Her Guardian Series Box Set

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Her Guardian Series Box Set Page 63

by G. Bailey

  “Dab, check her over. Something weird is going on, and it’s too random for Winter to just have new powers appear,” Jaxson says.

  “Lie back please,” Dabriel asks me gently, and I do as requested. I keep still as he starts glowing white and hovering his hands over my body, starting from my head and moving downward. When he gets to my stomach, his face scrunches up, just as a blue light blasts out of me, sending all the guys flying back from me. The light came from my stomach, and I sit up, holding it as I look around at my mates, speechless.

  “Is everyone okay?” I ask nervously as I start to panic. Jaxson gets up first, shaking his head, and dust falling all around him.

  “I’m good lass, you?” he asks, stepping over the bed collapsed in front of him.

  “I’m fine. Wake the others, they all look passed out,” I say, turning on the bed and a wave of dizziness hits me, making me not want to move again. Jaxson walks over, lifting a table off Wyatt and slapping his face.

  “Wake up,” he says bluntly. Wyatt comes around, sitting up and searching the room for me.

  “I’m okay,” I say, seeing the question on his lips before he even asks it. Atti lifts himself off the floor, and uses his power to disappear and re-appear right next to me, his hand going straight to my head.

  “You’re hot,” he says, and I laugh.

  “Why thank you,” I joke, making him rolls his eyes at me. I look over to see Jaxson holding up a dazed looking Dabriel until he can stand on his own. I could have really hurt them, and I don’t know how I even did it. I thought I mastered control over my powers years ago. They have never acted like that before. Dabriel walks straight over to me, falling to his knees next to the bed and placing his hands on my stomach.

  “You’re pregnant, Winter,” he says, the word pregnant seems to echo around the room. None of us say a word for a few moments, stunned into silence. I slide my hands over Dabriel’s, knowing my baby is in there and look up to Jaxson who kneels on his other side, placing his hand over mine. Atti sits on the bed next to me, and Wyatt on the other side, both of them sliding a hand over Dabriel’s, cradling my stomach as well.

  “A baby,” I whisper, tears falling down my cheeks as the words catch in my throat.

  “Thank you for choosing us,” Atti says, tears leaving his own eyes, like all my mates. I meet each one of their eyes, seeing their love, their happiness, and I know I have everything.

  Bonus epilogue scenes

  Seven months later.

  “Alex!” I shout, and she comes into the room, her hands on her hips with Leigha waddling in after her.

  “How are you a month behind me and still bigger?” Leigha comments, smoothing her hand over her small bump.

  “Because every time you get pregnant, you still look like a supermodel, and yet, I look like an elephant with swollen feet?” I snap, making her laugh.

  “And hormonal, don’t forget that one,” she replies.

  “Sorry, I’m just frustrated, and no amount of chocolate or sex is fixing it,” I groan.

  “It gets like that towards the end, it’s not long now,” Leigha says placatingly. She is trying to be nice, which is so unlike her, and really shows how pitiful I must be, “I have to go to collect the kids from daycare.” Leigha sighs, before walking out of the room. Alex walks over to me, patting my shoulder as she rests against the chair.

  “Can’t get out of the chair again?” she asks, with a chuckle that makes me want to throw something at her. I look down at my gigantic bump, that is growing out of control, making it impossible to get up without help now.

  “Nope, my huge ass is stuck,” I grumble, and she shakes her head at me. She keeps insisting I look beautiful and that I‘m glowing, but I don’t believe it. Not the last few months anyway. Jaxson walks into the room, shaking his head at me with a smirk on his lips.

  “I’ve got this, Alex,” he says. Alex kisses my cheek before she gets up and starts to walk out of the room. She pauses when she passes Jaxon, and whispers a low, "Good luck."

  “I heard that!” I shout as she darts out the door. I can hear her laughing as she goes down the hall.

  “Lass, you look so tired, why don’t I take you to bed?” Jaxson suggests, his own tired eyes watching mine. He picks me up off the chair like I weigh nothing, and holds me close to him. I breathe in his scent that I love so much; it always reminds me of the forest and home. It is particularly strong right now, letting me know he must have shifted and gone for a run recently.

  “I can walk,” I protest, making him grin.

  “No, you can’t. You waddle. Trust me there is a big difference," he says, but when he sees my glare, he quickly follows with "but you look beautiful either way. Now, let's get you to bed."

  “I’m going to ignore that comment about my walking, but you know I can’t sleep. The baby kicks all night, and during the day…the visions happen if I try to sleep,” I tell him, but he already knows. He just doesn't know how to make it better for me, none of my mates do. They feel helpless. They're not used to the feeling, and they hate it. Jaxson kisses my forehead, and carries me across the hallway, pushing the door open with his shoulder. We all know the baby is Dabriel’s, because I regularly see visions of the past and the future. Only angels have that power, but we are all confused as to how I’m seeing both the past and the future. Angels only get one power, never the ability to see both. Unfortunately, the baby won’t let anyone check on her or him. We have tried everything we can think of to examine the baby, but the baby won't let us. We even attempted human scanners and putting me to sleep, but the baby always tries to protect the both of us by throwing everything around us back with its powers. It got to the point when I told everyone to stop trying because they were getting hurt. I could feel the baby kicking me, so we knew it was safe and alive.

  “Winter,” I hear Dabriel say with a yawn. Jaxson turns us so I can see Dabriel as he sits up from the bed he was resting on. All of my mates look as exhausted as I feel at the moment. We're waiting for me to go into labour, and they insist on being with me day and night. I want them to rest, but with the danger that the hunters pose and everything we have going on, it's just not happening.

  “We shouldn’t have woken you up,” I say, feeling guilty. Jaxon puts me down on the bed next to him, and Dabriel immediately places a hand on my stomach.

  “Yes, you should have. I slept well, so do not worry,” he chastises softly. The baby starts to kick, making Dabriel’s whole face light up. I look across the room at the nursery that is all set up. Jaxson made a crib from scratch, with our marks engraved all around it. There are protection crystals in the sides of the crib, from the crystal trees that are finally starting to grow back on the island. Everyone wanted the baby to have the first crystals. I have to admit I burst into tears when the witches who grew the trees handed me the crystals. Jaxson meets my gaze, an equal look of both concern and love in his eyes. Over the years, I never thought I could love them more but it seems each year I do. Our past troubles, our years of relative peace, and now our surprise on the way have just brought us all that much closer.

  “Jaxson, the baby is kicking,” I say, and he kneels down, putting his hand next to Dabriel’s on my stomach. The thin blue vest top does little to hide the foot that you can see kick my stomach and disappear again. The baby must be so big and strong now.

  “Have you decided on a name yet?” Jaxson asks me, and I shake my head.

  “Erm, no. I still don’t think you can choose someone’s name before they are born. So, I’m waiting until I see the baby’s eyes and beautiful face,” I say, and they both grin at me. We all sit in contented silence for a while, just enjoying the peaceful moment and each other's company. At least, until my stomach starts rumbling, and my thoughts immediately turn to chocolate. If I thought I was addicted to chocolate before I was pregnant, I’m one hundred per cent a true addict now. And ice cream, I need all the ice cream.

  “I’m going to the kitchen. I’m hungry,” I suddenly say, tryin
g to get up before Dabriel wraps an arm around my shoulders.

  “I will go and get your chocolate box from the kitchen, you rest,” he says, his hand rubbing my shoulder and making me moan a little from his expert fingers. He could do that all day.

  “I’m pregnant, not suffering from broken legs or something. You stay here, and I will go,” I demand and they both look between each other, likely sorting out which is brave enough to tell me no

  “Nothing you can say will make me stay in this room, so just get over that now. I need fresh air,” I state before either of them can try and talk me out of it.

  “Fine, but we will both come with you,” Jaxson says, offering me a hand and lifting me up.

  “I can deal with hot escorts, but not jailers,” I say, and they both chuckle.

  “I thought you liked being tied up, at least you did that last time, lass,” Jaxson remarks with a smirk, making my cheeks burn red. I choose to ignore his comment and push past him to walk out of the room. That was a good night.

  I walk past Freddy and Josh's room at the end of the empty corridor.

  “I miss them. I can’t help but worry they need me somehow, and I'm stuck here, pregnant and unable to help them,” I say, placing my hand on the door.

  “They would call for us if they needed our help,” Dabriel says, picking up my hand, and kissing my knuckles before linking our fingers.

  “I know, but my un-rational side thinks something is wrong with them and Adelaide,” I say, remembering the red-haired girl that has my sons completely enamored with her. I like her, but I wish I'd actually had a chance to get to know her better.

  “There is nothing for you to worry about, other than having this baby, and staying well,” Jaxson says and something in his tone gives me pause. I look over to him, only to see him avoiding my gaze. I’ve been with them for nearly eleven years now, and I know when they’re lying to me. They all do this, they avoid looking directly at me. Every damn time, it's because they believe they are protecting me from something. Men and their overprotective bullshit are annoying as hell. And maybe a little bit sexy, but that’s not the point.

  “What are you hiding from me?” I demand, crossing my arms.

  “Nothing,” they both say in unison. Right.

  “You’re both lying to me. I know it, and you know it. Now, out with whatever you’re keeping from me,” I insist, and Dabriel sighs, moving next to Jaxson. I know they would have only kept something from me to prevent me from worrying, but that doesn't mean it's ok and that I'm not mad

  “I had a vision. They will be in trouble soon, but even if we sent help…I don’t think we can help them,” Dabriel says sadly.

  “No!” I shout, shaking my head and my hands start glowing blue as I panic.

  “They aren’t going to die, Winter. We would tell you of that and help no matter what. It’s just complicated, and none of us can leave while you’re like this,” Jaxson points at my stomach.

  “How long until they need you?” I ask, ignoring the mild discomfort I start to feel in my back.

  “A week,” Jaxson says. Suddenly a sharp pain shoots through the bottom of my stomach, nearly causing me to fall over but Jaxson and Dabriel are at my sides in seconds, catching my arms. I look down as water pours down my legs, soaking the floor and my boots.

  “Seems like you will be helping Adelaide and the rest of our family soon, as the baby is coming,” I say, breathless as another pain shoots through my stomach.

  “One problem at a time,” Jaxson soothes as he lifts me up into his arms.

  * * *

  “Getting closer now,” I breath out between contractions, and Alex holds my hand tightly. The guys have been at my side for the last eight hours, and Alex has taken over for a little bit so they can sit down. Long labours are normal for supernaturals, so this was expected.

  “Do you want me to get you anything?” she asks me, and I shake my head.

  “My mum, I want my mum here, but I know that’s impossible,” I say, and Alex wipes a tear from my cheek as I try not to sob. I wish she was here, to help, to hold my baby when she or he is born. This is something your mother should be there for, and mine can’t be. I just miss her.

  “She is here, even if you can’t see her, Win,” she says, and the two midwives in the room come over to me with gloves on.

  “Let’s have a look then Queen Winter,” the witch midwife with black hair says and I nod.

  “Can we do anything?” Atti asks, from where he, Jaxson, Dabriel and Wyatt are all sat near the window with panic all over their faces.

  “Nothing other than sit and wait, your highnesses,” the midwife says, and looks under the blanket as I bend my knees. She looks back up at me, and smiles.

  “I can almost see the head, it’s time to push and meet your baby,” she says. I wait for the next contraction before doing just that.

  “Keep pushing!” the midwife shouts and I scream, keeping my head down. I feel like I’m being ripped apart from the pain, but I refuse to give up. I will do this. A bright blue light fills the room, blinding us all as I feel the pressure wane and seconds later we all hear a cry as the light disappears. It’s a baby’s cry, and it’s the sweetest noise I’ve ever heard.

  “Congratulations, a little baby girl,” the midwife says, lifting the baby and placing her on my chest as she cuts the cord and ties it. I look down into my baby’s blue eyes, see her puff of white hair, and I instantly fall in love. She is perfect.

  “A girl,” Jaxson says, and I look over, joyfully laughing as I see all my mates on the one side of my bed, watching us. They look just as in love as I do.

  “Our girl,” I correct, and then have to hold my stomach with my other hand as another contraction shoots through me, making me cry out in pain. The baby cries a little, and I try to comfort her as I wait for the contraction to pass.

  “Queen Winter?” the midwife asks, feeling my stomach with her hands and frowning.

  “Contractions again,” I mutter, holding back the scream as another one hits me. The two midwives talk quietly to each other, and Alex brings a blanket over, helping me wrap our baby girl up.

  “She is stunning, just like her mum,” Alex says, “and auntie.” I laugh, knowing Alex isn’t actually related to me, so that’s impossible. The pain in my stomach returns, and the laugh turns into a pain filled moan.

  “The pain, please hold her,” I try to say quietly, but end up screaming. Atti lifts our baby girl up off me, holding her close as she cries.

  “What is wrong with my mate? Someone do something!” Wyatt demands as Jaxson and Alex hold my hand. Dabriel goes to the midwife's side, talking quietly, before coming around to me.

  “It’s twins. There’s another baby, but we couldn’t tell because we couldn’t scan you,” he explains and I groan, leaning my head back.

  “I can’t do that again,” I almost cry. Everything is so sore, and the idea of pushing out another baby seems impossible.

  “You can, because you are the strongest person in the world. You do this for our children, Winter,” Atti tells me, “we all love you and want to meet our children.”

  “And we are right here with you,” Jaxson says firmly. I squeeze Jaxson and Wyatt’s hands as I push again, the midwife's words guiding me. Wyatt and Atti stand near me, with Wyatt stroking our baby girls face, as Atti rocks her until she stops crying. Another much darker blue light fills the room as our second baby is born through my screams. The sweet sound of my baby’s cries makes me burst into tears, and Jaxson kisses my forehead. The midwife lifts our little baby into my arms, cutting the cord as I hold the baby close and see that he is a boy. He has my dark hair, but Dabriel’s purple eyes, that are almost glowing, and little dimples on his cheeks that are so cute.

  “A boy, one of each,” I say. Alex brings us another blanket, wrapping my little boy up, and Atti passes me back our girl.

  “Congratulations,” Alex says quietly to all of us. We don’t move for a while as the midwife helps me with th
e after birth. My natural healing kicks in, making me feel much better.

  “Names?” Jaxson asks, holding our son’s little hand, which squeezes his finger tightly. Dabriel is holding our girl, with Atti and Wyatt looking over at her and waiting for their turns to hold the babies. These babies are never being put down, that’s for sure.

  “I don’t know,” I blurt out, and they all chuckle.

  “What do you think about Alina for our daughter’s name?” Atti asks quietly, lifting his head so his grey eyes lock with mine.

  “Your mother’s name?” I ask, remembering from the many times we have talked about her, “I would love that, if that’s okay with everyone else?” I look around to see all my mates nod, and Atti walks over, kissing my forehead.

  “Thank you, it means everything to me,” he says, making me cry again.

  “Alina Isa?” Jaxson says, knowing I wanted to carry on my middle name if we had a girl, and I wipe my tears away, trying not to cry anymore.

  “And the boy, any ideas?” I ask as Wyatt hands me a tissue. I flash him a thankful smile.

  “Alina means light and so does Lucian,” Wyatt comments as Dabriel hands him Alina. I look down at my little boy, knowing it’s perfect.

  “They were both born in light, so it’s fitting it’s their names. Princess Alina and Prince Lucian,” I say, loving how their names fit them so perfectly.

  “Our future,” Jaxson comments quietly, and I know that our future is now complete.




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