Her Guardian Series Box Set

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Her Guardian Series Box Set Page 6

by G. Bailey

  "Something like that, but we are going out for dinner. There's this new place called Ladino that’s opened in town, and we have to go," she smirks, leaning against the doorway. I have a feeling like I'm falling into one of her traps, but I relent saying, "Sure, but you can pay. You owe me for that horrible date," I tell her with a slight glare, as I get out of bed and start stretching.

  Alex raises her perfect eyebrows at me, "What happened? Wyatt said he had a good night with you, but he is an idiot, apparently," she replies as she jumps on my bed and gets comfy. I shake my head at her and how relaxed she is.

  "He is weird, and he scared me, Alex. I'm not seeing him again," I tell her and go through my clothes for something to wear.

  "He isn't that bad, maybe you just got off on the wrong foot. Drake said he is having a hard time with his father at the moment," she says.

  I want to listen, but all I can remember is how he demanded I dance with him. I know when I'm around him, I feel wrong and scared. No matter how hot someone is, you can’t ignore feelings like that.

  "I don't think so. No more blind dates." I wag a finger at her, and she laughs.

  "You have to admit that he is hot, and if he is anything like Drake in bed, then wow," she winks at me with a laugh, and I can't help but laugh a little with her.

  "Give me an hour to shower and dress," I say, getting up, and Alex nods, shutting my door on her way out. My phone rings as I'm choosing my jeans and a purple halter top.

  "Hey, Mum," I answer, actually looking forward to hearing her voice. It reminds me that some things can be normal in my life.

  "Hey, honey. How is everything going?" she asks in her usual bright and cheery voice. You wouldn't ever guess that Daniella is my mum, with her white-blonde hair and sparkling, brown eyes. She always told me I look more like my dad, but I have a little of her personality. My mum is constantly like a ray of sunshine and is worse than I am at helping everyone she meets. My mum runs a local food bank and helps out at many charities in her spare time. Alex and I have always agreed that you couldn’t find anyone better than her for a mum.

  "It's all good, but I miss you and your cooking.” I smile when I hear her laughter.

  “You are eating okay, right? I can send more money if you need it,” she says in her worried-mum tone.

  “Yes, we’re eating fine, but nothing beats your home cooking, Mum,” I say with a big smile.

  “Okay, I'll leave you be. So, any plans for tonight?” she asks.

  “Alex and I are going out for dinner," I tell her, and she laughs again.

  "Well, honey, I did try and teach you how to cook before you left for university. You'll be home in two months, right?" she asks, referring to the summer holidays coming up.

  "Yes, and I honestly can't wait." I need the normality of waking up to my mum’s cooking, and Alex is hoping for a hot summer to sunbathe on the local beach. My mum lives in Cornwall where the beaches are lovely, if you can find the ones without all the tourists around.

  "Well, have fun tonight, honey, I just wanted to check on you," she says.

  "I will," I twist my wavy, brown hair around my finger, wishing I did inherit her blonde hair. Mine is such a dull brown, and I don’t want to dye it. She used to dye her hair brown when she was in college, she told me once, but now she just adds highlights to her natural blonde.

  "I love you, and tell Alex I love her too, and to answer her phone," she chuckles.

  "She has a boyfriend, so I’ll remind her to when I see her," I chuckle back. My mum loves Alex as much as me. Alex doesn’t have good parents and was always around my mum’s house for a cooked meal. Her own parents were too busy getting drunk to even notice she was missing.

  "Ah, that explains it, talk to you next week, honey, bye," she says, hanging up after I say bye. I leave my things on my bed and walk into my bathroom. It's the typical whitewashed wet room. I make quick work of showering and drying my hair. I plait it tightly down my back, leaving a few curls to shape my face before getting changed. It’s warm enough not to need a coat, so I head to the lounge.

  "Hey, you ready, Win?" Alex asks, sitting on the couch and looking at my outfit, as I find my purse and phone, putting them in a small bag. I watch as she nods her head at what I’m wearing. She should like it, considering she bought it for me. She quickly does something on her phone before getting up. We were lucky that my father left me a large amount of money for college. My mum refused to use it, so I used it to pay for my and Alex’s college. We have enough left over for rent and bills for the next few years. Alex swears she is paying me back, but I won’t let her.

  "Sure," I follow her out. We take Alex's red Volvo to the restaurant, chatting about the university on the way. I finally ask what I really want to know, "How serious are you and Drake? I mean, I've never seen you date anyone this long before." I watch how her face lights up at his name.

  "I love him, Win," she sighs with her cheeks blushing.

  "Wow, that's great, Alex," I say honestly. I have never seen Alex this happy before. Even if he seems quiet and strange, he makes her smile. That’s all I could want for her. I ignore the slight jealousy of her having someone when I don’t. My best friend being in love is something to be happy about, not envious.

  "He told me he loves me, too. I can't get enough of him, and I don't just mean the sex. I love talking to him and," she stops, mumbling and blushing more when I smile at her. She turns back to the road, tapping her fingers on the wheel.

  "I get it," I say softly, causing us both to start laughing.

  "I didn't plan on a serious relationship while I’m still at uni, but I feel like he's the one, you know?" she tells me.

  My thoughts go to Jaxson for a second, before I mentally shake myself and answer her. "I don't, but I'm really happy for you."

  She reaches over to squeeze my hand, “It will happen for you; one day, you’ll just know, and there’ll be no going back.”

  “It won’t. I have bad luck with guys, and I just don’t want anything now.” I ignore how my thoughts betray me by thinking of Jaxson.

  We don't talk much more, and about twenty minutes later, we pull up at the restaurant. It's really cute, the outside looking like an old, English pub, but it’s been redone to give it a more rustic theme. There’s a large, glowing sign with the name on it above the door. We walk in, and I don't hear what Alex says, as the man asks if we need a table, because my eyes are drawn to Drake and Wyatt sitting at a table in the corner. My eyes don't leave Wyatt’s as he turned, somehow noticing me come in. We enter a silent staring contest, while my anger rises, with neither one of us giving in. His lips pull up into a smile as Alex pulls me away, linking my arm with hers and whispering, "One more chance, please don't be mad at me."

  I all but snarl at her in response, but I let her lead me to the table. I now know why she wanted to drive tonight, I should have seen this coming. Alex isn’t going to easily give up the idea of us dating these best friends together. Drake gets up, kissing Alex on the cheek, and Wyatt smiles at me as he stands to hold out an open chair in front of him. I keep my best 'I'm not impressed’ look, as my eyes take him in. Wyatt is wearing a tight, black suit; his jacket is off and his white shirt sleeves rolled up. A blue tie is loose around his neck, and one glance at Drake in the same kind of suit makes me think they must have come from work. I can't help but gaze at his wavy, blond hair that is styled to show his dark eyes, which look over me with far too much interest.

  "You look beautiful, Winter," he says in that dark, seductive voice. I’d somehow forgotten how enticing it is. I have to admit it’s actually nice to hear when he isn’t angry or being a dick. I take the seat he offers, and he sits down next to me, close enough that his arm brushes mine.

  "Thanks," I mutter, pulling my menu out and holding it in front of my face like a weapon. Alex glances at me in the middle of her conversation with Drake, and the little shit is trying not to laugh at my flustered face. I put the menu down as the waitress comes over.

sp; "What can I get you handsome boys?" she asks while adjusting her top. Well, more pulling it down and leaning over the table so the “boys” can have a good view. What a slut. I don’t care if she gets Wyatt’s attention; well, I keep telling myself that.

  "The lobster and a beer," Drake says, while Wyatt’s eyes never leave mine as he orders after Alex does. I ask for the half roasted chicken and a glass of wine, as I'm going to need it.

  "If you need anything, just call," she says while running her fingers over Wyatt’s shoulder. He doesn't even glance her way, his gaze never leaving mine. I have to admit it’s nice that he doesn’t look at her, he seems to think he has won something, because he smiles. It highlights the high cheekbones of his face and his dark eyelashes. Under the dim lights of the restaurant, the effect is sexy as sin.

  "How was your day?" I ask Wyatt, trying to be polite.

  "Better, now that I'm on a date with you," he tells me honestly. I have to admit, I’m not that shocked he has found a way to get a date with me, the way he stared at me as I left him at the party is still strong in my mind.

  "This isn't a date, I never agreed to it," I glare at him.

  Wyatt leans back with a frown, as Drake surprises me by laughing. Alex grins in my direction.

  "That's the first time anyone has actually said they didn't want a date with him. You’re going to hurt his ego." Drake says, calming himself down from laughing. Drake smiles at my shocked face; I’m not shocked that Wyatt isn’t turned down very often, but I am that Drake actually smiled at me.

  "I'm sure he will survive," I say dryly. Alex nudges me with her leg under the table, and I just lean back in my chair looking out the window. Our drinks arrive with the flirty waitress, who again tries to get Wyatt’s attention, but he looks like he is trying to solve a puzzle while staring at me.

  "I'm using the restroom," Alex says getting up.

  "Me too," Drake says watching her, and I hear their giggles as they walk away. I can't help the smile that appears on my face for my best friend.

  "I like it when you smile," Wyatt says, and I look back to him, seeing him resting his head on his joined hands.

  "You've not seen much of it. Not that you've given me a reason to smile around you," I state, crossing my arms.

  "I'm sorry, my approach to you was rude. Drake was right, I've never had to do much. You were a welcome surprise," he says, flashing me a cheeky smile.

  "I'm sure you can find someone easy again—hell, the waitress would take you home in a second," I say, realising quickly how jealous I sound.

  Wyatt never misses a beat as he grins, making my heart bounce in my chest at how breathtakingly handsome he is.

  "Can you give me a fresh start?" he asks, taking my hand in his cold one. It's oddly comforting. Instead of feeling scared around him, I’m starting to feel safe like when I'm with Jaxson. I push thoughts of Jaxson away, he wouldn’t want anything to do with me, but this conversation reminds me of his compliment about my smile.

  "Alright. Hi, I'm Winter, I'm studying to be a vet, and I have a weakness for any kind of fast food." I hold out my hand which he takes and places a sweet kiss on it.

  "I'm Wyatt, I'm working in my family’s business, and my favourite food is a secret, but I might tell you one day," he jokes with a big grin. I can't help but smile back, wondering what the hell it is that he doesn't want to say. It's going to be something weird, like liver. Who actually eats that stuff?

  Wyatt and I chat for a while about the weather and other things before the food arrives. Alex and Drake turn up just after, with Alex looking a little dishevelled with messy hair, and she is straightening her clothes.

  "Did you guys get lost?" I ask with a wink. Alex laughs, not embarrassed at all about her appearance, and Drake just slides into his seat, ignoring everything other than his food.

  "No, but I can tell you how many times I–," she says before Drake kisses her, effectively shutting her up and making me chuckle.

  We all eat our food, which is amazing, and then we go to the bar to order a few drinks. There are a few sofas around the room to sit on, and Wyatt takes my free hand, tugging me down on one right next to him. I can't help but feel his slightly cold leg pushed against mine or his hand resting lightly against my shoulder. His amazing smell surrounds me, making me want to lean into him. Wyatt smells like fire, a bonfire on a cold, autumn night like we used to have to get rid of leaves. I look up to see him staring down at me. I know I shouldn't, but my gaze goes to his perfect lips before wetting my own with my tongue. The spell I'm under is snapped when Alex starts talking from the other sofa, right in front of me. I didn’t even notice her sitting down, I really need to stop staring at Wyatt.

  "I’m not feeling well, so Drake is taking me home. Can you take Winter home, Wyatt? Drake can drive my car," she winks at me when no one is looking.

  Wyatt nods, and I want to kick her, knowing she did this on purpose. Alex smirks at me before kissing my cheek and waving goodbye. Drake nods his goodbye and follows Alex, who I'm sure is grinning ear to ear.

  "We can leave if you want. I don’t want to force you to spend time with me." Wyatt tells me, and I glance up at him, trying to read his locked-up expression.

  "No, we can stay. Tell me about yourself," I ask, keeping my responses on neutral ground and not confirming anything to him. I don’t want to admit that I want to stay to talk to him, or just be around him.

  "Well, I live in an apartment I share with Drake. I work a lot, so I can take over from my father, eventually. There isn't much else to tell," he says looking a little tense.

  "I'm sure there’s more, any sisters or brothers?" I ask.

  "No, but Drake has been around me since we were both children, so I consider him a brother to me." He smiles down at me, and I feel his fingers rubbing circles into my shoulder. I don’t think he knows he is doing it.

  "I see that. He seems close to you. What's your dad, and mum, like?" I ask and regret it a little as Wyatt’s closed expression drops, and I see the sadness etched into his handsome face.

  "My mother passed when I was born, and my father is difficult." He emphasises the word ‘difficult’.

  "I'm sorry, Wyatt," I say placing my hand over his, and he turns his hand, so ours are locked together as he entwines our fingers. My small hand seems tiny in his.

  "Don't be, it is what it is. Tell me about your parents," he changes the subject quickly.

  "Only my mum is around. She is a good mum, and I'm close with her. My dad passed away when I was around four. I don't remember him. My mum never really recovered from his death," I tell him.

  “How did he pass? If you don’t mind me asking,” he asks.

  “A bad car accident, I was in the car, but I wasn’t hurt. I was lucky,” I try to ignore the grief I feel at the memory.

  "I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure your father would be proud of the woman you are now," he says quietly, making me blush.

  "Well, I hope so. I have no brothers or sisters, but Alex moved into our home when I was twelve. She was staying at our house all the time because of her issues at home, and we were very close. So, when social services finally got custody of Alex, it was like it was meant to be. My mum adopted her, so in most ways, I always had a sister," I tell him with a small smile. The day Alex moved in, our mum took us camping, and we had a great night roasting marshmallows and telling silly, scary stories. We didn’t even care that it rained all the rest of the weekend.

  "She talks highly of you," Wyatt comments.

  "She means a lot to me, so I hope she does," I say back with a chuckle.

  Wyatt leans into me more, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

  "Can I persuade you to let me take you on a date next weekend?" he asks in a careless whisper. His finger glides down my cheek as he looks into my eyes. I feel like I'm trapped in his gaze as I nod.

  "I would like that," I say, in case he didn't get it.

  "Me, too," he comments before he shocks me by kissing me briefly. His lip
s feel soft but strong as they brush mine. He pulls back so quickly, that I didn't get to know how he tastes. I want to push my lips back to him, but he stands up, pulling me up with him in my state of shock and desire.

  "I should take you home. Alex said you have an early start," he says, picking his jacket up.

  "Yeah, I have an exam. I’m dreading it." I laugh, and he smiles at me. Wyatt looks tense, and I’m not sure why. I wonder if he didn’t like the kiss. Well, I might not be getting another date in that case.

  "Come on." He seems a little rushed as he walks us out, and we get into his expensive, black convertible that’s parked right outside.

  As I strap myself in, I say to him, "You know, this is exactly the car I expected you to drive."

  Wyatt doesn't say anything, but I see his lip twitch in laughter. His phone rings several times as we drive, and every time, his hands tighten on the steering wheel until, eventually, I can't take it.

  "You can answer that," I say gently and he gives me a tight-lipped look before responding.

  "No, it's work or my father. They both can wait." He glances at me again, but we don't talk anymore as he drives me home. I don’t think to ask how he knows where I live; it’s too tense in the car to ask him anything, anyway.

  Wyatt walks me to my door, like a gentleman. I don’t know why it surprises me a little. He stops me before I find my keys in my bag.

  "Thank you for giving me a second chance," he says, pushing a curl behind my ear, while I see his impossibly dark eyes get darker as he stares at me.

  "Don’t ruin it, please," I say with a sigh, before leaning forward and kissing his cheek. "Bye, Wyatt," I tell him, moving away and getting my keys out as he watches.

  "Bye, Winter, until next time," he says as his phone rings again, and he walks away. I watch him until I can’t see him anymore. It's like I can breathe again when he isn't near. Being around him is like sinking in mud. I know I'm in way too deep, as I let myself into the apartment, locking the door behind me.

  I check my phone, seeing no messages, and it annoys me how much I was hoping to see one from a certain Wolfman.


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