every ounce of strength from her body, she collapsed back on the bed, closed her eyes and tried regulating her breathing.

  Removing his finger from inside her, he slid onto the bed to lie beside her. “You okay?”

  As if it took all the strength she had, she slowly reopened her eyes, stared at him and smiled. “You are wrong on so many levels, Kaegan.”

  He reached out to wrap her in his arms. Now they were both naked. “How so?”

  “You have turned into a bad boy.”

  His smile widened. “Bad boy? You think so?”


  He leaned up to loom over her and said, “Baby, you haven’t seen anything yet.” And then he eased down her body and began planting kisses all over her belly.


  BRYCE WAS CONVINCED Kaegan was trying to kill her and she was dying a slow, passionate death. Sad thing about it was she couldn’t do anything about it. She didn’t want to do anything about it. Not with the way his tongue was licking around her navel and sending all kinds of erotic feelings throughout her.

  She closed her eyes. Her entire nervous system was going on a wild race and was taking her heart right along with it. All this was new to her—the sensations of a magnitude she’d never felt before. He was touching her in places other men never touched and making her realize that, with him, even the sky wasn’t the limit. He intended to take her to the furthest hemisphere and back.


  She opened her eyes and stared down at him. He was lying sprawled between her spread legs. She remembered other times she’d been in this position with him and knew what always came next. She didn’t know how but she was ready. She should be drained, completely exhausted, after having two orgasms in less than an hour.


  “I want to reacquaint myself with your taste.”

  In other
words, he wanted to drive her mad yet again. She knew what he was saying and already her body was responding to the very thought. Hadn’t she had enough? And why was he intent on just giving her pleasure without seeking his own?

  “May I?”

  That was the one thing he’d never done, which was to assume he had more control over her body than she had. He would always remind her that it was her body and he could only do what she allowed him to do, so he always asked. “Yes.” And then she closed her eyes to get the full effect.

  She felt the way he was nibbling along her inner legs and licking his way upward, and knew the exact moment he’d reached his intended target. When she felt the silken strands of his hair brush across her inner thighs, she knew his head was between her legs. Suddenly, a hot tongue slid inside her womanly folds at the same moment his hands began slowly skimming along her hips.

  Sexual excitement started circling around her insides as he began licking around her clitoris, driving to the point where she reached down to grab a fistful of his hair. That didn’t deter him one bit. He continued making a feast of her and she was convinced he had the ability to grow his tongue to an extraordinary length. Kaegan began moving his tongue in a way that sent pleasurable shock waves through her, making her move her body when she couldn’t keep still.

  He gripped her hips to slow down her movements, and when he did, his tongue became even more aggressive, causing a relentless throb deep inside of her. Over and over, his tongue pushed her toward the edge, then snatched her back before she could free-fall. Over the years he’d acquired several stellar techniques and plenty of sinfully erotic skills that he was using on her. In response, her body was emitting hot sparks.

  Suddenly her pulse kicked. Ragged heat invaded her entire being. A rush of desire rocked through her veins. She tried to hold back but couldn’t and lifted her hips off the bed to shove the lower part of her body closer to his mouth. Then it happened. Shock wave after shock wave tore into her and she began shivering all over as she convulsed with sensuous energy that kept slamming into her.


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