Royally Taken

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Royally Taken Page 4

by Elle Boon

  Shit, he needed to get his head on straight and stop thinking about a future with a woman so far out of his league. “Let’s go, they’re waiting on us,” he said, opening the driver’s door, knowing time wasn’t on their side. He fired off a quick text to his friend Cosmos who had the perfect place for him and Kailani to hide out.

  “Shit, do I really gotta kill this pretty little thing?” Digger asked.

  KAILANI GASPED. “WHAT, I thought you were the good guys?”

  King tipped his head up toward the sky, then back toward the open passenger door. “He means your car. Digger has a thing for cars, which is why he drives a cage.”

  Digger walked forward, his hand held out. “Don’t mind them, I’m Digger and surely, we can give this girl a pardon or something. I mean, what did she ever do to anyone?” Instead of taking Kailani’s hand, he went to the car, running his palm over the hood, murmuring softly to her. “It’s alright, girl, daddy’s here. I’ll see if I can’t save you. Seriously, I bet I can find the tracker and disable it if you give me like fifteen minutes, tops.” He pressed his hands to his chest in a mock prayer stance.

  The other vehicle rolled up, tossing a slew of gravel in its wake. “No tail and I’m pretty sure the vehicle that’s still on its four wheels has a pissed off passenger.” A grin split his lips.

  “What makes you say that?” Traeger asked, pulling Kailani with him toward the men.

  The man shrugged. “When we circled back, he bashed the driver’s face against the steering wheel and could be heard cursing in another language, loudly. We drove away whistling Dixie like we didn’t have a care in the world. If they had a pickup coming it would take them a while to get through that fucknut of a highway mess. We kinda made sure there was a little more,” he paused, making air quotes before continuing, “accidents for them to have to navigate through. You’re welcome, ladies. Names Coal if you were wondering. Not you, ‘cause you look like jailbait, and I ain’t got time for that. Fuck,” he yelled, rubbing the back of his head after getting hit by King.

  “Shut up before I hit you again,” King said.

  Coal nodded. “This is me shutting up.” Coal made a zipping motion with his finger over his lips.

  “How is he not dead yet?” Digger asked.

  “He’s a master at computers. I guarantee he has something in there that can find the tracker on her car, so play nice.” King tipped his head toward the car.

  Coal rubbed his hands together. “We get to keep the car if we find the tracker?”

  Kailani raised her hand. “Excuse me, but has anyone forgotten that car belongs to me?”

  The two men, who she realized were like two big goofs, looked at her with sheepish expressions. “Sorry,” they said in unison.

  “If you can find the tracker, it’s all yours,” she said with a tight smile.

  King whistled through two fingers. “Ten minutes and then we’re out of here. Kailani, where’s your other cage, car?” he asked, correcting himself.

  She gave him the directions, realizing none of these men were used to taking no for an answer, yet none of them had used any force to demand she do as they said. If she were to walk away, she was sure they’d stop her, even subdue her, but they wouldn’t hurt her. God, she hoped she was right in her assessment of the men. Her creeper meter used to be excellent. Hello, look at her family, but damn if she wasn’t ready to jump on Trigger or Traeger and see if he could make her forget her past.

  “Got ‘em,” Digger crowed, pulling her from her thoughts. “Less than four minutes. Who’s your daddy?” The big tattooed biker looking guy made a humping motion with her car fender, making her laugh.

  “Ah, so she does laugh. If you want your car, I can make it happen,” Traeger said next to her, his warmth soothing her frayed nerves.

  She looked at the expensive piece of metal she’d earned, shaking her head. “He can have it. Mr. Digger, her name’s Suzy, but you can rename her. She can go from zero to sixty and isn’t temperamental in the least.” She knew they’d probably put her car through some chop shop, but the little car she’d bought with money she’d squirreled away was one she would treasure.

  “She just called me Mr. I like this chick. Can we keep her?”

  Traeger took a step toward Digger, but King stepped into his path. “Don’t kill him. We need him to drive one of these cages. Jones, get your ass out here and drive Suzy to Grills, don’t make any unnecessary stops and take Boggs with you. Let’s roll, I ain’t got all night to stand around like this is a circle jerk,” King muttered.

  Why hearing them call her car by the nickname she gave it made her tear up, she had no clue but dammed if she didn’t feel her eyes watering. She blinked several times trying to stave off an impending breakdown. Once she got to a place where she could fall face first on the nearest bed, a place she felt comfortable letting herself go, she knew the waterworks would come. For the past five years, she’d had to be strong, had to take what they gave her without question, or else the consequences would be worse. Now, with freedom so close she could almost touch it, and here she was on the verge of losing it. “Keep it together,” she whispered to herself.

  “You’re doing great. Like I said. I’ll keep you safe.” Traeger gripped her neck, giving her what she was sure he thought was a reassuring squeeze, and strangely enough, it did reassure her. His strong hands didn’t hurt her. No, they sent warmth and longing down her spine, settling into her stomach.

  Kailani didn’t trust these feelings coursing through her. Since she’d turned eighteen, she’d become nothing but a pawn, something her brother and yes, even her father could use as leverage. A dress up doll that they would bring out to get what they wanted, depending on the situation. Her virginity was auctioned off like a prized bull. A shudder wracked her at the memory. Luckily for her, the man who’d bought her for that particular weekend hadn’t been cruel, nor too old, but he’d not been one she’d chosen to lose her virginity or at all. “We need to go,” she said, looking at the exit they’d come off of. The longer they stayed where they were, the more chances they had of her brother finding her.

  “What’s got you spooked? Digger got the tracker off your car, and if I had to guess, he’s already sent a signal out leading them away from us.” He looked over to where the man in question was climbing into her car.

  Digger gave a thumbs up. “See, relax, this isn’t our first rodeo,” Traeger reassured her.

  Kailani wouldn’t tell them how her brother had backup plans or that he wouldn’t stop looking for her or his prize, which was Tiana. Rico was like a dog with a bone. The man didn’t like to lose his chew toys until he was thoroughly done with them, and even then, he would prefer to bury them before relinquishing what he considered his or give them away for a profit. Rico didn’t just give things away for free, he didn’t understand that people weren’t, or rather he didn’t consider an individual as free. They were a commodity to be sold or brokered, except for himself. They were only half siblings. She wasn’t sure what had happened to his mother, but she was glad they shared a tiny amount of blood, otherwise she knew he’d have taken what he wanted from her. She’d seen the heated looks he’d given her. Was sure he’d watched as some of the men had taken what they’d bought from him, her body. God, she hated her family.

  Chapter Five

  Traeger felt her shiver. He was an excellent people watcher. As the Sergeant of Arms for the Royal Sons, and former military, he excelled at his job. This was one job he planned to excel at for a completely different reason, but he refused to define it.

  “You ready?” he asked, steering her toward the SUV.

  Kailani jumped at his touch; something he wasn’t pleased with. “Yes, we can go now.”

  Her words had his brows lowering. “King, you good?”

  The President of the Royal Sons pocketed his cellphone after Tiana handed it back to him. The younger girl wiped her eyes, a small smile on her face. King tucked her under his arm like a father would do a
young child. “Yeah, we’re good. Check in when you get where you’re going,” he ordered.

  Traeger lifted two fingers to his forehead, saluting the other man, making King raise his middle finger. “Don’t get cocky, fucker. These boys aren’t lowlifes without resources. Reach out to some of our other brothers if needed. Otherwise I’ll see you in a couple days.” King didn’t make it a request.

  He nodded, letting the President of the club know he understood and would do as instructed. Of course, Traeger planned to do a little side job in those couple days that might land him behind bars, but that was a risk he was willing to take. In the small amount of time since he’d met the gorgeous woman next to him, he knew without a doubt he would do what had to be done, in order to ensure she wouldn’t be looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life.

  At the side of the SUV, he helped her into the middle seat, waiting until she scooted in, then he moved next to her. When she didn’t immediately buckle in, he reached over, grabbed the belt himself, and snapped it into place. “Safety first,” he said, looking into her eyes. Her breathing became faster. In that moment, he wanted to kiss her so fucking badly his dick hardened faster than a speeding bullet.

  “What are you doing?” Her question came out in a breathless whisper.

  It took a huge amount of effort to move back and not cover her plump lips with his own. “We need to make sure you’re safe, never know what kind of fools are on the road.” He pulled his own seatbelt on, waiting for Coal to start the vehicle.

  “Safety first, boys and girls,” Coal said, revving the engine. “This bad boy can hit zero to sixty faster than your little vehicle.” He looked over his shoulder, his shaggy hair giving him a bad boy, devil may care look, but it was the tattoos that really gave him the appearance that sealed the deal. Coal was a good guy, but he’d been in and out of prison until King got him straightened out, giving him a purpose. That purpose had been to drive the cage cars legally for the MC instead of procuring one off the street for a joyride, selling it to a chop shop for some cash to buy his next fix. Yeah, Coal was doing better, much better. Now he fixed the rides, on four or two wheels for the club, helped the old ladies when needed, if they needed a pickup or drop off, and made sure things went smoothly when they went out on a mission.

  He was level, of that they were sure, but he also had a lead foot, which he put to good use as they left a good amount of rubber on the asphalt, making Traeger want to reach up and choke the fool. “Coal, you wanna see the next sunrise, I suggest you let up on the gas, brother.” Traeger unclenched his teeth long enough to grit out.

  Coal’s chuckle had Traeger rethinking allowing the man the ability to see the next sunrise.

  “Gotcha, boss,” Coal said, winking at Kailani through the rearview.

  “Motherfucker, keep your eyes forward,” Traeger warned.

  His tone must’ve gotten through to his fellow MC as Coal finally stopped jacking around, his gaze going toward the road, the speed going lower to where Traeger didn’t feel his back being pressed into the seat. Smart man.

  “You doing alright?” he asked Kailani.

  She turned from looking out the window, her tan complexion not as pale as it had been moments before. “Yeah. I’ll be better once you guys drop me off though.”

  He nodded, keeping the reality of what was going to happen once they got to her car from her. No way on god’s green Earth was he leaving her to fend for herself. Nope, he and the feisty little woman next to him were going to go to plan B, which was finding a little place to stash her sexy little ass, get some info from her, then he was going hunting.

  “What’s going on in that big noggin’ of yours, Mr. I mean, Traeger? Is that your real name, or code name? Who are you guys?” she asked.

  He’d been waiting for her to ask, knowing they didn’t look like cops or some other alphabet agency. Sure, he used to work for the government, but if anyone were to see him or any member of the Royal Sons, they’d see exactly what they wanted. Big, badass, tattooed motherfuckers who gave no quarter. “We’re the ones who are going to make sure your brother and whoever thought to take Tiana see the error of their ways.” He didn’t need to tell her how they planned to accomplish that, her eyes, eyes that had seen way too much in her young life already knew.

  “My father...he’s not always been a terrible man. I mean...” she looked away before continuing. “He’s not been the best padre, but it wasn’t until after my mother died that he lost his compasión.”

  He wasn’t sure the man was ever truly compassionate, or if he’d presented that face to his daughter and wife, but from what Keys had dug up, the elder Trevino was every bit as deplorable as his son. He just hid it better. Or maybe, he only did it away from his home. Either way, both Trevino men made their money from selling drugs and females. They didn’t care if they were old enough to be legal as long as they were a commodity. Keys had also come up with a little information regarding her mother that was a little disconcerting, something he wasn’t ready to share with the feisty little woman. “Come on, we need to go,” he said as the SUV rocked to a stop next to the Jeep they’d located. He actually approved of her vehicle choice, shocked she hadn’t chosen a flashy little number like the one they’d gotten into at her home.

  “Do I get to drive?” she asked, a little bite to the question.

  Traeger raised one brow but said nothing else. Her backpack swung forward from her arm. However, she didn’t offer to relinquish it when he held his hand out. He understood why. She had everything she’d need to start over inside there. He wanted to reassure her they’d help her. “Get in and buckle up. I hope this thing isn’t a pussy four cylinder.”

  Kailani shrugged. “Nope, it’s a special edition with all the things that you’d need to go off-roading. I was told if I decided to go down a rock cliff, that I’d be safe in Ruby Jean.” She smirked.

  “You named him Ruby Jean?” Traeger held the passenger door open for her after he ensured there were no surprises inside, approving the black leather with red details. Sweet ride, he silently agreed. If you were going to drive in a cage, one that could become a rolling convertible, it should be one that was a badass beast of a rig.

  “It’s a Rubicon, and well, my mother’s name was Jean.” Sadness crept in at the mention of her mother’s name.

  He decided to change the subject. “Toss your bag by your feet, unless you want to put it in the back?” As expected, she stiffened when he pointed out her obvious reluctance to release her backpack.

  “Nah, I’ll keep it with me. What’s your plan?” Kailani looked back at the SUV that seemed to be waiting for a sign from her rescuer.

  Traeger gave a wave, then did like he’d done in the SUV, he leaned over her, buckling her in.

  SHE SUCKED IN A BREATH, her nipples hardening at the feel of his forearm brushing across them. It was startling, her reaction to him, any man really, since the only thing she’d felt had been repulsion. They’d given her all kinds of things to get her to enjoy what they’d done to her, but in the end, her body and mind warred with one another, leaving her shaking, sweating and often times throwing up. The men her brother did business with were sick bastards who didn’t seem to care one way or the other, just as long as they got what they wanted. Another shiver shook her. This time she pushed it back faster, keeping Traeger from seeing it. She’d become a master at hiding her fears and memories.

  His huge frame was highlighted in the headlights when he strolled in front of the Jeep. He lifted his head, looking all around the area, speaking to someone she couldn’t see. She knew without being told they had some high-tech equipment in their ears. Her brother and his mercenaries had them as well. Of course, they had them to communicate on the off chance the police or FBI happened to show up. She leaned back against the warm leather. How many times had she wished for one of the government types to bust through the doors, their guns blazing? Heck she wouldn’t have even cared if she’d been a casualty. A mirthless laugh escaped as Tr
aeger opened the driver’s door. She’d thought once she escaped from her family she’d find peace, instead it looked as though she’d found another keeper.

  “What’s that laugh for?” he asked.

  She shook her head, knowing he wouldn’t understand. “Nothing,” she answered.

  “I can wait all night you know. I’ve got the patience of a saint.” He tapped the wheel with one long finger.

  Kailani looked at his fingers, noticing he had tattoos on them. “I bet you do,” she murmured, wondering just how much talent lay in those fingers. If she were going to die, she truly wanted to experience all the things she’d missed out on.

  “Girl, I suggest you stop that train of thought before it gets you in trouble.”

  Her eyes jerked toward his face at his deep growl. “What?”

  His dark eyes held so much heat and knowledge. “You know what. Now, tell me what you meant.”

  Frustration bit at her. “Fine,” she bit out. “I was thinking about all the times I’d wished the cops or feds had shown up and how it wouldn’t have mattered if I’d have died in the firefight. There, you happy now?”

  Traeger’s eyes widened, a sound unlike any she’d heard escaped him seconds before he unbuckled her belt, and then he shocked her even more by pulling her across the small space, which wasn’t an easy thing to do, settling her on his lap sideways. “Don’t ever let me hear you say that ever again. Do you hear me? You’re life is worth more than twenty of those lowlife motherfucking bastards of a brother and father of yours. No matter what happens, you fight. Understand me?” He gripped her chin, making her look him in the eye. “Answer me,” he said, not letting her go.


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