Finding Home Again (Catalina Cove)

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Finding Home Again (Catalina Cove) Page 22

by Brenda Jackson

  Willa nodded with a big smile. “Yes. Last week he hired Bryce to handle all his real-estate business since she passed that exam. Once his business in Boston is over, I can see him extending his time in Boston and not hurrying back here before Monday. He honestly has no reason to do so.”

  “I think it will be great if they get back together. It’s time for him to settle down and they have such a long history. I hope things work out with them.”

  “Yes, I do, too.”

  Unknown to Willa and Faith, a man sitting at the table beside theirs had overheard their conversation. Jeremy’s jaw tightened in anger. It sounded like Bryce was getting back with her old boyfriend. Had she merely been taking up his time while on the rebound? When he had called her, she’d made it seem as if she would be too busy for him. Obviously, she wasn’t too busy for her ex. He’d honestly thought she was someone he could begin spending time with and now he saw she was no different from the others.

  The woman had referred to the man as Kaegan. It shouldn’t be hard to find out all he needed to know about the guy. He then recalled something else one of the women had said. Bryce and this Kaegan had no reason to hurry back home before Monday.

  A smile touched Jeremy’s lips. Maybe he needed to give them a reason.


  “I THINK THE meeting went well. Don’t you?”

  Bryce glanced across the dinner table and met Kaegan’s gaze. “Yes, it did, and was certainly informative.”

  He nodded. “What about Eric Tolbert?”

  She shrugged. “I’m sure you noticed that he and I butted heads a few times.”

  Kaegan chuckled. “Yes, I noticed. I guess he had no idea who he was messing with.”

  “I tried maintaining my professionalism,” she said.

  “And you did but he was being an ass. You won’t have to be concerned with him after today. I intend to inform him that we won’t need his services any longer.”

  “You don’t have to do that on my account. I could have handled him.”

  “Yes, but there was no reason for you to have to. I know your worth. It was up to him to prove his and he didn’t. End of story. Besides, it appears you were just as knowledgeable as he was. I don’t think he liked that too much.”

  Bryce honestly didn’t know what the man’s problem was, but was glad Kaegan had picked up on the fact he had one. She’d gone toe-to-toe with her brothers often enough while growing up, and like she’d told Kaegan, she could have handled the man. He’d acted like he felt threatened by the fact she was a woman. She had detected how things would probably go down when he kept saying he’d assumed she was a man. After that, he hadn’t hid his disappointment in finding out that she wasn’t.

  She had gotten through the meeting concentrating less on Eric and more on Kaegan. He’d snagged her attention the moment he’d taken off his jacket. She’d seen his massive shoulders flex beneath his white dress shirt and how good his tapered lean thighs looked in a pair of dress slacks. She was used to seeing him in jeans, so seeing Kaegan in something other than that had captured her interest. The same thing had happened the night of the charity dance.

  It didn’t take much to recall those same shoulders and thighs, naked and pressed against the length of her body last week. More than once, she had to stifle a groan at the memory of how he’d given her those orgasms. Even with all those thoughts running through her mind, she’d stayed alert and was able to answer any questions asked and was able to provide in-depth information about any location upon request. Tomorrow they would be visiting the three properties that she had recommended.

  “Would you like any dessert?” Kaegan asked her.

  “No, thank you.”

  What she wanted to do was go to the hotel and up to her room. The more she was in Kaegan’s presence, the more her body was beginning to ache with remembered passion, causing a shameful magnetism that was liable to get out of control if she wasn’t careful. It had helped somewhat when Eric had been with them. Now it was just the two of them and it was causing spikes of heat to invade several parts of her body...especially the nipples of her breasts. It didn’t take much to remember his mouth on them.

  “Are you ready to leave?”

  She glanced over at him. He’d asked her a question and was looking at her, expecting an answer. However, the moment she looked into his eyes, it was as if she was incapable of speech. Instead her mind latched on to the darkness of his eyes—eyes belonging to a hot-blooded male. A man with the ability to give her pleasure like none other. A man who could work up a sexual hunger inside of her without much effort.

  When she didn’t say anything, he asked, “Bryce? Are you okay?”

  She snapped back to reality and said, “I’m fine. Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.” She was glad he merely nodded and didn’t inquire just where that elsewhere was. “And, yes, I’m ready to go.”

  By the time they’d reached the hotel, she was a heated mess. Riding with him in the car had provided an intimate setting as the driver whisked them through the Boston streets. It wasn’t far, yet the ride seemed to take forever. She wasn’t sure what was more intoxicating—the scent of his cologne or his hair, unbound and hanging wildly around his shoulders.

  When they reached the hotel lobby, she knew she had to part ways with him and quickly. Once she got to her room, she would soak in a bathtub of bubbles before going to bed. They wouldn’t be leaving the hotel until noon to tour those other locations. That would give her time to sleep late. If he called to invite her to breakfast, she would decline.

  When they headed toward the elevator, she figured now was the time to spare him that call. “I plan to sleep late tomorrow and will probably grab a late breakfast.”

  He nodded as he walked beside her. She tried ignoring just how in sync their movements were. “Those are my plans, as well,” he replied smoothly as they stepped on the elevator.

  She noticed he’d pushed the button for her floor, but not his own. She then wondered how he’d known where her hotel room was located when she hadn’t told him. But then, his company had made all the reservations, so him knowing shouldn’t surprise her.

  She figured he was being a gentleman and was walking her to her room. That wasn’t necessary but she thought it was nice of him to do so regardless. Moments later they stepped out of the elevator onto the thirtieth floor and he walked silently beside her. More than once, his thigh brushed against hers and caused a heated rush to flow through her. She needed to get to her room and fast.

  She stopped in front of her room and then said, “This is my room. Good night, Kaegan.”

  “Good night and I’m right next door if you need anything.”

  She blinked. “You’re right next door?” she asked, making sure she’d heard him correctly.

  “Yes. Good night, Bryce. There are several calls I need to make before turning in.” He leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.

  “Oh. Sure. Good night.” She used her passkey to get inside and quickly closed the door behind her.

  * * *

  A COUPLE OF hours later Kaegan had made the last of his phone calls, including one to Eric Tolbert, relieving him of his duties. The man had issues with empowered women, something that wouldn’t be tolerated.

  According to Willa, things were going great in the office. Another large order had come in from the Chappell Group, which had gotten passed on to his shipping manager.

  He glanced toward the connecting door, thinking he’d heard a sound, but was certain it was wishful thinking on his part. He intended to keep this trip strictly business like Bryce asked him to do. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t place temptation in her path every chance he got, but in the end any physical contact between them would have to be initiated by her.

  Standing, he stretched his body and glanced at his watch. Both he and Bryce would be sleeping late. Too bad it w
ouldn’t be with each other. Their first appointment was at one and they had three warehouses to check out tomorrow. Then they would be on the plane back to Catalina Cove early Saturday morning.

  He would see if she wanted to extend their trip an additional day since this was her first time in Boston. There were so many historical sites he knew she would want to see. He would merely make the suggestion. No pressure. If she wasn’t inclined to do so then that would be that.


  “DID YOU SLEEP well last night?”

  Bryce looked at Kaegan as they left the hotel. She could tell him the truth—that last night had been difficult knowing he was in a bed on the other side of that wall. Her body had known and had wanted him. However, she had fought the urge to walk over to the connecting door when doing so had been so tempting she could barely stand it.

  “I wasn’t as tired as I thought and got some reading in.” She decided to admit that much in case he’d heard her moving around. “What about you?”

  “I made my calls and then got in bed but didn’t go right to sleep. I wasn’t as tired as I thought, either.”

  She nodded, not wanting to think how two relatively rested people could have spent their time last night. She had to remember the decision not to indulge had been hers, not his. There was no doubt in her mind that had she knocked on the connecting door, Kaegan would have welcomed her into his suite with open arms.

  Open arms...

  The thought of walking right into his had her heart pounding. Too bad the chance to do so had been a missed opportunity. He didn’t seem bothered by anything. No doubt when he had fallen asleep, he had slept the entire night through.

  The private car pulled up the moment they walked through the revolving door. The man opened the door and she slid onto the rich leather seat, with Kaegan following behind her. Their thighs touched and it was the first physical contact they’d shared that day. They looked at each other, holding one another’s gaze. She wished she could look away but couldn’t. Something inside of her was sizzling and she had a feeling he’d felt it, too.

  * * *

  KAEGAN TURNED TO BRYCE. “Well, what do you think?”

  She looked at him and beamed a smile so bright it could have lit the entire warehouse. “I think this might be it, Kaegan.”

  He glanced around. “I think so, too. And just think, we found it together. You and I.”

  This particular warehouse had been one of those they’d had on the list Saturday morning at his place. Now she would need to work out a deal to ensure he got it, and he had every bit of confidence that she would.

  “I will arrange a meeting with the property manager as soon as we get in the car. Have you decided if you want to buy or lease?” she asked him.

  On the ride over, she’d given him the pros and cons of both. “I think I’ll lease.”

  She nodded. “Considering all the tax advantages, that might be your best option. Besides, although the warehouse will accommodate your business needs now, you’d want to consider the possibility of future expansion.”


  A few hours later they had returned to the hotel after meeting with the property manager and completing the necessary paperwork. Kaegan was now an entrepreneur in Boston and couldn’t wait to get back to Catalina Cove to make an official announcement. As his administrative assistant, Willa, already knew, but others would be surprised to discover, not only had he been thinking about expanding his business to other regions, but now he’d also taken the first step in doing so.

  He glanced over at Bryce. Today she was wearing a pantsuit that fit her body well and the mauve coloring accented her coloring and gave her both a feminine and professional look. She was good at that—wearing clothing that brought out elements of her character. Elements he definitely liked.

  They had grabbed something to eat at another restaurant near the harbor. It had been sort of a celebratory dinner with champagne to hail this new milestone in his life, and he was glad she was here to share it with him. “I have an idea,” he said, as they walked toward the bank of elevators.”


  “Let’s spend another day here in Boston. It would be easy enough to change our tickets.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Why would you want to remain here an additional day when all your business has been taken care of?”

  He smiled over at her. “For you. I recall you saying you’ve never been to Boston, and because you’ve been busy with me, you’ve yet to see any sights. I’d like to share them with you tomorrow.”

  She began nibbling on her bottom lip and he knew she was considering his suggestion. Both the pros and cons. What she probably saw as the cons, he would see as the pros.

  “Are you sure you want to remain in Boston another day?”

  He held back telling her that he would remain here another week, month, year, as long as they were together. Instead he said, “Yes. Another day won’t matter. I hadn’t planned to go into the office until Monday anyway.”

  “Neither had I planned to go into mine before then, as well,” she said, holding his gaze. “Pia has been doing a good job in my absence.”

  He nodded. “So, will you consider staying in Boston with me another day?” Kaegan knew what he was asking of her and was aware she knew, too. With business out the way, this would become a pleasure trip, and pleasure covered a large range of things. Hell, he was getting excited by the prospect of them spending personal time together for any period of time.

  “Yes, I’ll stay.”

  He couldn’t help the smile that curved his lips. “That’s great! I’ll change the tickets for us to leave Sunday.” There was no need to tell her he intended for it to be late on Sunday.

  “What do you plan to do the rest of the night?” he asked her as they stepped onto the elevator that would carry them up to their rooms. It was close to eight already.

  “Shower and relax. I brought a Rock Mason adventure thriller novel to read. I started it on the plane and have been reading a chapter or two whenever I have the time.”

  He nodded again. “I think I’ll call a tour company to arrange our day tomorrow. That way you won’t miss seeing anything. There is so much to do and see here.”

  “And I can’t wait.”

  They stepped off the elevator and walked side by side down the long corridor. Moments later they stopped in front of her room. “Text me what time you want me ready for the tour tomorrow,” she told him.

  “I will, and enjoy the rest of your evening, Bryce.” Like the night before, he leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.

  She quickly turned and used her passkey to go inside her room.

  * * *

  BRYCE LEANED AGAINST the closed hotel-room door, trying to get her breathing under control. Kaegan’s scent alone could drive her wild. And when he’d kissed her cheek, a portion of his long flowing hair had brushed against the side of her face, sending erotic sensations spiraling through her. She had to get a grip or she would be liable to jump his bones at a moment’s notice and she couldn’t do that.

  Why can’t you? a voice within her head asked. Then before she could come up with a reason, that same voice stated, You are the one who put the rules in place. Ditch them or suffer another night.

  Lordy help her, but she didn’t want to endure another sleepless night. She was surprised she was as alert as she had been today after last night. But she had to remind herself that she’d implemented the rule for a reason. She had to keep distance between them. Bedroom distance. Since she worked for him, some closeness had to be allowed.

  She shook her head, deciding to stick to her rules, although technically the business side of the trip was over. Moving from the door, she placed her purse on the desk in the room and went straight to the bathroom for her shower. At least she had a good book to read by one of her favorite authors. S
he ended up taking a leisurely soak in the huge Jacuzzi tub instead of a shower. Now she felt clean and refreshed, but still aroused. Slipping into a short nightie, she began pacing the floor, wondering why she couldn’t just park her backside into that recliner and begin reading.

  She wished she could claim she’d never felt this deep in need before but knew that would not be true. The same depth had gripped her last Saturday night. With every step she took, she actually felt a pounding in the area between her legs.

  She stopped pacing and stared at the connecting door, remembering Vashti teasing her about one. If she opened hers and knocked on his, would he answer? Was he even awake? He hadn’t texted her yet regarding the time they would start tomorrow’s tour. Should she text him? At least doing so would let her know if he was still awake.

  She began pacing again, trying to decide what she would do. The more she paced, the more aroused she got. Then her fantasies began getting the best of her. She felt a need to run her fingers through the length of his hair, tangle her tongue with his in a real naughty kiss, and heaven help her, she wanted him to suck on her breasts. Just the thought of him sliding one of her nipples into his mouth and sucking hard only added to her ache. Almost made her come.

  She stopped pacing again and slowly walked toward the connecting door.

  When she reached the door she drew in a deep breath, wanting to back away, but she couldn’t. She stood right there, not wanting to yield to temptation one minute and then wanting to yield the next. Tired of the tussle going on within her, she decided to give in to temptation. Reaching out, she unlocked the door and nearly jumped at the sound of the loud click. Had he heard it?

  Extracting courage, she slowly pulled the door open and went still. The connecting door in his suite was wide open and he stood there, across the room by the window, shirtless and in the same trousers he’d had on earlier. His hair flowed around his shoulders, his legs were braced apart and he held a glass of wine in his hand. Lordy, he was one hot male in one hell of a sexy pose.


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